antifeminism men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny patriarchy sockpuppetry TROOOLLLL!!

Channers unveil plan to dupe feminists into protesting domestic violence by hitting themselves

This also seems totally legit
This also seems totally legit

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Yesterday afternoon, a totally real feminist who couldn’t possibly be a troll pretending to be a feminist, no way, took to Twitter to announce a bold new campaign to fight domestic violence and defeat patriarchy by encouraging feminists to give themselves black eyes, thus showing the patriarchy that, uh, women can punch themselves?

The name of the operation, I mean initiative: #FeministBlackOut.


Seems legit.
I blurred out the faces on the off chance this post wasn’t totally 100% legit.

In case you’re having a little trouble reading the text over the clouds there, I took the liberty of enhancing it a little:

Flawless STEM logic

Er, “doing onto?”

News of this totally real not fake at all plan quickly spread beyond Hannah’s three Twitter followers, and before long another totally real feminist started up a new but totally legit Twitter account to support #FeministBlackOut and share her own picture which was totally a picture of her for real and not just a picture of a woman with a black eye swiped from a story in the Mirror.

Yes, I blurred this one out too.

I’m sure her single Twitter follower was suitably enlightened.

Despite the fact that this was obviously a totally real feminist campaign and not, say, the least convincing attempt by channers to troll feminists ever, there were some who were skeptical:

How cynical do you have to be to assume that this campaign is anything other than completely legiti — hold on, what’s this?

This post was … directed by M. Night Shyamalan.

H/T — @RS_Benedict, via @kaleparty



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8 years ago

I am Jane’s complete lack of surprise.

8 years ago

These things are so illustrative of what an echo chamber anti-feminism/chan culture is designed to be. The hashtag itself is full of nothing but 1) channers congratulating each other on their brilliance or 2) people going “oh look another chan false flag”. The intended audience for this stuff is people who’ve already bought into the narrative and have no interest in whether it tracks with reality.

8 years ago

What the hell is wrong with these little boys? Do they think that real feminists are stupid enough to fall for this obvious bullshit? And do they not realize that men can be victims of domestic violence too?

Lady Mondegreen
8 years ago

I love the font and the background of inspirational clouds in that first meme. That just screams Christian bookstore kitsch “feminist”!

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Wasn’t “Hannah Trent” one of those fake accounts that was trying to con feminists into going to FemCon last year?

Or was that another fake Hannah?

8 years ago

Oh no! File not found. Maybe the file/thread was automatically pruned due to age, or was deleted by staff.

8 years ago

What the hell is wrong with these little boys? Do they think that real feminists are stupid enough to fall for this obvious bullshit? And do they not realize that men can be victims of domestic violence too?

Feminists aren’t the target audience. The audience is literally themselves as well as people who are already leaning anti-feminist and are eager for validation but won’t actually look at the hashtag. Months down the road they’ll be all like “lol feminists are so stupid, remember the time they all punched themselves to protest domestic violence!?”

8 years ago

just a picture of a woman with a black eye swiped from a story in the Mirror.

That’s gross, using victims of real world violence for a BS reactionary agenda.

I’d say to grow up, but really this is an empathy problem and not one related to age.

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

I showed that jimpjorps tweet to my significant other. She snorted with laughter.

Well done, channers. You made at least two feminists laugh this morning.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

“female abuse”


I also thought I remembered Hannah Trent.

8 years ago

This is the Dunning-Kruger effect in action. These maroons have circle-jerked and self-congratulated for so long that they believe that they’re smarter than feminists, and since they’re dumb as hell their projections of what feminists will fall for are laughably obvious. It’s the equivalent of a four-year-old playing hide and seek by going into a different room and standing in the middle of it.

snork maiden
8 years ago

It’s the equivalent of a four-year-old playing hide and seek by going into a different room and standing in the middle of it.

When mine was four he’d at least hide behind a cushion.

I’d like to start up a fake fake meme when channers troll feminists by sending us lots of chocolate, that’ll really show us.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Mr Nahc4 strikes again!

(Yes, I’m linking to one of my own posts. Mostly for the benefit of any newer posters who missed the glory of FemCon2015.)

8 years ago

The only people this will fool is other channers, who will mistake this for a hashtag actual feminists used.

8 years ago

*counting down until this shows up on Reddit/imgur, posted by anti-feminists who fall for it and then invoke Poe*

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

FemCon2015 was possibly my favorite post ever in WHTM.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

It reminds me of that woman several years ago who went to the police, claiming she had been mugged by a black man who saw her McCain bumper sticker, knocked her down, and carved a “B” for “Barack Obama” into her face. Except that the “B” was backwards. She did it to herself in a mirror, and forgot to reverse it.

Channers have about the same level of competence in framing other people.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


What a fail. She should’ve carved an O for Obama instead. Duh.

8 years ago

Very happy for the FemCon2015 comments, thank you! I was lurking intermittently here at that time, so I missed the sheer wonderfulness.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

In lighter news can I just wish all Mamotheer Mums a Happy Mothers Day!!!!! from here in the UK.

8 years ago

“Greetings, fellow feminists! What say we ‘stick it to the man’ by punching ourselves in the face?” This is apparently what they’re reduced to.

Also, I liked ‘It’s time to show men that we can do anything we can’, when that second ‘we’ was clearly supposed to be ‘they’. Just a small typo, but it reminded me of Homer Simpson: “If he can teach a class … then he can teach a class! I mean I can teach a class!”

8 years ago

At least their circlejerk has now created such a whirlpool that it’s easy to spot. Makes it easy!

Dr. NicolaLuna
Dr. NicolaLuna
8 years ago

I can’t help wondering if they’ve ever actually met a feminist. Surely they can’t think we would actually be punching ourselves in the face, what would that possibly achieve?

And yay for mothers day. My little Cody wrote me this:
You are fantastiaic. You are luvlee. I luv yor hugs. I love yor hare. You are byoo beautiful.

Eta: tried to do strikethrough on “byoo” but it didn’t work. My first strikethrough mammoth offering.

8 years ago

Shorter them: “Stop hitting yourselves, bitches! Why are you hitting yourselves, bitches?”

Channers remind me of the schoolyard bullies who try to convince their victims that they hit themselves, and that the bullies are in no way responsible for the victims’ own ineptitude. Only, in this case, the bullies are the inept ones, and they’re also the only victims of their own-goaling. Everyone else is laughing AT them, not with them.

And yes, I too recognized “Hannah Trent”, 4chan fauxminist extraordinaire. Bet that dude thinks he’s reeeeeaaaalllly smart to wheel that fake identity out just once a year. Greetings, fellow man!

8 years ago

These twits just boggle my mind. They really believe anyone is stupid enough to give themselves (and their “stallion boyfriends”) a black eye based on these terribly done image macros? They are so obviously just trying to incite mayhem, and seemingly hoping for some video footage of women trying to attack their S.O.s, my guess so that they get to see the ensuing retaliation.

PS: Calling them “stallions” smacks of penis envy.

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