a woman is always to blame antifeminism drama kings grandiosity homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny post contains jokes post contains sarcasm PUA racism reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh transphobia

Return of Kings calls for boycott of all-lady Ghostbusters because ladies can’t science

Dogs and cats living together ... female ghostbusters!
Dogs and cats living together … female ghostbusters!

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Fresh off their wildly successful boycotts of Mad Max: Fury Road and Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the fellas at Roosh V’s internet garbage site Return of Kings have now set their sights on the lady-fied Ghostbusters.

Oh, wait, I’m being told that their previous boycotts were not so much “wildly successful” as “hilariously ineffectual,” and that The Force Awakens took less than two months to generate more than $2 billion in worldwide ticket sales. That’s BILLION, with a “b” and an “illion.”

Well, let’s just set that aside for now, because Return of Kings contributor David Garrett Brown has new marching orders for Roosh’s cuture warriors:

We urge readers and others to boycott this film at all costs. Do not add to Sony Pictures’ feminist-loving coffers or help pay for Melissa McCarthy’s next cheeseburger.


Sorry, drifted off for a moment there thinking about cheeseburgers.

Anyway, this isn’t the first time RoK has attacked the as-yet-unreleased all-lady Ghostbusters. In a post last year, RoK’s JD Unwin attacked the ghost-based comedy on the grounds that Ghostbusting has traditionally been an all-male profession, or something:

Like the proverbial kid sister who would fume at the fact that her brother and his friends would lock her out of the male only clubhouse, the feminists and their mangina accomplices in the media once again demonstrate their need to forcibly intrude upon any perceived male bastions.

Oh, he was also deeply offended that Melissa McCarthy, one of the new Ghostbusters, is fat, so having her “run around the city with a 35-lb proton pack strapped to her girth defies the laws of physics.”

This is pretty much what Brown thinks as well. How dare a film depict women as scientists, when everyone knows that in the real world women are incapable of STEM logic.

No one has adequately explained why, in a world where everything from Microsoft to Snapchat is male-generated, the new globe-saving paranormal clean-up team is all female. Just because is what we have been told. Is it not enough, for example, that women, without superior qualifications, are prefered 2-1 for STEM faculty positions? Evidently not.

Meanwhile, Melissa McCarthy is still fat.

In multiple areas, including gender, race and the celebration of obesity, Ghostbusters 3 is a symbol of more or less everything that is wrong with both society and the filmmaking industry seeking to protect it. For your own self-respect, we vociferously recommend you keep further away from this film than Melissa McCarthy does from diets and good exercise.

Weirdly, I don’t recall any Red Pillers ever criticizing, I dunno, John Candy or John Belushi or Kevin James for “celebrating obesity” by existing while fat.

Brown also tries to piggyback on the fairly widespread criticism of the film’s rather troubling racial politics — casting white actresses as scientists while making Leslie Jones’ character a street-smart stereotype.

That’s a pretty, er, ironic criticism to find on Return of Kings, a site run by an unashamed racist who was openly flirting with the white supremacist “alt-right” up until he realized, fairly recently, that the white supremacists he was trying to win over actually see him as a “greasy” Middle Easterner and suspected “muzzie” (Muslim).

Apparently untroubled by this massive hypocrisy, Brown charges that

Leslie Jones’ Ghostbusters 3 character is exactly the sort of readily angered black woman liberals want. Beat-ups like in Ferguson, Missouri depend on this drastically dumbed-down caricature of African-Americans.

Wait, what?

Brown is also angry — and I’m not kidding here — that the four lady Ghostbusters visited some sick kids in a hospital last year. How dare they!

Naturally, the Return of Kings commenters are as excited as Brown is by the prospect of not going to see the film, and celebrated by posting, well, the horrific bigoted crap they always post.

Some highlights:

Bigotry poupourri!

John • 25 minutes ago Fatso can pay for her own bacon double cheese burgers with a side of extra large fries & gravy. • Reply•Share › Avatar DieSocialJusticeWankers • 26 minutes ago The black chick looks like RuPaul...trans box checked. Which one is the lesbian? We can see who plays the fatty!

Women are all a bunch of welfare cheats/affirmative action hires eating bon bons!

Clark Kent lolknee . • 7 hours ago It's also kind of interesting that the characters in this movie appear to all be entrepreneurs. This is ironic considering this movie is pandering to SJWs and the "modern woman", who seem to love government handouts and affirmative action policies.

“They” all just want free stuff!

