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Why, why, why, why, why?
Over on the Red Pill subreddit, the guys are talking about the dangers of travel. And, no, they’re not talking about pickpockets or scam artists or malaria or losing your passport or the possibility of being gored by a bull on the streets of Pamplona.
No, they’re talking about the danger that some hot babe they’re interested in has traveled, because, well, women who travel are pretty much all secret sluts who’ve ridden the metaphorical you-know-what carousel with an assortment of “exotic” dudes with charming accents.
The Red Piller and alleged seasoned traveler who calls himself winnaling has some stories he could tell! While hopping from youth hostel to youth hostel in Australia and Asia in his early 20s, you see, he discovered that many of the women he ran into who were doing the same thing were — gasp! — having sex with local dudes.
[W]hat I witnessed during my year away gave me incredible insight into how women behave when they’re away from family/friends and surrounded by all kinds of exotic foreign
cockmen. It’s this experience that makes me believe that most men(including some redpillers) vastly underestimate how many partners the average modern woman has had. The vast majority of women I encountered where actively trying to ride the cock carousel … .
We can only imagine how stunned and appalled winnaling was to learn that women in their early twenties might engage in sex with dudes who aren’t him.
Oh, but it gets worse:
[T]he most shocking thing about all this to me at the time was that many of the promiscuous girls I met were not trashy or “broken” but were nice, educated and came from good family’s, the kind of girls many men would consider LTR worthy. The kinds of girls you wouldn’t suspect of behaving like this(AWALT).
That’s right! Sometimes women who have sex with more than one person in their lifetime don’t have the word “slut” tattooed on their foreheads Some of them even look like NORMAL NICE GIRLS.
Winnaling warns his fellow Red Pillians to avoid women who love travel, because TRAVEL MEANS SEX.
Most of the assembled Red Pillsters agree wholeheartedly with winnaling’s assessment: women who travel are dirty sluts, even if they don’t look dirty or slutty.
When one Red Piller suggests that travel can be a broadening experience and an important part of a “well rounded life,” he is voted down to zero.
But, you know what, I’m much less appalled by all this as I am by the surreal and horrendous image that winnaling has put in my head. Brace yourself, because I’m going to put it into your head too.
At the end of his post, winnaling summarizes the lesson he learned from his travels as follows:
If a woman has ever been travelling, she’s probably dipped her toe(or dived in head first) into the pool of exotic cock.
The “pool of exotic cock.”
My brain conjures up the image of an olympic-sized pool filled to the brim with wiggling, waggling penises in various hues, some sporting colorful plumage.
Perhaps that picture of a llama in a pool above will help make this terrifying vision go away.
H/T — TheBluePill subreddit
Lovely exotic cock pictures, thank you! But I still wouldn’t want to dip my toe into a pool of them (those critters can peck!)
bluecat-Me neither! I might lose that toe of mine! I like my toes!
I don’t think that you’ve known any roosters!
My mom kept chickens when I was very young. It’s been years but I still recall how when I walked past the chicken house, the roosters would run out and peck and screech at me. I hated those creatures and would give them a wide berth.
In the same way, when I started school there was a domineering little boy in my class named–Dominic! I steered a wide path around him too.
Now that I’m older, I understand that the hens really, really want a rooster or two with them to protect them. So I’m down with roosters now.
As for Dominic, I hope he learned how to get along with others.
And as for the human penis, my hypothesis is that testosterone (not to mention privilege!) might lead boys to think that they can rule the roost–so to speak.
With any luck, boys turn into men who realize that they and their priorities and their feelings, etc., are not all that counts in this world.
And with no luck at all, boys turn into MRAs.
@Social Justice Atheist
I’m so sorry that you were abused. I hear way too many stories of abuse from women.
I also hear stories of abuse from men.
May we all come to terms with our stories and know peace.
Thank you. I hope to know peace one day. And I hope that for other survivors of abuse as well, of any gender.
Kat-Nope, I never raised any chickens so I never had to deal with any pesky roosters!
Maybe these men have rooster envy?
