Gawker Media has long been one of Gamergate’s favorite villains, and so it’s hardly surprising to see Gamergaters celebrating Gawker’s legal defeat at the hands of former wrestler and very large human Hulk Hogan.
It was a doozy of a defeat, with Gawker Media ordered to pay $115 million to Hogan for posting a sex tape featuring the ex-wrestler and the wife of a friend whose legal name is Bubba the Love Sponge.
On Twitter, Gamergaters cackled like the cartoon villains they are, posting schadenfreude-laden photoshops, ridiculous gifs, rape jokes, and the occasional request that Gawker employees die.
>mfw #Gawker has to pay 450 dollaridoos of punitive damages to Hulk Hogan#Gamergate pic.twitter.com/0mwp0hclAm
— Suicide Vest Bear Advocate 🐺 Kusanagi (@KusanagiFurfag) March 20, 2016
RIP Gawker.#GamerGate pic.twitter.com/eUToAHsZaW
— Man of Creation (@Prototype_No_07) March 18, 2016
One Tweeter brought back this familiar face.

While the celebration comes as no shock, what is a little surprising is how many Gamergaters have leapt up to claim some kind of credit for a legal victory they had absolutely nothing to do with.
Death to Gawker. #gamergate just claimed a victory against a major opponent that slandered the movement for years.
— Death To Gawker (@flowerpower2025) March 19, 2016
Hulk Hogan just effectively bankrupted the sleezy clickbait site Gawker. Thats what you get for messing with #gamergate
— Death To Gawker (@flowerpower2025) March 19, 2016
One Gamergate critic summed up the situation with a handy pic:
There were, to be sure, some Gamergaters who were willing to share credit with Hogan, seeing Gamergate as part of a some sort of Media Ethics tag-team.
#Gamergate hurt Gawker. Hulk Hogan finished the job. 115 million dollars fine for commercializing being hypocritical asshole and crybully.
— Erik Wedin (@Aktivarum) March 19, 2016
Well, GG Gawker.
But #gamergate won, in probably the best tag team to tackle ethics in journalism.— 🔮Leonardo De Pinchy 🦀✨ (@CloudyXiongMao) March 18, 2016
#Gawker dead
Reputation of corrupt journos destroyed.
Gaming journalism changed forever.#gamergate are pretty annoying antagonists huh?— 🔮Leonardo De Pinchy 🦀✨ (@CloudyXiongMao) March 19, 2016
Demonstrating the keen sense of ethics she has evidently learned from Gamergate, Minou took a moment off from her celebration to suggest to one games journalist and longtime Gamergate target that he kill himself.
A simple solution, try bleach. @Vahn16
— 🔮Leonardo De Pinchy 🦀✨ (@CloudyXiongMao) March 18, 2016
One Gamergater and taco enthusiast offered a rather different take on the relationship between Hogan and the heroes of Gamergate.
Obviously, there are numerous Gamergaters who are sufficiently connected with reality that they can see that, no, they had nothing whatsoever to do with Hogan’s lawsuit, or the verdict, or the massive judgement. But the victory-claimers had retorts ready for these unbelievers.
But wherever they stood on the issue of just who was responsible for this glorious victory, Gamergaters seemed to agree on one thing: Gawker employees deserve to suffer for the poor decisions of their bosses.
I've felt a disturbance in the Force…as if Gawker employees were crying out in fear of this man https://t.co/UX0id5PF8Z #Gamergate
— Hyperknight Drifter (@hyperknight4077) March 19, 2016
Other Gamergate ethicists suggested that Gawkerites just go ahead and kill themselves.
Are you working for Gawker et al?
Don't forget to put this on your speedial.
Save yourself.#hulkvsgawk#GamerGate pic.twitter.com/der5sq4DWa— The Ivalician Heretic (@ramzaruglia) March 19, 2016
It’s about ethics in telling journalists to kill themselves.
