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“Women exploit men,” complains Red Pill dude who devotes his life to exploiting women

Woman killing man's dream of eating toast
Woman killing man’s dream of eating toast

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The Red Pill subreddit, as longtime readers of this blog know all too well, teaches a particularly backward and repugnant form of “game” — that is, pickup “artistry” — that relies heavily on manipulative techniques designed to help men get what they want from women by preying on their insecurities.

Not that Red Pillers see themselves as the villains here; in their minds, they’re just giving women what they really, if secretly, want. They’re not exploiting women. If anything, the women are exploiting — or at least trying to exploit — them.

In a post from a year ago that was recently resurrected by another Red Piller, a fella calling himself bsutansalt made the mistake of suggesting to his comrades that in a good (straight) relationship there is — or at least there could be — a certain synergy between man and woman.  When they “join together to face the world, they have the potential to be so much more than the sum of their strengths.”

Suggestions that women are anything other than overgrown, narcissistic babies tend not to go over very well on the Red Pill subreddit. And so it’s no surprise that bsutansalt’s post — or at least that small portion of it that dared to suggest that women and men could cooperate to make their relationship better — inspired a vehement rebuttal from one of his Red Pill brothers.

As MattyAnon sees it, the potential for synergy is just that, potential, a lovely theory that falls apart once one takes into consideration the fact that, as that old Led Zeppelin song has it, the “soul of a woman was created below.”

Take it away, Matty:

A partnership. Two people working together. A man and a woman with complementary skills and emotions working together. It sounds so beautiful but this is not how women work.

Yes, please, anonymous dude on the internet, explain to us how women work.

Women do not partner with men. Women exploit men, while men think they are building something together. Your commitment is used against you. Your voluntary reduction in your options is used as leverage to get what she wants.

Yes, that’s right, women exploit men using a devious technique known as “being in a monogamous relationship with a guy who willingly entered into this monogamous relationship.”

It’s been said before: women are dream killers. Why? Because when you’re in a long term relationship with her, it is now your job to support her dream. And you can bet that dream is boring as fuck.

Men’s dreams are inherently so much more fascinating than women’s dreams.

There is no relationship equity. There is no gratitude. There is no partnership. There is only the man doing stuff for the woman, and the woman doing the bare minimum required to maintain the flow of commitment and resources.

What sort of resources? Coal? Iron? Guano?

“Behind every great man is a great woman”… bulllshit. Every great man achieves what he achieves despite women. We can achieve so much more if we’re not also having to support women.

So posting crap to the Red Pill subreddit is actually some kind of glorious achievement? Some men are born great, some achieve greatness, and some bash women on Reddit.

Women claim to be the strong, independent equal of men. I say great: let’s give them exactly what they ask for. All the equality and independence they can choke down.

Somehow I doubt that the women of the world are quaking in their boots over this oft-repeated, er, threat.

H/T — r/TheBluePill

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9 years ago

That sounds a little odd. Wouldn’t strange noises wake you up? I can sleep in noisy environments, but even a soft sound can wake me if it represents a possible threat. One time, a major water main burst down the street from me, and my street turned into a river. I woke to the gentle sound of flowing water, since some part of my brain had registered that this was deeply wrong.

Yeah, I can sleep through pretty much everything. Last time there was an actual potential threat to my life that should have woken me up was when I was staying at a nice hotel that has fireplaces in each room. We fell asleep with the log burning and a downdraft caused the room to fill up with smoke. I didn’t wake up until the fire alarm, which is so loud I was wishing for earplugs, was going off for several seconds already. My husband woke up as soon as he smelled the smoke and well before the alarm went off, so hopefully he’ll save me from any danger.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ moggie

the nuclear war dream.

Oh wow yeah! Forgotten about that, but happened a lot; especially in the 80s. It’s funny now when nuclear explosions are so common in films to remember how taboo they were on screen. The War Games wasn’t even allowed to be shown and there was all that fuss about The Day After (good to know though that the main danger about nuclear apocalypse was that it musses up your hair a bit). Funnily enough Threads didn’t bother me; but some friends had minor parts in it so it took me out of the moment.

The early warning siren accidentally went off when I was a kid and that was pretty freaky.

