men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW YouTube

I present to you: “The most MGTOW video ever made”

Ok, before we go any further, I need to point out that this video is a joke. It was made by the troll-comedy group MillionDollarExtreme. It’s also a bit NSFW.

I found it on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, described asĀ “The most MGTOW video ever made.”

It didn’t get much discussion there, alas. One of the two MGTOWs who commented suggested crossposting it to r/WTF. But I think this is probably pretty close to how a lot of MGTOWs imagine their ideal world.

Well, except their versions would also include sexbots. You can’t have a MGTOW utopia without sexbots.

Oh, and while I’m posting videos, here’s what is perhaps the greatest Bollywood disco number ever.


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8 years ago

I laughed.

Then…gruts. No.

8 years ago

Canadian comedy can be brilliant: Kids in the Hall for example, SCTV (Harold Ramis, Catherine O’Hara, John Candy, Andrea Martin Eugene Levy, Dave Thomas, Joe Flaherty, Rick Moranis), many players on Saturday Night Live hail from Canada.

Samantha Bee is Canadian:

8 years ago

I think this wasn’t a post to showcase a hilarious comedy, so much as to go “this is what MGTOW actually believe”

Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
8 years ago

I see that in the future MGTOW utopia, men have eschewed getting dressed and simply wrap the bed sheet around their bodies when they get up in the morning. And nobody owns an iron.

8 years ago


Ivor Cutler. Of course!

I thought the word, ‘gruts,’ was disturbingly familiar.

8 years ago

Crip Dyke
8 years ago

Since you bring up sexbots, I thought i would mention, David, that your next post that directly addresses sexbots really does need to contain a reference to, if it is not actually illustrated by a screen shot from, the Star Trek TOS episode, “I, Mudd”.

Come to think of it, the subjects of your delightful blogging occasionally refer to women derogatorily as “fembots” and while the Bionic Woman has the canonical fembots to itself, “I, Mudd” wouldn’t be bad to illustrate those types of comments either.

=============> As for this video

…I really think WTF mostly covers it. I think it’s pretty clearly supposed to be a satire of MGTOW fantasies and their bullshit about how women are consciously conspiring to hurt men. But to be actual satire, you’d kind of have to have some coherent statement implicitly embedded in the context or subtext of the art you’re creating so that there exists some other message than just “This is the regular MGTOW message, also we giggle a little at the end.”

As it stands, it seems that they are likely critical of MGTOWs, but I can’t for the life of me discern what their criticisms’ content might actually be.

8 years ago

This is my favorite Bollywood clip. (I might have seen it here.)

Indeed, the rhythm got me.

8 years ago

Come now, THIS is clearly the greatest Bollywood disco song. Bonus: it proves that women are evil temptresses who ruin men’s lives: