antifeminism female beep boop has possibly never spoken to a woman memes men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

Aliens, Bitch Snacks and Baby-Aborting Whores: The Totally Not Hateful Graphic Art of the MGTOW Subreddit

How exactly are you guys "going your own way" again?
How exactly are you guys “going your own way” again?

I‘ve lost track of the number of times that some aspiring Man Going His Own Way has shown up in the comments here, indignantly objecting to some post I’ve made about the MGTOW lifestyle, such as it is. All we’re doing is trying to live our lives in peace, the MGTOWs declare. Why are you always picking on us?

Well, I think from now on I’ll just send them a link to this post. Today we’re celebrating Memeday one day early with three of the most ridiculously misogynistic memes I’ve yet seen in my five years of running this blog — all of which were posted to the MGTOW subreddit in the last week.

This, MGTOW dudes, is why we pick on you. Because instead of actually going your own way and living the free, independent lives you say you want to live, you stew in your own hatred and fritter away your life talking endlessly about the alleged evils of women online.

Seriously, dudes. When Thoreau went and lived by himself in a shack by a pond for a year, he emerged from the experience with a book people are still talking about today. Left to you own devices, you guys produce crap like this:


So not only is this woman “a baby aborting, lawsuit filing, backstabbing psychotic whore,” but she is also:

  • a feminist
  • a vampire
  • a Satanist
  • either the Beast of Revelations or just someone with glasses decorated with the number of the beast

Also, she really needs to see an ophthalmologist STAT, because there is definitely something a bit off about her eyes.

About the only good thing I can say here is that this meme got a mixed-but-mostly-negative reception in r/MGTOW, with responses ranging from “topkek” to “[t]his is why MGTOW has a bad name even amongst MRM,” though the critics were more annoyed by the anti-abortion stuff than by the raging misogyny. And in at least one case because the abortion talk meant that he could post a little manifesto on why men should be able to “financially abort” any of their children they didn’t feel like providing for

This next terrible meme has an otherworldly theme:


I hate to break it to you, fellas, but that alien there is a Small Grey. They’re not interested in chatting about science with you. They’re the ones who go around abducting people and using them in medical experiments. And mutilating cattle, but I think that’s more of a hobby of theirs.

This one also got a mixed reception in r/MGTOW, with reactions ranging from “sadly, women in Brazil are not that different from American women” to “this is probably one of the dumbest things I’ve seen. This post honestly looks like it was made by a mentally handicapped middle schooler.”


I don’t even know where to start with this one. I just hope whoever made this paid for the rights to all those stock-image angry ladies!

Also, dude, if the purpose of these Bitch Snacks is to provide women with the energy they need to make themselves miserable, why would they contain Prozac? The whole point of antidepressants like Prozac is make people less miserable, not more. That’s why they’re called antidepressants.

Seriously, dudes, antidepressants. They could do you a lot of good (and I say that as someone who’s been taking the things for more than twenty years). They’ll certainly do you more good than spending the rest of your life in the MGTOW subreddit laughing at hateful, shitty memes and trying to convince yourself you’re happy.

So how did this meme, possibly the most misogynistic of the three, fare in r/MGTOW?

The fellas loved it. “Bitch bones. Love it,” wrote one. “Words cannot express how awesome this is,” declared another.

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8 years ago

Even by normal MGTOW standards, claiming that racism isn’t real is a leap of manlogic if I’ve ever seen one.

Does he also claim that slavery in the US didn’t happen?

8 years ago

Thank you freemage. Makes sense that it could be something like that – I did wonder if there really were any actual link as the mra/mgtow commenter claimed.

Re vampires, Redsilkphoenix, now that definitely makes sense. Way to be an ethical vampire, too, bringing joy instead of destruction – sounds like a win-win 🙂

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

He works in corporate sales

“Corporate sales” almost always means “telemarketer.”

Sometimes it means ordinary telemarketers, cold-calling individuals at home. Sometimes it means telemarketing to companies instead of to individuals, but you’re still cold-calling people to sell them something, so it’s the same thing.

So this dude is 90% likely to be a telemarketer. Let’s assume he is the selling-to-companies type. He’s going to get receptionists and/or administrative assistants most of the time. Which gender are we more likely to encounter in those positions? And then what do those individuals have to do when some guy who hates his job calls them out of nowhere?

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
8 years ago

I’ve been trying all morning to come up with a meme to send these up, and bottom line is I can’t. I can’t exaggerate what they are saying, and I can’t make something that is less coherent or that looks crappier. This stuff is just unparodyable.

8 years ago

MGTOWs just want girls to pay attention to them. And the vampire woman with the glasses? Way hotter than any real woman they could get who would actually pay attention to them.

8 years ago

So this dude is 90% likely to be a telemarketer. Let’s assume he is the selling-to-companies type. He’s going to get receptionists and/or administrative assistants most of the time. Which gender are we more likely to encounter in those positions? And then what do those individuals have to do when some guy who hates his job calls them out of nowhere?

Oh my god, is he that telemarketer who was complaining that women are never in the office when he calls? Please, please let this be the same guy.

