#gamergate anti-Semitism conspiracy theory drama kings gloating grandiosity literal nazis memes post contains jokes post contains sarcasm racism reactionary bullshit TROOOLLLL!! trump

The 15 Creepiest Trump Fan Tweets from Last Night

Trump: The only thing creepier than clowns
Trump: The only thing creepier than clowns

Ok, I may have oversold this a teensy bit. I didn’t look through all ten billion Trump fan Tweets from last night. I looked through as many as I could before I started to seriously despair for the future of humanity.

Let’s start with a Trumpified 300 meme. If you haven’t seen a lot of 300 memes lately, that may be because the movie is nearly ten years old. But, what the heck, stick a trump head in it and it’s as fresh as today’s headlines!

Now this might be sort of funny if Diane here were kidding about this. What makes this creepy is that she’s not kidding at all. Nope.

Oh, and she’s also a white supremacist.

But, hey, not all of the Trump tweets I found last night were so blatantly racist. Some were slightly less blatantly racist.

Let’s stick with this whole “racism” theme we’ve got going here. Whoever’s responsible for the next pair of memes apparently thinks that the way to win whites over to Trumpism is by posting lots and lots of pictures of pretty white ladies, possibly in swimsuits, with a tasteful overlay of histrionic racist slogans.

I can’t decide which of the following slogans I like best.  And by “like” I mean “throw up in my mouth a little after seeing.”

Well, that’s enough racism for now.

This next one is more puzzling than creepy, but it wins extra points for including the #GamerGate tag.

Ok, back to racism again, with a meme incorporating actual Nazi propaganda from World War II.

No Nazi propaganda in this next one. It’s just … weird.

This next one is creepy because EYES AREN’T SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE THAT.

Speaking of creepy eyes:

And we’re back to the racism again.

If you look in the corner there you’ll see that not only did someone draw an actual cartoon of Trump using a giant slingshot to send babies flying “back to Mexico,” but they proudly signed their name to it afterwards (or at least their initials).

If you can make head or tail of this next one, let me know:

This next one might well be the creepiest of the bunch. Brace yourself.

I’m not sure if those two are cyborgs or lizard people. Whatever they are, they clearly aren’t human.

And, oh, I lied. That wasn’t the creepiest tweet. This was:

That’s a whole lot of ickiness h’s managed to fit into only 42 characters.

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8 years ago

My favorite bit is “not like the Founding Fathers.” Gotta make sure not to catch your idols accidentally in your racist conspiracy theory.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ snork maiden

as we’re in England it won’t matter one way or the other

I’m not so sure. Even without TTIP, US & UK foreign policy are pretty intertwined. Hence Obama being so concerned about the EU referendum.

ETA: ah, just realised you probably meañt in relation to voting eligibility.

8 years ago

I’m still vexed that Milo is in Anchorage posting this.

Yes, I know I only got into Fallout late last year but goddamnit he’s treading on sacred ground!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

My favorite bit is “not like the Founding Fathers.” Gotta make sure not to catch your idols accidentally in your racist conspiracy theory.

They’re Freemasons, but the wrong kind of Freemasons.

I also love “closeted Theocrat”.

8 years ago

“Celebrating with Townes, Cash, Willie, Waylon, and single malt scotch.”

I’m pretty sure if they were still alive both Townes Van Zandt and Johnny Cash would be appalled by Trump. I know Willie Nelson endorsed Bernie. I don’t know about Waylon’s politics.

8 years ago

The Osteens haven’t endorsed Drumpf. Joel Osteen said some nice things about him, is all. But hey, these guys don’t let facts get in their way, so…

8 years ago

Does Spunkbrain exist in the official lore of W40K ?

Not as such; the lists of the original 20 legions and their Primarchs have two listed as *STRIKEN FROM ALL RECORDS*. The Horus Heresy series has a couple references implying that Leman Russ executed them under orders, possibly for treason, at some point after they were found, but nothing definitive.

8 years ago

Candidate Craster. I love it!

Trump doesn’t appear to have given his son to the White Walkers though.

8 years ago

That Milo tweet is so awful I don’t think I can eat as much as I want to vomit.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

> Sees a woman they like (or that their Based Flavor of the Month likes) playing a video game

> Claims said woman’s allegiance for themselves, a group of people who harass and threaten women over video games

Sounds legit.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

The 300 one is unintentionally apt. Buttercup Q. Skullpants is correct about the Spartans losing. More importantly, the comic book that led to the movie was … misleading, to say the least, about the Spartans being defenders of freedom.

Ancient Sparta was a slave state. Spartan men were able to devote themselves to being soldiers because they were supported by a vast population of slaves (called the helots) who did all the actual work, leaving the citizens oodles of free time to devote to whatever.

The Spartans were defending the freedom of a relatively small number of very privileged people who lived on the labor of a subjugated underclass like a bunch of tapeworms. Kind of like Trump!

Tragedy of the Commas
Tragedy of the Commas
8 years ago

Whoever’s responsible for the next pair of memes apparently thinks that the way to win whites over to Trumpism is by posting lots and lots of pictures of pretty white ladies, possibly in swimsuits, with a tasteful overlay of histrionic racist slogans.

Lovely. The implication is that if you don’t vote Trump then you’re a gay beta cuck etc etc. Vote Trump or forever declare your heterosexuality to be in question! That’s not a position glittering with insecurity at all.

Nevermind “God-Emperor”, Trump is apparently more like Caligula. But speaking of the God-Emperor…

The God-Emperor can’t be stopped

In the grim darkness of 2017 – 2021, and possibly 2021 – 2025, there is only the screaming of a bad combover and its fanboys!

If you’re going to reference Warhammer 40K, at least photoshop Trump onto an image of the God-Emperor. Don’t just add some shitty lens flare effects to his eyes. 0/10.

