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Trump’s Brownshirts? Trump supporters threaten to take up arms, form militias

This space used to contain a picture of Breitbart "journalist" Milo Yiannopoulos brandishing a gun while holding a Trump banner, but I took it down at the request of the other dude in the picture, known as DJ Pop A Titty Out. Click to see the original pic.
This space used to contain a picture of Breitbart “journalist” Milo Yiannopoulos brandishing a gun while holding a Trump banner, but I took it down at the request of the other dude in the picture, known as DJ Pop A Titty Out. Click pic above to see the original.

This election gets scarier by the day. It seems only a matter of time before someone gets shot. And if there are going to be shots fired, more than a few supporters of Donald Trump want to make sure they’re the ones doing the shooting.

On Twitter, and elsewhere online, Trump supporters are talking openly about bringing guns to political rallies and polling places. Some are actually taking steps to form some kind of Trump militia. 

The living sack of human garbage that is Matt Forney recently Tweeted these suggestions for fellow Trump lovers:

Unfortunately, Forney isn’t the only Trump supporter talking about guns.

Meanwhile, discredited right-wing hack “journalist” Chuck C. Johnson posted the alarming picture below on Facebook, promising to “use the Second [amendment]” against  — that is, to shoot — anyone he think is threatening Trump’s right to free speech , even though he personally supports Ted Cruz.


Johnson took the post down, but not before it was screenshotted by Charles Johnson, a non-discredited journalist who unfortunately, and rather confusingly, shares the same first and last name as the dude with the red hair and beard pictured above.

Other Trump supporters think that their candidate needs to have a somewhat more organized army of Second Amendment fetishists to protect him from the “bad people” he talks about so much.

Like, say, a militia.

Hire them? I’m fairly certain most “militia” members would be happy to do it for free. Earlier this month, in fact, the FBI arrested the co-chair of Veterans for Trump in New Hampshire on an assortment of charges related to his alleged participation in the armed standoff at Bundy Ranch in Nevada in 2014.

But hiring or otherwise working with Bundy’s militia may not be necessary, as Trump may soon have an unofficial militia of his own.

Yesterday, reports, a new Twitter account announced the formation of something called “The Lion’s Guard,” describing itself as

[a]n informal civilian organization dedicated to protecting the safety and security of innocent, peaceful Trump supporters from violent Far-Left agitators.

While the group would remain unarmed, the organizer pledged, it would  be “willing to forcefully protect people if need be.”

Whoever was behind the Twitter account took it down within hours, citing threats.

But in that brief stretch of time, reports, the account was able to pick up 500 followers and a good deal of support from other Trump fans on Twitter, including many on the far right who presumably already own the requisite brown shirts and swastika armbands.

Meanwhile, over on clickhate tabloid The Daily Stormer (partially archived here), the regulars are if anything even more enthusiastic about The Lion’s Guard than their counterparts on Twitter — though some of them seem to have forgotten the bit about the group being unarmed.


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On 4chan’s Trump-loving, fascist-friendly /pol/ board (archived here), some are talking about trying to resurrect The Lion’s Guard on their own.

Twitter: Chat: The Lion's Guard has been recreated to help protect Trump supporters from the violence which has been growing over the past few days. The Lion's Guard is formed to be an unarmed, nonviolent civilian organization dedicated to protecting the safety of peaceful, nonviolent Trump supporters from the far-left, or others who would want to do them harm. The original creator was forced to delete his account due to threats against his children. Therefore, it only makes sense to bring in as many Trump supporters as we can, so not only can we protect people in public and over the internet but we can also protect ourselves

Whether or not The Lion’s Guard is resurrected, by its founder or by sympathetic Trump fans on 4chan or somewhere else, it’s clear that the idea of a “Trump militia” has an appeal to many of the orange-faced demagogue’s fans — and not just Daily Stormer readers posting pictures of a well-armed Pepe.

Writer Sarah Kendzior, who spent many hours with Trump supporters while waiting in line to see The Donald on his recent visit to St. Louis, noted in a piece for the Guardian that

Several Trump fans vowed that the next time, they would come armed. Some warned that if Trump was not chosen by Republicans, a militia would rise up to take him to power.

On Twitter, other Trump fans are making similarly chilling “predictions” and threats.

