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Several weeks ago, antifeminist attention-seeker and Twitter scofflaw Andrea Hardie — perhaps better known under her aliases Janet Bloomfield and JudgyBitch — launched a crusade of sorts against female suffrage.
Though Hardie seems to believe most of the nonsense she regularly spews, her campaign is so patently a publicity stunt that few people have even bothered to respond to it. Sure, I wrote a post on it, but then again that’s sort of my job.
On Twitter — which she has not-so-sneakily returned to under her real name after being banned for targeted harassment — Hardie has been trying to make the hashtag #WhyWomenShouldNotVote happen.
It’s not going to happen. Even with the presidential primaries dominating the news in the US, and talk of politics and voting in the air, Hardie’s hashtag steadfastly refuses to trend. Indeed, she seems to be writing half the tweets herself.
With millions of Americans in 12 states going to the polls today to vote in the Super Tuesday primaries. I thought I’d take a look at what Hardie has been saying to try to convince the world that half of these voters shouldn’t be voting at all.
So here are The 19 Dumbest Reasons Andrea Hardie Thinks Women Shouldn’t be Allowed to Vote. Prepare yourself for internalized misogyny, blatant racism and xenophobia, rape jokes, and a lot of truly bizarre logic. And I think I might have caught a whiff of desperation as well.
1) Because women are inferior to, and envious of, men
2) Because (white) women are wreckers, not builders
3) Because western women will need men to protect them from the refugees they’ve welcomed into their countries
4) Because women don’t want to shoot refugees
5) Because a Muslim woman in Moscow beheaded a child
Despite supporting the mass murder of migrants, Hardie believes that a horrific murder carried out by an Uzbecki woman in Moscow is an indication that all migrants should be excluded from “Western” countries. Oh, and the fact that women generally disagree with her on this means that they shouldn’t vote.
Huh. Less than two weeks ago, an Uber driver went on a shooting spree in and around Kalamazoo, Michigan, killing six and seriously injuring two others. The alleged shooter: a white, native-born man. Should we therefore deport all white, native-born men from the US? And should we ban everyone who doesn’t agree with this draconian solution from voting?
6) Because a black guy in France slapped a woman who turned down his sexual advances
It seems a little curious that Hardie is getting so worked up about the sexual misbehavior of the man in question.
Generally speaking, her response to allegations of sexual violence, no matter how convincing the evidence, is to blame the victims. She is, after all, the woman whose response after two of the Steubenville rapists had been found guilty was to spew forth an angry tirade attacking the victim as “a stupid, drunk, helmet-chasing whore.”
Oh, and she also argued that Jimmy Savile’s underage victims were the ones exploiting him.
Perhaps Hardie’s real objection to the alleged refugee mentioned in her Tweet was not the violence he directed at a woman but, you know, the fact that he’s a Muslim refugee?
Or at least that she thinks he is? The video in question has been making the rounds on assorted right-wing websites catering to immigrant haters and other racists, but none of them link to any news stories about the actual incident. One poster on Reddit says it’s actually a video of an incident that took place in France in 2010. Beyond that I could find no info about the woman or the men who assaulted her.
7) Because some women wear burkas
8) Because native-born Norwegian men don’t commit any rapes, at least if you ignore all the rapes they do commit
The police officer making this claim is only talking about literal stranger-in-the-bushes outdoor rapes, not the rapes in which the rapist and victim know one another. That is, most rapes, which apparently aren’t rapes to Hardie.
9) Because some black men who might possibly have been raised by single mothers are criminals
10) Because women turned Gawker into a pussy-beggar?
11) Because women don’t need to be able to vote in order to influence politics
This is a bit of a weird argument for her to make, given that all of her reasons that women shouldn’t vote would also seem to apply to women having any influence over politics.
12) Because women want to be cattle
13) Because the suffragettes didn’t suffer enough
14) Because of the actions of fictional women on the show “Single Ladies”
15) Because most women expect men to ask them out
16) Because mothers worry when their sons go to war
17) Because Twitter is asking Anita Sarkeesian for advice on how to design effective tools against harassment
18) Because she thinks the author of a book about rape isn’t hot enough to be raped
Harding is in fact a rape survivor.
19) Because if women have choices they ruin everything
Well, that’s enough of that.
Paul McCartney’s suffragette-mentioning song “Jet” doesn’t make much more sense than Hardie’s tweets, but it’s vastly more entertaining. So here it is.
Oh a self hating woman, I see!
I always get Andrea Hardie mixed up with Karen Straughan, but I think possibly Karen is a little more blatantly self-hating and a little less (VERY little less) poisonous.
Wasn’t she writing some sort of novel?
My greedy cat’s new nickname is “Pussy-Beggar.”
My favorite chapter of this ongoing farce is when other MRA types kept calling her out for not advocating for abolishing the selective service in The States rather than suggesting they keep it but take away women’s right to vote. She responded by saying that it would be pointless to argue for the abolition of the draft because THE WOMEN would never allow that. So, in other words Hardie thinks it’s more realistic to get women to accept giving up the right to vote than to get them to support ending selective service. Hmm…….
She also doesn’t address the fact that lots of women join the military by choice, should they still get the vote in Hardie’s brave new world?
If she were a halfway decent human being I’d feel sorry for someone so desperate for attention. But as it is I’m just going to point and laugh at this most recent of her failures.
