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Several weeks ago, antifeminist attention-seeker and Twitter scofflaw Andrea Hardie — perhaps better known under her aliases Janet Bloomfield and JudgyBitch — launched a crusade of sorts against female suffrage.
Though Hardie seems to believe most of the nonsense she regularly spews, her campaign is so patently a publicity stunt that few people have even bothered to respond to it. Sure, I wrote a post on it, but then again that’s sort of my job.
On Twitter — which she has not-so-sneakily returned to under her real name after being banned for targeted harassment — Hardie has been trying to make the hashtag #WhyWomenShouldNotVote happen.
It’s not going to happen. Even with the presidential primaries dominating the news in the US, and talk of politics and voting in the air, Hardie’s hashtag steadfastly refuses to trend. Indeed, she seems to be writing half the tweets herself.
With millions of Americans in 12 states going to the polls today to vote in the Super Tuesday primaries. I thought I’d take a look at what Hardie has been saying to try to convince the world that half of these voters shouldn’t be voting at all.
So here are The 19 Dumbest Reasons Andrea Hardie Thinks Women Shouldn’t be Allowed to Vote. Prepare yourself for internalized misogyny, blatant racism and xenophobia, rape jokes, and a lot of truly bizarre logic. And I think I might have caught a whiff of desperation as well.
1) Because women are inferior to, and envious of, men
2) Because (white) women are wreckers, not builders
3) Because western women will need men to protect them from the refugees they’ve welcomed into their countries
4) Because women don’t want to shoot refugees
5) Because a Muslim woman in Moscow beheaded a child
Despite supporting the mass murder of migrants, Hardie believes that a horrific murder carried out by an Uzbecki woman in Moscow is an indication that all migrants should be excluded from “Western” countries. Oh, and the fact that women generally disagree with her on this means that they shouldn’t vote.
Huh. Less than two weeks ago, an Uber driver went on a shooting spree in and around Kalamazoo, Michigan, killing six and seriously injuring two others. The alleged shooter: a white, native-born man. Should we therefore deport all white, native-born men from the US? And should we ban everyone who doesn’t agree with this draconian solution from voting?
6) Because a black guy in France slapped a woman who turned down his sexual advances
It seems a little curious that Hardie is getting so worked up about the sexual misbehavior of the man in question.
Generally speaking, her response to allegations of sexual violence, no matter how convincing the evidence, is to blame the victims. She is, after all, the woman whose response after two of the Steubenville rapists had been found guilty was to spew forth an angry tirade attacking the victim as “a stupid, drunk, helmet-chasing whore.”
Oh, and she also argued that Jimmy Savile’s underage victims were the ones exploiting him.
Perhaps Hardie’s real objection to the alleged refugee mentioned in her Tweet was not the violence he directed at a woman but, you know, the fact that he’s a Muslim refugee?
Or at least that she thinks he is? The video in question has been making the rounds on assorted right-wing websites catering to immigrant haters and other racists, but none of them link to any news stories about the actual incident. One poster on Reddit says it’s actually a video of an incident that took place in France in 2010. Beyond that I could find no info about the woman or the men who assaulted her.
7) Because some women wear burkas
8) Because native-born Norwegian men don’t commit any rapes, at least if you ignore all the rapes they do commit
The police officer making this claim is only talking about literal stranger-in-the-bushes outdoor rapes, not the rapes in which the rapist and victim know one another. That is, most rapes, which apparently aren’t rapes to Hardie.
9) Because some black men who might possibly have been raised by single mothers are criminals
10) Because women turned Gawker into a pussy-beggar?
11) Because women don’t need to be able to vote in order to influence politics
This is a bit of a weird argument for her to make, given that all of her reasons that women shouldn’t vote would also seem to apply to women having any influence over politics.
12) Because women want to be cattle
13) Because the suffragettes didn’t suffer enough
14) Because of the actions of fictional women on the show “Single Ladies”
15) Because most women expect men to ask them out
16) Because mothers worry when their sons go to war
17) Because Twitter is asking Anita Sarkeesian for advice on how to design effective tools against harassment
18) Because she thinks the author of a book about rape isn’t hot enough to be raped
Harding is in fact a rape survivor.
