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Trump’s Brownshirts? Trump supporters threaten to take up arms, form militias

This space used to contain a picture of Breitbart "journalist" Milo Yiannopoulos brandishing a gun while holding a Trump banner, but I took it down at the request of the other dude in the picture, known as DJ Pop A Titty Out. Click to see the original pic.
This space used to contain a picture of Breitbart “journalist” Milo Yiannopoulos brandishing a gun while holding a Trump banner, but I took it down at the request of the other dude in the picture, known as DJ Pop A Titty Out. Click pic above to see the original.

This election gets scarier by the day. It seems only a matter of time before someone gets shot. And if there are going to be shots fired, more than a few supporters of Donald Trump want to make sure they’re the ones doing the shooting.

On Twitter, and elsewhere online, Trump supporters are talking openly about bringing guns to political rallies and polling places. Some are actually taking steps to form some kind of Trump militia. 

The living sack of human garbage that is Matt Forney recently Tweeted these suggestions for fellow Trump lovers:

Unfortunately, Forney isn’t the only Trump supporter talking about guns.

Meanwhile, discredited right-wing hack “journalist” Chuck C. Johnson posted the alarming picture below on Facebook, promising to “use the Second [amendment]” against  — that is, to shoot — anyone he think is threatening Trump’s right to free speech , even though he personally supports Ted Cruz.


Johnson took the post down, but not before it was screenshotted by Charles Johnson, a non-discredited journalist who unfortunately, and rather confusingly, shares the same first and last name as the dude with the red hair and beard pictured above.

Other Trump supporters think that their candidate needs to have a somewhat more organized army of Second Amendment fetishists to protect him from the “bad people” he talks about so much.

Like, say, a militia.

Hire them? I’m fairly certain most “militia” members would be happy to do it for free. Earlier this month, in fact, the FBI arrested the co-chair of Veterans for Trump in New Hampshire on an assortment of charges related to his alleged participation in the armed standoff at Bundy Ranch in Nevada in 2014.

But hiring or otherwise working with Bundy’s militia may not be necessary, as Trump may soon have an unofficial militia of his own.

Yesterday, reports, a new Twitter account announced the formation of something called “The Lion’s Guard,” describing itself as

[a]n informal civilian organization dedicated to protecting the safety and security of innocent, peaceful Trump supporters from violent Far-Left agitators.

While the group would remain unarmed, the organizer pledged, it would  be “willing to forcefully protect people if need be.”

Whoever was behind the Twitter account took it down within hours, citing threats.

But in that brief stretch of time, reports, the account was able to pick up 500 followers and a good deal of support from other Trump fans on Twitter, including many on the far right who presumably already own the requisite brown shirts and swastika armbands.

Meanwhile, over on clickhate tabloid The Daily Stormer (partially archived here), the regulars are if anything even more enthusiastic about The Lion’s Guard than their counterparts on Twitter — though some of them seem to have forgotten the bit about the group being unarmed.


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On 4chan’s Trump-loving, fascist-friendly /pol/ board (archived here), some are talking about trying to resurrect The Lion’s Guard on their own.

Twitter: Chat: The Lion's Guard has been recreated to help protect Trump supporters from the violence which has been growing over the past few days. The Lion's Guard is formed to be an unarmed, nonviolent civilian organization dedicated to protecting the safety of peaceful, nonviolent Trump supporters from the far-left, or others who would want to do them harm. The original creator was forced to delete his account due to threats against his children. Therefore, it only makes sense to bring in as many Trump supporters as we can, so not only can we protect people in public and over the internet but we can also protect ourselves

Whether or not The Lion’s Guard is resurrected, by its founder or by sympathetic Trump fans on 4chan or somewhere else, it’s clear that the idea of a “Trump militia” has an appeal to many of the orange-faced demagogue’s fans — and not just Daily Stormer readers posting pictures of a well-armed Pepe.

Writer Sarah Kendzior, who spent many hours with Trump supporters while waiting in line to see The Donald on his recent visit to St. Louis, noted in a piece for the Guardian that

Several Trump fans vowed that the next time, they would come armed. Some warned that if Trump was not chosen by Republicans, a militia would rise up to take him to power.

On Twitter, other Trump fans are making similarly chilling “predictions” and threats.

