#gamergate antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA trigger warning twitter

The Top Ten Things I Learned from the Twitter Tantrum that is #TheTriggering (So Far)

Well, at least they're TRYING
Well, at least they’re trying

Today is the day of the Twitter tantrum known as #TheTriggering, a contrived hashtag in which the Internet’s biggest jerks have decided to post crap that is slightly more jerky than the crap they usually post.

I’ve been poking around in the hashtag for a couple of hours and I have to say it’s pretty underwhelming. There’s a great deal of highly predictable racism, transphobia, and misogyny. There are anime-avatarred fat shamersAnita Sarkeesian haters pitching fits, Trump fans joking about the Holocaust, and even a few Men’s Rights activists. The hashtag reeks of undeserved self-satisfaction.

The only genuinely funny or original Tweets in the hashtag come from the feminists and other so-called Social Justice Warriors who’ve crashed the party with Tweets intended to trigger the triggerers.

And yet I have somehow managed to find a few lessons in all of this. And so, without further ado, here are The Top Ten Things I’ve Learned from the Twitter Tantrum that is #TheTriggering (So Far).

1) Fat haters don’t proofread their tweets very carefully:

2) And neither do racists:

3) Blah blah blah blah blah blah vaginas

4) Blah blah blah blah blah blah cucks

5) There’s a weird overlap between #TheTriggering participants and dudes who almost certainly did very poorly on the analogies questions on the SAT

6) There’s also a weird overlap between Trump supporters, castration advocates, revenge porn lovers, and haters of Marilyn Monroe. That overlap calls himself “Riv.”

7) Words can’t hurt you …

8) Except when they can

9) Bernie Sanders may be a slackjawed grocery-store farter

10) It’s somehow unfair for the media to point out offensive tweets in a hashtag devoted to posting offensive tweets

I imagine I will learn more lessons from #TheTriggering before the day is done.


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8 years ago

“Feminism is Cancer”, reads the shirt of a man holding up a copy of Who Stole Feminism?

Dude, are you asking who stole CANCER? Because that makes a shitload of sense.

Also, it just so figures that he can’t resist posing in front of literally the world’s ugliest flag.

8 years ago

I personally love 300, despite all the problems with Miller and the actual Spartans because I’m a total sucker for “Worlds of Ham” in movies, I find it simultaneously awesome and hilarious.

8 years ago

@Snork maiden
Sort of. After a while they ran out of neighbors who they could militarily dominate and enslave to do all the actual work of keeping society going, so they started hiring out as mercenaries. Absent the social pressure of being surrounded by Spartan culture, most of them basically ditched the Spartan asceticism, married locals, and stayed. This, of course, reduced both the number of warriors and the number of potential future warriors back home, and eventually one of the helot (serf/slave) rebellions succeeded, and the mercenaries didn’t have anywhere left to go home to anyway.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ snork maiden

The latter history of Sparta isn’t all that clear. Basically though the world changed around them. When the Romans conquered Greece they left the Spartans alone. Sparta actually became a Roman tourist attraction popular with the military for obvious reasons. The Romans invited the Spartans along on some of their campaigns against the Persians; probably just to ‘cash in’ on Sparta’s history and reputation in that regard. But with Rome being the only super power in the Mediterranean and pretty much reigning supreme, Sparta effectively became an irrelevancy.

ETA: if you’re familiar with the ‘Museum Fremen’ in the Dune series, that’s a good analogy for what the Spartans became.

8 years ago

I’m starting to think they actually think that this boring crap is triggering to us. They live is such a fantasy land that a trigger isn’t an involuntary reaction to something that brings up an association to a traumatic event, but simply a person expressing gross beliefs (not that those can’t sometimes be triggering). Basically, they think being triggered is the same as…what, disagreeing? Disliking something? Finding something unpleasant?

Just more evidence that they’ve never bothered to learn the basics of anything they’ve decided to tske a stance against.

8 years ago

In defense of the Egyptians, Monzach, that was a royal thing, regular Egyptians didn’t do that. Also, women in Egypt had waaaay less shit to put up with than most places, including Athens.

