The terrible people who devote much of their lives to being jerks to other people on Twitter and elsewhere online have come up with a brilliant plan to defeat the “Social Justice Warriors” they so despise:
They’re going to be jerks to people on Twitter and elsewhere online, possibly even more than they already are, over the course of the next couple of days (March 9th and 10th). They’re calling it #TheTriggering, because, of course they are.
As someone calling himself TheFoolAndTheWorld explains on the anti-SJW site Age of Shitlords,
Our freedom of speech is under attack from cultural Marxists who seek to subvert us. Well, as The Addams Family said…”we gladly feast on the flesh of those who seek to subdue us” 🙂 That is why on March 9th and 10th, to fight political correctness, and to celebrate the return of Lauren Southern’s profile, we shitlords around the world will conduct the annual event known as #TheTriggering on all forms of social media.
#TheTriggering is the brainchild of Lauren Southern, an antifeminist activist/”journalist” whose activism seems to mostly consist of being a jerk to feminists. She first became something of an icon in the internet’s jerk community last year after she showed up at a slutwalk in Vancouver proudly holding a sign reading “There is no rape culture in the West.”
Since then she’s enhanced her jerkface cred by posting the sort of obnoxious stuff that can get you suspended from Twitter and Facebook, and she’s managed to get at least one temporary suspension from Facebook, and perhaps one or more from Twitter. (You can look it up, I guess, I didn’t bother.)
Southern popped into the news again a few days ago after someone who’s not a fan of her poured a bottle of something — Southern says it was piss — on her head. (Which is, I should note, a pretty crappy thing to do, despite Southern’s confirmed jerkiness.)
She first proposed the idea of The Triggering in a Tweet last September:
She later settled on March 9th as the date for the, er, event, as it’s “the day after international Women’s day and the day before Osama Bin Laden’s Birthday.”
Her fans, at least, are psyched.
I'm just not sure what I'm going to say on #thetriggering . There is just so many idiots I want to offend. It's going to be like Christmas.
— Lyudmila Mykhailovna (@EmilyDavisonSuf) March 7, 2016
So human rights. Such ethics.
Except for the part where she did it only to control her own story, because the Daily Mail was about to out her against her will.
I mean, yes, it’s courageous, but let’s not overlook the shittiness of the press that necessitated the courage.
@PolicyofMadness: They were really about to do that? Jesus Christ on a bike, I’m not calling them the “Daily Fail” any more. They’re too awful for that title. Hell, they’re on Milo Yiannopolous’s (or is it Wagner?) level of awful: it’s like they wear a shit-eating grin every time they pull a stunt like this.
They don’t call it the ‘Daily Fail’ for nothing…. :P:P:P
I think Lana said at one point they were going to rename themselves ‘Wachowski Starship’. Works for me. 🙂
Re Lily Wachowski’s post:
Yes – and though she was gloriously sarcastic about the whole prospect in her article, it was sad to hear about the shitty things they did, especially in outing Lucy Meadows.
The only good thing the Mail has ever written was the articles about Roosh. But even that’s debatable.
I’m going with tweeting loads about Mad Max & Star Wars and anything else appropriate, tempting though it is to just return the contemptible hate-speech in kind; it’s stooping to their level.
So a bunch of people are now waiting in shivering anticipation for a day that someone else decided, arbitrarily, should be a day dedicated to posting awful shit.
Awful shit that they have the freedom to post at any point in time with no difference in consequences; they aren’t gaining any sort of immunity just because someone decided to name the day.
And they’re doing the thing that they are free to do at any other time in the year to protest not being able to do the thing that they are free to do at any other time in the year without people getting upset at them. And that thing is purposefully geared towards getting people upset with them.
Am I understanding this right?
Maybe they’re secretly trying to start a social-media version of The Purge.
Don’t question The Purge, it just works!
RE: Free speech
This seems like a good time to break this out again.

As true today as it was then.
Offtopic: Fuck Sweden. Fuck right wingers in the TYT comment section. So many fuck yous to go around.
Oh how I love XKCD…
But really, what’s going to be so special about this “triggering”? It’s just going to be another day with the same old losers and same old shit.
Well, it gets a hashtag, making it easier to avoid.
