#gamergate antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA trigger warning twitter

The Top Ten Things I Learned from the Twitter Tantrum that is #TheTriggering (So Far)

Well, at least they're TRYING
Well, at least they’re trying

Today is the day of the Twitter tantrum known as #TheTriggering, a contrived hashtag in which the Internet’s biggest jerks have decided to post crap that is slightly more jerky than the crap they usually post.

I’ve been poking around in the hashtag for a couple of hours and I have to say it’s pretty underwhelming. There’s a great deal of highly predictable racism, transphobia, and misogyny. There are anime-avatarred fat shamersAnita Sarkeesian haters pitching fits, Trump fans joking about the Holocaust, and even a few Men’s Rights activists. The hashtag reeks of undeserved self-satisfaction.

The only genuinely funny or original Tweets in the hashtag come from the feminists and other so-called Social Justice Warriors who’ve crashed the party with Tweets intended to trigger the triggerers.

And yet I have somehow managed to find a few lessons in all of this. And so, without further ado, here are The Top Ten Things I’ve Learned from the Twitter Tantrum that is #TheTriggering (So Far).

1) Fat haters don’t proofread their tweets very carefully:

2) And neither do racists:

3) Blah blah blah blah blah blah vaginas

4) Blah blah blah blah blah blah cucks

5) There’s a weird overlap between #TheTriggering participants and dudes who almost certainly did very poorly on the analogies questions on the SAT

6) There’s also a weird overlap between Trump supporters, castration advocates, revenge porn lovers, and haters of Marilyn Monroe. That overlap calls himself “Riv.”

7) Words can’t hurt you …

8) Except when they can

9) Bernie Sanders may be a slackjawed grocery-store farter

10) It’s somehow unfair for the media to point out offensive tweets in a hashtag devoted to posting offensive tweets

I imagine I will learn more lessons from #TheTriggering before the day is done.


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8 years ago

@John Seavey

Wait wait wait wait wait…can we go back to #5 for a second? Because it seems like the person is stating that it’s inconsiderate to breastfeed a baby in a restaurant when the staff is perfectly happy to sell you their breast milk. I mean, I’m not definitively saying this is inaccurate, only that I’ve never heard of it…

Breast milk as a commodity. There is, or was, a brand of breast milk ice cream. Much to the fascination of the Daily [Hate] Mail:

Would YOU eat ice-cream made from breast milk? Campaigner joins forces with dessert makers to create controversial treat just in time for the royal birth

However, can’t see parents going into cafes and ordering up a bottle of house breast milk, with a shot of espresso and a double frappuccino, somehow. It’s a really bad analogy that probably reveals just how little the writer actually understands about the whole process of raising and looking after a child.

8 years ago

Then there’s breast milk lollipops

comment image

8 years ago

If it were a restaurant that sold breast milk and you brought in your own breast milk, I might indeed agree that you were being pretty rude and they might reasonably have a no-outside-breast-milk policy.

8 years ago


Don’t think there are any such restaurants. Going in in with a thermos of your own coffee and a pack of your own sandwiches. That would be rude. Feeding your own child with your own milk. That’s nature.

Even if it was formula. That child needs to be fed. Well within the realm of possibility to ask for the bottle to be warmed up.

8 years ago

Didn’t it occur to any of these people that attaching “TheTriggering” to any of these statements is an instant clue for women reading it that they are purposefully being badgered, so kind of counterproductive…They did better “triggering us” when it wasn’t obviously intentional, and it this point, we are all so clued in to the whole thing that even if they didn’t attach that hashtag, most of us just sit back and giggle at their ridiculousness. I actually just decided that if behaving and thinking the way they do is the best they can do in life, then feeling sorry for them is the best I can do back. Pathetic souls….

8 years ago

Looking after the health and welfare of a baby is not like going into even quite an up-market establishment, to grab a double espresso and a bagel with cream cheese.

Baby’s are surprisingly fragile and special rules apply when it comes to looking after them.

That’s also why you should never get between a mother cow and her young calf.

