alpha asshole cock carousel empathy deficit entitled babies hypocrisy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever penises red pill reddit

Red Pill Redditors, stop putting those images in my brain!

You'll thank me for this picture later
You’ll thank me for this picture later

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Why, why, why, why, why?

Over on the Red Pill subreddit, the guys are talking about the dangers of travel. And, no, they’re not talking about pickpockets or scam artists or malaria or losing your passport or the possibility of being gored by a bull on the streets of Pamplona.

No, they’re talking about the danger that some hot babe they’re interested in has traveled, because, well, women who travel are pretty much all secret sluts who’ve ridden the metaphorical you-know-what carousel with an assortment of “exotic” dudes with charming accents.

The Red Piller and alleged seasoned traveler who calls himself winnaling has some stories he could tell! While hopping from youth hostel to youth hostel in Australia and Asia in his early 20s, you see, he discovered that many of the women he ran into who were doing the same thing were — gasp! — having sex with local dudes.

[W]hat I witnessed during my year away gave me incredible insight into how women behave when they’re away from family/friends and surrounded by all kinds of exotic foreign cock men. It’s this experience that makes me believe that most men(including some redpillers) vastly underestimate how many partners the average modern woman has had. The vast majority of women I encountered where actively trying to ride the cock carousel … .

We can only imagine how stunned and appalled winnaling was to learn that women in their early twenties might engage in sex with dudes who aren’t him.

Oh, but it gets worse:

[T]he most shocking thing about all this to me at the time was that many of the promiscuous girls I met were not trashy or “broken” but were nice, educated and came from good family’s, the kind of girls many men would consider LTR worthy. The kinds of girls you wouldn’t suspect of behaving like this(AWALT).

That’s right! Sometimes women who have sex with more than one person in their lifetime don’t have the word “slut” tattooed on their foreheads Some of them even look like NORMAL NICE GIRLS.

Winnaling warns his fellow Red Pillians to avoid women who love travel, because TRAVEL MEANS SEX.

Most of the assembled Red Pillsters agree wholeheartedly with winnaling’s assessment: women who travel are dirty sluts, even if they don’t look dirty or slutty.

When one Red Piller suggests that travel can be a broadening experience and an important part of a “well rounded life,” he is voted down to zero.

But, you know what, I’m much less appalled by all this as I am by the surreal and horrendous image that winnaling has put in my head. Brace yourself, because I’m going to put it into your head too.

At the end of his post, winnaling summarizes the lesson he learned from his travels as follows:

If a woman has ever been travelling, she’s probably dipped her toe(or dived in head first) into the pool of exotic cock.

The “pool of exotic cock.”

My brain conjures up the image of an olympic-sized pool filled to the brim with wiggling, waggling penises in various hues, some sporting colorful plumage.

Perhaps that picture of a llama in a pool above will help make this terrifying vision go away.

H/T — TheBluePill subreddit

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8 years ago
Reply to  katz

@katz – I had managed to keep it together but on seeing that pic I lost it. It’s all over now. Supposedly I am marking essays for my gender studies students but am actually sitting here giggling like an idiot.

So much gold in one wee package! My favourite has to be ‘Star Warsiors’ – as if someone started saying Wars but couldn’t stop (warsiorsiorsiors). Like Nanny Ogg trying to write banananananananananana.

Social Justice Atheist
Social Justice Atheist
8 years ago


I just looked up Dashcon. How did I not hear of this meme before?

Dave King
Dave King
8 years ago

@SJA Nailed it. Though I would add the one exception to this is that the ‘females’ act submissively giddy in a childish manner at the notion of sexually/domestically pleasing them. That’s the one and only time they should act happy.

And she better not say no to him no matter how many times he wants it or how he wants it, because he might ‘next’ her for someone who hasn’t hit the wrinkly old age of 25.

But all this is okay, because the RPers assure us that misogyny/sexism either doesn’t exist at all or are only a problem in far away desert lands. So anything they say seeming like misogyny/sexism is just our feminazis indoctrination, and should be ignored. They have the truth, and the ‘field reports’ to prove it.

