a voice for men antifeminism antifeminist women FemRAs judgybitch memes men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA

Finger-pointing stock-photo blonde lady: The MRA meme-maker muse?

Have we met somewhere before?
Have we met somewhere before?

Today’s Memeday Special: Angry blonde ladies. Strike that: Angry blonde lady.

Men’s Rights Activists and other antifeminists, as many of you have no doubt noticed, have a deep and abiding love for stock photos of hysterical women, which they use as illustrations for blog posts and YouTube videos as well as free-floating memes.

In a previous Memeday post, we examined the MRA obsession with stock photos of women with bullhorns. Here’s one more bullhorn-lady meme to add to the pile.


Apparently the supply of hysterical women stock photos can’t quite match the demand, and so MRAs tend to fall back on a few favorites. You’ve probably met this gal several times already:


But the all-time favorite stock-photo feminist — you might even consider her a sort of muse to MRA meme-makers — is a certain special blonde lady with a wagging finger and a comically furious face.

Because what better way to defeat feminism than by putting words in the mouth of a woman posing for a stock-photographer while pulling the most over-the-top angry face she can manage?

Yes, I think we HAVE met before
Yes, I think we HAVE met before

muse3 muse4

Sometimes the MRA mememakers contrast the hysteria of finger-pointy blonde lady with the cool rationality of some stock-photo dude.


And sometimes, for even greater impact, they replace her pointy finger with a gun.

musegun1 musegun2

It’s funny, but I don’t know of any feminist who much resembles this caricature. Indeed, the only real-world woman that finger/gun-pointy blonde lady reminds me of is this one, and she’s definitely not a feminist.

Janet Bloomfield, reporting from her bunker

If she ever emerges from her underground bunker, she might be able to get some work as a stock photo model.

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8 years ago

“Just because your a feminist doesn’t mean you have to be a crazy bitch.”

Uh that’s the exact opposite of what you’ve been saying for years guys.

Also I see how they try to reverse the “Don’t be that guy” ads I used to see around my college. Of course in all of those ads “that guy” was committing rape while in these ads the woman is ether
A falsely accusing a man of rape which wouldn’t work since society consistently ignores accusations of rape, or
B saying something weird that feminists don’t generally say.

So according to there own posters we clearly need feminism and women’s rights more than we need the Men’s Rights Moment.

8 years ago

I have seen people warn that a male birth control pill could lead to some men lying about taking it, especially for one-night stands rather than committed relationships, but not any calls for banning it. Just recommendations that if one gets approved women who don’t want to be pregant should keep taking the pill; even with a trustworthy partner two forms of birth control provide useful redundancy in case of a mistake.

Tragedy of the Commas
Tragedy of the Commas
8 years ago

Olive O’Sudden wins best name for a new(?) commenter.

That is all.

Please continue the interesting discussion on men and male birth control!

8 years ago


lol at “Men’s Rights Moment”

8 years ago

“Just because your a feminist doesn’t mean you have to be a crazy bitch.”

Uh that’s the exact opposite of what you’ve been saying for years guys.

Bingo. To them, “feminist” is synonymous with “crazy bitch”. See also “What are you, on the rag?” and “Fuckin’ uppity wimmin, man, they’re all alike!”

Get with the program, menzer, your inconsistency is showing!

8 years ago

That’s definitely something to mistrust. Even if having a kid would make one partner happy, the fact that they know the other partner doesn’t want it should make it an unhappy thing if it does happen. If I wanted a kid but my husband didn’t, it would make me unhappy if I accidentally got pregnant, because that’s not something you force on people.

No, he would never force that. Seriously, someone forcing a pregnancy on me is not something I would ever accept, hell, I think that’s…criminal. If something very unlikely happens he knows and accepts I will not have it. And he does care a lot. I’m just saying he doesnt fear it, while I do.

8 years ago

Yeah, that makes sense. I’m terrified of becoming pregnant because of the symptoms I get just from my regular cycle, and I still forgot the pill sometimes when I was on it. For a guy I could see forgetting it more frequently and for some guys maybe being afraid to admit they’d messed up and so not warning their partner(s) when it happens.

Social Justice Atheist
Social Justice Atheist
8 years ago

I think it’s likely that because they want to control the reproductive freedom of women, we must want to control their reproductive freedom as well. In the world they live in, men and women (because they think only men and women are “real” genders) are always trying to restrict each other’s rights and rights are a zero-sum game. To them, if one person or group of people have rights, then that means rights will be taken from someone else in order to give it to them. Then the group of people who have had their rights stolen must fight for them “back” from the other group instead of fighting for rights of their very own. In their imaginary fantasy land, rights are a limited resource that must be stolen from one group in order to give to the other.

Just an observation that came to me.

8 years ago

I think that stock photo looks like Claire Danes character, Carrie Mathison in Homeland.

8 years ago

One point I’d like to add to the contraception topic is that condoms and vasectomy are not the only forms of birth control available to men, they are just the only ones specific to male anatomy.

Whenever MRAs claim they are limited to only condoms and vasectomy I have pointed out that condoms are the only form of protection against STD, but that if one gets tested with their partner they can focus on contraception only. Then I ask why they don’t have the option of using the female products sold off the shelf next to the condoms in the family planning aisle, like contraceptive films, gels, lubricants, sponges, etc….?

Their initial reply is usually something like “because they’re made for VAGINAS, duh.” But then I’m like, “No , it’s for VAGINAL Intercourse, which is the only kind you really need contraception for. Really the only form of birth control men don’t have the right to is the prescription kind that alters the woman’s body and hormone levels. But if I can buy condoms even though I don’t have a dick, then why can’t you buy any of those other products and ask the woman to put it in immediately prior to sex?”