ETA-Block quote work for a change! YYYAAAAYYY!!!!!!!!!
Well there is that one picture of a big black…
Rooster, people, it’s a damn rooster. But with all the cuck cucking around the manosphere, I’m pretty sure we know what their porn genre of choice is.
My best suggestion is take it to the last open thread, if that’s not objectionable to anyone or the cat’s meat suit puppet (David) – which is the super Tuesday one. I’ll help you as much as I can.
I missed the bootlegs, but whatever, posting this one anyway:
Because, as a mass of completely random things that make less than no sense together, it reminds me a lot of the average MRA rant. Or a bad fanfic. Six of one, half a dozen of the other.
“My goodness, that’s the biggest cock I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen a few in my time.” — Nanny Ogg
…it looks like he has a snot streak under his nose.
Like the RedPiller David writes about, I’ve stayed in dozens of youth hostels in many countries. And even now I still sometimes take a bed in a hostel dorm if it’s a one night stay, since (a) for one night I’m not going to use any of a hotel’s additional facilities (b) I am blessed with the ability to sleep through anything (c) a central hostel in a capital city can have dorm beds literally one tenth of the price of a hotel in the same area.
Anyway, I know hostels. And the RedPiller is right, they do tend to encourage a libertine attitude in a subset of both male and female guests. Young people, away from home, often away from usual peer group, skimpy summer clothes, lots of cheap alcohol – it’s hardly a surprise. But if his reference to ‘exotic’ roosters is suggesting that the girls are sleeping with locals, then he’s full of it. The overwhelming majority of sexin’ goes on between hostel guests.
The reasons are many: other guests are far easier to find (most locals are not interesting in partying at 1am on a Tuesday), they have far more in common with each other (‘how long have you been travelling?’ and other ready-made conversation starters), other guests are presumed (rightly or wrongly) to be safer to be alone with than locals, local culture may be more sexually conservative. Also, in the same way that there are British high street chemists (pharmacies) like Boots on Bangkok’s Kao San Road, many young backpackers have a line about how far they’re prepared to go ‘local’. Local food, local beer, certain local clothes, local handicrafts are all fine, but local medicines? Local razor blades? A local lover? That’s a bit too much boundary pushing. To be fair, we are talking about people often still in their teens.
Now by ‘exotic’, the redditor might be talking about Americans sleeping with Brits, Australians sleeping with South Africans, Dutch sleeping with Canadians etc. But given the amount of racism in RP circles, I suspect his biggest fear isn’t the possibility that young women are having flings with blond Swedish backpackers, it’s that they might conceivably have stayed a few extra nights in a foreign city in the arms of… a non-white man.
That bootleg thing reminds me, I just about some archaeological study on Finnish late iron age swords. Local smiths would imitate top quality Central European sword brands, like “Ulfbehrt” which had this word inscripted on the blade. It’s unclear whether this was regular piratism or whether people actually believed an inscription made the sword better.
Nobody in Finland could read back then so the brand inscription was usually misspelled if not outright gibberish. The swords were often crappy quality, too.
@Arctic Ape:
Thanks for that story! I love little reminders like that of how little human nature actually changes over the years.
A similar case takes place in the 11th-13th centuries. In the years after the Crusades, looted Arabic currency began to make its way back to the Frankish states. Since it was generally of a much higher purity than their own coins, it acquired prestige and local mints started to copy the Arabic coins right down to the inscriptions.
The British museum has some examples of coin dies made in England in the 12th century which have the Arabic words for “This Coin Minted In Damascus” on them. As you point out this might not just be straight-up piracy, since most 12th century English people were not literate in Arabic. They did, however, copy the swirly inscription precisely enough for it to be legible.
Uvgggggf, Dave, wth? You need a big neon “TW: pool of awful, churning dongs” emblazoned at the head of this post. DX
Once again, I love the hypocrisy of Red Pillers. “Man, I love traveling and having carefree sex with local women, but traveling women better not be doing the same as me!”
Also I wish I had an exotic cock, but all i have is this little white one.
