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Return of Kings imagines our dystopian “sexual future” and it’s hilarious

The sexual future that scares Return of Kings readers the most

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Oh dear. Apparently the women of the western world are having a lot of sex. And we all know where that leads, right? THE END OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION.

Over on Roosh’s equally horrifying and risible Return of Kings, Max Roscoe (a self-described  “aspiring philosopher king”) sets forth his vision of our apocalyptic “sexual future.”

Already deeply enmeshed in a world of “financial insolvency, moral weakness, social instability, destruction of the traditional family, and political corruption,” Roscoe warns we are edging ever closer to some sort of Mad Max future, only with much fatter women.

Expect a world in which we have

fewer freedoms, less economic opportunity, a weaker currency, a declining moral compass, more hypergamy, slut acceptance, and the pervasiveness of masculine, tattooed up, large, bossy women.  

Even worse, Roscoe warns:

If the trends of feminism continue, society faces a future with loud, shrill, fat, manly, neon colored, sexualized women full of shrapnel and graffiti.

Wait, didn’t you just say that already? Apparently our dystopian future won’t have copy editors.

And it will be a world in which piercings are referred to as “shrapnel,” tattoos as “graffiti.”

Anyway, after warning us about these brightly colored, shrapnel-filled fatties — who bear more that a little bit of a resemblance to the contemporary feminist stereotypes I wrote about in my last post — Roscoe paints a picture of today’s sexual landscape, filled with young women who

are so free and loose with their bodies that they become physically aged and degraded, not to mention losing the ability to pair bond with a life partner.

Yep, Red Pill “science” has proven that when women have contact with more than one penis in their lifetime it turns them into a sort of female version of Dorian Gray, only without that painting in the attic. Meanwhile, men who sleep with lots of women remain eternally young.

If you meet a 25-year-old woman today, she has likely performed more degrading and perverse sex acts than a married woman of a generation or two prior completed in her entire lifetime. If we consider the cases of sexting, camwhoring, slutification, Dubai-whoring, pre-marital sex, lack of shame or self confidence, and project a few generations in the future, we have a very scary society.

If women don’t watch out, Roscoe warns, they could well end up “sexually used up, perhaps before even reaching their teenage years.”

Uh, before they hit the age of thirteen!?

These guys spend way too much of their time thinking about 12-year-olds having sex.

In this dystopian future, all these sex-having people may end up forgetting what gender they are.

Indeed, what do the sexes even mean at that point? Will we see an increase in trannies and gay sex and things that even today are too taboo? Bestiality? If it’s only about the physical orgasm, then it seems these would do the job as well. Forming a family will be impossible.

I dunno, this guy and his dog bride seem to be making it work (and by “making it work” I mean they managed to get their man-dog wedding covered by the Daily Mail).

Not exactly a designer wedding dress there.
Not exactly a designer wedding dress there.

Roscoe, who sadly offers no opinions about man-dog weddings, worries that if current sexy trends continue the human race will either stop making babies, or will be transformed into

a matriarchal system where the government, forced to provide things a husband typically would, must rely on the labors of men to obtain resources needed to replace the missing husbands.

So in conclusion, women better let dudes like Roscoe and Roosh boss them around, or we’ll go back to being monkeys, or something.

The bottom line is that if women do not have their actions and behaviors controlled by men, then it is no exaggeration to say that we are facing the end of civilized society. Masculinity is the natural state of affairs throughout history. We are only attempting to reset things to their natural order, before feminism literally turns us until [sic] animals again.

Animals, you say? Wall of Voodoo had some interesting thoughts on what might happen if we all suddenly turned into animals. And frankly, this song makes more sense than any of Roscoe’s weird and creepy speculations.



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8 years ago

So…on a website dedicated to teaching men to rape women, the downfall of society is women having sex they want to have?

They aren’t even trying to pretend they aren’t just hateful garbage people.

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
8 years ago

Where do I find these large, slutty, bossy, tattooed women? If I didn’t already have a wife, I’d want to know where to look for one.

I’m guessing Dubai? (Seriously, WTF is “Dubai-whoring”?)

J^3 (@JoeKlemmer)
J^3 (@JoeKlemmer)
8 years ago

What the heck is “Dubai-whoring?”

Dr. NicolaLuna
Dr. NicolaLuna
8 years ago

OK manosphere, it’s time for a biology lesson. Sex does not alter who a person is any more than other activities. I can have all the kinky funtime with every willing man I want for the rest of my life and it wouldn’t change my worth any more than how many times I’ve mowed the lawn, practiced archery or stroked my cat. (My cat disagrees. She says that how many times a day I stroke her is directly related to my worth as a human)

How many partners I have had does not have any bearing on how I parent my children so don’t worry your MRA brains about the next generation. My number of previous partners doesn’t affect my ability to form romantic relationships.

And I really don’t understand how we could have a matriarchal government when only the men have jobs. Do women have jobs or not?

8 years ago

I jumped down here to see if anyone had defined Dubai-whoring yet…I can’t total my score til I know what that is. Is it possible to unknowingly Dubai-whore?

8 years ago

Is it a Sex in the City crack or are they mocking women trafficked in Dubai?

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
8 years ago

Dubai or not Dubai, that is the question.

Dr. NicolaLuna
Dr. NicolaLuna
8 years ago

Searching for “Dubai whoring” on Google just came up with porn sites. Even urban dictionary doesn’t know.

