Ok, I may have oversold this a teensy bit. I didn’t look through all ten billion Trump fan Tweets from last night. I looked through as many as I could before I started to seriously despair for the future of humanity.
Let’s start with a Trumpified 300 meme. If you haven’t seen a lot of 300 memes lately, that may be because the movie is nearly ten years old. But, what the heck, stick a trump head in it and it’s as fresh as today’s headlines!
Now this might be sort of funny if Diane here were kidding about this. What makes this creepy is that she’s not kidding at all. Nope.
Oh, and she’s also a white supremacist.
But, hey, not all of the Trump tweets I found last night were so blatantly racist. Some were slightly less blatantly racist.
Let’s stick with this whole “racism” theme we’ve got going here. Whoever’s responsible for the next pair of memes apparently thinks that the way to win whites over to Trumpism is by posting lots and lots of pictures of pretty white ladies, possibly in swimsuits, with a tasteful overlay of histrionic racist slogans.
I can’t decide which of the following slogans I like best. And by “like” I mean “throw up in my mouth a little after seeing.”
Well, that’s enough racism for now.
This next one is more puzzling than creepy, but it wins extra points for including the #GamerGate tag.
Ok, back to racism again, with a meme incorporating actual Nazi propaganda from World War II.
No Nazi propaganda in this next one. It’s just … weird.
POOR @megynkelly TONIGHT MUST HAVE BEEN REALLY TOUGH FOR HER. #PrimaryDay #TrumpTrain #Trump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain pic.twitter.com/QqzZuJDjZx
— Trump Memes (@trumpfansmemes) March 16, 2016
This next one is creepy because EYES AREN’T SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE THAT.
Speaking of creepy eyes:
On Friday Chicago took Trump's podium, tonight he took their state.#MAGA #PrimaryDay #TrumpTrain #Trump2016 pic.twitter.com/gnF1F44D0O
— Shadowbanned Barbarian (@rothbarbarian) March 16, 2016
And we’re back to the racism again.
@DOTRTurner2 #MAGA pic.twitter.com/ArE7K3RI9n
— skooks (@le_skooks) March 16, 2016
If you look in the corner there you’ll see that not only did someone draw an actual cartoon of Trump using a giant slingshot to send babies flying “back to Mexico,” but they proudly signed their name to it afterwards (or at least their initials).
If you can make head or tail of this next one, let me know:
🚄 #TrumpTrain 🔥🔥🔥 #TedCruzLieshttps://t.co/oU4GE4biWa <^CLICK!
@ArRuple @rgenci57 @InfidelMarine #Conspiracy pic.twitter.com/aY7TvtkOME— ♞JoxuaLuxor♞ (@JoxuaLuxor) March 16, 2016
This next one might well be the creepiest of the bunch. Brace yourself.
wow. Joel has a large base in Texas. @Demsvote4Trump #Trump2016 #AlwaysTrump pic.twitter.com/IJk3St8ZMi
— NightEagle2016 (@NightEagleAngel) March 16, 2016
I’m not sure if those two are cyborgs or lizard people. Whatever they are, they clearly aren’t human.
And, oh, I lied. That wasn’t the creepiest tweet. This was:
. @HillaryClinton Daddy is going to beat you.
— Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) March 16, 2016
That’s a whole lot of ickiness h’s managed to fit into only 42 characters.
“TRUMP: WHITE GENOCIDE” doesn’t really give the message they wanted it to give.
I think that “Joxua Luxor” tweet is an example of “green ink” type of thing. A good chunk of various conspiracy theory sites follow that sort of “throw everything that sticks” formula, boosted with a spill of colors and fonts and bizarro emphasis on words. Some of it is apparently learned habit (i.e. “this is how person X does their site, I admire person X, therefore I should emulate their style”).
Re: the school photo
Judging by the clothing and a few other cues I suspect that photograph was taken in sub Saharan Africa; so (ignoring the fact it’s therefore hardly relevant to the US) it’s perhaps unsurprising that there are quite a few black kids.
Drumpf yelling with a sword in his hand is still Drumpf yelling: Ugly, shrill, ridiculous, and still destined to lose.
As for the dying gene pool: Haven’t these nimnuls yet figured out that gene pools don’t die, they dry up when they get too shallow?
Oh, what am I saying. They’re Drumpfers. Their gene pool is practically dust already.