8 years ago

@SJA I remmber unconciously thinking around age 15 that girls who were labeled slutty were mean “bad girls”. I thnk thats a message culture sends.

@Kupo when I had green hair I got street harassed way the fuck less often than w blue hair.

8 years ago

I quite like PI’s Pocket Monica, personally. Maybe it’s because I was a kid during the whole Pokemon craze and there was sooooo much knockoff merch.

8 years ago

I happen to love exotic cocks:
comment image

8 years ago


And Karate Farmer.

OK, I get the Karate Farmer is a mixture of Daniel and Luke. And I get that Wise Puppet is Yoda and Mister Miyagi. But… But… Door Ladder?

Edit: I looked up Door Ladder and found a picture of the figure. It looks kinda bad ass. Grenades dangling from a thigh holster. How cool is that? How will Karate Farmer ever beat her???

8 years ago
Social Justice Atheist
Social Justice Atheist
8 years ago

@Dave King

Yep, the only time they’re okay with women acting happy if is they’re faking it to please said RPer/PUA/whatever manospherian.

Social Justice Atheist
Social Justice Atheist
8 years ago


It definitely is. Because women having lots of sex is supposed to be “bad” (unless they are married, in which care they better not dare say no to sex) people assume that only “bad” women must have it frequently. There is a lot of demonizing and shaming going on for women/girls who have/like sex.


Why not dye it pink? Or pink and purple? Or maybe you could do half-blue, half-green? Or purple and blue? (I dye my hair a lot, and am a little biased towards pink because mine is currently pink with black in front. But it’s your hair, go with whatever you like)

Pony's Labia
Pony's Labia
8 years ago

Foreign cock? UNCLEAN, UNCLEAN *throws stone*

People should be required to read their reddit comments aloud before posting, they sound ridiculous

Social Justice Atheist
Social Justice Atheist
8 years ago

*case. I can’t edit for shit apparently.

8 years ago

TW: Trigger warning for a mention of rape

Here’s the description of this website:

The Red Pill: Discussion of sexual strategy in a culture increasingly lacking a positive identity for men.

And here’s what I’m reading between the lines of this comment, written by a respectable commenter who is shocked at the behavior of women whose fathers have jobs at banks and such:

If a woman has ever been traveling, she’s probably dipped her toe (or dived in head first) into the pool of exotic cock.

. . . so when you’re traveling, go ahead and rape your fellow female travelers.

TW: Trigger warning for a mention of rape

Here’s the description of this website:

The Red Pill: Discussion of sexual strategy in a culture increasingly lacking a positive identity for men.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

The horrifying psychology presented.
1) Women who have sex with men who aren’t me are bad.
2) Women who have sex with more than one man are bad.
3) Women who have sex with men from other countries are bad.
4) Women who don’t show some physical or social manifestation of the fact that they did 1-3 are bad.

I wonder just how deeply racism is related to the control of female people?
And male people who like social and physical things connected to femminity?
I know there are separable elements, but just how many are there and which tend to be exclusive? Which tend to be used for the other bigotry?
That #4 is damn disturbing and I can see lots of things fitting in there…

8 years ago

Blockquote mammoth: Have I offended you? A thousand pardons, my good creature. Please accept my offering of your favorite snack, a birch tree. I trust that this will allow me to edit my next comment.

8 years ago

I think cock pool is the one where you have to get it into the pockets.

Now I have a mental image of bepenised people attempting to play billiards with their wangs instead of pool cues.

That seems like it would be both disturbing and incredibly ill-advised.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

@Katz: That Kermit/Yoda Mashup has Snoop Dogg’s face, and now I can’t unsee that.

8 years ago

@Brony, Social Justice Cenobite
Here are some of my conclusions, based entirely on my (subjective) observations of (a necessarily limited number of) men. No science was used or harmed in the development of these conclusions!

