alpha males empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies hypergamy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill reddit

True nature of woman explained in 72-word Red Pill Reddit comment

After years of study, women have now been figured out
After years of study, women have now been figured out

“So what’s the deal with the ladies, I mean, what the hell,” Sigmund Freud once famously asked. (I’m paraphrasing.)

Well, let’s say 97 years after he asked that question we men have finally been provided an answer, in the form of a comment in the Ask The Red Pill subreddit.

The topic at hand is “branch swinging,” which is Red Pill lingo for the notion that women generally prefer better boyfriends or husbands to worse boyfriends or husbands, causing them to sometimes swing to a higher branch, as it were, like the evil sexy monkeys they are.

Let’s watch Red Pill veteran oldredder lay down the Truth About Ladies:

oldredder 9 points 2 days ago  Women prepare multiple men to have interest in them and choose the ones who have the most resources and/or the fittest genes, are most attractive. Then jump to each or several at a time at any time without warning.  Like how do you do when you know she wants to branch swing ?  ALWAYS.

Boom goes the dynamite. All your questions about women are now answered.

But to make sure you’ve got it, let me translate what Mr. oldredder is saying from Red Pillian into normal English:

Women are sometimes attracted to more than one dude at once, and so they’ll make sure to look all cute and stuff in the presence of these dudes so they can, you know, prepare these dudes to like them too. And if it turns out the coolest or best looking dude thinks she’s totally cute, SCORE! She grabs hold of his branch, as it were, and SWINGS herself up.

Oh, I forgot to mention the resources. Ladies are totally into guys with resources.  Like coal. Ladies love coal. Seriously, guys, you can’t go wrong with coal.

You should probably start carrying a big bag of coal with you wherever you go, preferably with the word “COAL” written on the outside to make sure the ladies know that your bag is full of coal and not something that ladies hate like, you know, worms, or the complete discography of the band Rush, or guys that get advice from Red Pill Redditors?


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8 years ago

Guys should have their paycheck printed on their T-shirts. Or a pic of their house in Monaco. Or their car. Then the ladies would know that they have bought the redpillar BS, and we would be able to run as far away from them as we could…

Anne, Michael Mc Intyre has thought of you 🙂

8 years ago

@ kularanini: I remember the day I met my wife. The first thing she did was stare through me for 3 minutes, then said, “You’ll do. For now.”

HAHAHAHAHAHA genuine LOL. Thanks 🙂

8 years ago

The whole movement is just dripping with misogyny, yet when they are called out on it, they either 1) call the poster a feminist/white knight/ mangina or 2) claim they don’t hate women, they just want them to change to their needs/ wants. There’s no use trying to get through with them on why their views of how women are evil, evil bitches.

Those who are in a relationship, play the “dread game” where if the woman doesn’t behave how the guy wants, he would leave her for someone else who will. I read one commenter who said his wife argued with him over something. So what he did was basically use her during sex to get off then end it as soon as he was done. And he kept it up till she apologized to him for her behaviour.
Jackasses, all of them.

8 years ago

Is it the monkey carousel, on which women jump from ride to ride, while the branches of the carousel swing around in a circle?

Or perhaps the cock-tree, that’s swinging the women around in a slow circle while they leap from cock to cock?

Sounds dizzying either way.
No wonder their reasoning is incoherent.

If it’s anything like the carousel scene from Contrast, women deserve a little credit.

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
8 years ago

Thanks all for helping me compile a list of resources for Mr. Atomica to get ASAP. I don’t want to appear unwomanly, hanging around a guy with no holmium.

Captain Bathrobe
8 years ago

To be fair, coal is an important resource in Civilization. Can’t build factories without coal.

8 years ago

Even guys who aren’t abusive or nasty people sometimes have this entitled attitude.

Tell me about it. I’m on another site where a guy made a thread complaining about he talks to women online for about a week then they just stop responding to him. He feels they’re just leading him on.

A bunch of people responded telling him that a week is a get-to-know-you period, stringing him along would happen over more time than that. A few women have chimed in saying they’d rather just cut off contact than say, “I just don’t think we’re compatible” because a lot of times the man becomes angry then harasses or sends her abusive messages. It’s easier just to cut it off than risk that.

Does that sink in with this guy? Of course not. He’s so steeped in the privileged culture he’s grown up in he expects women know he’s not going to respond angrily to them. It also appears to be very black or white with him. Either you want a relationship with him or you don’t and you must know that right off the bat. There’s no getting-to-know-you period. No finding out if you’re actually compatible. He expects that if he likes some woman, she should just automatically like him back and immediately want to jump into the dating pool with him.