Normally, I would dismiss this sort of talk as empty blathering. But this time this talk is attached to a dangerous demagogue who’s managed to rile up a very noisy minority of disaffected white people, millions strong, many of them already heavily armed.

If even a fraction of those people “march on DC” or anywhere else, the results could be bloody. I really hope that things aren’t heading where they seem to be heading, because that’s a very dark place indeed.

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8 years ago

@Victorious Parasol: I’m not sure Milo’s orientation is a factor here, as such. He may not want to have sex with women, but he sure seems fond of belittling and dominating women.

It is interesting to note that he appears to be a homophobic homosexual – and that his own stated reason for “choosing” (his words) to be gay is his distaste for women. (Although he contradicts himself on the whole choosing bit every other statement.)

8 years ago

If Trump’s Militia is called the Lions Guard, does that mean he’s a Lannister?

Also this shit is getting so way out of hand. Chap and I have seriously started having the “Should we buy a gun?” conversation, because the future is starting to look pretty fucking scary for people who aren’t ready to paint themselves orange in solidarity.

As an interracial couple (one of whom’s a filthy immigrant and one’s Mexican American) we already face a bit of crap, if Fuhrer Trump gets in, we’re probably screwed.

8 years ago

Just because anti-feminists are cool on 4chan, doesn’t mean they’re considered cool anywhere else.

I don’t know one person out in meatspace who is well liked that rants about SJWs, cuckservatives, or girl cooties in movies, games or atheism. Miserable assholes generally aren’t considered admirable or cool.

8 years ago

A brownshirt was a Nazi SS that was sent to Hitler’s opponent’s rallies to incite and intimidate the speakers and audience. The only people doing that today are Bernie Sanders supporters, so I would suggest staying away from the whole Nazi comparison thing.

8 years ago

@ M

Meanwhile the only shots fired were by a anti-Trump person violently protesting a Trump Rally. That person also happens to be black.

Now isn’t that strange?

You got anything to back that claim up? so far almost every one else here has posted links that support the fact the Trump supporters are violent so its only fair that you post evidence to support your that non-trump supporters are using violence as well

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Who Are the protesters holding the rally’s against him? It almost seems to just play into his hands as others have pointed out.

From what I have read + what I can infer from knowing how this works, the protesters did not shut down Trump’s rally in any respect. Trump is just saying that in order to cast them in a bad light. There were a lot of protesters there, and his usual MO of having them tossed out would have taken a lot of time and required a lot of interruptions to his speech. There may have also been more violence against them, which even Trump knows doesn’t look good for him. His decision to cancel the rally rather than put up with interruptions and perhaps more violence from his supporters makes perfect sense.

Who are the protesters? People who don’t want it to look like everyone loves Trump. It’s not only protected speech according to the US Bill of Rights, it’s a good idea in general. Let’s not blame them for Trump’s actions.

Also, I’m not American, but am I to understand that people can take guns to a polling station?

Gun laws vary by jurisdiction, which is generally on the state level for this type of thing. Most polling places are in schools or other municipal buildings, and states that allow open carry vary on whether or not people are allowed to carry into governmental structures. IOW, there is no one answer to that question.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

I’m sorry, but this is what I think of when I think of “Lion Guard”:

They’re brave, strong, fierce, and keen, unlike the Annoying Orange’s “Lion Guard”.


Meanwhile the only shots fired were by a anti-Trump person violently protesting a Trump Rally. That person also happens to be black.

That was one guy firing a MAC-10 into the air to celebrate, after the rally had already been cancelled. Idiotic? Sure. Violent? No. He wasn’t shooting at anyone or anything. He probably had the gun with him for self defense, in case Trump supporters tried anything.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump is ACTIVELY encouraging his supporters to commit violence against protestors and reporters. One of his (white) supporters sucker-punched a black protestor, then said “The next time we see him, we may have to kill him”. His own campaign manager assaulted a Breitbart reporter. One of Trump’s Secret Service choked a Time photographer and slammed him to the ground. A Trump Tower security guard punched a protestor in the face at a rally in Manhattan. Several protestors have been literally dragged out of events with the crowd chanting things like “Tase him!”, “Shoot him!” “Seig heil!” and “Light the motherfucker on fire!” Other protestors have been verbally assaulted, called racist names, and had their signs torn in two. Trump himself has said of protestors, “I’d like to punch him in the face”, “Maybe he should have been roughed up”, and (of Black Lives Matter protestors) “These are not people”. He’s also offered to pay the legal fees of anyone who gets prosecuted for assaulting his detractors.