Ok MRAs since you CLEARLY have no idea what it means allow me to show you guys what free speech actually is. It means that you can’t be arrested for what you say. People calling you an asshole on Twitter or any other social media sight isn’t violating your free speech. But hey why let facts ruin a good old fashioned rant am I right?
re: legal abortion
If this became a thing, why restrict women’s ability to “abort” to the medical version? Why should only men be able to opt out of a living baby’s support going forward? Why can’t a woman choose to carry a child to term and then deposit the baby entirely on the father, renouncing all legal responsibility for the child and requiring him to take up 100% of the child’s support, regardless of whether he wants this or not? Since many abortions are sought for financial reasons, it seems sensible that women who can’t afford a baby but don’t (for whatever reason) want to medically abort should be equally able to avail themselves of the “legal abortion” option. It would likely reduce the number of medically-performed abortions!
Weirdly, I haven’t heard any proponents of legal abortion tout that as a benefit. Wonder why.
So…is this supposed to start right at midnight? Is there a Dick Clarks Rockin TheTriggering Eve spectacular we can tune into for a countdown?
So theyre baiscally gonna post the same tired memes you could find any middle aged man posting on his facebook like page to feel edgy.
If I worked at Twitter, I would following this hashtag very carefully and suspend any account that used it to harass anyone. Then I would thank them for making my job easier.
Policy of Madness, I personally would have no issue with that. Wanna know why? Because the father could then choose to put the child up for adoption, just like a woman could, if they did not want to go it alone.
Many, many women utilize sperm banks, so it is clearly only a right of the child to have two parents and their support only if the mother chooses. Funny how that works out. I suppose you can claim it’s different because a man did not choose to have sex, here, and thus should not be punished.
But I am sure you won’t…. right?
The Daily Mail has, like, one staffer who’s actually reasonably sensitive (by Daily Mail standards) about transgender issues. That person is responsible for the story about an acquaintance of mine who turned her high school prom into a coming out party. The story was well done (for the Daily Mail), and all comments had to be approved before being posted. Two steps forward!
Threatening to out Lilly Wachowski so that she had to come out earlier than she wanted to–two steps back!
It doesn’t say who we should be triggering does it? So I posted mine on facebook triggering all the cisgender people ^_^
I like Lauren Southern, however the Triggering is a bit stupid. If it’s done properly ie… valid points like there is no patriarchy, no rape culture in the west and only 2 genders I’m ok with that. However i can see a load of trolls using this to be deliberately offensive
For a good while I’ve stopped referring to Daily Mail as “Daily Fail” and moved on to “Daily Heil”. Seems much more accurate. 😛
TheFoolAndTheWorld bringing up the Addams Family is pathetic. The Addams Family are a clan of Social Justice Warriors through and through. They also dress as if every day is Halloween, which is always awesome.
And… the angry antifeminists will fail, as they failed before, and failed before that, and failed even before that. I seriously can’t think of any other group of people who are more pathetic and incompetent than they are.
We hunted the mammoth? No, judging by the snide, white knight feminist tone set in your article you would be killed off quite easily in the stone age,
Lauren Southern and others are correct, we are under threat from sinister cultural Marxists and the danger as always from the totalitarian left is that they disguise their intentions with feelgood social themes.
Let me elaborate:
The central banking oligarchy is expanding it’s power with an eye to world government. To do this they need to destroy the current western dominance and redistribute wealth and power. Western populations will fight this engineered disorder and decay and thus they need to control the populations.
Social engineering via Marxist doctrine is mainly aimed at social division as part of their divide and conquer agenda.
The promotion of feminism masculinises women, feminises men and confuses gender roles. This makes male/female relationships hard to form leading to less marriages and less families.
This is destruction of social cohesion as the family is the core of society. Children also have less parental influence as a result and can be more brainwashed and influenced by the State and the mainstream media.
They also use their Marxist ideology to justify clamping down on free speech and potential opposition.
I haven’t watched the Addams Family TV show since I was kid, so I don’t remember any specific plot. But one of my favorite parts of the movies was when Wednesday derailed the camp Thanksgiving play to make it more honest about white imperialism and the genocidal treatment of the indigenous people.
Total SJW. By early 90s standards anyways.