@Jo: Yes, I think you’re right that it’s more common for young travelers/college students to hook up with each other rather than with “exotic” (ugh, what a condescending term) locals. Logistically, it’s harder to have a fling with a local. Maybe they don’t live someplace that’s easily accessible by public transportation, maybe they have their own work/life schedule that may not mesh with travel timetables, and there’s always an element of risk in going off with a stranger in a foreign country outside the “safe” boundaries of tourism that most women feel isn’t worth it.
I get the sense that the OP went abroad thinking he was going to find adventurous sexytimes, didn’t have any luck, and got annoyed that other people were pairing up left and right with seemingly very little effort. So now he wants to punish the women who didn’t give him what he was entitled to, by shooing all the other men away from them. It’s the classic manosphere sour grape impulse: “I couldn’t sleep with them, so no one else should want to either. Unclean! Damaged goods!”
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Sometimes I wonder if these guys are trying to scam each other; ferinstance, maybe the guy in the OP is planning a trip to some far-flung place and wants to discourage all the competition he can?
I’ve never understood why people who only value women for sex should be so put off by sexually experienced women. To me that’s like saying “I’m not going to that restaurant. The chef knows far too much about cooking”.
Alan: its like touching another man’s wiener by proxy. Eww, etc.
Or worse; touching another man’s wiener by proxy and discovering that his was bigger. Its like the sum of all the TERP fears, right?
I actually dyed my hair in pink streaks the other day, although it came out more magenta.
And to everyone else, apparently. Leading theories include comparisons to the erectile nature of coxcombs (the reddish things that many breeds of rooster have on their heads and faces) or to the shape and function of a stopcock on a barrel.
@Alan Robertshaw
I suspect it has to do with feelings of disgust, which are ultimately rooted in fear (of a delayed kind). It’s possibly related to why people who don’t like homosexuality can’t stop thinking about sex and body parts and ignore human relationships. If it’s related to social emotions and group instincts they may be more prone to imagining themselves with that other person (related to how empathy opposes social disgust, interestingly a kind of synesthesia is related to people with high empathy).
I’ve been thinking about this one while I’ve been working through research into what emotion is and a recent paper identified a bunch of major underlying elements that determined what emotion was what (news article). After valance (good/positive, bad/negative), intensity, and another person, the emotion of lust could not be sorted with the rest*. I see that as perhaps the most basic social emotion (thus combined with that “other person” factor) and one most readily mucked with by other things (like being raised by misogynistic bigots).
*A last factor that influenced emotional state was word length due to how the study worked. There is maybe a link to “four letter words” and language processing there.
Also what pie said more succinctly.
All this talk about haircolour really makes me want to go back to bright pink, but I have an opportunity to hair model in the near future and I’m avoiding doing anything too heavy to it for the time being. However the actual gig will involve dying all of my hair (eyebrows, beard, etc. included) in Easter pastels, which I am so incredibly excited about, so it’s totally worth it.
@Buttercup A. Skullpants
And then there’s the other manosphere impulse: “I [allegedly] slept with them. Unclean! Damaged goods!”
I don’t read Roosh much, and even I am struck by his lack of enjoyment of sex.
These woman-haters can’t even do (alleged) promiscuity right.
And I’m sure that they enjoy the rest of their lives just as much as they enjoy sex.
Sorry for the delay, I’ve posted my responses on hair color for @Guest and @Kupo in the Super Tuesday open thread.
Those are interesting theories. Thanks for sharing. I am guessing it is mainly the second one. Some men, for what ever reason, like to associate their penises with weapons. In an article I have read about a woman (I can’t remember who), who received a lot if harassment and unsolicited dick picks after a posting a topless photo of herself protesting the sexualisation of breasts. The photo was not revealing at all, just from the shoulders up with some writing on her chest, but she got given si much shit for it. One of the guys who sent the unsolicited dick picks called his ‘cock’ “a single barrelled yogurt shooter”. I was like “wow, so lethal, not!”. The woman got punished for her photo, but the guys faced no consequences, of course.