So I girded my loins, caffeined myself up, put on some really peppy music and waded back into the swamp that is #TheTriggering — the Twitter hashtag designed to give the internet’s biggest jerks an excuse to be even more jerky than usual.
Having spent a few hours slogging through the hashtag earlier today, I expected to find an endless number of wholly unoriginal, and wholly uninteresting Tweets posted by jerky jerks trying so hard to be offensive it was almost painful to watch. Almost painful, definitely boring.
Ah, but something about the hashtag had changed since I last looked in on it!
The tweets have gotten much less predictable, and a good deal stranger, so much so that the “serious” $TheTriggering Tweets are becoming harder and harder to tell from the deliberately surreal Tweets from puckish SJWs trolling the hashtag.
As far as I can figure it, the “serious” would-be triggerers have, after more than 20 hours of non-stop would-be triggering, simply run out of offensive things to say.
Seriously, how many times can you post “there are only two genders” before everyone gets thoroughly bored by this bit of edginess. Well, ok, a LOT, but never mind that for now, because my point is that the serious would-be triggerers have had to come up with brand-new things to offend people with.
And, well, they’re pretty hilariously bad at it.
Blue is not your colour.#TheTriggering
— SKELTER🇬🇧 (@SKELTER1SKELTER) March 10, 2016
Glaciers are not sexist you retards.#TheTriggering
— PewpSchute (@ThePewpschute) March 10, 2016
Meanwhile, others in the hashtag are descending into incoherence.
This guy kind of has a point, though.
And this guy is pretty good at parodying #TheTriggering Tweets.
Blind people just need to try harder. #TheTriggering
— Whatever Forever (@Scotch_Sailor) March 10, 2016
I just think we should be able to say "breasticles" at work, ok? #TheTriggering
— Whatever Forever (@Scotch_Sailor) March 10, 2016
Hey, he even made the same Trump steaks joke I made a few days ago:
@Ncoleycole @NatalieLanovill Are they made of real trump?
— David Futrelle (@DavidFutrelle) March 4, 2016
Trump steaks are made from genuine Trump, right?
— Whatever Forever (@Scotch_Sailor) March 5, 2016
Oh, sure, there are still some #TheTriggering Tweets that actually are kind of alarming.
And lots of standard-issue white supremacist crap.
But at this point the serious Tweets are giving way to Tweets that are just surreal. (And no, these aren’t all from SJWs trolling the hashtag.)
#thetriggering pic.twitter.com/usIXyTY0Hl
— Le SJW xD (@waifuscotland) March 10, 2016
Honestly, that’s the most terrifying thing I’ve seen so far in #TheTriggering.
I get what you mean, they’re not being original and what they say is nothing new. But I think there are some people who can’t deal with the content they spew quite well. I have avoided looking at the hashtag too much because I feel it could really be bad for me, because I don’t respond too well to verbal abuse (having dealt with verbal & emotional abuse in the past). It’s not that I’ve never been exposed to their bullshit ideas, it’s mostly the way they express them. Luckily, I have a browser extension installed which filters out sexist and homophobic/transphobic slurs. And those people actually made it easier to ignore them by posting it under a special hashtag. What I mean is that, no matter how unoriginal their ideas are, there are people who can be triggered by them, because they stay harmful.
I’ve been thinking about this #thetriggering thing and I still don’t get why it would be a good idea to try and troll someone in a way that makes it really easy for the potential victims of such trolling to just avoid you alltogether.
Sure they did think that using a hashtag to clearly mark their content would make it easy to spot and to avoid?
(And also to troll you back in return)
I’m not surprised they ran out of steam. I would think after awhile, posting nonstop garbage thoughts would get really tiresome and lose its appeal. Like when Grandpappy catches you smoking and makes you smoke an entire pack of cigarettes till you turn green and throw up.
@ Chiara,
I think in their minds the SJWs trawl the internet looking to be offended.
@ Msexceptiontotherule
Now I have that song in my head. It’ll probably be there all day.
I know this isn’t immediately related, but why the hell was Clementine Ford banned from Facebook for posting some of her haters’ messages to her – which were subsequently found (for whatever baffling reason) to not constitute hate speech?
That doesn’t even make sense, ignoring the fact that the messages are indeed full of hate. She didn’t add anything to the conversation… just reposted.
Also, I’m not surprised that #TheTriggering descended into surrealism. Such things always do.
You are right.
And I should probably stop trying to apply any kind of logic to things like #thetriggering, because it just doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.
It makes sense if the primary purpose was not to offend your ostensible targets, but rather to show off to your fellow garbage people. Competitive dick-waving.
Okay, that hotdog and ‘shooped Trump pic are actually pretty terrifying. In this “lift a rock and shine light underneath it” or “gotta save this pic and forward it to a buddy so we both can go EWWWW at it” manner.
Oh, let me add a counter-troll…
“USA: 2nd Amendment needs to be amended to null and void.” #TheTriggering
Ah you’re right, should have worded that a little better. But they are acting as if what they are saying is totally original, totally new and shocking, etc. As if nobody has never, ever said the things they are saying. As if they don’t say those things on a daily basis.
Also, I’m not sure if they actually know what the word “triggering” means. They probably just think it means saying whatever nasty thing you can think of to get some kind of reaction/make SJWs angry.
>toothpaste hotdog
Exactly. #TheTriggering is an own goal. They’ve decided to protest trigger warnings by putting what amounts to a trigger warning on everything they say.
Also, to clarify, when I said “nobody is triggered by this bullshit” I meant the very stupid stuff like “The ghostbusters trailer sucked” and things like that. Not more harmful things like sexist/racist/homophobic/transphobic slurs, because obviously a lot of people are triggered by those. Should have worded it better and made it clearer, I know. My mistake.
I enjoyed being a girl. #TheTriggering
Now I enjoy being a woman. #TheTriggering
Penis envy: It’s a guy thing. #TheTriggering
A man doesn’t have the right to a woman’s attention. #TheTriggering
Guys: Want a girlfriend? Brush your teeth. Get a job. #TheTriggering
Feminist Frequency have a new video series seeking crowdfunding! #TheTriggering
Ordinary Women: Daring to Defy History
Read about it here.
Sounds like it could be interesting!
I guess they think “triggers” are an SJW invention made up just to silence their freedom of speech. At least that’s what I’ve gathered so far 😀
This is the real Confederate flag. #TheTriggering
I think you’re right. If they actually took the time to know what it meant, they would realize that hashtagging it would have the opposite effect intended, considering people could easily avoid their garbage. But of course they aren’t that smart.
And as others have said, they probably think SJWs are just scrolling endlessly through the internets looking for something to be outraged by.
bedding accessories are a men’s rights issue
Barack Obama is the best President we’ve ever had #TheTriggering
I think the biggest takeaway here for me was that edge lords know neither what a trigger is nor how to be edgy.
I bombarded the mighty triggerers with peace, love and flowers and I got messages to stop, I was ruining their hashtag!!! 🙂
So much for “free speech day”
Barack Obama being a president notable is subject to discussion to me.
He is black, but TBH it’s not a huge thing to me, nor a proof that black people aren’t racised yet, just one of numerous sign that racism is fading.
He did good things for social security, but mostly was blocked everywhere in social issues, and continued the Bush foreign policy.
I guess he wasn’t bad ? But I will have trouble forgiving the robotic death squads.
Also, my native language slipped, so it’s “a notable president” in english.
Fun game : find what is my native language. (I guess there is a lot of options if you base yourself only on that error)