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Why, why, why, why, why?
Over on the Red Pill subreddit, the guys are talking about the dangers of travel. And, no, they’re not talking about pickpockets or scam artists or malaria or losing your passport or the possibility of being gored by a bull on the streets of Pamplona.
No, they’re talking about the danger that some hot babe they’re interested in has traveled, because, well, women who travel are pretty much all secret sluts who’ve ridden the metaphorical you-know-what carousel with an assortment of “exotic” dudes with charming accents.
The Red Piller and alleged seasoned traveler who calls himself winnaling has some stories he could tell! While hopping from youth hostel to youth hostel in Australia and Asia in his early 20s, you see, he discovered that many of the women he ran into who were doing the same thing were — gasp! — having sex with local dudes.
[W]hat I witnessed during my year away gave me incredible insight into how women behave when they’re away from family/friends and surrounded by all kinds of exotic foreign
cockmen. It’s this experience that makes me believe that most men(including some redpillers) vastly underestimate how many partners the average modern woman has had. The vast majority of women I encountered where actively trying to ride the cock carousel … .
We can only imagine how stunned and appalled winnaling was to learn that women in their early twenties might engage in sex with dudes who aren’t him.
Oh, but it gets worse:
[T]he most shocking thing about all this to me at the time was that many of the promiscuous girls I met were not trashy or “broken” but were nice, educated and came from good family’s, the kind of girls many men would consider LTR worthy. The kinds of girls you wouldn’t suspect of behaving like this(AWALT).
That’s right! Sometimes women who have sex with more than one person in their lifetime don’t have the word “slut” tattooed on their foreheads Some of them even look like NORMAL NICE GIRLS.
Winnaling warns his fellow Red Pillians to avoid women who love travel, because TRAVEL MEANS SEX.
Most of the assembled Red Pillsters agree wholeheartedly with winnaling’s assessment: women who travel are dirty sluts, even if they don’t look dirty or slutty.
When one Red Piller suggests that travel can be a broadening experience and an important part of a “well rounded life,” he is voted down to zero.
But, you know what, I’m much less appalled by all this as I am by the surreal and horrendous image that winnaling has put in my head. Brace yourself, because I’m going to put it into your head too.
At the end of his post, winnaling summarizes the lesson he learned from his travels as follows:
If a woman has ever been travelling, she’s probably dipped her toe(or dived in head first) into the pool of exotic cock.
The “pool of exotic cock.”
My brain conjures up the image of an olympic-sized pool filled to the brim with wiggling, waggling penises in various hues, some sporting colorful plumage.
Perhaps that picture of a llama in a pool above will help make this terrifying vision go away.
H/T — TheBluePill subreddit
@MissEB47, sounds like Clem Ford. She posted the pic in response to the Sunrise program’s ‘when will women learn not to post nude photos of themselves’ comment on revenge porn. The utter viciousness that she got back was sickening. And, as you say, she was banned from Facebook … because she re-posted the abusive comments and pics that men had sent her.
Snopes even covered the whole revolting saga here:
Oh please share when it’s done.
Mish-that’s the one! Thanks. ?
“[T]he most shocking thing about all this to me at the time was that many of the promiscuous girls I met were not trashy or “broken” but were nice, educated and came from good family’s, the kind of girls many men would consider LTR worthy.”
Observational skills=B.
Drawing conclusions=F-
“Nice, educated, from good family’s (sic)” = wealthy white middle class.
Poorer folks can’t afford to travel the world in their youth. They neither have the time or the money. Do they think
Middle class= virgins till marriage
Working class= promiscuous?
These guys have the generalisation skills of 3-year-olds