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The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive is (Almost) Over! Also, THANK YOU!


The We Hunted the Mammoth First Quarter 2016 pledge drive is ending today! 

A big THANK YOU to all of you who’ve contributed! You play a huge part in making this blog possible.

If you haven’t donated yet, and you can afford it, click that button below!

You don’t need a PayPal account to donate. And all non-American currencies will be automatically converted.

Thanks to those who rallied after my last little nudge. Alas, we’re still a little short of my goal for this pledge drive. But I know you folks can fix that.

And as always, if you’re a fan of this blog but can’t afford to donate right now, no worries. But if you can, and haven’t yet, click on that donate button above. You know you want to!

Here are some more happy animals for you all, in handy gif form.

Dancing Animal Gifs (3)

Dancing Animal Gifs (23)

31. Kitten Love

26. Cute puppy



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8 years ago

Agh I said I would contribute and then didn’t. Things are less than stellar in my head right now, I apologize. I will totally remember when I get home from work.

8 years ago

Would you ever consider setting up a Patreon? I’m better at this kind of thing when I can just pledge a small regular amount automatically.

8 years ago

Good that it is still time to donate, it means a lot to me that my favourite blogger is writing articles that I enjoy very much, so I donated today again. Best money spent this week!

And I hope that unlike Bill Cosby, Roosh will actually finally get locked up much faster.

I would like to see sometimes a discussion on a little known post of the Roosh serial rapist, in which he explains that if a man keeps trying, he can always 100% rape-in-raw without condom any girl who cried and asked for a condom (Content warning! the sleazebag douche V is a rapist with a rapist mindset):

8 years ago
Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

Obvious spambot is obvious.

8 years ago

I donated, but yes, i would prefer patreon if you do set one up!

Judas Peckerwood
8 years ago

Is the flipping out snow weasel pic a sly reference to Davis Aurini and the other white supremacists who bring so much joy to our lives?

Pony's Labia
Pony's Labia
8 years ago

I donated my pathetic foreign money! Yes to patron – thing too.

blue chord
blue chord
8 years ago

Left a donation, thanks for your work.

8 years ago

Stoat! Iz kyoot. Iz anagram of toast. I like stoats. Probably in top 10 favourite animals (perhaps lumped together with ferrets).

Stoat with toast!

8 years ago

Thank you David

What would be the easiest and most convenient way for you to send you sensitive info on him?

Thank you once again, your blog is my favourite

8 years ago

ColeYote: Inspired by your stoat-with-toast post, I made some toast myself, and coincidentally, the same exact brand of toast this cute stoat is holding.