@ the Warhammer 40K fans

If Milo is Fulgrim, which Primarchs would Chris Christie and Ben Carson be (since they’ve come out in support of Trump)?

And which enemies of the Imperium of Drumpfs are Clinton and Sanders? Clinton could be one of the Eldar Farseers. Or the Necrons, if you’re anti-Clinton. Sanders could be an Ethereal of Tau, minus the psychic abilities.

8 years ago

In July 2009, after studying with Rabbi Elie Weinstock from the Modern Orthodox Ramaz School, Ivanka Trump had an Orthodox conversion to Judaism and took the name Yael.

Yeah #GG and Ivanka are REALLY going to get along

What could possibly go wrong…?

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

@Tragedy of the Commas:
I would totally join in a Clinton Waaaaaaagh! Where da boyz at?

8 years ago

@guy: Correct.
In “The first heretic” it is referenced that the Emperor ordered everyone to literally forget them.
Their respective legions are implied to be absorbed by the Ultramarines.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

@Jamesworkshop: That really just gives them another shield to prop up #NotYourShield, doesn’t it?

“See, we don’t hate Jewish people, Ivanka Trump is Jewish and we love her!”

“See, we don’t hate women, Ivanka Trump is a woman, and we love her!”

8 years ago

On which topic, am I the only one who’s kind of creeped out by the fact that Warhammer is about space Nazis?

8 years ago


You’re not really supposed to like the Imperium. The game was intended as satire on grimdark stuff, but fans ate it up with absolutely no sense of irony. But the imperium are the ‘good guys’ by virtue of being very very slightly less terrible than most of the enemies, minus the Tau.

8 years ago

@katz — no, you’re not alone.

8 years ago

The imperium is supposed to be like the nazis, but so comically incompetent that they can’t even really be evil. It’s more Brazil than Naziland, which is a different kind of nightmare. And, yes, they are one of the bad guy, like everyone else in the setting. (they do destroy planets by clerical errors)

The Emperor himself is a lot more likeable than Nazis. Without being really a paragon of virtue, he do try his best, and apparently he did had respectable ideas about freedom from religion and a real desire, and at least some ability, to create an autocratic empire whose subject live decently well. But things have gone to hell and back in 40.000 years.

The imperial army is about as much stalinian as it is nazi. It’s also described as absolutely incompetent. At a time, long finished as far I know, the Orkz had a lot of nazi iconography.The space marines, last time I checked, weren’t all that nazi, but they are ubermensch, and I guess it’s easy to forget all the part where they are shown as single-minded psychopaths unable to function in normal society and just see they are badass warriors.

All in all, I don’t think it glorify nazis, but with a selective reading it could be seen so ; so I guess it reinforce nazis in their nazis belief, and it’s just an horrible dystopy to people who aren’t into nazis.

Tragedy of the Commas
Tragedy of the Commas
8 years ago

Ostensibly we’re supposed to sympathize the most with the Imperium because they’re the human faction (and they get the most sympathetic characters usually, e.g. Ciaphas Cain). In the video games, they can be treated as the default protagonists or good guys. But no one is actually good. Thermian arguments about “they have to be that way to fight Orks/Tyranids/Chaos” justifying their awfulness be damned. One page of the W0K wiki describes the Imperium as “rotten to the core” while another states that it is “a stagnant, repressive, intolerant and dehumanising galactic presence”. Those statements are true even as other factions are arguably worse. These points frequently come up on TV Tropes mentions of Warhammer 40K too.

Tangent: The Mary Sue ran an interesting piece on Warhammer and representation back in January. The comments are surprisingly supportive, given that some of the 40K fanbase are the “SJWs are ruining games” variety.

Some of us enjoy it for how stupidly cheesy and over-the-top macho it is (one college friend said that she couldn’t take 40K seriously because of how much it rips off Dante and other sources). The strategy games, both board and video, are generally good. But some fans, as Josh says, enjoy the lore without a trace of awareness about how fucking awful all these factions are, regardless of how many sympathetic characters are made.

8 years ago

Ivanka is a weird name for his daughter to me. Ivanka is what you would call your friend Ivan if you were annoyed with him. At least where I come from.

8 years ago

I find the article on the W40K battle sister and the place of women interesting. I tend to see the battle sister as problematic gender-wise, just a lot less of a problem than most of the other factions. They could take some page from World Of Warcraft, who actually created a lot of female soldier, even for races who traditionaly are one-gender only (like orcs) ; that did not exactly made them any less intimidating or badass. (note : it don’t mean that WoW isn’t sexist, just that they actually took step to make mixed gender armies)

Conceptually, the brutally xenophobic, corrupt, decadent, classist Imperium should be sexist too ; but while I would prefer a non-sexist game depicting a sexist Imperium, I still prefer a game depicting a non-sexist imperium to a sexist game showing a sexist imperium.

8 years ago

“You’re not supposed to sympathize with the Imperium” feels like a smokescreen to me. Of course you’re supposed to like the Space Marines. Most people play as them. You’re supposed to be happy when your army crushes the other army. You’re supposed to think your army is cool and badass. My dudes have little skulls on their armor! My dudes RIDE ACTUAL WOLVES! The fact that the fluff is like “BTW, these people are actually terrible” doesn’t change that you’re supposed to have a positive experience with your Imperium army.

I only like to play tyranids and sometimes chaos demons because they’re both so “out there” that they don’t feel weird to me.

8 years ago

I see others have covered the Freemasons angle, but I’d like to point out to Anglo von Trapp that Townes, Cash, and Willie all think you’re a scumbag (Well, Cash is dead, but he would if he were alive), and I wouldn’t take any bets on Waylon being on your side either, boyo.