#gamergate antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA trigger warning twitter

The Top Ten Things I Learned from the Twitter Tantrum that is #TheTriggering (So Far)

Well, at least they're TRYING
Well, at least they’re trying

Today is the day of the Twitter tantrum known as #TheTriggering, a contrived hashtag in which the Internet’s biggest jerks have decided to post crap that is slightly more jerky than the crap they usually post.

I’ve been poking around in the hashtag for a couple of hours and I have to say it’s pretty underwhelming. There’s a great deal of highly predictable racism, transphobia, and misogyny. There are anime-avatarred fat shamersAnita Sarkeesian haters pitching fits, Trump fans joking about the Holocaust, and even a few Men’s Rights activists. The hashtag reeks of undeserved self-satisfaction.

The only genuinely funny or original Tweets in the hashtag come from the feminists and other so-called Social Justice Warriors who’ve crashed the party with Tweets intended to trigger the triggerers.

And yet I have somehow managed to find a few lessons in all of this. And so, without further ado, here are The Top Ten Things I’ve Learned from the Twitter Tantrum that is #TheTriggering (So Far).

1) Fat haters don’t proofread their tweets very carefully:

2) And neither do racists:

3) Blah blah blah blah blah blah vaginas

4) Blah blah blah blah blah blah cucks

5) There’s a weird overlap between #TheTriggering participants and dudes who almost certainly did very poorly on the analogies questions on the SAT

6) There’s also a weird overlap between Trump supporters, castration advocates, revenge porn lovers, and haters of Marilyn Monroe. That overlap calls himself “Riv.”

7) Words can’t hurt you …

8) Except when they can

9) Bernie Sanders may be a slackjawed grocery-store farter

10) It’s somehow unfair for the media to point out offensive tweets in a hashtag devoted to posting offensive tweets

I imagine I will learn more lessons from #TheTriggering before the day is done.


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8 years ago

Hitler was misunderstood, Trump is misunderstood

Um, if you’re saying that Trump is in fact like Hitler, then OK, but I thought you folks got upset when we said that…

Paul Cavanaugh
Paul Cavanaugh
8 years ago

I found it more than a little amusing that the replies to your “trigger the triggerers” example are a lot more scathing than the original tweet.

This is the best you’ve got?

8 years ago

You just posted a couple of comments and slapped labels on them according to your subjective take…eat shit, useless moron!

8 years ago

These tweets just reek of trying too hard. I’m not really offended more like sad and shaking my head in pity at these poor souls.

Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
8 years ago

#TheTriggering: Just when you think MRAs can’t get any dumber…

8 years ago

I don’t know why I find this entire thing absolutely hilarious. The idea that these people are vile all day, every day, so there’s nothing special about their vileness today, is what seems to be catching me.

Also people tweeting stuff meant to trigger them right back.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

They’re like a toddler shitting in the pool and giggling about it. Except the pool was already full of shit, because it’s Twitter.

8 years ago

Saw people suggesting a counter-movement by way of parody in David’s last post. Already got one going from my old Milo pisstake account:

Couldn’t resist stealing some of the suggestions, they were quality.

Atlas Earth
8 years ago

“The media will ignore the 99.99% of smart #TheTriggering tweets and write about the tiny fraction of ones that are actually racist.”

Why isn’t anybody taking our shitposting seriously?!?!?!

8 years ago

I can’t decide if we are expecting too much from the people who think this hashtag is clever or too little. I almost pity them…almost.

8 years ago

Oh yes, FuckTwatter001 sounds like an expert on Aztec culture, I’ll be subscribing to their newsletter.

If anyone’s bored, Jenny Trout’s been playing with them for a few hours, gotten some laughs out of that.

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
8 years ago

Trying to figure out what makes these hateful losers tick is like sticking your hand in an unflushed toilet.

Tabby Lavalamp
8 years ago

The Triggering: Business as usual, but just with a new hashtag.

8 years ago

What I learned from #thetriggering is that trans people exist because capitalism has raised our standard of living to the point where transition is affordable and that an economic crisis would cause trans people to reevaluate their priorities. I also learned, from the same guy, that it’s unreasonable to characterize that attitude as wishing harm on total strangers.

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
8 years ago

99% of these attention whores really make the rest look bad, you know?

Care meter initializing…….

Care meter failed to initialize.

8 years ago

I really do wonder when these folks are gonna get over Anita Sarkeesian, et. al. But I guess this is what happens when folks wrap-up big chunks of their identity in fostering scorn for particular people.

Tabby Lavalamp
8 years ago

MD appears to be outraged over this post. Does that make xir an SJW?

8 years ago

“the tiny fraction that is actually racist”

there is not enough laughing-until-I-cry emojii in the entire internet for this.

8 years ago

I eagerly await the moment when MD returns to explain the objective and totally coherent interpretation of these tweets. I have no doubt whatsoever that this happy event will take place momentarily.

8 years ago

Thank you for helping me to be able to laugh at this 🙂

8 years ago

MD: I can’t tell if you meant that as a parody or not. Well done.

Dr. NicolaLuna
Dr. NicolaLuna
8 years ago

Shitposter: I hate PC culture. People shouldn’t be so sensitive.

Same shitposter: waaaaah you generalised white, cis men. That’s not faaaiirrrrrr.

Yeah, nice try, shitposters. All you’ve done here is demonstrate that you’re really shitty people. Like, do you even understand what triggering means? That someone has been through something traumatic and is reminded of it. Do you let off firecrackers behind veterans? Or is it just rape survivors and victims of hate crime that you find it funny to further victimise because your privilege makes you statistically unlikely to go through what they’ve been through?

Never mind, I’ve answered my own question.

8 years ago

I hope we get at least one quality troll out of this instead of just drive-bys.

8 years ago

You’re a humanist and not a feminist?
Sarkeesian is both. Check mate, gamer-goobers!

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Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Judas Peckerwood | March 9, 2016 at 1:36 pm
Trying to figure out what makes these hateful losers tick is like sticking your hand in an unflushed toilet.

But there might be a wallet with a safe code in there!

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