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Super Tuesday Open Thread

Wait, why is she using a gun to hammer the nails in?

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Open thread! It’s Super Tuesday here in the US. Discuss today’s primaries, the evil that is Trump, politics in general.


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9 years ago

She says it’s fear of being seen as sexist or shamed. Or publicists “leaning on them…And they [Sanders’ Hollywood backers] see what happens to people when they stand out”. In my experience, Sanders supporters do a lot more shaming. That’s anecdotal, I know, plus I don’t live in Hollywood. She does have a point, though. While a lot of sexist bullshit is directed at Clinton and her supporters, one is not automatically sexist just for supporting Sanders over her.

This is really, really anecdotal, but it seems like people in positions of political influence face pressure to support Clinton, whereas regular people face pressure to support Sanders. For instance, Clinton has the vast majority of endorsements, far out of proportion with her actual support, whereas Sanders has the vast majority of Facebook likes, far out of proportion with his actual support.

(Just want to reiterate that if I’m ever talking too much about politics and bugging people, please tell me.)

9 years ago

Neither of those is in any way mysterious. Sanders is a long-time Senator but not an influential one, while Hillary, both through her husband and in her own right, has extensive connections with Democratic party leadership and long-term politicians, so the people giving endorsements are familiar with her. Sanders has massive youth support, especially among college students, and young people, especially college students, tend to use Facebook more.

9 years ago


I have the perfect option if you’re looking for temporary color in non natural or even silver with a metallic shimmer – check out and specifically the Boost and Burst line. Those are shampoo and conditioner formulated by a hair stylist who retired from salon work because of an illness that made standing all day painful and impossible. They don’t use any developers and are the only truly semi-permanent hair color enhancer product I’ve found, come in ALL kinds of colors though the pastels and brights require hair to be lightened or blonde for vivid color results. The color ‘silver bullet’ with or without silver mica is good for transitioning hair to grey if that’s what you’d like to do. If you’re willing to bleach your hair you can find a range of options in the same online store and depending on the condition of your hair (if it’s damaged I would avoid the bleaching even with the shorter length that you’ve got because greying hair can be stubborn and bleaching it is not for the inexperienced or faint of heart.)


If you want to go a lot darker try the bayalage and ‘oil slick’ – as shown on a few dark haired models

The thing about bleaching your hair is that when you do so you’re not just stripping out any remaining old hair color but *all* hair color, including the pheomelanin and eumelanin. As the hair lightens from brown even if it’s an ash brown it goes to red, to orange, to gold, then yellow/frozen butter. Gold is the hardest tone to eliminate, blorange is 2nd, which is why a lot of blondes need toners and color enhancing shampoo/conditioner even when the stylist has lightened the hair properly. A lot of newbie hair stylists take the bleach off too soon which is how people wind up leaving the salon with blorange (blonde orange) or brassy gold instead of the cool ash blonde or platinum they were hoping for. This can also happen with more experienced salon professionals if they haven’t kept up with the trends or continued their training to learn the latest techniques. However, all those photos on Pinterest with awesome ombre hair (usually credited to Guy Tang, etc) with crazy colors are often created with the magic of hair extensions so keep that in mind. Make sure that you are 100% honest with ANY hair stylist who will be coloring your hair about ALL previous dye and how often you were applying them (even if a pro did the color for you) because there’s nothing worse than not knowing about such factors when formulating and a client in hysterics because of unanticipated results.

Is your hair long or short? Olaplex is a good idea if your hair is already a bit damaged – use on hair in that state is when it has the highest efficacy. The results on mostly undamaged hair are mixed. Some see more breakage once those new bonds formed by the olaplex application (it’s not designed to stick to hair forever) are gone, others see no change in their hair.