Lost in Lindsey
9 years ago

I get the occasional flying dream, it’s a very odd sensation. And dreams where I’m driving my sister’s car and I’m scared of being stopped by the police because I only have a provisional licence. That’s odd too. My sister would never let me drive her car even if I did have my full licence.

9 years ago

I don’t often remember my dreams when I wake up. Fortunately. Usually it’s just “I close my eyes” and then “My eyes open” and sometimes I can even set times. Like, “I will wake up at 5am” and my body will do it within +-10 mins. I attribute that to military days, but these days it only works if I’m sufficiently well rested. If I’m already running out of gas the “I will wake up at…” system shuts right off.

When I do remember my dreams, I do have some control over them initially. They usually start off simple / easy to grasp / normal routine and quickly devolve into some post-apocalyptic scenario designed to make Berserk look soft and cuddly. The main ‘recurring’ ones are crossovers of Waterworld / Cthulu mythology and crossovers of Watership Down / Ms Frisbee and the Rats of NIMH / The Witches. So if you guessed I wake up right before horrific death – or in some cases during the transition to horrific undeath – you’d be right on the money. Needless to say no matter how much control I start out with over the dream, I don’t generally have any by the end except maybe to force myself awake gasping for air and in a dead sweat. I honestly have no idea where they come from, but they tend to repeat or follow similar story lines. And oh yeah; they’re rendered in amazing Technicolour. The Waterworld ones tend to end a bit gray and washed out though.

It’s really rare ( like, can count on one hand rare ) that I’ve had sexual dreams, but I’ve still never had a wet dream. I also haven’t had any “I need to pee” dreams and I can’t remember back when I was still wetting the bed if that applied then or not. I can’t recall it happening in my workable memory but I DO remember this one time around 5 or 6 years old during Christmas when my dream / waking memory collided in the form of a thunderstorm dream and my wool blanket’s static discharge as I tossed around. Woke up right into static lightning, that was a shocker. *coughs*

I’ll also point out that my dreams have changed. In the past I moved around a lot and I had deja vu / precog dreams involving things that had already happened to me or things that I would suddenly go WAIT I KNOW THIS SCENE like during a random class or on a trip things would just click and “I’ve seen this in a dream before!”; after teenager years they became what they are now and I rarely move at all during sleep.

Apparently I still talk during my sleep – with no memory of having done so and it doesn’t tie into my dreams at all – and I keep ZERO secrets – my parents abused this ability greatly(?) as a kid. My last gf poked a little into that as well but was too afraid to dig deeply into sleep-talker me.

Edit to add: Things I have slept through. Hurricane Hugo, riots, after-school college winning game parties, etc. I am a pro at staying asleep but if it gets really quiet or I hear certain alarm tones I will shoot right out of bed because if it’s quiet / certain alarms means the power is out, the reactor is down, and it’s time to go to work. So I tend to have some background noise going when I sleep.

9 years ago

I had a really spooky dream about my childhood cat, Whiskers shortly after he died.

I was working a 2nd shift job that started in the afternoon. The night before, I set my alarm for earlier than necessary to get to work on time so I could try and get some stuff done before work. But I had trouble sleeping, so when the alarm went off, I went to reset it and Whiskers was lying on my bed. I petted and kissed him and went back to sleep. I woke up when the alarm went off again at the time I had reset it to. So I didn’t dream that I got up to set the alarm. I really did it. If I believed in ghosts, I would have thought Whiskers’ ghost showed up to say one last goodbye. But I don’t believe in ghosts, so I figure I must have been in some weird half waking, half dream state.

It was very strange.

9 years ago

I blame the Day After for my tendency to have nuclear bomb dreams. Thar movie freaked me out as a kid. I was only a toddler when it was first on, but it came on TV and lot during the late 80s and early 90s.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
9 years ago

I once dreamt I was forced to perform surgery on my pet bunny. He was sick so the vet sent me tools and instructions in the mail, including a pill to make him sleep. But then he kept waking up just as I was about to make the first incision.

Other than that, hamsters in my dreams just keep reproducing, changing, escaping, etc. I’ve mentioned this before.

9 years ago

The things you can see in that half-awake state can be really freaky. One such time, I watched as something I can only describe as a sparkling fairy pirouetted across my bedroom floor, accompanied by a tinkling sound.

9 years ago

I envy all of you who have interesting dreams. I only have the recurring I Fucked Up That Important Thing I Need To Do Tomorrow dream.