I find “300” a useful film. When I’m wargaming and someone has a “300” reference in their profile, I know I’m dealing with a cheet-oh.

Dr. Thang
Dr. Thang
8 years ago

I don’t get the point of this whole thing, is it so that people who have delusions of being the Joker get to have delusions of being Bane for a day? Either way, they’re still just narcissistic manbabies who think throwing angry tantrums on the internet has some major impact on the world, just like every other day.
Oh, and it looks like I’m not the only one who doesn’t get the point of this whole thing, that last guy thinks a twitter hashtag dedicated solely to saying the most offensive things you can think of is going to have a lot of smart tweets and only a tiny handful of racist ones. What world are you living on dude?

8 years ago

Mathew Smith ‎@footbrawler

Hitler was misunderstood, Trump is misunderstood, all you liberal cucks are latinophobes, nver talk about moving to Mexico

I don’t… I mean, I do appreciate, as others have pointed out, the inherent honesty of admitting that we can put Trump and Hitler in the same category, after all (actually, I think Trump has more in common with Mussolini, overall). But the second part of that… Is it because people make cracks about moving to Canada if Trump wins? Because seriously, that’s a pretty major logic fail. Mexico is not a center-left country, even in the parts that haven’t fallen into anarchy (in large part due to the corrupting effects of U.S. drug policy). Canada is. I’ll cheerfully move anywhere the government is like Canada’s if Trump wins.

8 years ago

Mathew Smith ‎@footbrawler

Hitler was misunderstood, Trump is misunderstood, all you liberal cucks are latinophobes, nver talk about moving to Mexico

Snurk. Meanwhile, a friend of mine, born and raised in western New York, HAS moved to Mexico, and has been there for years.

And, in spite of all that’s wrong there, he prefers it to where he came from. So much so, in fact, that he wrote several books on Mexican history.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ Dr Thang

delusions of being Bane for a day

I haven’t seen the Batman film but I have watched the various Bane clips (I just love the way Tom Hardy speaks). Isn’t Bane a bit of an SJW? His whole thing appears to be taking on the privileged classes on behalf of the underdogs. It seems he’s also quite deferential towards a woman who’s actually in charge. I think MRAs who use him as a role model are missing the point of the character somewhat.

8 years ago


Yes, I actually have seen people thinking that that is what it means.

I figure it’s basically a result of the big antifeminist echo chamber where they share factoids (the original definition) about feminism. Feminists whine about everything; feminists whine about insignificant things; feminists say that things they want to avoid are “triggering”, etc. I can see it eventually glomming together into “Feminists want to avoid every insignificant thing they dislike by calling it triggering.”

8 years ago

While Egyptian royalty married in the family for the most part both the king and queen slept with their conqubines, and would just claim it was their relatives kid.
Also to the whole Athens invented democracy thing, they really didnt. It arose independently in a lot of countries and I would argue modern democracy is closer to Rome’s. Athens also had a habit of killing her heros and ran an empire where only it’s (vary narrowly defined citzens) could vote.

Leighanna Rose
8 years ago

I’ve been using my ironic meme page to take apart some of the White Supremacist shit I’ve been seeing in the tag. Really, it’s about opportunism for bigots, not “Free speech”.

8 years ago

Dalillama and Alan:

It’s partly true that Sparta declined because its men broke down spectacularly outside of the agoge system, either going native or becoming monsters. If nothing else, that kept it from developing the empire that would have allowed its society to grow and change like Athens did.