9 years ago

That oil slick looks nice. My hair is a little longer than shoulder right now and I’m growing it out. I dye it at a salon about 4x per year and the last 2 times I’ve done foil highlights. I also blow-dry about 3 days a week. It’s not super damaged like it was when I was using box color, but it’s not super healthy. The main reason I was thinking of olaplex was because I wanted to take preventative measures if I’m going to have to lighten it. But if I go with the oil slick I don’t think I’d need it.

9 years ago

Sanders has massive youth support, especially among college students, and young people, especially college students, tend to use Facebook more.

The numbers don’t add up. The Facebook differential is large but not that large (87% for under-30s and 56% for seniors in 2014, the most recent year I could find). Plus Facebook skews female.

I normalized the Iowa caucus numbers (couldn’t find national numbers by age category) against Facebook usage numbers and found that Sanders should have about 130% of Clinton’s Facebook likes in Iowa. He actually has 250%. And that’s before accounting for gender. For one reason or another, there are a lot of people on Facebook who like Clinton but don’t want to say so.

And I mean, I’m super twitchy about identifying myself as a Clinton supporter online for fear of the reaction. Even here, I’m not afraid of getting attacked or anything, but I feel like there’s an assumption that everyone supports Sanders and I feel like I’m being unnecessarily contrarian or trying to start an argument if I say otherwise. Maybe that’s totally off base, but the feeling is still there.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
9 years ago


Just spitballing, but maybe younger people on Facebook are more likely to “like” various pages?

9 years ago


And I mean, I’m super twitchy about identifying myself as a Clinton supporter online for fear of the reaction. Even here, I’m not afraid of getting attacked or anything, but I feel like there’s an assumption that everyone supports Sanders and I feel like I’m being unnecessarily contrarian or trying to start an argument if I say otherwise. Maybe that’s totally off base, but the feeling is still there.

I’m in the same boat. I don’t touch the Democratic primary discussions on Facebook because if I voice any mild support of Clinton I often get aggro “she’s evil, why are you evil?” blowback entwined with endless rehashing of the Steinem/Albright gaffes and Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s obvious terribleness.

I like Sanders, I support him staying in the race and getting media attention, but I think he’s only capable of energizing a very specific niche of progressives. I know that Clinton is a flawed candidate, but I’ve heard people talk shit about her my entire adult life and I don’t need to be lectured about her at this point.

I don’t have the same problem in real life, my Bernie-loving friends know I’m a wonk whose happy discuss this surreal election cycle with anyone.

9 years ago

Even though I’m more of a Sanders supporter, I hear you. I knew going in that even if Sanders does well (and he has been) Clinton will win and I don’t mind supporting. I can also understand the perspective of her supporters. Plus, even if I’d have preferred Elizabeth Warren, the prospect of having a female president is exciting for me. I plan on supporting her in the general, and I’m fearing that the mini tide of “Hillary is evil” types we had in here the other day will grow into a mansplaination tsunami in the coming months.

ETA: The misogyny that we’re going to hear both from the right and from brogressives once Clinton becomes the nominee is certain to backfire and turn me from someone who will be voting for her simply because she’s not on the R side into someone who will be enthusiastically voting for. I dislike misogyny that much.

9 years ago


All hair dye is going to cause some damage, certain kinds (like one size fits almost no one boxed dye) more than others. Use a heat protection product for blow drying and other styling with hot tools (curling or straightening iron, hot rollers), get trims regularly even if it seems counter-intuitive because split ends cannot be repaired with any products that exist today and they will keep going up the hair shaft until they break off entirely, usually around ear length. Trimming for optimal hair condition is better for growth, hair goes through a specific growth cycle with three distinct and concurrent phases: anagen, catagen, and telogen phases. A little less than 10% of hairs are in the last phase at one time, the first phase affects roughly 90% of hairs and is the active growth, less than 4% of hairs will be in the transitional (catagen) phase. We all have a terminal length which is the max length our hair will grow – the growth cycle is why sometimes our hair seems like it’s shedding more than usual and barring the presence of other health conditions, a little thinning can precede faster growth. Tension on the hair and mechanical friction (pulling the hair back tightly or always in the same spot, brushing) can also cause breakage.