19) Because if women have choices they ruin everything
Well, that’s enough of that.
Paul McCartney’s suffragette-mentioning song “Jet” doesn’t make much more sense than Hardie’s tweets, but it’s vastly more entertaining. So here it is.
@Tragedy of the Commas
Hey there fellow WWDTM fan. *highfives*
I think O’Rourke is definitely the weakest of the regular panelists. Luckily he’s on there pretty rarely at the moment.
Sorry to go even further off topic, but what do you think about Bill Kurtis as a replacement for the scorekeeper emeritus?
Against female suffrage? Shit, even such shitholes like Iran or Saudi Arabia let women vote. What a punk-ass.
Uzbeks living in Russia have no connection to the current refugee crisis if that is what she’s trying to imply about that nanny who committed the murder.
…And he totally went along with that, instead of rejecting it…
Besides, it’s hard for me to take supporting gay marriage and legalization of pot as somehow being enough – Libertarians, even back then, argued for “State’s Rights” (a racist euphemism if there ever was one) and downplayed every unethical practice done by private corporate entities. Reason Magazine itself willingly gave a venue to white nationalists whether they be Nazi sympathizers or being pro-Apartheid to espouse their view, implicitly validating them as well.
Maybe it’s because it took me a while to notice it, back then. It was a poor choice of words – I could’ve just said “then he devolved into an Islamophobic and nationalistic piece of shit” and it would’ve been more accurate.
But you’re getting way too hung up over the fact I just used the term “slowly” – with this extensive description of Miller’s turn to conservative that I am already quite aware of. My point was, quite simply, it was a liberal-to-conservative transformation I was familiar with unlike O’Rourke – who had done so well before I knew about him.
Seriously, what makes you think my point was about how fast or slow the transformation happened? It’s like all you saw was that one sentence (or part of that sentence) and ignored the rest.
@Tragedy of Commas
It is quite infuriating how you’ll get white conservatives who wonder why the black community ally with the Democrats instead of Republicans, even when many of them may have conservative social values – it’s like they don’t realize just how much of their platform works against the general interest of that community.
It’s even worse when they bring up that the Republican Party helped abolish slavery, nevermind that was about a hundred and fifty years ago now. So, what, the fact they’ve consistently worked against Civil Rights and limiting benefits to marginalized groups when not outright keeping them from happening doesn’t register to them?
Then, of course, they’ll trot out a token member of their group like Ben Carson or Herman Cain or Alan Keyes to “convince” everyone they’re totally not racist! Yeah, ’cause saying “I have a black friend” isn’t a weak defense against being called out for racism…
Forgot to add a link to these articles by Mark Ames – describing how the Koch Bros., the CATO Institute, and Reason Magazine have enabled the likes of Holocaust deniers and equally heinous groups:
Uhh… Is a minor difference of opinion over how long it took some dickhead to turn into a dickhead, followed by half a dozen paragraphs adding on to (not refuting) what you said for the benefit of everyone who wasn’t aware, really worth getting this frothed up over? o_O
@ Monzach
It took me a little while to warm up to Bill Kurtis, simply because I was used to Carl Kassell for so long. But I’ve come to enjoy him like I did Kassell. How about you?
I had this EXACT THOUGHT as I was reading that book. I just finished it yesterday it was fascinating but made me way more scared of Trump than I was before. Sort of took the humor out of the situation (this happens to me periodically when I take the time to notice Trump)
How about Suffragette City instead? XD
> Alan Robertshaw, guy
Thank you for the informations.
> Newt
Like the third half-time in rugby, soccer, handball… ? after the effort the reconfort…
Have a nice day.