Shall I go on?

Now tell us once again how the protestors are the violent ones.

Now isn’t that strange?

Whoa. Every dog within a five-mile radius suddenly started barking when you typed that.

That IS strange.

8 years ago


I think you’re right that the left needs to invest in self defence. However, in my opinion any attempt to approach this as single violent individuals would be a mistake: that sort of cult-of-the-lone-hero thinking is stupid when the right do it and would be stupid if we did it. What needs to happen is for collective action to be taken in this regard.

Definitely agree with you there. And one of the biggest problems is that people buy guns to gratify that fantasy. It’s at least one part of what motivates mass shooters, pretty much every time.

The problem, as you rightly identify it, is one of government timidity. Mass political action could well provide benefits here. I don’t know what America’s situation is like so I bow to my American friends here: what is the state of the anti-firearm movement and can it effectively be mobilised?

That’s the thing. The anti-firearm movement is extremely popular, but it has proven almost completely ineffective. Everyone is too scared to anger the NRA. And even when states or cities put in gun control measures, people will either defeat the laws in court, or just go buy their guns in a neighboring state.

If Obama can appoint someone reasonable to the supreme court, it might make a difference in the medium to long term, but right now, there are a lot of angry, unsophisticated and heavily armed thinkers on the other side, who are now regularly inciting violence with impunity. The Planned Parenthood shooting a few months ago was basically incited by the mainstream right.


Don’t forget trying to stop those with money from influencing politics to their advantage by making it rain on politicians and lawmakers, bribery is free speech too.

Ugh, I know! It’s raining free speech in Washington.


it’s absolutely terrifying. Do you think there’s any way progressives could unite for self defense? I understand your impulse to buy a gun, but I don’t know how much difference that will make independent of collective action. The problem is, the American left is (for good reason, IMO) so invested in gun control, that it’s hard to figure out how to work it.

What do you think should be done? The far right is mobilizing a mob of racist armed goons, while most of the left is like, “take it easy. Let’s elect a moderate and hope cooler heads prevail.” We’ve seen this before, and it didn’t end well. It’s one of the reasons I’m so invested in Sanders. We really need a visionary leader who can appeal to the poor and working class, or I think we’re gonna lose.

8 years ago

@Fabe I saw this,

Trump Rally – MAC-10 “Assault Weapon” Fired by Black Lives Matter Protester in Chicago Streets

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

@ Castaigne

In my better moments, I wish he could feel more comfortable with his identity as a gay man. So much of what he says seems to be rooted in self-loathing.

Unfortunately, my better moments seem to be few and far between this month.

Ashara Payne
Ashara Payne
8 years ago

Loving the definition of ‘wingnut’ on rationalwiki. Not seen it used here, though. Is it uncommon or problematic in some way?

8 years ago

@ moondog


Good on Aunt Rita, eh? And how fortunate that the gunslinger in question says he was brought up to respect his elders – rather than, say, shooting her (like the guy who shot a waitress dead when she asked him not to smoke in the restaurant..)

A scenario where a self-selected Trump militia shows up, guns on hip, on polling day, primed to look on members of certain demographics as, in the words of der Trumpfer, “the people who are destroying our country”…

It gets ever more alarming.

RosaDeLava - Praying for Sexbots
RosaDeLava - Praying for Sexbots
8 years ago


If Trump’s Militia is called the Lions Guard, does that mean he’s a Lannister?

Yeah… Remember what he said about his daughter?
Cheap shot, I know.

@Victorious Parasol
Certainly. Though I still wonder what his problem with women is? If it’s not something that just comes with being a reactionary, or if he isn’t doing it just to get more fans, I’ve no idea.

8 years ago

@Ashara Payne

I don’t think the word is strictly problematic, but to me it does signal some ableist connotations. For instance if you read up on it on Wikipedia, many of the sourced definitions and references use ableist language: “mentally deranged”, “lunatic fringe”, etc.

8 years ago

@ Fabe

OMG, I just went sniffing around about the claim that shots were fired, and it is absolutely brilliant.

The entire thing was based off a grainy video that someone posted on a fake facebook profile that supposedly belonged to a BLM protester named “Jamaal”, then it appeared in a reaction video by some youtuber, thus disseminated and picked up by right wing satellite blogs and sensationalized from there. There were no breaking news stories, no police responding to shots fired, no mention from people who would have actually been there. Seems totally legit, right?