She’s written and self published a couple of novels. I read her most recent one, The Fitness Test. It’s not unreadable, just a cheap rip off of The Hunger Games. It’s supposed to be anti-feminist, but you wouldn’t know it, there aren’t even caricature straw feminists in it, suggesting Hardie doesn’t actually know what a feminist is.
Thank you, Snork Maiden. From the descriptions MRAs give of feminists, I don’t think anyone in the manosphere actually knows what a feminist is!
I do find myself sometimes – SOMETIMES – feeling kind of sorry for some of these people. I mean, what must have happened to them to make them so enormously unhappy and hateful? That doesn’t justify anything, of course, but my empathy chip usually demands that I at least cursorily seek some sort of understanding. But that near-pity is pretty short-lived.
The only words I have for Ms. Hardie are “Serena Joy.”
Does Ann Coulter know that Hardie is stealing her schtick?
Why should I listen to someone who, according to her own assertions, doesn’t even deserve the right to vote?
She thinks 75% of the German population is female? Huh?
Gawker is heavily male dominated. To the point that there was recently a bit of a scandal about it. So how are they an example of why women shouldn’t vote?
That was my take on it. It was so pathetic seeing all those desperate cries for attention in one place. I was starting to pity her. Then I remembered she’s the worst and just shrugged.
This service brought to you by Women Policing Women:
Listen, JudgyBitch, your husband (like most men) is waaaaaaaaay too nice to you. So nice that he won’t tell you the following:
1. Stop being a bitch. It’s a well-known fact that men don’t like bitches. They want a lady. Get on that.
2. You took the dye out of your hair?! Whoa! Who gave you permission to do that? Do you really think that your husband wants to have sex with a 99-year-old? Hop to it!
3. You’re tweeting morning, noon, and night. No man likes an aggressive woman. Get off Twitter!
4. All that time you used to spend on Twitter you can now spend on your husband (your lord and master) and your children (the offspring of your lord and master). Get to work, lady!
Mrs. Hardie, you hate us now. But soon enough, you’ll thank Women Policing Women for pointing out your rightful place.
I’m genuinely curious as to what motivated her to become such a sorry excuse for a human being, but not sure if I have the stomach to go through all her rants looking for an answer. Anyone know?
@Snork Maiden
JudgyBitch wrote a novel that was not unreadable?
I’d bet a lot of money that she had a lot of help. A writing coach or two. A developmental editor. A different developmental editor. And then she just gave up and hired a ghostwriter.
You always forget the part where she’s an openly-admitted serial rapist herself (apologies for the second link, but DoNotLink’s down).
Andrea Hardie is the princess of projection. Yes, dear, you’re a useless moron, but it’s not because of your gender. It’s just you. Take responsibility for your own incompetence.
Do women like this believe they’re some kind of mutant female? Do they ever bother to provide anything other than assdata to support their shouty posts?
#WhyJudgyBitchShouldNotVote should be more like it.
I will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever understand FeMRAs. Why would anyone be so against their own interests? Doesn’t she realize that she is not going to be an exception?!? If no women have freedom or rights, that means that she won’t as well. Does she not want freedom, rights, or to be treated like a human?
I almost feel sorry for her. It must be so hard to carry around all that internalized misogyny 24/7.
So… when is JB coming out as a trans man and going to fight in a war?
What a self-hating and poisonous woman. What has made her this poisonous? The question has already been asked, but no answer has been given.
Some of my guesses:
1. No accomplishments in real life, needs to shift the blame on somebody else.
2. Loves the attention of the misogynist mob, it makes her feel powerful and strong (she suffers from an inferiority complex and this boosts her self-esteem).
3. She wants money and this is a potential way to get it.
4. She is simply a troll.
I will go with the last one. If she would practice what she preaches, she would sack herself from the Internet. She would be standing bare-footed in the kitchen, making sandwiches for her husband all day long. She wouldn’t have time to be a twitter crusader. She is like the MGTOW sect. Instead of going their own way they keep sticking around and obsess over women. Hardie also never banned herself from the Internet and went back to the kitchen, because she feeds on the attention she gets. Like all trolls.
Maybe it’s time to just ignore her…
With a title like “The Fitness Test” I’m surprised it’s not unreadable.
So, I take it that JB isn’t going to exercise her right to vote then come election day? Or is she (and women who agree with her, not surprisingly) somehow an “exception” to this almighty crusade of hers?
You both bring up something I’ve always noticed about reactionary women in general – for example, Phyllis Schafly or Beverly Lehaye – they always seem to be living a life counter to their principles for women other than themselves. They work full-time. They don’t live with their spouses.
They always seem to think the regressive proposals they make are for OTHER women, but not them. I’ve always wondered why that is? I suppose it’s a way to have self-determination while still playing nice in the patriarchy game? They have the legitimacy of approval from the power structure?
Hippodameia, you nailed it.
Let’s hope that David’s acknowledgement has given her the validation she needs so she’ll go away for a bit. Hopefully, she’ll just pop her jaw back into place and go away to digest her meal of attention for a week or two.
I don’t know why, but I’d love to see some MRA tell her, “That’s nice, darlin’, but nobody’s going to listen to a woman talk about men’s problems. So, don’t you log off that computer, then get that pretty little behind back to the kitchen and make me some sandwiches?”
I’ve volunteered with Syrian refugees, and so has my mom. Shocker: they’re regular people!!! Some of them are really nice! This stereotyping of Syrian refugess as dangerous rapists or whatever disgusts me to no end.