When feminist author Jessica Valenti posted a picture of herself wearing an “I bathe in male tears” sweatshirt, Men’s Rights activists reacted as though she had literally called for the violent murder of every man on planet earth.
Though Valenti made clear the sentiment on the shirt was aimed at the obnoxious Men’s Rights types who routinely flood the comments on her articles, MRAs chose to believe that she was mocking homeless men, battered men, male suicide victims, and other men suffering very real pain.
A Voice for Men led the charge, with AVFM’s “social media director” Andrea “JudgyBitch” Hardie, one of Valenti’s most persistent and dishonest harassers, proclaiming that Valenti “hates all men and thinks their pain is funny, no matter what the source of it,” an assertion that is as demonstrably false as a flat earther’s contention that gravity doesn’t exist.
Valenti wasn’t the only “ironic misandrist” vilified by MRAs at AVFM and elsewhere; some were so upset by the trope they launched a campaign to try to convince the world that “male tears” was slang for semen.
I bring all this up because, as I perused the meme repository on A Voice for Men’s Facebook page recently, in preparation for the Memeday celebrations here on WHTM today, I noticed a couple newly posted memes that centered on female tears.
And it struck me how many of the very same Men’s Rights Activists who’ve thrown the biggest tantrums over the ironic misandry of the “male tears” trope love to joke about female and/or feminist tears.
I decided to scroll back through the AVFM archives to see how many more I could find. The short answer: a lot, many of them not only reveling in (imaginary) female tears but taking a certain pleasure in the notion that their own antifeminist activism was causing them. I had originally planned to go through the archives of several other antifeminist Facebook pages, but I found so many on AVFM’s Facebook page I didn’t bother. All but one of the memes below come from AVFM’s Facebook page or from Hardie’s JudgyBitch site.
Let’s start with AVFM’s favorite stock image of a crying woman:
These are all lovely, each in their unique way, but the last one may be my favorite, as it reveals the almost proud ignorance of feminism that underlies so many MRA attacks on feminism. What “radical feminist” magazines is this crying feminist supposed to be subscribing to? Beyond Ms magazine, hardly a bastion of radical feminism these days, I doubt the meme-maker or any of those who’ve passed along this meme could name any feminist magazines at all.
But this crying woman isn’t the only one to make it into MRA memes. There’s this theatrically crying gal — the same one who’s in the meme at the top of the page.
There’s this artfully photographed black and white lady:
This cartoon stereotype:
This crying girl:
And her friends:
There are crying celebrities:
And ordinary women who’ve been turned into memes against their will:
Not all of the sad women in MRA memes have literal tears running down their cheeks. Some just look like they’re about to burst into tears.
And let’s not forget the image that AVFM’s Andrea Hardie used to append to so many of her Tweets.
What’s striking to me about all these memes, beyond all the tears, is how little any of these memes have to do with any aspect of real-world feminism. Or real-world women, for that matter.
Many of the memes are, of course, little more than meanspirited “nyah-nyahs” aimed at feminists: “I don’t wike it/I’m a feminist” is not what you’d call a sophisticated rebuttal to feminist arguments.
But then again, none of the other memes offer real rebuttals either, largely because the feminism they attack is made almost entirely of straw. Neither feminists, nor women in general, have ever demanded “total control over men.” Women aren’t buying pearl necklaces with child support money. Virtually all of the “privileges” or “special treatment” that MRAs accuse feminists of demanding aren’t either, and in many cases apply equally to men. Virtually the only obligation that men have and women don’t is that men have to sign a largely meaningless registration card for a non-existent and politically impossible draft.
And of course there is no such thing as french-fry rape.
Cry harder, MRAs.
EDIT: Added the link to Hardie’s comment on Valenti.
Maybe it’s my imagination but in the crying kids picture the first and last kids seem to be boys.
Lord Elrond “Men? Men are weak.”
Judging from the output from the manosphere that I’ve seen for a few years now, this is new, newsworthy news:
Women have demanded and received special treatment.
Now men are realizing that this is wrong.
Women are just about to–any moment now!–receive some really, really terrible comeuppance.
Wrong on all counts, manosphere!
But you keep shoveling that shit.
