alpha asshole cock carousel empathy deficit entitled babies hypocrisy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever penises red pill reddit

Red Pill Redditors, stop putting those images in my brain!

You'll thank me for this picture later
You’ll thank me for this picture later

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Why, why, why, why, why?

Over on the Red Pill subreddit, the guys are talking about the dangers of travel. And, no, they’re not talking about pickpockets or scam artists or malaria or losing your passport or the possibility of being gored by a bull on the streets of Pamplona.

No, they’re talking about the danger that some hot babe they’re interested in has traveled, because, well, women who travel are pretty much all secret sluts who’ve ridden the metaphorical you-know-what carousel with an assortment of “exotic” dudes with charming accents.

The Red Piller and alleged seasoned traveler who calls himself winnaling has some stories he could tell! While hopping from youth hostel to youth hostel in Australia and Asia in his early 20s, you see, he discovered that many of the women he ran into who were doing the same thing were — gasp! — having sex with local dudes.

[W]hat I witnessed during my year away gave me incredible insight into how women behave when they’re away from family/friends and surrounded by all kinds of exotic foreign cock men. It’s this experience that makes me believe that most men(including some redpillers) vastly underestimate how many partners the average modern woman has had. The vast majority of women I encountered where actively trying to ride the cock carousel … .

We can only imagine how stunned and appalled winnaling was to learn that women in their early twenties might engage in sex with dudes who aren’t him.

Oh, but it gets worse:

[T]he most shocking thing about all this to me at the time was that many of the promiscuous girls I met were not trashy or “broken” but were nice, educated and came from good family’s, the kind of girls many men would consider LTR worthy. The kinds of girls you wouldn’t suspect of behaving like this(AWALT).

That’s right! Sometimes women who have sex with more than one person in their lifetime don’t have the word “slut” tattooed on their foreheads Some of them even look like NORMAL NICE GIRLS.

Winnaling warns his fellow Red Pillians to avoid women who love travel, because TRAVEL MEANS SEX.

Most of the assembled Red Pillsters agree wholeheartedly with winnaling’s assessment: women who travel are dirty sluts, even if they don’t look dirty or slutty.

When one Red Piller suggests that travel can be a broadening experience and an important part of a “well rounded life,” he is voted down to zero.

But, you know what, I’m much less appalled by all this as I am by the surreal and horrendous image that winnaling has put in my head. Brace yourself, because I’m going to put it into your head too.

At the end of his post, winnaling summarizes the lesson he learned from his travels as follows:

If a woman has ever been travelling, she’s probably dipped her toe(or dived in head first) into the pool of exotic cock.

The “pool of exotic cock.”

My brain conjures up the image of an olympic-sized pool filled to the brim with wiggling, waggling penises in various hues, some sporting colorful plumage.

Perhaps that picture of a llama in a pool above will help make this terrifying vision go away.

H/T — TheBluePill subreddit

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8 years ago

The Pool of Exotic Cock is my least favorite D&D module.

8 years ago

Not able to upload photos from this device, but the most exotic cock I’ve ever seen was a Brown Leghorn. They’re prettier than pheasants.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Cheers Dlouwe & Bina

I know it’s probably been asked before but have any of these chaps actually met a woman? I am genuinely curious.

8 years ago

I know it’s probably been asked before but have any of these chaps actually met a woman? I am genuinely curious.

I sincerely suspect not. All jokes about virginity aside, these guys are pathetic. They’re so obsessed with “getting” sex that they don’t, in fact, GET it. The only thing they can grasp is their own crotches. They figure that the whole world is as single-mindedly obsessed with pants-feelings as they are, simply because theirs aren’t being dealt with by anyone but themselves.

ETA: NAVALT, but these guys are.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ Bina

Yeah, that’s what I thinking. Their views on women are so skewed it’s almost like those mythological travellers’ tales. Like someone gave them a map saying “Here be women” and spun them tall tales.

8 years ago

Oh redpillers, always afraid that a woman they’ve met will have dated or had sex with someone better/more interesting than them (not that that’s hard to do since most people are better and more interesting than redpillers). This time it’s sexy “exotic” men with accents. How will the redpillers ever compete with accents!?

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

@WWTH: Yes! Perfect! Lookit the fluffy little cocks (or are those chickens?)!

For more brain bleach, I offer up this in tribute (from the same channel Kreator linked):

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Everyone’s favourite leghorn; and might come in handy as a response to a post one day.

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8 years ago

So I just watched the armadillo video and I guess now I understand why Walter thinks longer is better. You can prop up your iPad with it. Personally I still like my innie and can buy a stand should I ever have the desire to own an iPad.

Speakingof the list of how to scare off terpers, I’ve been thinking of dying my hair an unnatural color, but I haven’t decided what color yet. I’m thinking about blue or green. Or maybe purple. I can’t decide.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

Haha, “here be women”. Perfect description of TeRPs, Alan.

