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“Women exploit men,” complains Red Pill dude who devotes his life to exploiting women

Woman killing man's dream of eating toast
Woman killing man’s dream of eating toast

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The Red Pill subreddit, as longtime readers of this blog know all too well, teaches a particularly backward and repugnant form of “game” — that is, pickup “artistry” — that relies heavily on manipulative techniques designed to help men get what they want from women by preying on their insecurities.

Not that Red Pillers see themselves as the villains here; in their minds, they’re just giving women what they really, if secretly, want. They’re not exploiting women. If anything, the women are exploiting — or at least trying to exploit — them.

In a post from a year ago that was recently resurrected by another Red Piller, a fella calling himself bsutansalt made the mistake of suggesting to his comrades that in a good (straight) relationship there is — or at least there could be — a certain synergy between man and woman.  When they “join together to face the world, they have the potential to be so much more than the sum of their strengths.”

Suggestions that women are anything other than overgrown, narcissistic babies tend not to go over very well on the Red Pill subreddit. And so it’s no surprise that bsutansalt’s post — or at least that small portion of it that dared to suggest that women and men could cooperate to make their relationship better — inspired a vehement rebuttal from one of his Red Pill brothers.

As MattyAnon sees it, the potential for synergy is just that, potential, a lovely theory that falls apart once one takes into consideration the fact that, as that old Led Zeppelin song has it, the “soul of a woman was created below.”

Take it away, Matty:

A partnership. Two people working together. A man and a woman with complementary skills and emotions working together. It sounds so beautiful but this is not how women work.

Yes, please, anonymous dude on the internet, explain to us how women work.

Women do not partner with men. Women exploit men, while men think they are building something together. Your commitment is used against you. Your voluntary reduction in your options is used as leverage to get what she wants.

Yes, that’s right, women exploit men using a devious technique known as “being in a monogamous relationship with a guy who willingly entered into this monogamous relationship.”

It’s been said before: women are dream killers. Why? Because when you’re in a long term relationship with her, it is now your job to support her dream. And you can bet that dream is boring as fuck.

Men’s dreams are inherently so much more fascinating than women’s dreams.

There is no relationship equity. There is no gratitude. There is no partnership. There is only the man doing stuff for the woman, and the woman doing the bare minimum required to maintain the flow of commitment and resources.

What sort of resources? Coal? Iron? Guano?

“Behind every great man is a great woman”… bulllshit. Every great man achieves what he achieves despite women. We can achieve so much more if we’re not also having to support women.

So posting crap to the Red Pill subreddit is actually some kind of glorious achievement? Some men are born great, some achieve greatness, and some bash women on Reddit.

Women claim to be the strong, independent equal of men. I say great: let’s give them exactly what they ask for. All the equality and independence they can choke down.

Somehow I doubt that the women of the world are quaking in their boots over this oft-repeated, er, threat.

H/T — r/TheBluePill

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9 years ago

I just had a dream where I was in Bakersfield (which was unaccountably by the coast) and I’d got a text message from a mate that he and his stepfather would pick me up from Grand Pane Valley at 8:15. It was 7:00 in my dream.
I can’t help but think that there’s at least a possibility my girlfriend had a better dream.

Lukas Xavier
Lukas Xavier
9 years ago

@Jackie: It would be a good set up for succubi.

So, you admit it! You’re just trying to steal our precious bodily fluids.

Just you wait. We’ll punish you by… NEVER HAVING SEX WITH YOU! Who’s got the upper hand now?

9 years ago

I just read David’s latest tweet. “Life without book makes many people cannot know about any attractive things in the world.” That’s some Engrish spambot gold right there.

9 years ago

Dudes: Women are incompetant and helpless and can’t do anything for themselves and if we let them try the world will crumble around us.


9 years ago

Off Topic I’m afraid, but David may be interested in this article on Alternet. It refers to a Totally Scientific paper published by the USAF

The U.S. Military Has a Truly Offensive, Off-the-Wall New Theory About What Causes Terrorism

Air Force Research Laboratory, contributor Tawfik Hamid claims men join terrorist organizations because they’re sexually deprived by women who wear hijabs

The author of the article, Domenica Ghanem of Foreign Policy in Focus, notes

We’re used to getting blamed for the violence of men when we wear too little. Now we can also take credit for the violence of men when we wear too much.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Lukas Xavier | March 7, 2016 at 12:05 am

@Jackie: It would be a good set up for succubi.

So, you admit it! You’re just trying to steal our precious bodily fluids.

Just you wait. We’ll punish you by… NEVER HAVING SEX WITH YOU! Who’s got the upper hand now?

Apparently we do, because 13-inch, rainbow colored, strap-on compatible dragon dildos are a thing.

And we don’t have to have sex with men who hate us. Double Misandry Points~!

(I know you were joking, by the way. I just wanted to add some more snark.)

EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

If they don’t kick the people who are poor, then it’s hard for them to praise the people who had the luck to be rich. As WWTH said, scratch a redpiller and you find a Randroid.

How very alpha of them.

9 years ago

My then-boyfriend and I had the same dream one night. We both dreamed that we went to a socialist convention. (IRL both of us are lefties but were not contemplating doing this.)

It sounds really romantic to have the same dream during the same night.

He turned out to be a manipulative jerk.

It took me a while, but I finally gave him the heave-ho.

9 years ago

So Andrea Hardie/Janet Bloomfield/Judgy Bitch tweeted this:

Lol! @DavidFutrelle readers are buying my books! WIN! #UsefulIdiots

This is in response to Snork Maiden’s mention that she’d read The Fitness Test.

Apparently Andrea Hardie has never heard of “taking one for the team.”