Normally, I would dismiss this sort of talk as empty blathering. But this time this talk is attached to a dangerous demagogue who’s managed to rile up a very noisy minority of disaffected white people, millions strong, many of them already heavily armed.

If even a fraction of those people “march on DC” or anywhere else, the results could be bloody. I really hope that things aren’t heading where they seem to be heading, because that’s a very dark place indeed.

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8 years ago

Dear right-wing knuckle-draggers who’re drive-by posting here, there are two things you need to know right now:

1. The First Amendment does NOT give you the right to make death threats, and

2. The Second Amendment does NOT give you the right to carry them out. In a polling station, at a rally, on the street, or ANYWHERE.

Thank you, and fuck off.

8 years ago

SJA: Well, it also seems odd to me that people who snark about “groupthink” and “pc thoughtcrime” and that nonsense are perfectly happy to sign up with a slavering mob when it comes right down to it.

8 years ago

In Russian language newspapers we spell trump ‘tramp’. ‘Дональд Трамп.’ XD

8 years ago

Here’s the second amendment in its entirety.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Shooting someone is not a second amendment right.

8 years ago

And putting quotation marks on the word “journalist” doesn’t make him any less of a journalist than you.

Just as much of a journalist as the humor blogger. What a vote of confidence.

8 years ago

Holy crap, the bloodlust! One of the thoughts that came to my head is that if many people did indeed come with guns to the next place where Trump shows up, what if someone also wielding a weapon pretended to be a supporter but was intending to just cause chaos? Or even, given how eager they are to harm someone, what if a balloon pops? It would be super ugly, and then they would probably blame it on their usual targets.

I just really hope these threats are empty.

8 years ago

I love how hot and bothered our visitors are about free speech, as long as no one they disagree with does the speaking, then it’s death threats to shut them up. Don’t claim rights you won’t give to others.

8 years ago

SJA: You’re here on a blog where men often claim to be the real victims. Any facts will be morphed to fit the narrative.

8 years ago

Remember how some on the right wing said not to nominate Obama in 2008 ’cause if he lost, black people would riot?

Funnily enough, that turns out to have been projection!

Who could have guessed?!

Social Justice Atheist
Social Justice Atheist
8 years ago


Good point, guess I shouldn’t be surprised. But even after all these years of hearing about the shit neonazis do and say, it still manages to surprise me how horrible they can be.

jy3, Social Justice Beguiler
jy3, Social Justice Beguiler
8 years ago

Y’know, it’s not like the candidates who don’t talk about paying for the legal defense of anyone who roughs up protesters seem to have fights breaking out at their events.

Just sayin’.

8 years ago

They say that if Trump loses they’ll try to overthrow the government? Hitler tried the same thing when he lost his first election. They are trying to do the same thing that the actual Nazi’s did. I’d say that history has taught us nothing but its Trump supporters, If they didn’t already know the historical significance they probably still wouldn’t mind it when they found out.

Number Sequence
Number Sequence
8 years ago

So, I don’t catch all the news stories, but can someone tell me about these acts of left political violence? Got some names, maybe a violent event, even some violent rhetoric you can point me in the direction of?

Because if you can’t, I can only think of two explanations. Either the claims are rooted in, “Well, this isn’t literally impossible, so it must have happened!” or that our open, sometimes sharptongued disagreement is violence (in which case, concrete dude can take his own advice) or, and this is a long shot, could result in violence at some point. It’s like when that doxxed guy claimed David clowning on MRAs tacitly encouraged people to dox them despite his constant, open denouncement of it. And we all remember how completely correct and not full of shit that guy was.

So, I’m not buying it, but I’ve been wrong before. If you have an example, feel free to tell me all about it. I’ll wait.

8 years ago

@Number Sequence

Some people are so self involved, they can’t concieve of a mindset other than their own. They want to commit violence against leftists, so they assume leftists must also want to commit violence. Facts are apparently beside the point.

8 years ago

I love how the umbrella epithets of “SJWs” and “leftists” carries so many contradictory definitions. One minute they’re a violent and angry mob out for blood, and the next, they’re a bunch of wimps who are afraid of guns. Basically, the term can mean whatever you want it to depending on the circumstances, but I suppose that is the nature of umbrella terms.

