A new candidate for the worst song in history has emerged!
A fan of quasi-Nazi pickup guru and prose-abuser Heartiste has put out a rough version of a song he calls “The Sh*tlib Zone,” a grotesque ripoff — Heartiste euphemistically calls it a “reinterpretation” — of Golden Earring’s 80s classic “Twilight Zone.”
This abomination replaces the original’s enigmatic lyrics with what amounts to a bizarre rant filled with racism, misogyny, transphobia, homophobia, anti-Semitism, and probably a few other sorts of bigotry I’m forgetting.
Adding to the horribleness of it all, the song is littered with the weird racist slang that’s become ubiquitous in certain corners of the far-right today, making portions of the song all but incomprehensible for anyone who’s not a Nazi, a channer and/or a regular reader of Heartiste’s blog. Here’s one of the choruses, to give you just a taste of this horror:
Help, I’m cuckin’ into the shitlib zone
Place is a bathhouse, can’t stop being prone
My manhood’s been moved, under Jenner’s dress
How far am I to bend when they call me racist?
That’s actually one of the more comprehensible bits of the song. Other lines from the song aren’t quite so clear:
Yeah, my daughter’s burning coal, dindu in my bed
As a regular hate-reader of Heartiste’s hate site, I actually understand this nonsense, so let me translate. “Coal-burning” means interracial sex between a white woman and a black man (the term may also mean sex between a white man and a black woman, but I’ve never seen it used that way). “Dindu” is a lovely new derogatory term for black people, based on the notion that black “thugs” (and/or their families) always say that they “dindu nuffin” when they’re accused of crimes that racist white dudes think they’ve committed.
So evidently the “sh*tlib cuck” who is the song’s narrator is being “cucked” by his wife and a black man; meanwhile, his daughter is also dating a black man.
You can read the rest of the lyrics in Heartiste’s post if you feel like putting yourself through that particular ordeal.
Speaking of ordeals, here’s the actual song. I tried, but was unable to make it all the way through; it wasn’t a technical issue but a “goddamn it what the hell am I doing with my life that I’m actually listening to this horrendous crap” issue. You may have a similar problem.
Here’s Golden Earring’s original. You might want to listen to it instead, as it will not make you continually cringe from start to finish.
I’ll, ummmmm, offer this as a way of brain bleach.
I guess they are singing about Heartiste in it.
The fuck does Caitlyn Jenner have to do with this guy’s penis?
This just sounds like he’s singing about having sex with her.
Or having a sexual fantasy about wearing her dress. Either way, erm…
The line about the daughter, too – the “in my bed”, to me, implies that he regards his daughter’s bed as his own.
I agree, in fact it wouldn’t surprise me if he actually regarded his daughter herself as his property. Ugh.
Wow, this is way, way worse than Day Above Ground’s “Asian Girlz“. The Day Above Ground guys were just making a boneheaded attempt at humor and it backfired on them.
On the other hand, whoever wrote THIS song is deliberately trying to be as racist as possible and is enjoying it.
@ Kreator – yes. 🙁
Well, and all women of course, but especially those in his family, whose imagined sex-lives dishonour him.
Guys you would really hate to be related to…
Eww – just clicked on the link to the definition of “coal burner”… my face is now like Gollum’s.
Not the worst filk I’ve ever run into, but pretty close.
All women are his property. Didn’t you get the memo? We women are not thinking, breathing human beings, but walking, talking property in this guy’s world.
Looks like bluecat had the same thought, at approximately the same time!
Nothing. The songwriter – and I use that term very loosely – probably just wanted to work in some transphobia and isn’t a good writer to figure out how to do it in a way that seems natural.
It is unintentionally telling though. He’s revealing just how fragile his masculinity is. That someone who is AMAB can come out as a woman and wear a dress is somehow threatening his own manhood even though nobody is telling cis men they have to be anything other than cis men.
This strikes me as a written version of a bad cockny accent. It doesn’t sound to me like any black american accent I’ve ever heard.
Am I wrong on this?
Of all the fucking things Heartiste could choose to ruin, why Twilight Zone?
Why a song I actually like?
The fact they succeeded in giving an even more icky sense to coal burning is a feat of strength. That I would have gladly avoided.
I always thought a coal burner was a steam locomotive (can we link this to steampunk toys in the ‘hacked dildo’ thread…?)
I’m going to listen to the original instead. My blood pressure’s high enough today.
Wow that’s worse than “Before This Bomb Blows Up” by this talentless douche:
If you take roughly the first 1/4 of the song – without context – it almost sounds like a halfway convincing parody. The major “tell” that pulls it out of Poe territory is the huge breadth of subject matter he covers; it quickly starts sounding like an essay distilled into talking points and then converted into song form.
Brain bleach:
And now, a pug nursing baby tigers:
Again, these reactionary white men think they’re the biggest creative achievers ever, especially compared to all those stupid women and nonwhite folks.
Yet they are really incapable of creating anything worthwhile. They’re almost like Melkor and his army of darkness. They can’t create anything, only pervert it. Ironically, this is the same thing they say or imply about women and nonwhite people.
Yes. Yuck.
He believes his maleness makes him superior to everyone else, and he believes his maleness is a direct result of his birth assignment. Any time reality intrudes on his little fantasy, like when he’s reminded that trans people exist, it feels like a threat to his “manhood” i.e. his superiority and dominance.
What a gross little turd.
Edit: Oh my gosh those cubbies are almost as big as the pug!
Geez, how long has it been since “Women of L.A.”? That was the last cringeworthy song I remember being featured n this site. At least that song was mostly limited to misogyny and ripping off Rent.
But THIS song (I don’t want to listen to it, I really don’t) packs in racism, homophobia and transphobia too? Is it trying to fill up a bingo card of bigotry or something?
Golden Earring? Why are reactionaries so hopelessly stuck on music, TV shows, and cultural references from three decades ago? Wasn’t Heartiste the one who tried to parody “Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald” with a song about a beta male cuckold?
Why yes. Yes he was.
Yeah, OK, grandpa. Keep your fantasies to yourself, please.
Until someone checks under Heartiste’s bed for black guys, I don’t think he’s going to stop.
OT: But I know some people here are interesting in VR and video games.
Personally, this makes me never want to touch VR. But that doesn’t solve the problem either, just avoids it.