The terrible people who devote much of their lives to being jerks to other people on Twitter and elsewhere online have come up with a brilliant plan to defeat the “Social Justice Warriors” they so despise:
They’re going to be jerks to people on Twitter and elsewhere online, possibly even more than they already are, over the course of the next couple of days (March 9th and 10th). They’re calling it #TheTriggering, because, of course they are.
As someone calling himself TheFoolAndTheWorld explains on the anti-SJW site Age of Shitlords,
Our freedom of speech is under attack from cultural Marxists who seek to subvert us. Well, as The Addams Family said…”we gladly feast on the flesh of those who seek to subdue us” 🙂 That is why on March 9th and 10th, to fight political correctness, and to celebrate the return of Lauren Southern’s profile, we shitlords around the world will conduct the annual event known as #TheTriggering on all forms of social media.
#TheTriggering is the brainchild of Lauren Southern, an antifeminist activist/”journalist” whose activism seems to mostly consist of being a jerk to feminists. She first became something of an icon in the internet’s jerk community last year after she showed up at a slutwalk in Vancouver proudly holding a sign reading “There is no rape culture in the West.”
Since then she’s enhanced her jerkface cred by posting the sort of obnoxious stuff that can get you suspended from Twitter and Facebook, and she’s managed to get at least one temporary suspension from Facebook, and perhaps one or more from Twitter. (You can look it up, I guess, I didn’t bother.)
Southern popped into the news again a few days ago after someone who’s not a fan of her poured a bottle of something — Southern says it was piss — on her head. (Which is, I should note, a pretty crappy thing to do, despite Southern’s confirmed jerkiness.)
She first proposed the idea of The Triggering in a Tweet last September:
She later settled on March 9th as the date for the, er, event, as it’s “the day after international Women’s day and the day before Osama Bin Laden’s Birthday.”
Her fans, at least, are psyched.
I'm just not sure what I'm going to say on #thetriggering . There is just so many idiots I want to offend. It's going to be like Christmas.
— Lyudmila Mykhailovna (@EmilyDavisonSuf) March 7, 2016
So human rights. Such ethics.
Yeah, because being offensive and harass others is quite a “way of life”. And because this kind of report is probably part of a dark conspiration (sorry, pleonasm).
(Nota : sorry, the article is in french, but the report is in english. Here the link to the report)
Have a nice day.
“No, climate change is not an elaborate hoax #TheTriggering”
“Making video games where every single woman is a runway model isn’t just sexist, it’s boring #TheTriggering”
“Obsessing over guns makes you look insecure #TheTriggering”
“Reddit is for thirty-somethings still mentally trapped in high school #TheTriggering”
“Legal abortion” is a dickish name for it, but I can actually see a place for such a policy. If someone wants to voluntarily declare themselves to be a bad parent and unfit to raise a child, then it’s probably not in the child’s best interest to stay with such a parent.
That shouldn’t be used as an excuse to welch on one’s responsibilities, of course, which is the context in which MRAs seem to want it.
@ EJ
“Legal Abortion” is a confusing name for it! I was surprised that they were so pro choice. It took me a while to figure out what they meant.
It’s just a way to legalize deadbeat dads.
“Bill Maher and Sam Harris are the same person. #TheTriggering”
Yeah, I agree. They’re trying to keep the perks of being an adult without also having to use those perks responsibly.
Their children deserve better than to have such fathers.
So I went to bed early last night, and during my time in slumberland a bunch of #triggering-ers showed up and made predictable comments here. I let some of them through just now, for the hell of it, so feel free to argue with them, or ignore them, or make fun of them.
If any of them start really misbehaving let me know and I will of course censor them like the evil SJW I am.
*reads trolling comments*
Fuckleheads gonna fuckle.
Oh dear.
1 – This is not America, the Internet is not America (hi from someone from Britain)
2 – No one here has said free speech isn’t legal
3 – “Get a spine” for looking at things that you’ve purposely shown to upset people? Choose one, do you want to upset people or do you want them not to react?
What people are doing here is telling others to avoid people like you – the same use of free speech that you want to defend. And if you want to post something just to be offensive, nobody here can stop you. You’re just kind of a shitbag.
David, I think you might have trigged the triggerers.
I love it when people on the internet think the internet is a physical place in the USA. :p
The Stephanie-troll defends Roosh on their blog. So predictable.
How #interesting. Hope you have a #goodtime.
It’s the Five Jewish Bankers! And their Death Star of David!
Amazing. Misunderstanding the blog title and in the same breath repeating the meme that gave rise to the blog title. :p
@various dipshits
Imaginary Petal
Policy of Madness
I apologize to the people of Sweden. I should’ve posted fuck anyone in sweden who is a big enough asshole to support this.
America has its Gohmerts and well just pointing out Gohmert is a years worth of stupid bullshit so that should be enough of an example.
I don’t know why I replied, really – it’s not as if any of them will come back. They just wanted to say their piece and then stomp off to post about International Men’s Day or something.
“Cultural marxism” means “Jewish”, doesn’t it – or is there more to it than that?
Wow, Stephanie, you were a “die hard liberal progressive” until not long ago, and now you’ve turned 180 degrees and embrace all of the right-wing talking points? You call Black Lives Matter a “thug” organization and at the same time laud David Duke for “never [having] called for violence” and for trying to make the KKK less violent?
Somehow, I doubt your claim. But, if true: good fucking riddance.
I’m also laughing a sad laugh at your suggestion that the left has “gone completely bonkers” lately, given the state of the Republican primaries and the things that the presumptive nominee has been saying for the last eight months.
Marx as a conspiracy by bankers to redistribute capital is really, really weird. The banks have substantial control on capital; why would they want to redistribute it — that means they *lose* control!
i remember being a child in the 90s and watching public TV. They would show a little screen that would last about 10 seconds, saying something along the lines of “The following broadcast contains images that may be upsetting to more sensitive viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.” Then, (Get THIS, internet!) the TV show would just go on as planned! No crybabies would piss themselves with rage that their freedom of speech had been destroyed forever, no mass protests at the injustice of it all, no twitter edgelords to get their delicate feelings hurt. “Viewer Discretion is Advised,” and then people that didn’t want to watch that stuff just didn’t watch that stuff.
Nowadays, the lingo has changed a little bit. We say “trigger warning” instead of “Viewer Discretion is Advised,” or “Content warning,” and suddenly it is the BIGGEST DEAL. If I am not exposed to content I don’t want to see with no warning, the TERRORISTS WIN. It is their RIGHT, as angry internet teenagers with bad attitudes, to force me to read their shitty racist temper tantrums against my will, and trigger warnings infringe on their rights. Wail wail, weep weep.
Plus, you know these people aren’t campaigning for free expression whenever there’s a campaign to stop censoring women’s nipples or breastfeeding or whatever. They’re A-OK with that censorship. It’s just their “right” to be a dick to people, unsolicited, with no warning, on any platform and in any place, with no consequences, that they will fight tooth and nail to protect.
Let’s be irritating fucks!
That will show them and do something!
This is the most boring hashtag ever so far. Nothing different than the same crap they post every other day. There’s a white supremacist posting that they should be allowed to celebrate their heritage and culture, an anti-immigration dude saying that foreigners should be expected to follow our laws, and a GGer saying that video game devs hate SJWs because one game once made a trigger warning joke. #TheBoredening
It’s basically “red-baiting” i.e. insinuating that someone is a communist. It’s a dog whistle for social justice of any sort but it has strong roots in anti-semitism.
Are thet tagging this content properly, or are they also spamming other tags?