I’d still ask your hair stylist about using olaplex just to strengthen your hair given the previous dye history and use of blow dryer. They may prefer not to use it but they should be able to explain the reason why to you. If they can’t, might want to look into having your hair done by someone else. Not that it needs to be a complex breakdown of all the science of it, just a practical layman explanation.

I also like the oil slick look, but I decided to transition back to the blonde that I am naturally after years and years of dyeing it brown, black, red, etc. My hair is finally feeling and looking healthy, getting near my waist in length.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Even here, I’m not afraid of getting attacked or anything, but I feel like there’s an assumption that everyone supports Sanders and I feel like I’m being unnecessarily contrarian or trying to start an argument if I say otherwise. Maybe that’s totally off base, but the feeling is still there.

Yeah, ditto. In particular, with the nonsense meme that all Clinton supporters think all Bernie supporters are sexist floating around, I’ve been trying to wrap my pro-Clinton posts in disclaimers… I know that none of the non-trolls here have actually fallen for said nonsense meme, but better safe than fucking up my wording and accidentally pissing off all my friends, right? x_x *paranoia*

(Are there any Clinton supporters here other than me, Katz and possibly PoM? Just out of curiosity.)

9 years ago

I guess it wasn’t clear in my earlier post, I’m a Clinton supporter. ::flinch::

9 years ago

msexceptiontotherule, if you don’t mind fielding another query on all the hair that seems to have come up – I’d love to know if there’s anything easy wash-in wash-out you’d recommend for short grey hair (some white, some dark grey) to make it look brighter (products tend to be bluish, I think? And while I love the idea of bright/very dark blue, I want to avoid the trad “respectable” blue-rinse look). The silver burst product looks fantastic, but I think getting it here in the UK would be too expensive for me.

If I had loads of dosh to spare and the confidence to wear it, I would so go for the hidden oil-slick!!!! In all honesty, though, I have to confess that the most adventurous thing I’ve ever actually done with my hair was get a no.3 razor cut all over for a fancy-dress party years ago (the theme was “rockstar” – I went as Sinéad O’Connor, that’s how many years 🙂 )

Corbynistas ftw! (sadly I no longer qualify for the Juventud Corbynista :-\ )

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I’d be a Clinton supporter if I had a vote in the US. As it is I have to content myself with being a Clinton supporter supporter.

Your politics geeking is very interesting. Please go on, I really like hearing thoughtful commentary on it.

9 years ago


Try Kevin Murphy’s blonde angel hair treatment (conditioner) and wash (shampoo). I know the blonde part in the name might throw people off, but it’s great for platinum and it tones down any brassy/yellowish tinges that often appear in grey/white hair. Just don’t try to buy it off of eBay, Amazon maybe, but *never* eBay when it’s a product for salon pros and authorized salon sales to clients. The actual stuff in the bottles will be a super dark purple, don’t worry, as long as you don’t use it every day (color adding or enhancing products aren’t intended for daily use in most cases) you won’t be sporting the “little old blue-lady or lavender-lady” style hairdo you’re trying to avoid. Any of the products I’ve recommended that are color enhancers will have somewhat of a learning curve; how long to leave them on depends on how porous the hair is and how much color one wants/needs in the results. Grey hair is notorious when it comes to getting it to take color, but however much time you think you need to leave a product on cut that in half. At least in the first few uses.

Anyone else have a hair question? 😛

9 years ago

Thank you, msexceptiontotherule! Earmarked forthwith! 🙂

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
9 years ago

Even Bernie would be considered less left than what I would usually vote for here at home. It’s about time the US had a woman president, but that’s the only thing about a Hillary presidency that I find exciting in the slightest. Actually, that’s not true. I’m also excited about hearing the whining of the Trump nazis AND the regular Republican nazis after election night. And of course Hillary is a billion times better than any Republican candidate.

