clickbait creepy sex

Tabloid warns: “Hackers ‘could take over your dildo and make it go berserk’”

Uh oh!
Uh oh!

I just discovered this amazing example of clickbaitery from

The crappily photoshopped picture is a nice touch as well, by which I mean creepy as all get out. Where is this woman supposed to be, anyway, and why is she (apparently) fully clothed?

The article itself, just a few short paragraphs, raises the specter of “hackers taking over our dildoes and wreaking havoc on our genitals” — I’m not quite sure how — before dismissing the danger as trivial.

No, the real danger, according to the Trend Micro spokesman they talked to, is that the dildo-hackers could get access to your credit card number and other personal details.

Trend Micro spokesman Raimund Genes said, ‘If I hack a vibrator it’s just fun. But if I can get to the back-end, I can blackmail the manufacturer.’

Access to the back-end, huh?

Trend Micro spokesman Raimund Genes might want to rephrase that the next time he talks to the press about dildo hackery. also has a poll:


I voted “no.” So far, each of the three options has gotten about a third of the votes. I’m just glad they didn’t include “Donald Trump” as one of the answers.

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Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Trend Micro spokesman Raimund Genes might want to rephrase that the next time he talks to the press about dildo hackery.

Or maybe that was quite deliberate!

Slutty Miss Havisham Penguin briefly known as Nady
Slutty Miss Havisham Penguin briefly known as Nady
8 years ago

Wait. Dildos are just fake penises. So that’s wrong. And as far as I know vibrators are not internet connected. So now I have an excuse to go into Ann Summers for… Erm ….. More research…. That’s it! Purely for research purposes to debunk this article *Shifty eyes*

8 years ago

“Coming up next on CSI: Cyber…”

8 years ago

@Slutty Miss Havisham Penguin

These things have become very advanced for some reason that completely eludes me:

8 years ago
Slutty Miss Havisham Penguin briefly known as Nady
Slutty Miss Havisham Penguin briefly known as Nady
8 years ago

*Throws money at weirwoodtreehugger* Make this movie! Just make it and don’t ask any questions! Lol 😀

8 years ago

The Fappening 2: Electric Boogaloo?

8 years ago

I think I’ll settle for the old-fashioned kind of vibrator, thanks. Maybe a nice steam-powered one.

Slutty Miss Havisham Penguin briefly known as Nady
Slutty Miss Havisham Penguin briefly known as Nady
8 years ago

David Futrelle, when you think you’ve gotten a hold of technology, it moves to the next step. I feel like such a luddite now. Too the Internet!!! *Whoosh*

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

This is TMI, but that’s actually kinda kinky.

Bina | March 17, 2016 at 7:53 pm

I think I’ll settle for the old-fashioned kind of vibrator, thanks. Maybe a nice steam-powered one.

How about a steampunk one?

8 years ago

Oh. I’m so relieved. I’m too ace for dildos. Safe from both front end and back end “hacking” 😛

8 years ago

The Internet of Things never ceases to amaze me with the types of things people connect to the web. And here I thought tweeting from your fridge was weird.

BTW, in my…*ahem*…research on this I actually almost considered a smart dildo I saw that does not appear to connect online but is designed to respond to your body. Sounds kind of neat but I don’t really have a need for it.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

I was wondering why my dildo had so many pop-up ads lately.

Speaking of “hacking”, isn’t that basically what RedPillers do when they encounter a vagina?

8 years ago

Steampunk vibes? Will wonders never cease…

8 years ago

Also, the Brooklyn Bridge is up for auction!

8 years ago


“Coming up next on CSI: Cyber…”

They’ve gone there. And that’s when I turned off the TV never to watch CSI: Cyber again.

Not only is our victim’s computer infected by malware from a sex toy, it’s also infected by a second type of malware that allows an unknown voyeur to watch all of her webcam conversations.

8 years ago

I didn’t know that you use a dildo, David.

8 years ago

Hackers ‘could take over your dildo and make it go berserk’

That’s Champagne comedy.

Richard Smith
Richard Smith
8 years ago

“Night of the Living Dildos”: They’re coming for you, Barbara!

Number Sequence
Number Sequence
8 years ago

Ha! Joke’s on you. I get all my dildos by whittling them out of old wooden spoons. Take that, internet!

8 years ago

Did April Fool’s Day come early this year?

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
8 years ago

This is why you shouldn’t keep your sensative information like passwords and pin numbers in your dildos, peeps. They aren’t very secure.

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