However, a bigger part, in my own reading, was that Sparta built itself to be perfect for war and then war began to change. So long as the supreme form of combat was strong men standing in a line and pushing each other, with occasional pokes from spears, until one side fell down and ran away, Sparta was king of the hill, but then Athens started using javelineers that exploited the hoplite phalanx’s lack of mobility, Thebes started stacking its flanks and using oblique advances to disrupt the customary clash of the phalanxes, and Macedon started using hammer-and-anvil tactics with its cavalry. Sparta copied all of these advances, albeit reluctantly and without much success in the lattermost case owing to the lack of good horse country in the Peloponnese, but each of them took it further away from its expertise and, by the time of Alexander, it was no longer anything particularly special in terms of warfare (and, therefore, no longer something to be feared or even noticed). The Romans, great lovers of tradition and history as long as both flattered them, paid a lot of respect to Sparta in their conquest of Greece, but it really did become the “Museum Fremen” of the ancient world.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
8 years ago

Finally bit the bullet and had a look at the hashtag. It’s just silly. I just can’t put it any better than that. It’s just… I mean I know I’m supposed to be insulted and incensed but instead but it’s less ‘Goebels meets Dr Doom’ and more more ’embarrassing grandparent’.

8 years ago


Yeah, Dark Knight Rises!Bane (he, like many adaptations, isn’t really the same character from the comics) is really big on the idea that the rich and powerful need to be punished. Though it’s implied that he’s only doing it as a means to keep the populace of Gotham from wanting to rebel against the martial law he’s instituted.

As for him being deferential to a woman, there’s not a big pay off for that. She’s only revealed like, ten minutes from the ending and then dies four minutes later.

8 years ago

Feminism is cancer?

Actually, I’m a Gemini. Feminism is Gemini. Get it right, doods!

8 years ago

I’m a Leo. Therefore, feminism is a Leo, too.

(preens mane)

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago


I’m a Gemini as well, so now there’s a pair of us here! As it should be.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
8 years ago

What if they gave offense, but nobody came?

John Seavey
8 years ago

Wait wait wait wait wait…can we go back to #5 for a second? Because it seems like the person is stating that it’s inconsiderate to breastfeed a baby in a restaurant when the staff is perfectly happy to sell you their breast milk. I mean, I’m not definitively saying this is inaccurate, only that I’ve never heard of it…

8 years ago

Basically, they think being triggered is the same as…what, disagreeing? Disliking something? Finding something unpleasant?

@kupo, I think it’s “This thing doesn’t bother me, therefore anyone who is bothered by it is a cuck/bitch/slur-of-the-day.” Things that do bother them are important, of course, but anything that they’re okay with should be absolutely fine.

The brain models other people by examining its own model, and then modifies that according to stereotypes and individual knowledge. I’d suggest that these people build their stereotypes to make them feel better about themselves instead of building them to create an accurate model of the world. Sort of like object permanence with toddlers, they aren’t able to accurately model brains other than their own.

Skulking edgelords and hovering neocons may correct my analysis if they feel so inclined.

Vivien Eressac
Vivien Eressac
8 years ago

First (or second?) time commenter here (but I’ve been following for about a year).

I’ll be a bit (a lot) out of subject, but I just clicked on a post from December 5, 2011 (about a funny video where K. Heigl says she hates balls: and I read the “hilarious” comments of a certain “Arks”. He says, among other thins, that each time a woman refuses to have sex with a man, she’s killing him (= his genes) and that the only solution would be to take away their agency (legalize rape). Not only his ideas but also the way he writes is incredibly reminiscent of Roosh V: I wonder if it was ever discussed here? (I looked but can’t seem to find anything).

Anyway, great job reporting on the latest redpillers shenanigans: I really love the “Triggering TheTriggering” tweets I read. And, of course, as usual, redpillers don’t have a single funny bone in their body.

8 years ago

Only thing that got me is that the guy whose Twitter name is “All Women are Wh*res” seems to have a child as his profile pic. Fucking ew. So many fucked up implications.

Dr. Thang
Dr. Thang
8 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

That’s true, but we all know MRAs aren’t very good at getting the point of things. I was just thinking about how the Joker was all about causing chaos for the sake of chaos while Bane was all about causing destruction for a greater purpose, so if these trolls think their daily internet rantings are the equivalent of Joker level chaos (which they do, because they are just that delusional), they must think they are more like Bane now, causing some kinda revolution through the epic destruction that is their whiny little tweets.
I’ve dealt with trolls like this many times, they are so desperate to believe that everything they do causes some huge impact because they are afraid of being irrelevant, the same fear that seems to be the driving force behind all MRAs and far right extremists.