JBPoqueliche • 11 hours ago Why we make them angry? It boils down to this: - We believe in merit, they think they should be given free stuff - We believe that respect should be earned and not given away like pizza coupons - We are not fragile and we will say what we please. They get triggerend by words ( a sound wave) This turd of a movie will be a fiasco. People are waking up. Let's hope it is not too late.

Ha ha women can’t science!

Rainvainz • 10 hours ago Look at their masculine stances. Is this what women really want to become? Instead of embracing their feminine nature (well, these woman have none, but still) many women resort to being a man-lite version. If they are just going to pretend to be men then why not just give us men? If women are so proud of being female then why pretend to be men? Self-esteem issues abound! Wait until we get Predator with an all female commando squad. Realistically, they would die in a short time, but watch them all survive by utterly destroying and humiliating the masculine predator, who symbolizes patriarchy and rape culture because he preys upon the females and stalks them.

The ladies look like dudes!


This one is my favorite one:

kingodysseus • 2 hours ago I think this is the perfect movie for people who carry purses or men who hold them while women are out at the club making moves on other men. Its the ideal date night movie for white knights. I suggest the earlier show as after he pays for tickets, dinner snacks, baby sitter (for her 3 kids) and gets that very nice thank you at the end of the date, she can be on her merry way to be with her male fwb for a good lay. Its perfect date night. Everybody wins!!! Go Girl Power!!!

I really hope that Sony’s publicists use some of that for the movie posters.



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8 years ago

No one has adequately explained why, in a world where everything from Microsoft to Snapchat is male-generated, the new globe-saving paranormal clean-up team is all female.

That’s because women always end up cleaning up the messes all the men generate.

Checkmate, masculists!

me and not you
me and not you
8 years ago

Knowing quantum physicists, I’m pretty sure they never say anyone is better at quantum physics than they are.

Also weirdly obsessed with the Nobel prize.

I’m in a different field that doesn’t have a Nobel category, but work with quantum physicists and they’re always making jokey comments about wining the Nobel. I think my total lack of interest in a prize I don’t qualify for was extremely disconcerting to them. I try to fake with a hearty “you never know!” but its not terribly effective.

Mathieu Tremblay - Cheeseburger with lots of time but few resources
Mathieu Tremblay - Cheeseburger with lots of time but few resources
8 years ago

I may be wrong, but in the original films, Dan Aykroid wasn’t exactly skin and bones. By these dudebros’ logic, does it mean he ruined Ghostbusters? And how about that staircase climbing scene, where the male Ghostbusters are shown panting and sweating? How’s that for being fit and running around the city? And why is it that these dudebros can’t believe in women being scientists, but ghosts are perfectly fine?

Wait, why am I expecting logic from dudebros?

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

If they are “not fragile,” how come their feelings are bruised so easily?
8 years ago

“Ideal date night movie for white knights.” Chad Thundercock doesn’t like comedies. This is a new wrinkle to the stereotype.

Number Sequence
Number Sequence
8 years ago

Silly women. You can’t do science stuff. Science energy is completely concentrated within the penis. That’s why i made sure to ejaculate all over my term papers for my biology classes before turning them in. I would have gotten an A+++ if my teacher hadn’t been an over the hill (she’s 29) crap looker (short hair and she waits two days before shaving uggg) who I could totally make love my jizz if I wanted which I don’t because she’s totally ugly and probably got her job by sucking off the dean when she could have been warm with me why won’t you recognize my love Miss Jackson I’ll treat you right and so much better than any of those others because my dick is so big that stuff in the paper is what you deserve for not liking me you stupid- … Ahem.

So in conclusion, boo new ghostbusters.

(I am disappointed in myself that I am so familiar with this kind of rhetoric that I don’t need a reference to write parodies of it any more.)

Mathieu Tremblay
Mathieu Tremblay
8 years ago

Oops, my name still had this silly cheeseburger joke from a while ago…

8 years ago

Look at their feminine stances. Is this what men really want to become? Instead of embracing their masculine nature[…] If they are just going to pretend to be women then why not just give us women.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

@ Mathieu – Most of the original Ghostbusters were a little on the shlebby side. I’d say Winston Zeddmore was the most physically fit, which fits into his original character history of being a Marine.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ Matthieu & Vikki P

Peter Venkman: Suck in the guts, guys, we’re the Ghostbusters.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

@ Alan – I wondered if you’d bring up that quote.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ vikki p

He, I’m so predictable.

ETA: I do love that quote though; it’s so perfect for the character.