I’m making an educated guess from what I know of the overlap between misogyny and racism, that it means having sex with non white men? Or a pool of exotic cock if you want to phrase it like a MRA.

And now my Google search history includes “dubai whoring”… thanks a lot MRAs

8 years ago

Okay, first off, I thought these guys have said we already live in a matriarchy? Isn’t that the general thrust of many of their arguments? If they’re ACTUALLY afraid that we’re going to become a matriarchy, then what exactly are we now…? *cough* It, well, it COULDN’T possibly be a patriarchy, could it? The manosphere says that’s not real! /sarcasm

Also, these guys should seriously read some period porn. People have been doing dirty, depraved things to each other in all kinds of fun ways since forever, much of it far more taboo now than it was then. Just because certain social ideals were held up as “normal” didn’t mean that people adhered to them. Most people like sex, always have, always will.

8 years ago

I looked up “Dubai Whoring” and got a bunch of articles about how sex-related businesses and prostitution are technically illegal in Dubai but the city mostly looks the other way. Despite trying to keep an image of “Islamic values”. Maybe that’s metaphorically related? Somehow?

Edit: I didn’t get porn because I had safe search turned on.

8 years ago

Civilization sounds awful. Down with civilization! Up with brightly coloured, shrapnel-filled fatties!

8 years ago

DoucheV’s fanboys never stop:

JasonD proposes to make violent rape equal as punishment with a simple assault:

Before they all end up behind bars, Roosh’s fanatics will never stop pushing…

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Interestingly the people in Dubai don’t like ‘The Flintsones’ but the people of Abu Dhabi do.

8 years ago

Wasn’t there supposed to be a famous woman who went to dubai and had sex once? And apparently that’s a bad thing or something. Who knows?

8 years ago

These guys spend way too much of their time thinking about 12-year-olds having sex.

And being mad that it’s not with shitsacks like themselves, I suspect.

I mean, I can smell the scorching butt from over here, Maxy.

8 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

I guess that’s the reason why Garfield kept trying to send Nermal there in the 80s and 90s. 🙂

8 years ago

Wait, so now sexting and cam-wh*ring also contribute to the physical degradation of women? We don’t even need to touch penises anymore in order to be corrupted by them?

8 years ago

OMFG. I work with 11 and 12 year olds (and 13, 14, 15). To say that a girl can be

…sexually used up, perhaps before even reaching their teenage years.

There is not a puke bucket large enough. With Donald Trump dominating the news, there is not much that makes me physically retch anymore, and yet…

I am not usually in favor of criminalizing speech, but I wouldn’t mind seeing someone thrown in jail for a couple weeks for suggesting that a 12-year-old can be “sexually used up”.

Also glad to see that “Dubai-whoring” stumped others. I was torn between sex-trafficking victims and women who care about the plight of refugees.

8 years ago

…Er, for clarification, “Sex-related businesses and Prostitution” should have been “Adult entertainment and sex work”. I wasn’t thinking when I wrote that.

8 years ago

Most people like sex, always have, always will.

I always wonder how they can possibly get so frothy over something as ridiculous as the (imaginary) end of sex? As long as there are humans, there will be sex!

Three Snakes
8 years ago

What is it with extreme reactionaries and their pretentions about being philosophers? I’ve seen it so many times where manospherians or outright fascists think they’re ravings and manifestos are the most profound insights uttered in human history. I suspect it may have come from Nietzsche or Spengler getting a huge misaimed fandom.

I remember one person named Lyssa who basically said something like, “Women will make people in Anglo countries have low IQ and be narcissistic by having sex with black people.” She put a lot of pseudo-science jargon in it and even capitalized “Thug Preference” like it was an actual thing.

I dug up her post from here, based on memory.
And she is associated with this “education website”.

I notice how often these extreme reactionary types talk about creativity yet rarely actually do anything creative. Many “degenerate” feminists do creative stuff all the time, be it drawing, painting, writing music, making movies etc. And they talk about the creative process with its struggles and nuances as insiders.

But I never get those kind of insights from the reactionaries. They clearly don’t know what it’s like to actually create something of worth. They can only write turgid screeds and manifestos. For them creativity is just a stick they can use to bludgeon their “inferiors” with to say, “We are better than you!”

8 years ago

@Snowberry there’s nothing wrong with calling prostitution prostitution. What’s not as nice is to say prostitutes, it should be prostituted women/girls/boys. Calling it sex work glosses over the many horrible problems with prostitution as if it’s like any other job. Which it isn’t so we should stop pretending it is.

Severian Jussaine
8 years ago

Dubai-whoring, according to a link from the ROK article, is being paid by a Middle Eastern prince so he can take a shit on your chest.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

According to the “aspiring philosopher king”,

Masculinity is the natural state of affairs throughout history. We are only attempting to reset things to their natural order, before feminism literally turns us until [sic] animals again

Well, hang on, aren’t animals natural? They’re way more “natural” than civilization.

Besides, aren’t manuresphere Philosopher Kings always banging on about how we should all be more like wolves, chimpanzees, etc.? And how men are “naturally” voracious animals who shouldn’t be restrained by silly things like laws, mores, and culture?

Now all of a sudden four legs bad, two legs good?

Kris Moonhand
Kris Moonhand
8 years ago

@Sally, please don’t use “prostituted”. Plenty of sex workers agree that that narrative does more harm than good.

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