Would it be too much hassle for her to get that damn crossbow already and promptly have a mysterious incident involving said crossbow so her husband could take away her internet? To give her plenty of time to recover from said mysterious incident with a crossbow, and by the time she’s done all that maybe she’ll notice there are all kinds of housewifey things to do, perhaps go outside and garden, and forget all about voting and women in a country she’s not even a citizen of!
Ah…we can hope, at least we can hope.
@Tragedy of the Commas
It was the same for me. After so many years with Carl Kassel it was difficult to accept any substitutes, but I think Bill has made the role his own.
The idea that child molestation should be a serious crime is actually fairly modern. Strong opposition to it started in the nineteenth century with the (mostly feminist) social reformists. Before then, it wasn’t viewed as especially serious compared to other sex offenses if the victim was a girl and it wasn’t “rape” (by the archaic definition).
You can thank the suffragettes for adequate child protection laws.
@Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Yeah, freemage was totally not refuting me when they said:
Except not a single thing I said was specifically about whether how fast or how slow his political transformation was, that wasn’t my overall point – it was simply just a liberal-to-conservative transformation I was familiar with unlike O’Rourke. And because I just used “slowly” once, which (again) I admit was a poor choice of words on my part and could’ve omitted completely, leads to six paragraphs explaining how wrong I must be.
But, yeah, glad to see you also completely missed that point for whatever reason.
I’ve dealt enough with this shit on Facebook as is – I sort’ve hope to come here to not deal with semantics or having everything I wrote misconstrued because the person reading had to jump to conclusions.
I genuinely hate her.
Kind of a stupid article. If you take a good look at the tweets on the channel and actually read the links, you’ve just redefined half the reasons.
Many of them are pretty good reasons.
It’s pretty quantifiable that since the vote was given to women government spending has gone up, welfare state imposed, more children in fatherless homes than not creating more crime, less education, less employment.
Swedish citizens are now being sold the entire immigration policy on the fact that “we don’t have babies anymore.” Fact is that’s because of the pill, abortion and feminism making women just not marriage material.
Frankly I think she has a point.
These things have not happened in a vacuum; many other things happened before as well, not just women getting the vote, in fact the whole of history up to that point.
Also, many extremely beneficial and amazing things have happened since women got the vote.
You appear to be confusing correlation with causation.
Did women’s suffrage put men on the moon or create the Internet?
It must have, because it happened first, by that logic.
There is so much wrong in Finn’s post. But I’m not going to bother refuting his points because it’s probably a drive by turd.
… You know, I was actually going to go through TheFuckwit’s list one by one and explain what really caused them, if anything, but all of them are either the direct result of the Republicans or made up. Good job, drive-by. *slow clap*
(Okay, “More children in fatherless homes than not” might not be made up, but given that the first two pages of Google results all linked back to AVFM, Fox News and/or a homophobic Christian hate group (???) with zero sources or statistics, I wouldn’t bet on it.)
Here’s some info on US families:
It doesn’t say “More children in fatherless homes than not,” but it says “Fewer than half (46%) of U.S. kids younger than 18 years of age are living in a home with two married heterosexual parents in their first marriage. ” So that might be the statistic that they’re distorting and misusing.
As to why there are more single parents now, it’s complicated. Partly it’s the economy, people are less likely to get married if the economy is bad. Mass incarceration of young black men probably doesn’t help either. (also, the page above counted gay couples as “single.”)
But a lot of it can kinda be blamed on feminism. A pregnant single woman now is much less likely to be shamed or forced into an abortion, or into giving the baby up, or into marrying a man she doesn’t love. And people in abusive or unhappy marriages have an easier time getting out now than they used to. And thanks to feminism, women are less likely to be stuck in an unhappy relationship for financial reasons.
So yeah, some of it can be “blamed” on feminism. But it’s just a side effect of some of the very good things that feminism has accomplished.
Oh, another statistic they might be misrepresenting to get that:
“among women under 30, more than one-half of all births happened outside of marriage. ”
Wait… So 25% of the German population is males, the rest are women?
I know statistics that are made via polls are often very much misleading when they are applied to the entire population, but still. That still implies quite an interesting M:F ratio.