Blows their minds every time.

All of my male feminist friends who I posed the same question to admitted it had never occurred to them before that they could buy the things in the pink boxes. But several have now adopted the practice of taking their partner to the clinic first and getting a box of contraceptive film, and now report having better sex (plus additional foreplay for the 15 minutes or so that it takes to fully activate) and feeling more confident and in control of their safety than when it all hinged on the integrity of their condom.

So whenever MRAs claim they have no reproductive control, what they really lack is sex ed.

History Nerd
History Nerd
8 years ago

“‘Any form of penis in vagina sex is rape'”

Putting your interpretation of something Andrea Dworkin said in quotes so people might think it’s a direct quote from her.

8 years ago

In their imaginary fantasy land, rights are a limited resource that must be stolen from one group in order to give to the other.

I like to explain this problem to these people using cake (because everybody likes cake). If I have a piece of cake, that means one less piece for you. But rights aren’t cake. And even if they were, you shouldn’t get the whole cake for yourselves, you bunch of asshats!

Social Justice Atheist
Social Justice Atheist
8 years ago


Cake for everyone!

8 years ago

@ GenJones

But… but… the boxes are PINK!

8 years ago

The content of these pics is as tiresome as it is stupid. Also, the punctuation is bothering the hell out of me. The pussy/dick insult comparison post mentions pussy, but uses “dick”. “Dick” should not be in quotes.

EDIT: Ironically, I’m not actually sure how to correctly punctuate this post.

occasional reader
occasional reader
8 years ago


> birth control pill
Wait, is the birth controm pill not the red pill ? I mean, with the red pill behavior, they seldomly success in finding partner. So even less chance to mate, and thus even more less chance to have babies…

Have a nice day.

8 years ago


if you’re having one night stands you should be using condoms anyways to protect against STDs regardless of who’s on what birth control

8 years ago

Why is it when feminists and MRAs start a back forth on the internet, everyone ends up looking like a dick, like some kind of poorly reasoning worked up 6 year old in a playground argument, except neither party seems to realize that the whole debate will more than likely turn everyone off more than a religious debate at a dinner party, from both agendas?

There is a serious lack of personal insight, just ridiculous anger. This whole website reads like that.

I predict, in ten years time, unless _exchange_ begins to take place on some mature position of attempted mutual understanding (unlikely), both words will be so dirty, no everyday person will want anything to do with men or womens rights.

Just think about how stupid it makes both parties look. There is very little intelligent discussion of issues any more. Everyone in this looks petty, immature, emotive and biased.

8 years ago

I’m sure you’re just a drive-by, but I’ll bite.

What specific thing has been said here by a feminist that is out of line? Just declaring that both sides are terrible is just trite. It doesn’t make you look intellectual, rational or cool. It’s definitely not original.

8 years ago

You don’t think this whole website has the bias and intellectual level of a playground argument in grade school?

Well, that’s okay if you don’t, but I think it does.

I don’t think something being trite makes it untrue. In fact it probably makes it more true if it is said more often.

You seem defensive. Ask yourself why perhaps…

Do you think a website like this, is going to make any rights movement appeal to moderate, every day people more or less? Is it really any better than the websites it lampoons on the level of it’s intellectual honesty, focus on issues, or general credibility?

Just sinking to the lowest level until everyone stops listening all together if you ask me.

What is your opinion? (I always find it odd when people argue with your position, whilst concealling their own).

PS, I am not interested in argument, or debate. I find such things pointless and tedious. I am simply observing that these childish, radical positions, both mra, and feminist are in the long term damaging to both movements. Men’s rights and feminism would both achieve a great deal more if they worked together.

8 years ago

Do you reckon this website helps or harms womens rights? That might be an interesting discussion, whatever ones view….

8 years ago

So, you don’t have an answer. What childish and radical positions do we have? We do mock misogynists, but mockery isn’t exactly a position. If you think we have positions that are objectionable, you should be able to easily provide at least one example. If you’re mad that we’re mocking misogyny, all you’re doing is tone policing, which accomplishes nothing and doesn’t make you look anywhere near as intelligent, mature or wise as you think it does.

I am not interested in argument, or debate. I find such things pointless and tedious.

Well, la-di-frickin-da! We’re all soooo impressed with your superiority.

Why did you post here again? Did you think you were going to necro a thread and get the last word in? Mic drop fail!

8 years ago

Is it really any better than the websites it lampoons on the level of it’s intellectual honesty, focus on issues, or general credibility?

Yes, it is, because here we are laughing at MRAs and antifeminists. We aren’t advocating violence be done against them as MRAs do women in general and feminists in particular regardless of gender. Occasionally a commenter might, and the rest of the commenters explain that violence is never an okay thing to wish on anyone, and David bans people who don’t get that.

8 years ago

Do you reckon this website helps or harms womens rights? That might be an interesting discussion, whatever ones view….

I reckon it does neither. This isn’t an activist group. We just hang out with each other, mock misogyny (and racism, homophobia, and transphobia), talk about kitties, and talk about popular culture. The vast majority of the population has no idea this site exists. Why does this site bother you so much? If you don’t like it, you don’t have to read or post here.

*idly wonders if this Aris socking*

8 years ago

This looks like searching for an argument. Sorry, I don’t waste my time arguing with strangers. I like discussions, exchanges, not arguments.