9 years ago

My most messed up dreams happen when I fall back asleep in the morning after turning my alarm off. They feel like they last for hours, and are usually scrambled events from fantasy, reality and whatever media I’m consuming that FEEL 100$ real, even when it involves aliens, celebrities and fictional characters.

In reality, I wake up a mere 15-30 minutes later, usually late for work.

9 years ago


The thing about nightmares is interesting. I don’t have them often, but I do have a lot of dreams that I think most people would consider nightmares based on the content, but if I don’t feel fear while I’m dreaming, then I don’t tend to consider them nightmares.

I also experience this! Even in cases where the dreams would be incredibly disturbing and possibly frightening to my waking self (e.g. watching a video of a closeup of a person’s face being skewered and pulled at by fish hooks). I’ve only ever had two dreams in my life that I’d consider to be “nightmares”.

No, I wouldn’t call them Eldritch; they’re more non-euclidean in the same way that the TARDIS isn’t. At any given moment the geometry of the dream makes sense, but between moments there’s very little consistency, so a lot of “the inside is bigger than the outside” sorts of moments.

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

I have nightmares so BF Atomica gave me his dreamcatcher. Is my man trying to kill my dreams?

9 years ago

Why aren’t there any nice prion diseases? Ones that just give you a sniffle or something?


I’d point out how prions from meat were supposedly an essential element in our evolution,

I dunno if this is true but prions only live in the CNS, so if you don’t eat the cow’s brain, you should be safe

EDIT: Do we know if our ancestors ate brains?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ depressedCNS

My understanding, which may well be wrong, is that there was something in meat that was important in brain evolution in proto humans, and that it had something to do with prions.

Had a google. Didn’t immediately find anything but that’s because I got distracted by this article that addresses your edited query.

9 years ago

Just you wait. We’ll punish you by… NEVER HAVING SEX WITH YOU! Who’s got the upper hand now?

Apparently we do, because 13-inch, rainbow colored, strap-on compatible dragon dildos are a thing

*perks up ears.*

*sneaks over to PI’s house to ‘borrow’ dragons. Because dragons.*


9 years ago

Sometimes I get a recurring stress-dream where I’m back in high school or college with projects due that I had no idea about and classes that I had apparently not been taking but was supposed to.

Any women out there willing to kill that dream for me, please?

9 years ago

Does anyone else get sleep paralysis? I’ve had it a few times, and I heard once that when people believe they were visited by aliens at night it’s often due to sleep paralysis. It’s really strange. You’re laying in bed, fully aware of where you are but unable to move. For me there’s a deep sense of dread and panic, and a feeling that there is a presence in the room. If I realize that it’s sleep paralysis, the hallucination immediately ends but I still can’t move for a couple of minutes. I can usually see the room, but when it’s over I realize my eyes were closed the whole time and details of the room were wrong during the hallucination.

TMI warning: one time I had sleep paralysis immediately following a naughty dream and the presence was an incubus that…uh, did stuff. It was extremely frightening at the time but really funny to think back on.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ kupo

I believe all those succubus paintings (imp sat on sleeping lady’s chest) are inspired by the sleep paralysis phenomena.

I’ve never experienced that, but I have had the classic getting tangled up in the eiderdown thing. That can be quite freaky for a few moments.

9 years ago

Hah, I talk in my sleep from time to time and more than one or two people have asked me things like my being asleep would somehow lead to revelations previously withheld. I guess I tend to be as much of a cagey smartass asleep as when someone is randomly quizzing me on shit I’ve already thoroughly and honestly answered when awake. They ask dumb questions and asleep or awake they get an oddball answer from me.

Kind of like when my mom isn’t letting me hang up the phone with her and I say “Gotta go mom, cat’s on fire.” Because it WORKS, and I don’t currently HAVE A CAT.

The one dream that I’ve had a couple times and sticks with me is where I’m having a full conversation with my friend who was murdered in 2005 and I wake up in a sitting position in bed like I was in my dream and the s/o says I was talking to Justin (friend who is definitely dead – was at the funeral and open casket viewing) but nothing he tried was working to wake me up.