I love how this guy is shocked – SHOCKED! – that “nice”, “educated” women in their 20s are out there enjoying sex. (For sale: One pearl necklace. Severe clutch marks.)

Why, it’s almost as if you can’t tell someone’s past sexual history just by looking at them. The entire rug just got yanked out from under TRP!

Fortunately, he saves the day by recommending that everyone screen potential partners for travel abroad within the last ten years, as if they’re all the Red Cross or something. That’ll serve that slutty educated college whore Courtney right, for pairing up with Mattias instead of the OP at that one hostel in Perth where the walls didn’t go all the way to the ceiling, and the OP had to lie awake all night listening to rutting season. She’ll be sorry when no decent man dates her ever again, once they find out she has a used passport!

8 years ago

“Pool of exotic cock” put me in mind of “an extra hour in the ball pit”.

8 years ago

Those roosters in the pool are adorable :). As is the llama.

And today’s redpill commenter is almost adorable, too, in his utter silliness and disconnect from reality. Almost. I don’t think these guys get out much, if this actually seems like strange behaviour to him.

As an aside, I would like to know where the exotic foreign men are that he saw in Australia.

Clearly I’m living in the wrong city.

8 years ago

I’m pretty sure that RPers will eventually create a selection criteria so narrow and rigid that they’ll be virtually indistinguishable from MGTOW.

You mean they’re not already virtually indistinguishable?

friday jones
friday jones
8 years ago

So when men who are Pick-Up Artists sleep around with as many women as they can manage, they become minor celebrities in the Manosphere, but a woman who likes sex is a “slut” who is “riding the cock carousel?” And they try to claim with a straight face that they are NOT suffering from a pathological level of misogyny and prejudiced hatred of women? Right, and I have a slightly-rusty bridge to sell.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

Is an exotic cock pool kind of like a car pool? Do you get a special lane on the freeway?

8 years ago

I think cock pool is the one where you have to get it into the pockets.

Social Justice Atheist
Social Justice Atheist
8 years ago

Sooo I guess a woman can’t be nice and like sex at the same time. Got it.

Also gotta love that entitlement and hypocrisy. But it’s okay when IIII do it, I’m a MAYUN!! You women aren’t allowed to do what men do or even enjoy yourselves at all, ever! I mean, it isn’t like you’re people or anything! It’s so cute how you silly wimmenz actually want to be treated like people, AKA men. Silly little things.

That’s what this is about, isn’t it? They literally can’t stand it when women are enjoying themselves at all. They want us to be as miserable as possible, have no fun, and have no privileges. Yet they themselves can have anything and everything they want, they are entitled to it simply for being men.

Makes sense.

8 years ago

It’s so funny, isn’t it, how many of their so-called theses basically boil down to “Waaaaaa, women are all [insert sexually-degrading gendered slur here], because they’re not all spreading their legs for me, and only me-me-MEEEEE!”

One wonders why they don’t spare themselves a lot of time (and cerebral hemorrhaging) by just typing that, instead of the reams of drivel they do.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

It’s like the caricatures of the suffragettes: the horrible fate dudes envisioned from women getting the vote was women treating men the way men at the time treated women. Nothing has really changed. These dudes are so insecure and weak that a woman treating them the way they treat women is the worst possible fate they can imagine.

It’s not unlike the way social problems become emergencies when privileged people are suddenly subjected to the same treatment the disadvantaged experience all the time.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

leftwingfox | March 2, 2016 at 8:00 pm
“Pool of exotic cock” put me in mind of “an extra hour in the ball pit”.

katz | March 2, 2016 at 8:36 pm
I think cock pool is the one where you have to get it into the pockets.

Nah, CockPool, and his more well-known counter part Dickpool, are two of many Deadpool bootleg action figures you can find at flea market stalls and lesser-regulated dollar stores for like a buck a pop, right next to the New Style Ninja Tortoise

The Super Cock (Changes from Cock Robot)
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The Magic Evil Rangers×0.jpg

Pocket Monica

And Batman.
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Social Justice Atheist
Social Justice Atheist
8 years ago


Is that Slenderman sitting in a ball pit?

8 years ago

I do believe that Paradoxical Intention – and katz & leftwingfox who inspired her – are the winners of this thread :).

Sterling work!

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

@SJA: Yup. It’s from an incident called Dashcon, which was supposed to be like a big tumblr convention/meetup that all went horribly awry due to horrible mis-managing and the organizers being just really nasty people if you just want the gist of it.

It got to the point where the organizers promised people an “extra hour in the ballpit” for putting up with their shit like it was some sort of great boon, hence the ball pit jokes.

8 years ago

And Karate Farmer.