9 years ago

Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s attack on Elizabeth Warren’s CFPB, and support for payday lending loansharking, has soured my Clinton support slightly. (Being that Schultz is the DNC chair and a strong ally of Clinton.) Generally, I’m willing to give Clinton the benefit of the doubt on the “tied to Wall Street” charge, but things like that make me nervous that she would not stand with the Sanders/Warren bloc of the party on those issues.

That said, the fact that Sanders polls well above both Rubio and Cruz head-to-head, but Clinton polls neck-and-neck, is disturbing to me. Any charge that Clinton is too conservative on an issue can be made tenfold (or a hundredfold) against either of those two. Why anyone would vote for Sanders over those two, but not Clinton over them, is beyond my understanding.

That’s not even considering what a Rubio or Cruz presidency would do to the Supreme Court. The fact that Alito and Roberts can suggest with a straight face that all of the abortion clinics in Texas coincidentally shut down at the same time as HB2 was introduced is an argument that is beneath the dignity of the highest court in the land. Kudos to RBG for making Keller crawl away with his tail tucked between his legs, exposing Texas’ intent masterfully. Hopefully, her message got through to Kennedy.

Tragedy of the Commas
Tragedy of the Commas
9 years ago

@ katz

That may be “really, really anecdotal”, but it makes sense to me. I can see how a delegate, for example, could be pressured to support Clinton.

If anyone’s curious, while I voted for Sanders in my state’s primary, I’ll happily vote for Clinton in the general election (should she get the nomination). As in my previous comment in this thread, I don’t think she’s Satan incarnate and I don’t think Sanders is uncriticizable.

My experience has been similar to brooked’s, wwth’s, and SFHC’s. Sanders, unfortunately, can really bring out the small but loud righteous progressive purists. Similar to how those who’re not anti-GMO can be ridiculed by those who are. (Because every person who isn’t anti-GMO is a paid shill, doncha kno?) Charles Blow wrote a column on people who condescendingly explain to black voters why they should support Sanders. It’s worth reading. (Blow has been critical of both Clinton and Sanders, and supporters of both, fwiw.)

Side note, if you want to read some interesting thoughts on why African-American voters have mostly supported Clinton over Sanders, same for Latino and I think Asian-American voters too, Jamil Smith and Jeet Heer at The New Republic have written some good articles on that.

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
9 years ago
Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
9 years ago

Kanye West could genuinely (no joke) be the Republican nominee in 2020.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago


I’d love to see a source for that. It isn’t that I disbelieve you – nothing’s beyond disbelief, not now – but that I want to share it as widely as possible whilst laughing as hard as I possibly can.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Makes sense to me. What’s more Republican than a fiscally-useless, hypocritical rape denier who won’t let women speak? =P

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
9 years ago


Source for what, the Kanye thing? That’s just speculation on my part, based on the following facts:

– Kanye has promised to run for president in 2020

– Kanye has endorsed Trump in this election cycle

– The GOP clearly loves a guy with an overblown ego, childish rhetorics, and someone who gets into petty fights on Twitter

– The GOP clearly appreciates name recognition more than knowledge of policy, competence, actual plans, etc

– Kanye might be the best black friend they’ll ever have a shot at

– His wife is tremendous, frankly she’s the best, everybody knows it, and frankly she is great frankly

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

That’s a good point: there’s a pattern there.

2008: Romney endorses McCain, Bush doesn’t, McCain loses.
2012: Trump endorses Romney, McCain doesn’t, Romney loses.
2016: West endorses Trump, Romney doesn’t, Trump loses.
2020: ? endorses West, Trump doesn’t, West loses.

Each year the previous Republican is horrified by the current one, and the future one supports them. It’s almost as if they’re circling a plughole.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
9 years ago

The Duck Dynasty guy will endorse Kanye.

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