Snork Maiden, we owe you!

Also, on her Twitter account, Hardie displays a Trump logo. (His hair features prominently in it.) Apparently she thinks that she will be voting for the Orange-Haired Gasbag. She thinks other woman shouldn’t vote–but apparently she, a Canadian, gets to vote in the US election!

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Good on you for getting rid of the manipulative jerk, Kat.

If Hardie gets to vote for Trump, do I get to vote for Clinton?

9 years ago

@EJ (The Other One)

And if Hardie gets to vote for Trump, all bets are off.

@David Futrelle
Ooh, your retort to JB/Hardie/Bloomfield had to sting!

9 years ago

Ah, “life without book” – yes indeed 🙂

(of course, sometimes even a free download is overpriced when you consider what the content is worth …)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

My dream is to be sat naked in an exam I haven’t prepared for; so feel free to prevent that.

9 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw
I can kill one or the other of your dreams.

Doing both would be above my pay grade.

9 years ago

Domenica Ghanem is spot on:

We’re used to getting blamed for the violence of men when we wear too little. Now we can also take credit for the violence of men when we wear too much.

She could also have continued “when we wear too much because we’re threatened with violence, prison and ostracism unless we cover up.”

My current dreams are generally about wandering around seventeenth century Norwich trying to find my socks or my phone.

Mr Bluecat claims not to remember his dreams, but once in a while he has one. I can usually spot it happening because he gets restless, groans, sobs, and says things like “Leave me alone, you’re dead.”

Being a mean, dream-killing feminist woman, I cruelly destroy his dreams by cuddling him and telling him everything’s all right. It usually works.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ playonwords

There has been a lot of mis-reporting of that report. The US military has not suggested that terrorism is caused by hijab wearing women.

The study questioned a number of extremists and terrorist supporters as to what their motivations were. One of those people was Hamid. He stated that he blamed sexual deprivation (other people suggested different reasons)

It’s very common to question terrorists and their supporters as to motivation, but it doesn’t mean those reasons are accepted.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

I just woke up from a dream where I was playing Vince Guaraldi tunes on a piano in the basement of a secret high tech research facility. Boooring.

Your commitment is used against you. Your voluntary reduction in your options is used as leverage to get what she wants.

“Just because we’re in a relationship, now I sometimes have to doooooooo things for the other person! Waaaaaaah!”

I’m trying to imagine this guy whining the same way about his job. Like, he just can’t believe that commitments come with obligations. So unfair.

There is only the man doing stuff for the woman, and the woman doing the bare minimum required to maintain the flow of commitment and resources.

“Stuff”. Something tells me this dude isn’t exactly going the extra mile either. His whole attitude is “How can I get sex with as little effort as possible?” Which is RedPill, and PUA, in a nutshell. Shortcuts and cheat codes. They want to bypass conversation and flirtation as quickly as possible to get to the sex.

We can achieve so much more if we’re not also having to support women.

Yes. If only women weren’t holding you back. All of you would be wealthy geniuses, and you’d have so much more time for lifting and Reddit!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ kat

Technically it’s just the one dream, but taking exams I haven’t prepared for pretty much describes my academic career so feel free just to concentrate on the other element.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
9 years ago

Men need very little to be happy. A mattress on the floor. A large TV. A bike in the corner. One lamp. A computer with internet connection. All videogames ever. And all the games need to be designed specifically for them. And cash. And sexbots. And a car. And a butler. A sexy female butler. And a gun. And respect. RESPECT!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ IP

A sexy female butler.

Nah, monkey butlers are where it’s at.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
9 years ago


Don’t give them ideas!

8 years ago

@booberry – My partner became permanently disabled and unable to work when he was about 26. He gets peanuts from Social Security and I work every day to keep us afloat. It’s not like my imaginary smv was gone when this situation arose, I could have left him. But I stayed because I love…

…to exploit him! Muahahahaha!
Yep, that’s gotta be it.

(Edited to fix my evil laugh typo)

You’re playing the long game.

Ex: My husband’s ex happened to work in the same general department as me. She was well liked and well known. I was slightly less well known (she worked in a high profile gig, I was a tech support hobbit) but still well liked (I’d managed to make good impressions when I’d emerged from our dimly lit hole).
When we started dating, she managed to convince a large swath of people that he was using me, punctuated by the fact that he really didn’t like kids (I had two – I’m one of the, according to the manosphere, totally imaginary women whose ex-husband completely flaked out, had an affair and left his wife, and who went through mediation rather than an acrimonious divorce).
No one at work “blamed” me, but there was apparently a large contingent who tut-tutted about what a shame it was that I was being set up for such hurt.

We still joke about it.
He’ll say, “Yep, I’m the most devious person ever, playing the real long game. Just wait and see. My plan is that I’ll love you for the rest of my life and then, many years from now when we’re both old and enjoying retirement, I’ll die! That’s my long term plan for your ultimate heartbreak. They figured me out.”

8 years ago

We can achieve so much more if we’re not also having to support women.

Given that women do the majority of unpaid labor and that we are underpaid for jobs that do receive compensation, I think he’s got this one backwards.

8 years ago

So Andrea Hardie/Janet Bloomfield/Judgy Bitch tweeted this:

Lol! @DavidFutrelle readers are buying my books! WIN! #UsefulIdiots
This is in response to Snork Maiden’s mention that she’d read The Fitness Test.

Apparently Andrea Hardie has never heard of “taking one for the team.”

Snork Maiden, we owe you!

I bought it when Amazon was offering it for free, so it’s not like it cost me anything. I may get around to reading it eventually. Don’t worry, I’ll go at it with an open mind and give it a fair review, if I do in fact manage to finish it.