8 years ago

Well well well

How long is it til they start firing unto their own crowds cause of some insults? Cause frankly I’m watching a kid with dynamite, and that fuse is getting really short.

But in all seriousness just try Trump supporters. I would love to see you cower just like the Sovereign Citizens of Malheur Oregon.

It would be the highlight of my day.

Number Sequence
Number Sequence
8 years ago


Oh, I know. I am painfully aware.

I know I’m being both way too optimistic and way too kind, but it’s my hope that by challenging that mindset directly, maybe someone who would respond to what I said will actually go to the effort to try and get an actual example, not find anything meaningful, and end up with enough cognitive dissonance to be pushed through or at least towards the other side. I’ve seen it work. I’ve been a person that’s worked on. Maybe I’m projecting.

At the very least, I’d like to give someone pause for thought before they pitch a fit because we’re being meanie-heads to their favorite jackass with hair like a melted science fair project.

8 years ago

Since when are the Bernie suppprters violent?? Trumps followers are the ones beating people up and forcing protesters out of rallies. Trump doesn’t even condemn them. Meanwhile, Sanders denounced Berniebros for thier misogyny.

The people who shut down one rally were shutting down hate speech.

Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
8 years ago

1. Is Robin Fox actually advocating murdering Democrats? What the fuck?!
2. Re: Daily Stormer guy with the caricature fish: paraphrasing Breaking Bad? Really? You don’t mess with Heisenberg.
3. What the hell is that black-and-white photo of the guy crossing two rifles, some sort of clothing ad? I feel sorry for that model, what with having his photo used by neo-Nazis.

Unlucky Blackjack
Unlucky Blackjack
8 years ago

“When standing on a powder keg, it’s wise to watch the man handing out matches.”

I learned that from a space-wolf.

8 years ago

@Unlucky Blackjack

This reminds me of how/r9k/ thought for a sec they had enough balls to start trying to coordinate mass school shootings before cowering back into the shadows.

Except this is like the Chimera of all the shit this blog keeps up on. Racist bigoted MRA types with a persecution complex and desire to stomp on everyone not them. Bullies who were bullied and take it out on others.

Frankly because of that, it’s exactly why I laugh. I’m just waiting for something to happen. Cause frankly I am getting sick of fascism infecting the country I live in.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

I know far-right politics has risen in popularity recently, but in Europe this is due to immigration. Is it the same? If so, why do they also hate feminists, “SJWs”, transgender people, Jews, African Americans and anyone else who isn’t cis male/female, white, straight, Christian, right-wing and whatever else they decide?

I think it’s because Twitter, Facebook, 4Chan, Reddit etc have all been so happy to allow them to congregate and metastasise like the cancers they are while banning anybody who dares stand up to them. They’ve had years of one-way freeze peach to egg eachother on and convince themselves that they’re a silent majority rather than a small, loud-mouthed minority.

Unlucky Blackjack
Unlucky Blackjack
8 years ago

I think it’s because Twitter, Facebook, 4Chan, Reddit, etc., have all been so happy to allow them to congregate and metastasize like the cancers they are while banning anybody who dares stand up to them. They’ve had years of one-way freeze peach to egg each other on and convince themselves that they’re a silent majority rather than a small, loud-mouthed minority.

And you really want to know something sad? I think those people have always been there. I don’t believe for a moment that racists/misogynists/etc. ever stopped existing. They just were forced to be hidden, only coming out to spew hate before being chased back into the dark.

But now, they can meet other hate-filled people, form hate-filled friendships, and most importantly, never have to be exposed to that pesky “reality” again. They were given their own castle, had all attempts at breaching blocked by those who didn’t want to deal with the hassle of getting rid of them, and now they can launch attacks on others with a safe place to fall back to.

8 years ago

@FoxNews Do us Trump supporters, have to start carrying our Guns For Protection at Rally’s, WE WILL…..

Relax, dude, buying drive-thru hamburgers isn’t that dangerous.

8 years ago

Uh, hey David, you do realize you don’t have to give in to the dumbass who calls himself BJ Papa Shitty or whatever it is, right?

Fair use is a thing, and giving in to shit-flinging monkeys who attach themselves to hacks like Milo just because of the specter of maybe copyright threats someday on some imaginary grounds doesn’t do anything good for anyone.