I hardly need to point out some of the blatant hypocrisies here. Gamergate wants Gawker Media destroyed over a sex tape. Meanwhile, Gamergaters posted nude photos of Zoe Quinn all across the internet; they also sent them directly to Quinn’s relatives. Gamergate did much of its early organizing on 4chan, before moving on to 8chan; both sites have reputations as havens for the trading of child porn.
Reddit, which hosts gamergate hub Kotaku in Action, has also been used to distribute child porn and stolen celebrity nudes; the site’s admins were glacially slow in taking action against both problems. Yes, Gawker’s posting of Hulk Hogan’s sex tape was sleazy and wrong and damaging. But 4chan, 8chan, and Reddit have done far more damage to a much larger group of victims. If Gamergate were as concerned as they pretend to be about “revenge porn” — or any kind of porn that is made and/or distributed without the consent of those in it — why are they not trying to shut down — or radically reform — Reddit or 8chan?
That is of course a rhetorical question.
Let me leave you with the creepiest tweet I ran across while writing this post. Once again, here’s Milo:
DADDIES pic.twitter.com/W9dW76s2Kw
— Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) March 19, 2016
EDIT: I removed several tweets that turned out to be from a troll account.
EDIT 2: And one more.
You know, given that the Hulkster is a lying, racist, self centered hypocrite, I’m REALLY not surprised he’s a hero to gamergaters.

Also, I want to remain in complete denial that such a thing as a H*lk H*g*n s*x t*p* exists [censored for the sensitive, and those prone to getting vivid mental images]. Let’s just call it ‘Hulk Hogan’s crocheted pot-holder’ or something.
At least one of the accounts you linked to (the Gamergate Man Fort one) is a definite troll/”satire” account. But yeah, GG is having a big celebratory circle-you-know-what over this, which is just beyond inexplicable. I guess if you hate something, you get to claim credit when something bad happens to it? Does that mean I’m responsible for the Trump University fraud charges? I’d like to think so.
“Our ethics have won”
I stopped at the point where I said, “holy shit, that’s fuckin 9/11!” Nope. Nope. et NOPE.
Youtube: bring me some happy kittens, puppies, and babies playing peacefully together please, STAT!.
PanopticBlast, thanks, I removed those tweets.
These pieces of shit are so fucking worthless. I can’t believe their goddamn temper tantrum is continuing nearly two years later.
I used to work at a group home for troubled teens. The pay was terrible, not to mention having to deal with a whole bunch of angry, demanding teens. So staff members quit on a regular basis, as soon as they could line up something better.
Every time, without fail, every kid who’d ever had a problem with the person who quit would say, “I got so-and-so fired!”
Looks like some of those kids grew up to be GamerGoonz.
Please stop, Milo, I can’t even take this seriously as a joke anymore.
At first I was thinking of Hulk Hogan calling out Gamergate, saying something like, “What the hell are you guys talking about?” Or saying it’s wrong to encourage suicide. Wouldn’t it be awesome to see such a testosterone idol they probably aspire to be like turn out to say something that (GASP) a feminazi would say?
Then I saw the last pic. Not the best sign.
ETA: Yeah, I wrote this knowing practically nothing about Hulk Hogan. Now that “I Am a Real American” song sounds even more like the anthem for every reason why the rest of the world loves to insult ‘Murica.
The one with all the different GG celebrity avatars mashed together is a joke, judging by their feed.
On second thought, my previous comment was unfair to the group home kids: they’re teenagers, they’re supposed to act like teenagers, and given the problems in their lives, that bit of wishful thinking was probably the only way they felt they had any power at all.
As if the idea of a *ulk *ogan sex tape (censored for the case sensitive) wasn’t repulsive enough, that last Milo tweet is just the horrible icing on this terror cake.
Regardless of what I might think of Hogan personally, the verdict sets a good precedent for revenge porn victims. Make it a financial loss instead of profit, and other sites are going to decide it’s not worth the risk.
Would be interesting to see the GamerGoonz’ reaction if the precedent led to Jennifer Lawrence or any of the other victims effectively shutting down the sites that showed their stolen pictures.
Any time something bad happens to someone you dislike it’s your doing? Got you. I look forward to personally taking taking down Donald Trump, even even though I don’t live or vote in the US.
