antifeminism douchebaggery evil SJWs facepalm imaginary oppression misogyny racism rape culture

Internet jerks pledge to be extra jerky during #TheTriggering

Captain Picard, shortly after hearing about #TheTriggering
Captain Picard, shortly after hearing about #TheTriggering

The terrible people who devote much of their lives to being jerks to other people on Twitter and elsewhere online have come up with a brilliant plan to defeat the “Social Justice Warriors” they so despise:

They’re going to be jerks to people on Twitter and elsewhere online, possibly even more than they already are, over the course of the next couple of days (March 9th and 10th). They’re calling it #TheTriggering, because, of course they are.

As someone calling himself TheFoolAndTheWorld explains on the anti-SJW site Age of Shitlords,

Our freedom of speech is under attack from cultural Marxists who seek to subvert us. Well, as The Addams Family said…”we gladly feast on the flesh of those who seek to subdue us” 🙂 That is why on March 9th and 10th, to fight political correctness, and to celebrate the return of Lauren Southern’s profile, we shitlords around the world will conduct the annual event known as #TheTriggering on all forms of social media.

#TheTriggering is the brainchild of  Lauren Southern, an antifeminist activist/”journalist” whose activism seems to mostly consist of being a jerk to feminists. She first became something of an icon in the internet’s jerk community last year after she showed up at a slutwalk in Vancouver proudly holding a sign reading “There is no rape culture in the West.”

Since then she’s enhanced her jerkface cred by posting the sort of obnoxious stuff that can get you suspended from Twitter and Facebook, and she’s managed to get at least one temporary suspension from Facebook, and perhaps one or more from Twitter. (You can look it up, I guess, I didn’t bother.)

Southern popped into the news again a few days ago after someone who’s not a fan of her poured a bottle of something — Southern says it was piss — on her head. (Which is, I should note, a pretty crappy thing to do, despite Southern’s confirmed jerkiness.)

She first proposed the idea of The Triggering in a Tweet last September:


She later settled on March 9th as the date for the, er, event, as it’s “the day after international Women’s day and the day before Osama Bin Laden’s Birthday.”

Her fans, at least, are psyched.

So human rights. Such ethics.

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8 years ago

Block em. Block em all. Problem solved.

8 years ago

It’s unusually self-aware to call themselves “shitlords”.

How are we meant to find this stuff, – do they all post it under the hashtag and we’re meant to then go and look at it ourselves, or…?

Tony! The Queer Shoop
8 years ago

These fools think they’re being so clever. They’re not going to act any differently tomorrow than they do at any other time.



How are we meant to find this stuff, – do they all post it under the hashtag and we’re meant to then go and look at it ourselves, or…?

I suppose someone will have to take one for the team and venture into the den of shittery and see what they have to say. You just know Age of Shitlords will have a post or two up. Maybe they have a Twitter account and will harass people using it.

8 years ago

SSDD = Same Sheep, Different Day

Oh noes, I just self-censor sheep’d myself.

Reminds me of a line from EpicRapBattles

Free speech doesn’t mean just keep yapping.

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
8 years ago

They’re so much like Rosa Parks and MLK that it’s eerie!

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
8 years ago

On a positive note, these shitstains will be outing themselves to family, friends and acquaintances as the horrible people that they are — or more likely, removing any lingering doubts.

I predict that much social media blocking will ensue.

8 years ago

Being deliberately offensive takes a lot of the sting out of it, at least to me. If someone says something awful to me and they didn’t mean to it’s way more hurtful than if someone is going around trying to be “edgy” on purpose.

Plus, I guarantee you no matter what crap they decide to bombard people with, those people have heard it before. And the more you do things like this the less effective it is.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Fuck these shitstains for co-opting the Addams Family. The Addams’ were far more progressive and liberal than any other family in TV/movie history!

They were pro sex education.

They supported their children’s dreams and desires, but also looked out for them and made sure they went to college first.

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They were fully accepting of other people who weren’t like them, and would never have gone around being shitstains to people because they didn’t agree with them.

Gomez and Morticia loved the hell out of each other, more than any other husband and wife I’ve seen on television from before or since.

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In short:

Fuck you. The Addams would have never put up with your channer bullshit.

8 years ago

How was their free speech violated?

And how does posting hate speech or rape gifs or whatever they’re planning do anything to advance the cause of free speech rights?

Maybe we should tweet pics of female Ghostbusters, non white dude Star Wars characters, and Furiosa to trigger them back?

8 years ago

Lauren Southern is an Epic Fail.

(That’s MY head start on “The Triggering”.)

8 years ago

Let’s do this.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

And the day after Triggering Day, then what? Won’t their prior levels of horribleness seem flat and boring?

This has the air of “tee hee! we’re going to go whisper ‘crap’ and ‘pee-pee’ in the corner and no grownup can stop us!”

Jennifer Keleher
Jennifer Keleher
8 years ago

So a bunch of idiots are going to post the offending stuff online, how is this different than any other day?

8 years ago

Free Speech for Dummies —

Free speech means the government can’t interfere with your right to have whatever opinions you wish, even if they are horrible ones. It does not guarantee you the right to force private citizens to tolerate said horrible opinions while quashing opinions you hate.

Why is this so hard to understand?

8 years ago

So they’re going to do what they always do.

The only difference is “I’m posting anti semitic and neo nazi stuff because free speech” instead of “I’m posting anti semitic and neo nazi stuff because I believe it umm err uhhh guhhh free speech?”

8 years ago

As if bullies like this need an excuse to be incorrigible fuckmuppets. They’re just looking for symbolic high-fives and back-pats from their equally terrible peers. Making a hashtag that’s intentionally unpleasant is a good way of making sure that the only people paying attention to it are those participating in it. There’s no shortage of internet niches full of awful content that people know to stay away from, so all they’re going to accomplish is a temporary circlejerk where they can all show off how apathetic they can be (while dedicating a whole two days to showing how much they don’t care). Such edge. So brave.

8 years ago


Heeeey great post! And don’t forget their passion for communication and consent!,+Mon+Cher+3.jpg

8 years ago

I love the idea of triggering them back, perhaps the next day, by tweeting and posting stuff we love, like Mad Max Fury Road ,Star Wars, and the new Ghostbusters memes.

Oh wait, a lot of us already do that.
Never mind.
Please continue with all the well timed mockery.
(You guys are in fine form today.)

Oh I love The Addams Family. I know every piece of dialogue in the first movie. That’s totally not sad.
That’s blerd!

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
8 years ago

I wonder how these “red pillers” will react once they discover that BOTH Wachowski siblings are transgender?

8 years ago

Amazing how excited they get about the prospect of hurting people for its own sake.

What a sad little bunch of creatures. I almost feel bad for them. Almost.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

Their efforts are probably going to be overshadowed by a much bigger story:

ETA: Ninja’ed by Hu!

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

@Hu’s On First: Oh, wow! That’s great news! Props to Lily for having the courage to come out.

Also, I’m seriously cackling now about the whole “Red Pill” being coined by two trans twin sisters.

Shadenfreude caused by irony is the best.

And I will continue to trigger their tantrums by existing as a fat, sarcastic, feminist, girlflux pansexual who still won’t fuck them.

Miss Andry
8 years ago

They’re such children.

8 years ago

it’s like an M. Night Shyamalan movie, except the twist is that these turds were horrible, petty fuckwombles all along.

(Also, I’m new here as a long-time lurker, but it’s great to see so many fellow Pharyngulites about!)

8 years ago

Haha and on the eleventh they can all wail about being blocked because they’ve confused ‘freedom of speech’ with ‘the right to an audience’.

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