8 years ago


#TheFriggering tag is probably more to signal to fellow #friggerati just how smart they all are. Otherwise, they might not recognize each other’s witty twittery bon mots and oh-so shocking comments.

8 years ago

The First Lady causes boners across the USA

4channers, you are baffling.

Melania Trump is 45 years old.

Didn’t she “hit the wall” 15 to 20 years ago?!

8 years ago


First time reader, cring factor and Social Justice Whacko vibe too high, last time reader as well. 🙁

Bye! 🙂

8 years ago

First time reader, cring factor and Social Justice Whacko vibe too high, last time reader as well. 🙁

This is me, weeping for the loss of you.×800.jpg

8 years ago

Bina, you seem so sincere in your sorrow.

Alas, we shall never, ever recover. Let me go prepare to play a sad melody to show our bereavement at the loss.

My instrument will be this:

8 years ago

The First Lady causes boners across the USA

4channers, you are baffling.

Melania Trump is 45 years old.

Maybe they thought Ivanka Trump would be Trump’s first lady? To be fair, Trump has made the same mistake.

8 years ago

Oh woe is me, how shall I ever recover from these poorly written “triggers” from men who I don’t care about and whose tweets expose a lack of basic understanding of feminism and life in general and reek of pathetic sad sacking. How shall I ever continue about my day? Alas and alack!

8 years ago

Gadzooks! Could it be…the world’s smallest contrabass from Contrapangloss?

Meanwhile, for lack of a more appropriate hanger to dangle this from, looky what I found:

It seems applicable to all threads concerning the Tiggering.

PS: Pretty sure Descartes did NOT actually say that, but I’m snickering anyway.

8 years ago

Oh bloody hell its not like they’re getting much attention with this nonsense, MSM probably assumes (if they notice at all) it’s just an especially emotional and moody day for these twits.

Sad, untriggering, small and petty, they all are.

8 years ago

The trolls that popped in just weren’t that interesting. And what is the point of a single post simply saying you’re never reading again and leaving? Do they have a fantasy that David’s going to read it, burst into tears at the thought that douchetroll number 38403 (who totally would have been a loyal fan and jumped to the side of feminists if the the site was just an undefined smidge less “social justice warriory”) won’t be reading anymore? Cause they’re obviously the intended audience.

8 years ago

“Smart #TheTriggering tweets”

All the lolz.

Lukas Xavier
Lukas Xavier
8 years ago

Breastfeeding your baby in a restaurant is the same as taking your own booze into a pub

I thought the punchline was going to be “you should hide it under your coat”. That would at least have made some sense.

8 years ago

Aristotle said some interesting things about the Spartans. Apparently the fall of Sparta was entirely down to the male citizens falling under the sway of their wives, who just wanted to lie around all day and eat bonbons, or something.

Aristotle: MRA!

8 years ago

“Words cant hurt you, it’s your choice if you are childish enough to let them bother you”
-Say the same people who are clearly bothered by the word “trigger”

8 years ago

Is there a hashtag SniggeringAtTheTriggering?

occasional reader
occasional reader
8 years ago


Words cant hurt you

Yeah, and grammar too, as you do not seem to let it bother you…

Have a nice day.

8 years ago

The media will ignore the 99.99% of smart #TheTriggering tweets and write about the tiny fraction of ones that are actually racist.

To be fair, this is probably true. Then again, it’s fairly easy to ignore 100% of nothing.

8 years ago

idk if anyone noticed (or cares), but the girl in @FuckTwatter001’s profile pic is Mariya Babko, aka Masha, a famous child porn actress. similarly @TheConfused007 has pedobear in his avatar… wonder if this is just a coincidence, or is Trump popular with cp fans?

Dr. Thang
Dr. Thang
8 years ago


Yeah, I noticed that too but was kinda afraid to point it out. I’m sure using profile pics like that is just their attempt to be the absolute edgiest, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they actually do watch that stuff just to be even edgier than the edgiest of the edge, cause that’s totally not sad and pathetic at all.