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The mysterious yet also disgusting enigma of that …THING on Ted Cruz’s lip

Trust me, you don’t want to see what’s under that black dot.

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This is a bit off-topic, I know, but I can’t help myself. Like everyone else who pays even the slightest attention to American politics, or at least that last Republican debate, I am both mystified and disgusted by that … thing … that appeared on Ted Cruz’s upper lip, then transferred itself to his lower lip, and ultimately into his mouth.

I grossed myself out a little just writing that sentence.

I have no great insight into what exactly was going on there, but we can take heart in the fact that the media is on the case:

Did Ted Cruz Eat a Booger On Live TV

Oh, and there’s plenty more where those come from.

I eagerly await the conspiracy theories that will inevitably arise to explain this incident. Hell, for all I know a whole new movement could arise from it — the Ted Cruz Booger Truther movement.

And I’m not even going to get into the whole teeth issue. I mean, I think we can all agree that the teeth in that screenshot above are not human teeth.

I’ll leave it to the Ted Cruz Booger Tooth Truther movement to figure out the details.

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Mrs. B
Mrs. B
8 years ago

I have honestly never heard of a tonsil stone before this. And now I never want to contemplate one ever again.

Alpine, RN
Alpine, RN
8 years ago

@Mrs. B- they’re also called tonsoliths…just to give you something else to avoid…

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
8 years ago

I have honestly never heard of a tonsil stone before this. And now I never want to contemplate one ever again.

I second that.

8 years ago


Mrs. B
Mrs. B
8 years ago

@Mrs. B- they’re also called tonsoliths…just to give you something else to avoid…

Thank you for that warning!

8 years ago

epitome of incomprehensibility: Ooo, that was me, that was me. 😀 I recall the weirdest stuff. 😀

Another thing nobody should ever get, but there you go, human bodies are weird and sometimes gross: saliva gland stones.

You really don’t want to hear my personal experience regarding that.

8 years ago

This is why mirrors are a thing. This is also why the famous and powerful pay lots of bucks for personal assistants who will attend to details like this. I haven’t spent that much time paying attention to the nitty gritty regarding Ted Cruz, but my understanding is that he’s extremely unlikable on a personal level, to the point where even his fellow senators – many of whom also come off as unlikable, at least to me, through the filters of social media and the mainstream media – don’t like him. Maybe he can’t find a competent assistant to do this kind of work for any level of pay, or maybe the assistant he does have thinks he’s such an ass that it’s worth getting fired just to take revenge for all the shit they’ve had to tolerate from Cruz.

8 years ago

I did my best to avoid this story even though it was all over Facebook for days on end.

I’m actually surprised we don’t see more of our thought leaders foaming at the mouth.

8 years ago

I had a tonsillectomy at age 36 to stop getting tonsil stones. The recovery was 2 weeks of drugged-up agony (seriously, c-sections are easier) but it was totally worth it.

8 years ago

Huh, I’d never heard of tonsil stones before, but now I realize I’ve had them on occasion. Learn something new every day.

Mrs. B
Mrs. B
8 years ago

I mean, wouldn’t a dentist or a doctor be able to see that stuff right away? I don’t know how long they take to form, and I’m just too squeamish to look it up. I saw a slo-mo of a close up of it, and I nearly zuked.

I’m not looking any further. Yuck.
8 years ago

This is also why the famous and powerful pay lots of bucks for personal assistants who will attend to details like this.

Wait. Is there any personal assistant who would check the back of their employer’s mouth for tonsoliths?

8 years ago

I also get weirdly fascinated by some gross things, and I get tonsil stones. As far as gross things go, I don’t think they’re that gross, but I’ve never done what Ted Cruz did. Maybe it’s the act of eating tonsil stones that’s so gross.

If people are concerned they might have it, I think it’s not too hard to tell (but it’s not a big deal in my opinion). If you look in your mouth and see your tonsils make a crevice, that is a pocket where stuff collects to make tonsiliths. (I think this is a physiological problem; if there are no crevices, then no tonsiliths will form.) For me, I usually feel pressure around my tonsils and the taste of morning breath lingers longer at the back of my throat (tonsiliths can cause bad breath, but it’s never really been a problem for me).

I’ve asked my doctor if there’s anything I can do about it, and she said I’d just periodically cough it out like cats do with hairballs. If it gets really bad I can get my tonsils removed.

(Sorry if I’m necroing a thread. I didn’t get a chance to read this earlier in the week.)

8 years ago

I used to suffer from Tonsil stones for decades till my spouse bought Arm and Hammer tooth paste. I stopped having tonsil stones. I switched to my regular toothpaste had tonsil stones again.

Then I tried Colgate Optic White, no more tonsil stones. I went to look for a connection and the toothpastes that stopped my tonsil stones all had hydrogen peroxide, so I figured it sanitized my mouth and stopped the build up.
Im so happy now and my breath is different. Tonsil stones are a thing of the past now when I used to suffer from them quite frequently.