1. It is entirely possible for a man to be antiracist and still hate and fear women.

2. It is entirely possible for a man to be antihomophobic and still hate and fear women.

3. It is entirely possible for a man to sleep around (to the best of his ability–and ability among men varies considerably) and still hate and fear women.

4. It is entirely possible for a man to be antiracist, antihomophobic, and sleep around, and yet want very much to settle down with a wife and children–and still hate and fear women.

Number 4 is enough to make a woman’s head explode–okay, it was enough to make this woman’s head explode.

In my opinion, sexism was the first “ism.” Every patriarchal culture has an “other” in its midst: women. They can be blamed for everything!

8 years ago

Does anyone know why Mish’s post keeps running to the bottom of the page?

8 years ago

Neat! I was actually thinking about doing a peekaboo color since I might be interviewing soon if things don’t improve at my current job.

I’m not a fan of pink, personally. I have this strong association between pink and forced gender roles. Majenta was my favorite color before that association was made, but right now I can only rarely convince myself to wear pink. But I’m thinking about multicolored hair, either a bayalage or an ombre. Though I was hoping for something that would be easy to maintain, so something where I could just use overtone conditioner to upkeep the color between visits to the stylist would be nice.

Lots to think about. I have a consultation scheduled. I’m no good at fashion stuff, so I think it will help to talk to someone who can look at my hair type and make recommendations.

8 years ago
Reply to  Tovius

@Tovius – so it does; how weird. I haven’t done anything differently re posting today, either. If anyone has an explanation, pls let me know. If it’s annoying can we delete it?

ETA yep, it’s done it again (not this post, the older one). If any posts get to stay right at the bottom, it should be the ones with the awesomely hilarious toys, imo.

Sorry, all, if I’ve inadvertently caused this.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

Trigger warnings for content on this post. I’m thinking about the variables that go into xenophobia and bigotry.

I was going to post “James Boo” from Animaniacs for the exotic cock but even that is too misogynist for me now. I’m going to bed.

Thank you for that, I’m going to process it and think about it. I can believe that sexism is the first ism. I’m also wondering about what the nature of the “other” in each case is. Enemy, children, prey…

As for #4, I’ve been thinking about authoritarianism and symbols physically a part of people through body, clothing, behavior… Between the piece on Bloomfield (skin color, clothing and xenophobia/bigotry) and this one I’m deconstructing things for more permanent notes for strategies

This one gets at symbols connected to bodies in terms of expected behavior. The “scarlet A” is a simple enough example for women and adultery. But with the recent thing on David Bowie I had people saying girls were not “acting their age” who could not be specific about what that meant. It’s like they could not describe what they wanted to police with, which I often find means they are willing to go for random stuff with other authoritarians. But with (massive trigger warnings for anyone googling) defacement as thing that impacts women the instincts of these sorts of people are not things I take lightly when coming up with the necessary details.

And when they can’t get easy symbols there is always the symbolism in language. They have to have a superficial tool, physical or behavioral if possible, simple and superficial (but hard for them to explain like dog-whistles tend to be) like “cuck” if necessary since they can’t use direct force.

Social Justice Atheist
Social Justice Atheist
8 years ago


That’s cool, I get it with the pink because for a long time I absolutely hated pink for the same reason. I have learned to embrace it again, but not everyone has to like it and that’s fine too. My hair actually would be considered more magenta by some, I think.

In that case, how about blue? Or if you want an ombre with two colors, you could have a darker purple fading down to a lighter blue? Or vice versa. Or maybe like a “natural” color like brown, blonde, or black at the top with purple/blue/green/whatever at the bottom. Or a bright lime green. But it’s your hair, not mine. Those are just some ideas, you can disregard them if you like.

Social Justice Atheist
Social Justice Atheist
8 years ago


Peekaboo rainbow sounds totally awesome too!

8 years ago

@Brony, the Social Justice Cenobite
I think that you’re interested in systems that describe personalities. If that’s the case, you might want to check out the Enneagram. I find it fascinating. It can be kind of hard to get a handle on it though. When I was reading books on the Enneagram, I was helped by having a couple of friends who had taken courses on it.