antifeminism men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny patriarchy sockpuppetry TROOOLLLL!!

Channers unveil plan to dupe feminists into protesting domestic violence by hitting themselves

This also seems totally legit
This also seems totally legit

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Yesterday afternoon, a totally real feminist who couldn’t possibly be a troll pretending to be a feminist, no way, took to Twitter to announce a bold new campaign to fight domestic violence and defeat patriarchy by encouraging feminists to give themselves black eyes, thus showing the patriarchy that, uh, women can punch themselves?

The name of the operation, I mean initiative: #FeministBlackOut.


Seems legit.
I blurred out the faces on the off chance this post wasn’t totally 100% legit.

In case you’re having a little trouble reading the text over the clouds there, I took the liberty of enhancing it a little:

Flawless STEM logic

Er, “doing onto?”

News of this totally real not fake at all plan quickly spread beyond Hannah’s three Twitter followers, and before long another totally real feminist started up a new but totally legit Twitter account to support #FeministBlackOut and share her own picture which was totally a picture of her for real and not just a picture of a woman with a black eye swiped from a story in the Mirror.

Yes, I blurred this one out too.

I’m sure her single Twitter follower was suitably enlightened.

Despite the fact that this was obviously a totally real feminist campaign and not, say, the least convincing attempt by channers to troll feminists ever, there were some who were skeptical:

How cynical do you have to be to assume that this campaign is anything other than completely legiti — hold on, what’s this?

This post was … directed by M. Night Shyamalan.

H/T — @RS_Benedict, via @kaleparty



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8 years ago

Also, gotta love that cheap printshop card effect. Cheesy old font AND poor typography, with misspellings and extra spaces all over the place. I’m sure no one at all will see the chan-turds typing one-handed and going “hurr, hurr, hurr” behind THAT! Checkmate, feminists!

8 years ago

Oh, look who thinks we don’t know how to use the Internets:

That’s so cute.

8 years ago

messed up an image upload, sorry

Miss Andry
8 years ago

Okay, 4chan, we need to talk. Has this ever, ever worked? EVER? The only people you seem to fool are conservatives who already think feminists are stupid, but never the feminists themselves. You need an in intervention, folks. Get help.

Dr. NicolaLuna
Dr. NicolaLuna
8 years ago

On another topic, I am SO FUCKING DONE with the slut shaming going on to do with the Adam Johnson case.

He groomed a 15 year old girl and I’m seeing so many people in comments sections saying that 15 year olds know what they are doing and she’s to blame. Even professional troll, Katie Hopkins has called this girl a “slag” (UK equivalent of “slut”) and basically said that *she* should have known better.

How is misogyny so acceptable in our culture that people honestly think that about a child?

8 years ago

I’m up for make feminists fat by sending us – I mean, them, of course, sending THEM chocolates campaign, if anyone would like to start one. And maybe some kitty toys.

Happy Mothers day to all mothers, grandmothers, stepmothers, people who have mothers – and all those who mother, whether or not they have children.

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
8 years ago

Excellent plan, bluecat! And we, I mean they, are especially susceptible to Godiva and Ghiradelli. Um, I’ve heard.

8 years ago

Cartoon bears trying to steal pic-a-nic baskets come up with far better plans than these chuckleheads.

8 years ago


“I like the way Snrub thinks!”


Yes, they should send cat toys too. It’ll hasten the transition to “crazy cat lady”

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ Dr Nicola

It’s just like the Ched Evans thing all over again. Especially with the commercial concerns of the football club over-riding all common decency. I know their excuse is that they didn’t know he was going to plead guilty to at least some of the offenses; but he’d already admitted to them that he’d been kissing and sending sexually explicit texts to a 15 year old; what more did they need?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

Feminists lie about the wage gap, too! Let’s send them all our money to demonstrate how fake that claim is!

8 years ago

The thigh gap troll actually really worked well. End Father’s Day worked far less well but at least it fooled a bunch of anti-feminists. As terrible as these Twitter campaigns were, at least they made sense.

This? Is just stupid. It doesn’t make sense and it never fooled anybody.

Remember that troll we had a few weeks ago who was pretending to be a concerned feminist? They were trying to convince us that our mockery of channers was going to make them come after us and was going to totally ruin feminism forever and we were going to lose against the mighty anti-feminist trolls?

If this is how they fight feminism, I don’t think we have anything to worry about.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

When my baby sister was a toddler, she’d drape a hand towel over her face and wander around the house yelling, “I’M HIDING!!!” That was more effective and more amusing than these idjits’ attempts to discredit feminism.

8 years ago

@Dr. NicolaLuna
My whole Facebook feed is full of slut shaming and victim blaming today. 🙁 There was apparently a rape accusation made within a scene I’m adjacent to, so there’s lots of “if it was really rape she would have done x and y” from people I would have thought better of, one of them a victim themself. Then there’s this story:

Of course all the comments are about how this is the teacher’s fault.

I’m done with today.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago


The thigh gap one only worked because it was the first. It’s like a crappy indie horror game – the first jumpscare’ll usually get you, but by the 2340809342th, all you can do is laugh forever.

(… Or, without the video game metaphor, the law of diminishing returns.)

8 years ago

@ Buttercup Q

I LIKE the way you’re thinking! 🙂


– chocolates (dark, mint, ginger, orange also particularly offensive to me, erm, them, them)
– cat toys (cat ladies who sob into their solitary pillow while the cats run riot)
– money (show they’re all basically wh*res, amirite?)
– expensive kitchen appliances like juicers maybe? Show them they need to put down those massive, heart attack inducing fat dripping burgers they are so well known for scarfing and get a healthy diet. Plus the “get back in the kitchen” trope, so it’s win – win.

All great ways to shame and harass feminazis, guys!

@ DrNicholas, Alan and Kupo – yes – ugh.

Doesn’t really matter what the minor “knew” – or thought she knew, or might have vaguely looked like she knew – it’s a question of what the adult did. Always.

Ched Evans’ appeal is coming up soon, I believe, so we can expect more appalling commentary on social media, efforts to harass the victim, contempt of court and so on.

8 years ago

I would be totally oppressed if a channer signed me up for a wine of the month club. I especially hate pinot noir.

8 years ago

I too also as well want all clever manly menz to make the awful vile horrid feminists fat by sending us them chocolate – but you know what would be really diabolically cunning? Clever manly menz should send whisky, too (preferably in time for my birthday) because as any fule kno feminists are all lightweights and whisky (which we they will try to drink because we they cannot resist trying to emulate manly menz) will render them incapable of feministing and that will really show ’em, ha!
I have it on good authority that Speysides are particularly effective.

8 years ago

WWTH that would be so oppressive.

8 years ago

Or cheese of the month. It’s totally mean! You’re telling us those awful feminists that they need cheese to go with their whine. Ha, ha! Never gets old.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ opposable thumbs

as any fule kno

Always nice to bump into another St Custards alumni.

8 years ago

I thought Mother’s Day was in May. Then again, I’m on a different continent. Is this like Canadian Thanksgiving vs American Thanksgiving?

8 years ago

I think I would be most oppressed by a fruit-of-the-month club, and regular shipments of yarn (alpaca, silk, and bamboo, but no wool please), and free dog grooming services.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

I’d love to be oppressed by getting a Krompski Harp Forte rigid heddle loom.

Ooh, and oppress me with Blue Moon yarns. All of ’em.