I believe that kooks’ cartoon is actually a case of kooks himself not knowing how satire works–I think it’s meant to show just how twisted the ‘anti-anchor baby’ position really is, but kooks thinks it’s the best thing since sliced bread.
It amuses me that the Ivanka Trump image is very clearly a carefully staged shot of the sort that normally gets #Gamergators frothing about ‘fake geek girls’–her hands are very clearly not in the positions they would need to be to play a game of Centipede.
Joel Osteen is well-known to movement atheists as one of the more aggressive peddlers of the “prosperity Gospel” doctrine, which says that if you’re virtuous, you’ll be rich (and therefore, if you’re rich, you must be virtuous). It comes as no surprise, then, to find that he has attached himself to Trump’s arse like a lamprey on a shark.
Skiriki’s got the right of it on the ‘Cuban Secret Handshake’ thing. It’s a blend of racism with bog-standard conspiracy theory.
Wishful thinking Milo, but Candidate Craster is only into creepy incest fantasies with girls.
So…they’re for white genocide, yes? That’s the only possible interpretation of that image macro.
Was that the real Milo? It’s so difficult to tell without some sort of verifying mark.
So, when they call Trump God-Emperor. Are they suggesting he’s going to alter over time into a giant worm with a human face and vestigal flipper/arm things, and instigate a tyrannical rule for thousands of years?
Or maybe he’ll be plugged into a throne that keeps him alive, with thousands of people sacrificed to him each do as he presides over tyrannical government for thousands of years?
Second one. First one is insufficently nazi. I mean, it doesn’t have a skull theme at all.
I’m sorry, but Leviticus specifically forbids mixing Donald Trump’s head with Gerard Butler’s body. It is an abomination.
(Also, the Spartans LOST at Thermopylae. Oh sure, they got a Frank Miller movie 2500 years later, but it wasn’t exactly a triumph for their gene pool.)
How do the folks concerned about “white genocide” know that they can trust Trump? I mean, I’m not prejudiced against him – some of my best friends are Orange-American – but they’re just not like us, are they?
Re: the ivanka trump one, I glanced into the Donald trump reddit forum the other day, and apparently they refer to each other as ‘centipedes’. Why, I do not know. Some 4chan thing, maybe.
Because internet has broken my brain, the only reason I can imagine is that ugh gack awful movie “Human Centipede”. Maybe they are fighting for the position in that chain?
So we have actual humans calling themselves centipedes?
I think I need to throw up now.
ETA: Skiriki, you and I seem to have thought alike here.
So if Trump is the God-Emperor of Man, and Milo calls him *retch* Daddy, which Primarch does that make him? I’m leaning toward Fulgrim.
I was happily thinking these were all tweets by obscure crazies, but then saw Milo sent the last one. Scary.
“Ivanka Trump is Gamergate”? Um, she’s seated at an ARCADE game, and anyone who’s lived long enough to actually PLAY one knows they’re all offline, and that there were no “gamers” back then, there were just kids who played arcade games.
I guess these guys have no idea how risible they really are.
To elaborate on the above:
“He possessed silvery-white hair and was quite vainglorious,”
Sounds right so far….
” as his entire life was dedicated to the pursuit of perfection in all things; physical, mental and spiritual.”
Hm. Maybe not.
“Today, Fulgrim is a four-armed, serpentine Daemon Prince of Slaanesh who is believed to reside on a Daemon World somewhere within the Eye of Terror.”
Ok, good, I was right the first time.
At least the fallen Primarchs were actually willing to back up their smack talk.
The last tweet should have a trigger warning.
He was “Spunkbrain”, one of the two that were ordered to be forgotten by the Emperor.
They were so repulsive, not even the Gods of Chaos wanted to abduct them, so the Master of Mankind was eventually forced to leave them to die on the dungheap behind the Imperial Palace.
Does Spunkbrain exist in the official lore of W40K ?
The God Emperor by himself is a repugnant concept, even if he is in practice a benevolent but misguided leader. But it’s impossible to fuck up genetic enhancement enough to get a Milo. Even the chaos would be unable to do that.
I just had yet another argument with my flatmate, who insists Trump’s economic and foreign policies are better than Clinton’s. He’s a Berniebro, though as we’re in England it won’t matter one way or the other. But still, I’ve got a headache.
I’ve just figured out what that Osteen guy looks like. A facial morph of Benedict Cumberbatch and Tim Allen in a bad wig.