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“Women exploit men,” complains Red Pill dude who devotes his life to exploiting women

Woman killing man's dream of eating toast
Woman killing man’s dream of eating toast

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The Red Pill subreddit, as longtime readers of this blog know all too well, teaches a particularly backward and repugnant form of “game” — that is, pickup “artistry” — that relies heavily on manipulative techniques designed to help men get what they want from women by preying on their insecurities.

Not that Red Pillers see themselves as the villains here; in their minds, they’re just giving women what they really, if secretly, want. They’re not exploiting women. If anything, the women are exploiting — or at least trying to exploit — them.

In a post from a year ago that was recently resurrected by another Red Piller, a fella calling himself bsutansalt made the mistake of suggesting to his comrades that in a good (straight) relationship there is — or at least there could be — a certain synergy between man and woman.  When they “join together to face the world, they have the potential to be so much more than the sum of their strengths.”

Suggestions that women are anything other than overgrown, narcissistic babies tend not to go over very well on the Red Pill subreddit. And so it’s no surprise that bsutansalt’s post — or at least that small portion of it that dared to suggest that women and men could cooperate to make their relationship better — inspired a vehement rebuttal from one of his Red Pill brothers.

As MattyAnon sees it, the potential for synergy is just that, potential, a lovely theory that falls apart once one takes into consideration the fact that, as that old Led Zeppelin song has it, the “soul of a woman was created below.”

Take it away, Matty:

A partnership. Two people working together. A man and a woman with complementary skills and emotions working together. It sounds so beautiful but this is not how women work.

Yes, please, anonymous dude on the internet, explain to us how women work.

Women do not partner with men. Women exploit men, while men think they are building something together. Your commitment is used against you. Your voluntary reduction in your options is used as leverage to get what she wants.

Yes, that’s right, women exploit men using a devious technique known as “being in a monogamous relationship with a guy who willingly entered into this monogamous relationship.”

It’s been said before: women are dream killers. Why? Because when you’re in a long term relationship with her, it is now your job to support her dream. And you can bet that dream is boring as fuck.

Men’s dreams are inherently so much more fascinating than women’s dreams.

There is no relationship equity. There is no gratitude. There is no partnership. There is only the man doing stuff for the woman, and the woman doing the bare minimum required to maintain the flow of commitment and resources.

What sort of resources? Coal? Iron? Guano?

“Behind every great man is a great woman”… bulllshit. Every great man achieves what he achieves despite women. We can achieve so much more if we’re not also having to support women.

So posting crap to the Red Pill subreddit is actually some kind of glorious achievement? Some men are born great, some achieve greatness, and some bash women on Reddit.

Women claim to be the strong, independent equal of men. I say great: let’s give them exactly what they ask for. All the equality and independence they can choke down.

Somehow I doubt that the women of the world are quaking in their boots over this oft-repeated, er, threat.

H/T — r/TheBluePill

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9 years ago

You know, the RedPill worldview is *almost* empowering. I’d be far more hopeful about my future if I actually believed this stuff, instead of, you know, facing the reality that most women drop out of the workforce because the majority of “unpaid labor” (like childcare) becomes their responsibility, while their husbands can go on to become CEOs, executives, and tenured professors.

There’s a reason why 58% of companies have paid maternity leave but only 14% have paid paternity leave.

Women support men’s ambitions. Not the other way around.

9 years ago

My partner became permanently disabled and unable to work when he was about 26. He gets peanuts from Social Security and I work every day to keep us afloat. It’s not like my imaginary smv was gone when this situation arose, I could have left him. But I stayed because I love…

…to exploit him! Muahahahaha!
Yep, that’s gotta be it.

(Edited to fix my evil laugh typo)

Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago

Given his obvious disgust for women, Red Pill dude sounds like he should switch his affiliation to MGTOW. And then, you know, actually go.

9 years ago

I’d point out that Eleanor Roosevelt was a big part of the accomplishments during FDR’s administration. But I think red pillers are mostly Randroids and would probably consider the New Deal a bad thing.

9 years ago

If men are so much greater when they’re not catering to women, then why aren’t gay men ruling the world?

9 years ago

It’s interesting how many anxieties about previous relationships come out in these kinds of comments. I always get the feeling that they’re generalizing all women as just like their exes (who are of course complete monsters and responsible for everything bad that’s ever happened to these guys.)

9 years ago

Because when you’re in a long term relationship with her, it is now your job to support her dream. And you can bet that dream is boring as fuck.

And his dreams are…?

Lady Mondegreen
Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

A man and a woman with complementary skills and emotions working together.

Ah, but if women would just behave in the ways approved by gender essentialism, that would be beautiful!*

* In other words: he pursues his dream, whatever it is; supporting his dream is her dream (raising their kids, running their home, entertaining his business associates…)

Andrea Harris
Andrea Harris
9 years ago

Women claim to be the strong, independent equal of men. I say great: let’s give them exactly what they ask for.

I finally agree with a Man Going His Own Way. Thanks, dude! Nice to have your good wishes.

Oh wait, that’s not what he meant? He means to leave us all alone, without his guidance and support? So that we’ll be unhappy? But–but that’s what we want! And we won’t be unhappy at all!