8 years ago

Like the proverbial kid sister who would fume at the fact that her brother and his friends would lock her out of the male only clubhouse, the feminists and their mangina accomplices in the media once again demonstrate their need to forcibly intrude upon any perceived male bastions.

Only at RoK are the boys in the No Girls Allowed clubhouse the good guys.,204,203,200_.jpg

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

It’s also kind of interesting that the characters in this movie appear to all be entrepeneurs. This is ironic considering this movie is pandering to SJWs and the “modern woman”, who seem to love government handouts and affirmative action policies

The fictional women on the screen aren’t anything like the fictional women in my head!

Miss Andry
8 years ago

For masculine men they sure have fragile egos.

8 years ago

I feel like taking a page from Freiza’s book from DBZ Abridged and make a mental list of how many times I’ve heard certain lines in these MRA rants. They’re starting to become predictable now.

8 years ago

Fancy. As if women haven’t dealt with hovering, slimy, unwanted presences in their personal space.

Second, I continue being moderately pleased with That Certain Nitwit having gotten the boot (and dismayed by the other Nitwit taking his place).

The Rapacious Mr Batstove
The Rapacious Mr Batstove
8 years ago

Another thing the MRAs have in common with white supremacists is the claiming of technology and/or culture on behalf of their chosen group. A classic WS argument runs along the lines of “whites invented all that is good in this world, therefor white superiority”. It’s unlikely that the recently-deceased Ray Tomlinson, upon sending the first email message over ARPANET, ever dedicated the feat to his fellow males or whites.

Apart from the complete randomness of this appropriation (on behalf of males in this case, rather than the white race), there is the question of whether the MRAs complaining have themselves ever contributed anything to the world of science and technology, apart from random forum scrawlings and ASCII pr0n. Why does somebody get to claim credit for someone else’s invention on the basis of membership of an arbitrarily defined group? Sounds a hell of a lot like an entitlement mentality to me.

Also, given the MRA movement’s closeness to Alt Right, there is the thorny issue (for them) of a scientist like Alan Turing, the father of computer science, being gay. Ponder that without your heads exploding, red pillers and never mind Jewish contributions to science.

8 years ago

It’s thanks in part to the ground-breaking contributions of women like Grace Hopper and Radia Perlman that these foolish, malicious men can share their lamentable brain farts online.

8 years ago

Meanwhile, every time someone mentions manbabies up in arms about female ghostbusters, a different manbaby pops up and says literally nobody is upset about them being female. (See the comments section of this article for an example: )

8 years ago

The Rapacious Mr Batstove:
What amazes me is how some set of pro-rah-rah-men-invented-everything say how Hedy Lamarr did not invent frequency hopping during WWII, but it must have been invented by her husband, and she just claimed the credit for it.

Also, take a look at the talk page of that wiki article. Even there (and we know what kind of sausagefest Wikipedia can be) people are noticing MRAs having edit wars in this particular article.

Just plain unbelievable foolishness.

8 years ago

Leslie Jones looks nothing like RuPaul. Also, RuPaul isn’t a trans woman. He’s a man who does drag. NOT THE SAME THING. That tweet was taking the whole “all black people look a like” thing to a whole new low.

I wonder if these guys boycott every movie that has a lady scientist. No Thor? How about the Bond movie that feature Denise Richards as a nuclear physicist? Or pretty much any movie set in space? What about porn with naughty scientist women? This rule is even more limiting if you boycott anything with women in STEM. No Criminal Minds because of Garcia. No NCIS because of what’s her face (I don’t watch the show). No Bones. No Person of Interest because of Root. No movies or shows about doctors.

Is there anything these people don’t hate? Seriously. What movies are acceptable to them?

Ashara Payne
Ashara Payne
8 years ago

@ Mr Batstove
My ex does things like this all the time, but I’m never sure if he’s doing it just to wind me up. I was asking him about voting in the referendum to stay/leave the EU and he ended up talking about how ‘we won the war’. He wants to stay, though.

8 years ago

As if women haven’t dealt with hovering, slimy, unwanted presences in their personal space.

*slow clap*

8 years ago

I didn’t realize until just now how Amy Acker has to be the most misandric actress ever. She’s oppressed men by being a super hacker on Person of Interest and a physicist on Angel. I forgot her exact job in Cabin in the Woods, but it was also in science. I think she was the one in charge of drugging the sacrifices. Plus, she was Beatrice in Much Ado About Nothing and Beatrice is a total feminazi.

Good on her!

Okay. Sorry for the tangent.

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