Ashara Payne
Ashara Payne
9 years ago

I’ve had too many weird and wonderful dreams to choose from to describe the most interesting/weird ones, but I did once dream while I was awake. That was after severe sleep deprivation and jet lag. I was trying to sleep and lying down, totally aware that I was lying down trying to sleep.
I’ve never had a good imagination and was also terrible at creative writing, something which irritated me enormously. I once had a Harry Potter -based dream that was a really terrific, exciting, logical story, and I woke up thrilled that finally I might be able to write something good. I forgot it within ten seconds.
I once had a dream I was rich and it took me ten minutes after I woke to remember that I wasn’t.

I usually dream pretty mundane stuff about houses. Strangely I get recurring dreams about living in the same completely imaginary house. Maybe this is due to being unhappy with my current house for the past 18 years.

When my son was small he’d always be running off. I dreamt he got on a bus once without me. He was only 3 or 4.

I used to dream I was falling a long long way a lot as a child. I never do now. Maybe it’s because I was always tripping over.

9 years ago

I had sleep paralysis once and that was enough for me! I didn’t see anything, but I felt this sense that if I didn’t turn away from the door, which was where I was looking, something would come through the door and kill me horribly. But I couldn’t move. It was weird because I felt wide and panicked one minute. The next it was morning and all was normal again.

9 years ago

Hambeast, Social Justice Beastie:
Oh yeah, chatty people who don’t let me go to loo also happens sometimes.

However, tonight the pee dream took to some new levels of WTF and introduced a completely new permutation. Mild TMI ahead.

For some reason I was in LotR, I was the ringbearer, and at one point, I hacked apart one of the Nazgûls with a sword, fully knowing that it would eventually return and there were eight others to dodge as well; a lot of the dream was spent on doing that. I trundled along the road that goes on with others, met gnomes (? WTF, this is Middle-earth, not D&D), and suddenly, I needed the loo.

OMG. It was so pristine, clean, shiny white tiling and porcelain inside, with heated floor and pleasant smells! I went “Yay! Finally!” and just as I was about to pull down my knickers and seat the Porcelain Throne, the door was kicked in, and Hillary Clinton dressed as Michele Pfeiffer Catwoman (!!!!) busted in, and tried to attack me, except then Morpheus from Matrix (!!!!!!!) began to do some Hulk-style beatdown on her, and another Hillary Clinton (now looking like she usually does, also !!!!!!!!!!!!) joined on it.

Brain went “WTF, giving up now, this doesn’t make any sort of sense anymore” and I woke up and bolted from the bed.

When it comes to nightmares of environmental nature (tornadoes, usually — they apparently fascinate me since we don’t have exactly the same phenomena, just something way smaller albeit some can be pretty intense), it tends to be me and some others scampering to good shelter, while a bunch of people go “oooh look at that” and stay outside, tweeting and taking pics while we’re screaming to get in, that’s gonna kill you all. One tornado dream of this variety is permanently stamped to my mind due to its gruesome nature. Oh gods.

9 years ago

I feel lucky that my scarier dreams seem to be in my past. I think I’ve learned a little bit from my years of living. I have a broader perspective now and am more inclined to speak up for myself. I think that my dreams reflect that.

And even in my more depressed past, I would sometimes have a really bad day and then at night have a lovely dream. I had the impression that my mind and body were trying to balance out my experiences.

9 years ago

I have a genderqueer dream. 😛

I was given these two pods. One was golden one was dark red, and they were jelly like with golden netting around them. Of you ate one or both, you would die, then revive as a powerful mage whose power was based in knowledge (gold pod) or immortality (red pod).

occasional reader
occasional reader
9 years ago

> Alan

Yes, indeed, it seems we are living in “democracy” where the people has less and less to say in the political life and electoral process. We laboriously bring the acceptance of the “vote blanc” (White vote ? Blank vote ?), but for now, it is just counted apart, without any influence, so we have to stick to whoever candidate is brought to us by political parties. So, yeah, why not a farcical aquatic ceremony ? It would be as muddy as it is now anyway.

> about dreams
Hmm, when i have to pee in a dream, i usually wake up. But it is not working with everything. Sadly to say, i have sometimes dreams where i spit, and i really spit or maybe i drool a lot (i generally wake up short after), in any case, the pillow is stained.
And last, as we are adults, there are also pink dreams. And there too, there is no wake up before what we call here “nocturnal pollution” (or also “roadmap”), at least for men. So maybe the body is a wonderful machine, but it is sometimes really messy and tricky.