As for this post, I’m starting to feel like we need content warning and maybe some ROT13 or something to hide Milo’s tweets from now on.
(No, not seriously, but just ewww.)
I don’t know much about legal precedents, but I sincerely hope that will be at least a minor plus to this. After all, Hogan didn’t have to send naked pics of himself to Washington to copyright naked images of himself.
I think it’s wrong that they put up Hogan’s s*x t*pe, but it’s really hilarious how if it was their side putting up a sex tape/nude pics of someone they hate (which they have done before!) it would be totally morally fine. Do…do Gators think they are above morality or something? Or do they not care if they are moral, but for some reason care (or pretend to care to get people to think they aren’t total shitheads) if other people are, when it’s someone they don’t like doing whatever it is they think is wrong, but yet they themselves do on a more than regular basis? I guess morality is something that should apply to other people, when they are dealing with the precious Gamergaters’ feels, but they do not have to abide by their own rules. Hypocrisy at its finest. Or maybe, for some unknown and confusing reason, they think they are doing what is moral when they do the exact same bad things they accuse others of, but their enemies are immoral no matter what? Gah!
Man, I should really stop twisting my brain into a pretzel trying to figure out misogynist/bigot logic. It makes my head get a ow.
And EWEWEWEWEWEWEW at the “Daddies” tweet. What is wrong with Milo, for real?
Is there anyone Milo doesn’t call Daddy?
Even in the realm of manospherians, GribbleGrots are some of the most despicable people I’ve ever had the misfortune of running across.
The endlessly parroted cry of “ethics” that even they can’t believe is true anymore;
the whiny, entitled way they demand that everything cater to them and nobody else (while also saying that “SJWs” should just go make their own games, and then getting incredibly angry whenever they do because holy fuck, why isn’t this game catering to my straight white maleness);
the way they openly combine the misogyny and toxic masculinity of the manosphere with video games so that everyone outside of the video game “culture” can go back to believing we’re all just children or angry basement-dwellers;
the never-ending harassment that comes from said misogyny and toxic masculinity;
the way they are just as intentionally dense as the manosphere when it comes to reading comprehension so that they can misconstrue everything you say and try to turn it into you somehow being the evil person;
the fact that they run on the exact same sort of form-letter-response thing that manospherians will do whenever they drive-by troll, so even attempting to actually engage in a conversation with them just ends up with you hearing the literal exact same thing you’ve heard five million times before…
Sorry for the rant, it’s just always incredibly frustrating to remember that my favorite hobby is so widely infested by such disgusting people.
I don’t consider myself a member of the Gawker fanclub but how many of these idiots cheering Hogan mocked Jennifer Lawrwnce when pictures of her were leaked online? The hypocrisy is just unbelievable I’m sure they were mocking Erin Andrews as well also no one wants to hear your masterbatory fantasies Milo and for gods sake stop calling people daddy.
@Josh and @Tara:
I’m in the same camp as you two on that. I really do want to see this set a precedence for revenge porn victims. (Of course, I could point out that Hulk being a cishet rich white dude might have helped him considerably in that regard).
Though, GGers celebrating this makes me doubly happy that he was effectively scrubbed from the WWE after that video of him dropping racial slurs. He’s not mentioned in broadcasts, they don’t sell his merchandise, and they don’t promo him. He doesn’t exist to them anymore.
Being another gay man, I feel qualified to say Milo Yiannopoulos has horrible taste in celebrity crushes.
@paradoxical intention
Ha, yeah, we FINALLY get to stop hearing about how Hogan is the greatest wrestler ever. I wonder if they’ll take him out of the next game’s wrestlemania mode? Just skip over the Andre match entirely?
ETA: And yeah, Hogan being a ‘white’ (he’s mixed, but his mother would be considered ‘white hispanic’ so it doesn’t really matter) male definitely helped his case. That and being a celebrity.
I wonder what Mills father makes of his son’s Twitter account?
No. On second thoughts I’d rather not know.
PS Hulk Hogan’s real first name is Hulkington. True story.