The terrible people who devote much of their lives to being jerks to other people on Twitter and elsewhere online have come up with a brilliant plan to defeat the “Social Justice Warriors” they so despise:
They’re going to be jerks to people on Twitter and elsewhere online, possibly even more than they already are, over the course of the next couple of days (March 9th and 10th). They’re calling it #TheTriggering, because, of course they are.
As someone calling himself TheFoolAndTheWorld explains on the anti-SJW site Age of Shitlords,
Our freedom of speech is under attack from cultural Marxists who seek to subvert us. Well, as The Addams Family said…”we gladly feast on the flesh of those who seek to subdue us” 🙂 That is why on March 9th and 10th, to fight political correctness, and to celebrate the return of Lauren Southern’s profile, we shitlords around the world will conduct the annual event known as #TheTriggering on all forms of social media.
#TheTriggering is the brainchild of Lauren Southern, an antifeminist activist/”journalist” whose activism seems to mostly consist of being a jerk to feminists. She first became something of an icon in the internet’s jerk community last year after she showed up at a slutwalk in Vancouver proudly holding a sign reading “There is no rape culture in the West.”
Since then she’s enhanced her jerkface cred by posting the sort of obnoxious stuff that can get you suspended from Twitter and Facebook, and she’s managed to get at least one temporary suspension from Facebook, and perhaps one or more from Twitter. (You can look it up, I guess, I didn’t bother.)
Southern popped into the news again a few days ago after someone who’s not a fan of her poured a bottle of something — Southern says it was piss — on her head. (Which is, I should note, a pretty crappy thing to do, despite Southern’s confirmed jerkiness.)
She first proposed the idea of The Triggering in a Tweet last September:
She later settled on March 9th as the date for the, er, event, as it’s “the day after international Women’s day and the day before Osama Bin Laden’s Birthday.”
Her fans, at least, are psyched.
I'm just not sure what I'm going to say on #thetriggering . There is just so many idiots I want to offend. It's going to be like Christmas.
— Lyudmila Mykhailovna (@EmilyDavisonSuf) March 7, 2016
So human rights. Such ethics.
The wonderful thing about tiggers!
Is tiggers are wonderful things!
I’d rather deal with a tigger than a redpiller any day of the week, despite how exhausting tiggers can be.
Omg. Yes. I want to post all the Tiggers now.
Ok, this seals it. We need memes of Milo ending with “thanks, feminists” in the vein of “thanks, Obama.”

“The film ‘The Matrix’ was made by two women. #redpill #TheTriggering”
It’s a bit of a cliche to suggest kids books are covert drug tomes but I have a copy of “What does Tigger like?” in which it transpires Tigger likes “Roo’s special medicine” because it “makes him so bouncy”.
That is brilliant! Flood Twitter with tigger pics. I’m in!
Holy shit, that entire site is 24 karat gold. Love it.
Ahmigah, #TheTiggering would be so, so much better than this stupid hashtag that actually exists on the twitters.
Someone here said it best, in an earlier thread. These twitter clowns; It’s not about offending anyone, or actually believing what they’re saying. It’s about giggling at their own jokes.
It’s sort of funny, really. They mock “libs” for talking about progressive things as virtue signalling instead of actually caring about the things; meanwhile all they’re doing is … malus signalling? That works I guess. They’re just blathering on with their insults to declare which side of the fence they’re on. “I don’t care about things, other people need to take care of their own problems, I’m a big strong person what can take care of myself, I’m tough, you’re weak.” So boring.
@Stephanie back on page 2; I am not going to argue with all of your wall of bafflegab. I’ll just say – if you go around thinking that your average adult hasn’t heard about a first-year-philosophy-concept like Stoicism, you’re likely woefully and undeservedly sure of your own intellectual superiority.
I guarantee you, your comment (dissertation that it was) added nothing that we have not heard, provided no insights of wisdom we have not previously considered and integrated, and (as a bonus!) was poorly thought-out, badly constructed, and transparently biased.
Try again!
A first page comment from “Bob”:
“I’m totally behind this hashtag if it’s used to promote the transphobic and misogynistic ideas I personally hold. If it’s used to promote bigotry I don’t personally subscribe to, well, that’s just not on.”
Ok I’m doing it with
And yet you pathetic trolls and crybabies are so solipsistic that you can’t see how you’re further justifying the need for this every time you open your mouths.
@SFHC Point & Clickbait is amazing 😀 I like http://www.pointandclickbait.com/2015/11/female-gamers-outnumber-male-gamers/
It sounds like this post has upset the trolls. They seem more triggered than any of us.
We snooze, you lose. Go wipe your troll tears with Donald Trump’s toupee.
I’m seriously wondering… do they think being a “shitlord” is good and “virtue” is bad? I’ve never seen a supposed belief system that has so totally given up on framing things in self-beneficial way.
BRB, sarcasm is dripping over and I gotta mop it up.
Point and Clickbait is amazing. How had I not come across this before?
Omg. Point and Clickbait is my new favorite site. God fucking bless.
Weird, point and clickbait doesn’t work for me over WiFi but does work over 4G. Good stuff, though.
I think that’s a DNS issue
“War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength.”
*sigh* 1984 was not supposed to be a how-to manual.
Mallory Ortberg designed the most effective and elegant anti-troll protocol that I’ve ever seen, and I can’t believe it hasn’t caught on. When some blogger or other wrote thoroughly unpleasant things about her, she politely implored her fans to flood the page with quotes from PG Wodehouse. She called it “Wodehousing”
So any and all bile in the article and comments was flooded out with out-of-context, highly mannered british comedy. LIke:
“Unseen in the background, Fate was quietly slipping lead into the boxing-glove.”
It was brilliant. The trolls don’t know what to do with it. It doesn’t feed them, it doesn’t make them madder, it doesn’t contribute to the cesspool of rage. It just makes all the hatred and bile and unpleasantness look… really funny.
Anybody up for Wodehousing this hashtag?
That works but at the cost of preventing real discussion too. In the case of this hashtag there isn’t any real discussion to be crowded out, but trolling against trolling is often suboptimal.
I pledge allegiance
to the hashtag
for offending sjws,
and to the reactionary mindset
for which it stands
one hierarchy,
with liberty and justice
for us.
The hashtag doesn’t seem to be trending much. When I started typing it in, a bunch of other topics popped up first.
I’m in the camp of those who are asking “Why? Why spend your precious time like this? Why not put that into something positive?”
And on another topic, aren’t all those stories that start “I used to be a liberal/whatever… and then I changed my mind” so convincing? /sarc/
Especially when they go on to use words like SJW as well as miss the point of certain topics.
Anyway, would you really abandon a political view because for such a small thing like trigger warnings and safe spaces?