Then as they were furiously grabbing screenshots, the owner of the account revealed himself as a troll who completely fabricated the person and event to prove how utterly gullible and incapable they were at distinguishing reality from obvious bullshit.

But they wanted so badly for it to be real they are doubling down and STILL claiming it actually happened and that this whole “troll” thing is just a cover up, and demanding that the CIA go out there and hunt down this black man for having a firearm, ironically on a 2nd amendment blog.

Not the only fabrication to emerge from the Chicago rally, even a nonexistent body count:

8 years ago


It’s chilling to think that when Trump’s nearest historical parallels were actually in power, the US was on the side fighting against them

Only by a quite thin margin, unfortunately. There was actually a not insignificant probability of things going the other way here.


Isn’t this victim blaming?

Yes. It would be more correct to say that the Democratic Party abandoned the left wing in favor of ‘triangulation’ and a ‘third way’ which, in practice, meant following the Overton window right instead of trying to pull it back leftwards. (Reasons I am not fond of Hillary Clinton, in a nutshell; she is a ‘3rd way’ democrat, which is to say a Reagan era Republican; just because the Republicans have moved on to naked fascism doesn’t make her way a good one).


Everyone is too scared to anger the NRA.

It would be more accurate to say that almost all politicians appear unwilling to anger the NRA.

Do you think there’s any way progressives could unite for self defense? I understand your impulse to buy a gun, but I don’t know how much difference that will make independent of collective action.

There’s was a good deal of that against the brownshirts and blackshirts back in the day, but they mostly hadn’t got guns, which made things a bit easier to deal with.

8 years ago

*listens to Handlebars because someone posted it*

Electioneering by Radiohead is a good Donald Trump song, too.

*makes a playlist for the election because why the fuck not and I am a playlist dork*

Electioneering -Radiohead
Handlebars – Flobots
2+2=5 – Radiohead
Take a Bow – Muse
Animals – Muse
Assasin – Muse (how I hope a Trump presidency will end if everything escalates)

I’m taking song suggestions for the Republican party.

8 years ago

As an Independent. I have yet to see Trump supporters try to shut down a Clinton or Sanders speech. The only group to shut Sanders down was BLM.
8 years ago

Assasin – Muse (how I hope a Trump presidency will end if everything escalates)

Dude, c’mon.

8 years ago

(Reasons I am not fond of Hillary Clinton, in a nutshell; she is a ‘3rd way’ democrat, which is to say a Reagan era Republican; just because the Republicans have moved on to naked fascism doesn’t make her way a good one).

Oh, for the love of god, this is so stupid as to be in “not even wrong” territory.

Especially since you support the notoriously pro-gun Bernie Sanders. What a total Republican, amirite?

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago


Agreed. I don’t want Trump to get shot, poisoned, strangled, stabbed, drone-struck, or otherwise murdered. I just don’t want him to be president. He can keep being a businessman. I just don’t want him to be president. He can keep on lying about how great a businessman he is. I just don’t want him to be president.

The GOP cultivated a base that made Trump a viable presidential candidate. I wish they’d own up to that (privately – I won’t insist on an apology to the rest of the country) and do what they can to encourage honest debate, working together, and so forth. I’m not holding my breath on any of that. I’m not sure the Republican leadership has the courage to admit any wrongdoing or self-serving behavior, in part because they’ve spent so much time pretending that changing one’s mind in the face of new evidence is “flip-flopping.”

8 years ago

Policy of Madness, there are federal laws prohibiting the intimidation of voters at polling places, which would clearly apply to the open carry of firearms, regardless of state law.

8 years ago


Oh puh lease

Half the time your candidate was supporting Goldwater, a segregationist and was against LGBT rights til around it was political suicide to be against it.

Oh how liberal and for the people.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
8 years ago
8 years ago

Does anyone have an idea of what Trump is getting out of all this violence at his rallies? Like, is this some sort of fantasy come to life for him (i.e. I have people willing to kill for me — oh happy day!), does he think a stereotypical Third World dictatorship-style rise to power is the best way to retain longterm leadership in the US, or is there something else going on that I’m not seeing?

I mean, his followers have proven they’re willing to do whatever he says, so why continue to escalate the violence last what’s already been done?

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