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Yesterday afternoon, a totally real feminist who couldn’t possibly be a troll pretending to be a feminist, no way, took to Twitter to announce a bold new campaign to fight domestic violence and defeat patriarchy by encouraging feminists to give themselves black eyes, thus showing the patriarchy that, uh, women can punch themselves?
The name of the operation, I mean initiative: #FeministBlackOut.
In case you’re having a little trouble reading the text over the clouds there, I took the liberty of enhancing it a little:
Er, “doing onto?”
News of this totally real not fake at all plan quickly spread beyond Hannah’s three Twitter followers, and before long another totally real feminist started up a new but totally legit Twitter account to support #FeministBlackOut and share her own picture which was totally a picture of her for real and not just a picture of a woman with a black eye swiped from a story in the Mirror.
I’m sure her single Twitter follower was suitably enlightened.
Despite the fact that this was obviously a totally real feminist campaign and not, say, the least convincing attempt by channers to troll feminists ever, there were some who were skeptical:
I'd be willing to wager #FeministBlackOut is another production of /b/
— Kingpin Kain (@KingpinKain) March 6, 2016
How cynical do you have to be to assume that this campaign is anything other than completely legiti — hold on, what’s this?
This post was … directed by M. Night Shyamalan.
H/T — @RS_Benedict, via @kaleparty
Would 4chan like to oppress me with books please? Specially science and SF that my poor ladybrains can’t cope with? Quantum physics would be best.
I want them to oppress me with fish tanks. New ones would be really awful.
Another OT link, but I’m putting it on this thread because it’s the most…on topicy.
Er, yeah.
^ If the manosphere would like to move beyond circle jerki…er, “internet advocacy”, they could support / finance something like this.
You know – something that actually helps men and boys.
Want to hear a sad story? I can recall several classmates in one of my uni classes talking about this story back in 2008. All Republicans, they were aghast by such a nasty thing. They believed it showed Obama and his supporters for who they really were. When it was pointed out that the police had reported it was all a hoax, one of them countered with, “You can’t fake something like that!”
More importantly than the Obama connection, it was a story about a white person assaulted by a black man. Of course there were white people who believed it even after it was proven to be fake.
Am I the only one getting a flashback to the Robin William’s movie The World According to Garp? Specifically that ‘femenist’ group that decided to show support for a young rape victim that had her tounge cut out to keep her from talking about her attack by having their own tounges cut out? Because that’s what this Twitter thing reminded me of.
(This is a heads-up for David for the next couple of days.)
One failed 4chan hashtag campaign ends, and another is mooted to begin. The next one is apparently designed to celebrate Lauren Southern having access to her Twitter account again after it being suspended, and has the highly imaginative hashtag “#TheTriggering” (also #TheTriggering2016, and #LaurenSouthern). An page describes the general format:
Apparently they’re planning to target some feminists on the basis of having disclosed a mental illness, or specific triggers for PTSD, by posting the most vile and offensive content they can think of, while remaining within the law. Charming as ever…
Gross. I hope they don’t cause anyone any harm.
well, John Irving, the author of the World According to Garp, was a pre-internet anti-feminist so he is coming from the same line of thinking of these dunderheads