Oh well, it’s as Anna Freud said, what we do not know is what do men want. Strange, enigmatic beings that they are.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

I had a dream once where we decided to physically relocated the city of Louisville, to fix all of the built-environment problems here.

I was pretty damned psyched about it until I woke up.

Where can I find a man to exploit to make this dream a reality?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

@Andrea Harris

Unfortunately, what he meant was “Equality means being allowed to punch women!” Which seems to be what about half of all MRAnts mean (the other half mean “Rape is awesome!”).

Alpine, RN
Alpine, RN
9 years ago

Geez…my current dream is a better medieval encampment for our event this summer…Dr. Alpine is 100% behind this plan…we must be doing it WROOOOOONG!!!

9 years ago

Sure. The manosphere is just chalked full of brilliance and innovation. Why they’ve given the world…um…

Well, they have amazing adventures like…huh.

I got nuthin.

They just whine, lie, threaten women, teach each other how to be abusive and discourage one another from having the slightest scraps of happiness or decency.

They’re hardly living thrilling and fulfilling lives.

But I encourage them to stay the fuck away from women. Really, if they all took off to explore deep space, that’d be lovely.

9 years ago

See, what happened was: his ex left him, but he’s unable to figure out why she might have left such a perfect specimen, such as himself, even though she probably told him her reasons for leaving multiple times.

In an effort to understand why she left, and never blame himself, he came up with a bajillion and one reasons why she might leave that doesn’t involve him being less than perfect. This requires creating a whole new ex-girlfriend, who didn’t say, or do, any of the things the real one said.

The next step is never falling in love again since ALL women are unable to appreciate his perfection. They must all be like the ex-girlfriend he made up on his head.

TL;DR – It’s Straw – Exes.

epitome of incomprehensibility

I had a dream that by going inside a backpack and turning a somersault, I could create a teleportation device and travel around the world.

I had another dream about library books attached to balloons. The balloons were so the books didn’t get lost. Also the strings of different balloons never got tangled, because of something to do with magnetism.

And then I had a dream that I met Sidney Poitier at a job fair and shook his hand, but he wasn’t really paying attention to me because he was waiting for some cake to be served.

Now I just need a man to exploit so that I can make those dreams come true!!! Any takers?

Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago

@epitome of incomprehensibility

Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Alpine, RN
Alpine, RN
9 years ago

oooh another dream is to be an emergency nurse practitioner…and I admit, Dr. Alpine is totally supportive of that dream…after all, HIS dream is to be a researcher and stay-at-home dad (science from home, yo!) while I do the full time work… (OH GOD ITS LIKE WE’RE EGALITARIAN!!! MISAAAAANNNNNDRRRRRYYYYYY!!!!)

Slutty Miss Havisham Penguin briefly known as Nady
Slutty Miss Havisham Penguin briefly known as Nady
9 years ago

So …. Wait…. I’ve been doing it wrong?! I’ve been doing an online health assistant course. (Whilst working in a care setting,) so I can support myself in college, when I could have just got a man to bring in da monies! Too bad I just hit the wall. And I doubt they would want my mental “deficiencies”. (Dyspraxia baby!) Oh well! I guess I’ll just cry into my cup of tea bought by my hard earned money.

(FYI. I really hope I didn’t insult anyone with the mental thing. Hence it was in quotation marks.) 😀

9 years ago

Huh. So I guess I’m not actually working full-time as a middle school custodian because the job comes with great health are coverage, which I need because my husband became totally disabled in the prime of his life due to a hereditary condition. That’s all just some sort of hallucination I’m having while I lay on the couch in front of the TV eating peeled bonbons and watching The View.

9 years ago

Soooooo there aren’t any women with jobs and their own home, and we all would die without men like this douche nozzle….eerrr I mean redpillian to take care of us except he doesn’t want to be taken advantage of by women anymore. Ok. Do they have any new or different whiny complaints or just different versions of the same one we all are very familiar with at this point?

Ashara Payne
Ashara Payne
9 years ago

I think, possibly the ‘man doing stuff for the woman’ likely includes going to work, any contribution he cares to make towards the running of the household and childcare; and ‘the woman doing the bare minimum required’ means ‘stuff she does for meeeeee such as making sammiches, bringing me beer, giving bjs’ etc. Anything a woman does that’s for the benefit of the whole family doesn’t count.
Because reasons.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

And, once again, those of us women who are into women do not compute in their little AWALT world.

Wait, if I’m a woman, and I’m dating a woman (or a even a feminine-presenting non-binary person), then who’s doing the exploiting???

Oh, wait, I know! We’re both doing the exploiting by attempting to lure men in with our sexy “lesbian” ways and not fucking them because we’re not attracted to them!

comment image

Silly me and my widdle lady brain!

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
9 years ago


Oh, wait, I know! We’re both doing the exploiting by attempting to lure men in with our sexy “lesbian” ways and not fucking them because we’re not attracted to them!

It’s the perfect set up, you have to admit.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

@Jackie: It would be a good set up for succubi.

9 years ago

This really wearies me because some of us women are indeed in financial difficulties or fields that aren’t lucrative enough to actually support a human being, and these guys make that into a moral failure.

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