8 years ago

@Tragedy of the Commas –

Either feminists are monsters manipulating society into ruining men’s lives with a word or they’re powerless illiterates too lazy to accomplish anything. Pick one.

I actually think that I have an explanation as to how they can hold those both to be true:

Women are too lazy / stupid / illiterate to accomplish anything on their own save for manipulating men who haven’t taken The Red Pill into serving them / ruining their own lives. This isn’t due to any intellegence or specific, practiced skill on the part of women, but is rather a manifestation of their nature – shortsighted and self-involved at the best of times. At the worst of times (that is, when not properly restrained by masculine influence / decorum / civilization – all pretty much interchangeable), the actions borne from that short-sightedness and self involvement (on the part of the women, but – more importantly – on the part of the men who indulge them for the sake of access to pussy and / or because of man’s greater capacity for deep and selfless love*) are destructive to not only individuals but to the very fabric of society itself.

*I have found some variation here – some segments say that manginas/cucks/men who aren’t awful fucking people are hypnotized by their own sexual desire, some say that they’re made dumb and vulnerable by their obvs deeper capacity for true love and devotion, and some will allow for variation by individual and circumstance.


I had no idea until I found this site.

Again, many thanks to David for making it so we don’t necessarily have to have extensive direct contact. I’ve done some of my own digging and – yeagh – went through so much brain bleach.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Oh my god, is he that telemarketer who was complaining that women are never in the office when he calls? Please, please let this be the same guy.

Oh my fucking god he is.

8 years ago

“sadly, women in Brazil are not that different from American women”

Well, at least one of them is being honest about being a hateful piece of shit!

There really is nothing as headache-inducing as talking to some MRA/MRA-sympathetic/whatever who, when accused of hating women, will claim that they only have problems with “American women” or “American feminism.”

That, of course, fails to hold up when you notice plenty of misogynistic men in places that aren’t the U.S. make the exact same horrible statements about women in their area.

It’s easily one of the weakest smoke-screens around next to finger-wagging someone about how there’re “more important issues in the world.”

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

David’s original post about him in case anyone needs a comparison study. The names are different but the details are EERILY SIMILAR.

ETA: the timelines are also the same. In 2014 he had 6 years experience. Two years later, he has 8 years. This is the same guy.

8 years ago

Of course it’s the same guy.

I just gave the dog some treats and told her they were bitch snacks. I think I’m going to make this a regular thing.

8 years ago

I just gave the dog some treats and told her they were bitch snacks. I think I’m going to make this a regular thing.

Bitches love snacks.

8 years ago

Aren’t telemarketers, like, some of the worst people in world anyway? They even acknowledge that on shows like Workaholics.

8 years ago

Same guy, same asshole, same shit. I knew it smelled familiar!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

Oh my God, he’s that guy? He was priceless.

and no, they’re not just trying to avoid me and lying- they’ll actually be out, you can hear the sincerity in the voice of whoever’s telling me this that day. …

I love how he doesn’t even entertain the possibility that they’re deceiving him. “Me smart, women dumb”. No, it must be that women have somehow scammed corporations into paying them a full salary to come in and work 15 hours a week. Corporations don’t really care about absenteeism.

On another of his MGTOW posts, he rants at great length about a local haircut chain whose uppity female staff served another customer ahead of him, because he was sitting there with a cell phone glued to his ear paying attention to an oh-so-important work call instead of the stylists. So he went on a Yelp rampage, called the national headquarters, and posted a giant screed on Reddit about how useless and garbage women are.

I can’t imagine why so many female executives manage to be “out” when this charming little ball of sunshine calls.

8 years ago

Here are some more of his Reddit gems.

Men have the genius gene and at the very least greater intelligence than women, whether they choose to use it or not is their personal choice.

Marie Curie is overrated because she’s a female and she died.

(I’m not taking this out of context, he just throws that sentence out and moves on.)

Virtually ALL claims of DV by females are fraud.

Abolish welfare and change divorce laws and set all of the laws back to the way they were before Feminism and before abortion was legal. Everyone got on just fine.

Women aren’t interested in good conversation or ethics because for the most part, American women have no ability to make conversation and have no ethics. U.S. women’s very operation system is fraud and manipulation and deception, making them have far more in common with criminals than the average working guy.

Milo Yiannopoulos lectures about this at great length. Since you’re so obsessed with intelligence, he’s the most intelligent speaker around currently. Start listening to him and get educated.

Pfft. You’re suicidal. ‘Expanding’ other peoples rights means they trample all over yours as women’s do today, thanks to Feminism to you have no reproductive rights, because women have them all. You have nothing. Women have God like legal power in the home and can eject you instantly with a false accusation under VAWA and now you have to pay her alimony and child support or go to jail: NO RIGHTS. Stripped from you in the home and given to women.

Give ‘expanded’ rights to immigrants and all they want to do with them is trample all over yours and fucking kill all of you. Time to finally grow up. Liberalism is for children, women, blacks, losers, drug addicts, losers, welfare recipients and prison inmates.