He’s not coming across as some kind of MRA or PUA in his replies, but he is coming across as someone who’s been told all his life that because he’s a heterosexual cis male that he deserves the girlfriend of his choice and just can’t understand why the women he likes don’t always like him back. It’s quite the thing to watch.

8 years ago

Even guys who aren’t abusive or nasty people sometimes have this entitled attitude.

I find myself quite embarrassed at some of the attitudes I had as a young (early 20’s… all twenties? Early thirties?) man.

Not abusive (I hope)… but… entitled.

8 years ago

I’m a late-game player in Civ 5, so a resource I’d like is Uranium.

Aluminum if there’s no Uranium, but really, momma needs her nuclear plant and world-domination victory

*cackles viciously*

8 years ago


Is the green color a little like…teal? If so, I’ve had that happen to my hair before. 😛

8 years ago

Honey, now that’s an important resource if you want to misander for realsies in Settlers III – Quest of the Amazons add-on. Because then you turn all that sweet honey into mead, and sacrifice that steadily to the amazon goddess, get blessed amazon priestesses, and then go misandering everyone under your warboots’ steely heels.
Like this.

Or load up your war machine with it and subjugate the dudebros.

8 years ago

or the complete discography of the band Rush

Thems fightin’ words

8 years ago

women generally prefer better boyfriends or husbands to worse boyfriends or husbands

The horror. The horror.

8 years ago

All women have the innate ability to scan our genetic code and are ready to move on when they find a genetically superior specimen.

I actually saw a film some years ago where an evil alien disguised as a pretty girl went around trying to sperm-jack guys for nefarious purposes involving spawning lots more evil aliens.

One guy got killed because she did a DNA scan on him and discovered he was genetically sub-optimal.

Now, it was pretty clear that she was really an evil alien, but the point was, she looked just like the Hollywood version of a human female, so it’s understandable if these dudes can’t tell whether actual women might be planning the exact same thing.

After all, don’t we all sprout leathery wings and poisonous spinal points during sex?

8 years ago

bluecat: That sounds like Species.

8 years ago

bluecat: That sounds like Species.

In Redpill land, a documentary.

8 years ago

@David, ImaginaryPetal, WWTH,

The topic at hand is “branch swinging,” which is Red Pill lingo for the notion that women generally prefer better boyfriends or husbands to worse boyfriends or husbands,

What’s the difference between branch swinging and hypergamy? Why invent more terminology. . . [?]

Sometimes. . . the relationship ends. Both parties typically move on and eventually find someone else to date. It’s really not that big of a deal. It doesn’t need a special term.

“Branch Swinging” actually does mean something fairly specific, and it’s a real thing, though of course not a female thing. The idea is that if each branch is a relationship, you’re swinging from one relationship into another without touching the Forest Floor of Singleness in between. I’ve known both men and women to string along partners they were actively trying to replace. (Also men and women in bad relationships who needed to meet someone better to be motivated to get out)

8 years ago


In Redpill land, a documentary.

The entire movie is “whooboy, somebody sure has issues“. It is like male insecurities at full display; it is not subtext, it is text.

8 years ago

Oh, I forgot to mention the resources. Ladies are totally into guys with resources.

“Is that a stick of uranium in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”

8 years ago

Are men a ‘cock carousel’ that women ride or are they the branches of a tree that monkey-ladies swing from?

Probably the carousel because I doubt any of their branches are big enough to get a decent enough grip on

occasional reader
occasional reader
8 years ago


Woohoo, 72 words ? Such culture, such literature ! Well, i guess it is a change for the 1 or 2 words usual description (like the one beginning by c and finishing by t) they associate to women.

If i understand well, what they want is not women but sloths, who are not often go from a branch to another…

Have a nice day.

8 years ago


I’m noticing the exact same thing–the guy who you date briefly, move on from, and then returns sometime later wondering why you are no longer available is way to common.

I’m currently dealing with this guy who I went out with once or twice a year and half ago before realizing that we wanted completely different things and has decided to give things a shot again even though I have a boyfriend now and doesn’t understand that “I am in a committed monogamous relationship” means that I am not going to have sex with him and when I complained about it to my friends they all have similar experience


I am so tired of having to listen to guys complain about how the girl they like doesn’t want to date them, especially when they realize that women have that happen to them to

8 years ago

To the man who married the woman who was looked at said, “You’ll do. For now.”, you are a complete tool.