Some other Facebook groups with more likes than AVFM:
Accomplishing something before the microwave reaches :00.
Painting your lawn blue so google earth thinks you have a pool.
Voldemort has a flat face because he ran into the wrong wall at the Station
The sexual tension between Judge Judy & the Bailiff.
@Alan Robertshaw
Tsk. It’s not fair to compare donkeys with the manosphere.
One bunch is good-looking, smart, helpful, calm, commonsensical, and confident.
The other bunch is the manosphere.
Of course the donkeys will get more likes!
But won’t someone think of the group of awful, awful, unkempt, unwashed, proudly ignorant, woman-hating, hectoring, lying, self-hating group of jerks (who want you to hate yourself too) that make up the manosphere and “like” them too?!
@Kit Fowley
Ha, ha!
Look what else has more likes than AVFMorons:
Cat headbutts. Popular for a REASON, manurospherians!
I wondered this for a long time too. I think what they really want is for women and children to not need money to live. Anything short of that is misandry.
I love the fact that feminists look into the sources but the MRAs are just like ‘Na NA! I CAN’T HEAR YOU!”
Its like they can’t practise the logic that they preach?!
I’m baffled by the the “BA in Women’s Studies” one. What is the relevance to the picture supposed to be? If she was crying coming out of a job interview, one could at least follow the line of “thought,” even if it’s a stupid one. (MRA types are always weirdly outraged at the mere possibility of studying a demographic group other than their own.) But this one is just sort of, slap together a random “crying woman” picture with a random buzzword.
@lkeke35, @Viscaria
What they want is for women and children to have no needs. Period.
And take care of the manospherians’ needs 24/7.
Because manospherians can’t handle life. Life is challenging. They’re not up to it. And they’re not up to getting help. That, in a nutshell, is why they’re manospherians.
Aside on the inappropriate NASA shirt a moment: I wonder if it was an Alexander Henry pattern? And what would the MRA reaction be if a man (or woman) had worn a shirt made from THIS A. Henry cloth?
[Shrieks of misandry if it’d been a woman, flat-out gay panic if a guy, I figure.]
Is 14,000 Facebook likes a lot for an internet community? Cake Wrecks’ (a delightful blog of bad looking cakes) Facebook has over 400,000. A Facebook page for a theme park that existed near my childhood city that closed when I was a kid has 70,000 likes. A little known art site’s Facebook I follow has over 25,000. Gotta say, 14,000 is not very impressive.
Someone said cat headbutts?
Ok, that last one was not a headbutt, just cute :3
I forgot to mention that they also blame and hate others for their own inadequacies.
Given the billion times I’ve dealt with some MRA or MRA-like individuals that involved them name-dropping Andrea Dworkin, one time as a journalist (which I don’t think she was), I’d believe that without a second thought.
Exactly. Their question shouldnt be “why don’t you fight for women to be drafted, feminists?” it should be ” why are men drafted, government?”. Maybe this major point of them is what makes it more obvious that they don’t fight for men having more rights, they fight for women to have less. That’s what their movements are about, and they know it.
The cats are adorbs.
The kitten who head butts the camera is so bold and brave!
Ive had men tell me bullshit about “fake victims” when I was literally talking about actual rape. No one is a real victim in their mind except white cishet alphas who are being asked to, like, not rape people. Because “weak people” exist to be preyed upon in their Bully worldview.
OK, I was looking at the A Voice For Men logo in the title picture, and is it just me, or does it seem like the two red parts that make the V into an “M” supposed to be legs, and the “V” is supposed to be a penis? I can’t really unsee it now.
Would anybody actually say they “repeat lies” or “blindly defend” anything? I don’t think that crying woman really said those things!
Because yeah, feminism is aaaallll about maintaining traditional gender roles. I’m always amazed at their lack of any knowledge about feminism.
Will surfing dogs do?
Or a joey adopting a cop as its mother?
This is so right I want to cry ?
I need more kitties.
They both produce manure.
I need more cat headbonks.
Fortunately, there is a cat here ready and willing to provide. When she isn’t barfing on the carpet because reasons, anyway.
Donkey manure, however, makes excellent fertilizer. Manosphere shit, OTOH, does nothing except lie there, get more toxic, and stink up the place.