Take some PRIDE in yourself, your gender and your race.

He calls Obama “Ovomit”.

I’m going to stop now.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

I can’t imagine why so many female executives manage to be “out” when this charming little ball of sunshine calls.

Here we are, in 2016, and he still hasn’t figured out why managers are always “out of the office” when he calls to waste their time with his sales pitch for paper or copiers, or whatever it is that he claims literally every industry needs. Nope, it’s not that they have real work to do and already have a supplier for that. It’s that they are women and women suck. That is the only possible answer.

He’s been stewing about this for at least two years. What a delight his life must be!

Tragedy of the Commas
Tragedy of the Commas
8 years ago

@ mockingbird

Hmm. That explanation makes a lot of sense. Especially given how these guys think.

Please pass the brain bleach.

@ discussion of our telemarketer friend

But remember y’all: there’s no proof that he hates women! X-D

8 years ago

Men have the genius gene and at the very least greater intelligence than women, whether they choose to use it or not is their personal choice.

Well, now we know he’s not even slightly intelligent, because if he were, he’d know there is no “genius gene”. None. If there is, it’s never been sequenced, and even the top geneticists in the field of human intelligence will admit as much. But he’s right about one thing: It’s your personal choice to be smart, and he clearly chose not to.

Marie Curie is overrated because she’s a female and she died.

Well, by that token, he too is (self-)overrated, because he’s a male and one day, he’s gonna die just like her. See how that ManLogik™ works?

Virtually ALL claims of DV by females are fraud.


Abolish welfare and change divorce laws and set all of the laws back to the way they were before Feminism and before abortion was legal. Everyone got on just fine.

Except for women. But we know they don’t count, because Mr. Wizard has already told us as much regarding Mme. Curie.

Women aren’t interested in good conversation or ethics because for the most part, American women have no ability to make conversation and have no ethics. U.S. women’s very operation system is fraud and manipulation and deception, making them have far more in common with criminals than the average working guy.

Oooooooo, the projection is strong with this one!

Milo Yiannopoulos lectures about this at great length. Since you’re so obsessed with intelligence, he’s the most intelligent speaker around currently. Start listening to him and get educated.

No thanks, I’m still trying to regain all the IQ points I lost the other day looking at his vacant face and reading his brain-dead tweets calling Der Drumpf “Daddy” with a creepy sexual overtone.

Take some PRIDE in yourself, your gender and your race.

Translation: Become a racist, sexist self-hating idiot like ME! Look how happy I am! (whimpers softly, backs away from computer sobbing)

Thanks, but I’ve seen where that pride leads, and it gets uncomfortably close to a nasty precipice.

8 years ago

Oh my god, is he that telemarketer who was complaining that women are never in the office when he calls? Please, please let this be the same guy.

Oh my fucking god he is.

This makes my LIFE.

Anyone who wasn’t around for the original thread two years ago, go read it. It’s priceless.

8 years ago


Aren’t telemarketers, like, some of the worst people in world anyway? They even acknowledge that on shows like Workaholics.

Come on, now. Some of us–okay, it was me–have had to do that job to make a living. In my case, it wasn’t much of a living.

And I was so conscious of being hated that I felt as though I were part of the demimonde–the “little world” of disreputable people.

So I’m always nice when I brush them off. The job is just terrible.

8 years ago


Come on, now. Some of us–okay, it was me–have had to do that job to make a living. In my case, it wasn’t much of a living.

And I was so conscious of being hated that I felt as though I were part of the demimonde–the “little world” of disreputable people.

So I’m always nice when I brush them off. The job is just terrible.

Y’know, you’re right – I shouldn’t generalize so much. I’ve even considered taking a telemarketing job out of desperation, but I decided against it mostly out of personal experience.

A lot of telemarketers I’ve dealt with in the past were people who would repeatedly call me, even after telling them I had no interest in what they were selling. It got to the point where I was screaming my head off at them to leave me alone.

It really does get to you when the same exact telemarketer keeps calling you, apparently unable to take “no” as an answer despite politely declining the first few times.

In a lot of ways, it was a lot like dealing with Lyndon LaRouche supporters – one wouldn’t stop calling me for several weeks, after I was dumb enough to attend a meeting out of curiosity, and who didn’t seem to get the message I wasn’t interested in attending again. I regret that…

8 years ago

Ha, ha!

Est used to call me. (That was Werner Ehrhard’s self-improvement seminar.) But they gave up after maybe four calls.

8 years ago

A lot of telemarketers I’ve dealt with in the past were people who would repeatedly call me, even after telling them I had no interest in what they were selling. It got to the point where I was screaming my head off at them to leave me alone.

It really does get to you when the same exact telemarketer keeps calling you, apparently unable to take “no” as an answer despite politely declining the first few times.

Probably the poor guys have a set of instructions they need to follow that involve calling the same person over and over again. They may also be screaming inwardly about how they don’t want to keep bugging you.

Except for this guy, who apparently actually believes that it’s VERY IMPORTANT that all the corporate executives hear his sales pitch.