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Open thread! It’s Super Tuesday here in the US. Discuss today’s primaries, the evil that is Trump, politics in general.
@Imaginary Petal I listened to that Michael Brooks/Sargon interview this morning–was impressed with how well prepared Michael was. He does a good interview–I recently heard him interview someone, wish I could remember who now, on the Sam Seder show and was really impressed with the thought and care that went into his questions.
That was excellent. Thank you.
Because Cruz is not nearly as good at self-inflating, bombastic, aggressive, introspective-less and of course xenophobic and bigoted speech. These people are very nearly the definition of style over substance to the point that finding different ways of hammering that lack of substance making them look weak is a major emphasis of mine.
I fully agree. Michael is extremely knowledgeable in many areas and he always come well prepared to every show, especially on Mondays when he’s the host. His recent interviews have been with Bronwen Dicky (about “conspiracy cruises” and pitbulls), Sam Stein, and Benjamin Dixon (about Bernie and black voters). It’s all good stuff.
I can mostly recommend the Majority Report, with a few reservations. They’ve very much endorsed Bernie in this race, so if you’re leaning toward Hillary you might get frustrated. Recently I’ve been slightly annoyed with the way Sam and Michael constantly interrupt Kelly and talk over her when she’s trying to make a point, which is made worse by the fact that Kelly has a contrarian point of view in some respects.
I liked Matt Binder, who utterly destroyed Paul Elam in that weird debate a while back, but since he departed I have to say the show is better off with New Matt and Kelly. I’ve been thoroughly impressed with them both.
Oh, I think it was the Benjamin Dixon one–that was an excellent interview, and I learned a hell of a lot, including one very useful piece of advice I can use in daily life–if you want someone to trust/support you, you don’t start with attempting to convince them how trustworthy/amazing YOU are, you ask THEM what THEY need in order to be convinced that they should trust or support you. I can think of so many times when I and other people I’ve watched destroy themselves in a spectacular way could have used this advice.
Yes, it’s super-annoying when the boys interrupt and talk over Kelly–don’t they realise how that sounds?
Me, I’m a Bernie supporter (even signed up for Bernie Singles, just because it was so hilarious!), but have no interest in getting too involved in the debates around the election.
I’ve been wondering for a while if Pony’s Labia might be a troll pretending to be a nasty version of a feminist, to catch us out for not appropriately condemning their statements. I haven’t mentioned it for two reasons: 1) they hadn’t said anything extreme enough that I could be sure it wasn’t just an actual feminist espousing views that make me uncomfortable, and 2) I really didn’t want to have to type out a nym which mentions genitals.
That was a good interview, and I was also impressed with Michael for conceding some of Dixon’s points where I know Michael has argued the other way in previous shows. He also mentioned at the end of the interview (or after) that this interview had changed his mind in some ways.
Some listeners have commented via IM on how the hosts respond to Kelly, but it’s been mostly brushed off. They’ve asked her on air if she feels like she’s being silenced, and she says no. It’s still annoying to listen to, because I never really get to hear what she has to say without Sam or Michael interrupting her before she can finish her point. It’s too bad.
You’re right–Benjamin Dixon had some harsh things to say about Bernie’s campaign, which I’m sure Michael found uncomfortable to hear, but the conversation was very cogent and thoughtful on both sides. So kudos to both, and props to them for providing a learning experience with respect to both content and process. It would be great to think that Bernie’s staff could pick up a few insights from it as well.
(Am home today working on the computer and listening to some more Sam Seder stuff on Youtube while doing it–maybe will listen to the Paul Elam thing next.)
I wouldn’t be surprised if Kelly, being a junior employee, didn’t appreciate being put into a position where she was being asked to criticise her colleagues and boss. I totally know that feeling.
Marco Rubio’s number-one donor is a gay marriage supporter. But Marco himself has opposed gay marriage in the past. Still, I wonder if some of the Trumpers are going to use this as “evidence” for their conspiracy theory about Rubio secretly being in the closet.
Of course. And especially asking to do it on air, during a live broadcast, where listeners will send IMs to the show or even call in to explain how she’s wrong. I would hope they continue this discussion off air. It’s nice to have 25% women on the show instead of the previous 0%, but still a long ways to go I guess.
๐ and to be fair that’s not just an issue for women; a man in the same situation would be just as motivated not to rock the boat.
It would be nice if her male colleagues noticed the different treatment she gets, but my personal experience is that most men just don’t clock it at all, and are genuinely surprised when I point out #everydaysexism to them. To be fair (as I tell them when I point something out to them) there’s no particular reason why they should have noticed–it doesn’t happen to them, and it doesn’t affect them, so why would it register with them?
I’m with you. Especially since they said they used to post under a different name, but hasn’t said what. For now I’m just ignoring.
@Viscaria & WWTH
Yeah, agreed. It’s their username that set off the trolldar for me – I mean, I have no problem with silly or rude usernames (*points to mine*), but a clopping reference?
Fuck’s sake, take that shit back to 4Chan.
Glad everyone else is finding the same people objectionable as I am.
Unrelated to the politics, here is a thing you may like. New Ghostbusters trailer!
Can’t wait to see the manosphere reaction to this one.
Adding my voice to the “wtf is with the horse-genital-person name choice” suspicion. What the hell.
I think that there are far too many of them to be paid Clinton aides, and they talk far too well about Bernie to be Republicans. I like Bernie, and if I were an American I’d be out there volunteering for him. But there is certainly an aggressive, angry, brogressive wing to his supporters. I’m glad he acknowledges and denounces that, too, which is part of why I like him.
I moved over here from the rooster thread per your suggestion to guy.
My natural color is medium ash brown and I have a slightly warmer overall color in right now from like 3 months ago. I know I’ll need to lighten to get any of those colors to show, so I’m planning on going to a professional to handle all that. I have some natural wave and the texture is medium-thin. Cost isn’t an issue, and I plan on asking about olaplex treatments. I’m usually not very good about regularly scheduling appointments, but I’ll warn her about that too. Anything else you need to know?
Cool, Sam Seder just read my IM on air. :p
He had a Sargon fan call in yesterday with some bogus claims about things that allegedly happened in Sweden. I love it when I can deflate American right wingers’ weird made up BS about Sweden.
@Imaginary Petal that’s brilliant ๐ I’m not a subscriber, so don’t get the ‘fun half’.
If the problem is money you can get the fun half for free. They’re good about taking people’s financial situation into account and the policy is to never exclude anyone from the full show on the grounds that they can’t afford a membership.
๐ no I’ve got plenty of money, but too many podcasts!
Oh I hear you. ๐ 10+ hours of MR every week is a nightmare to keep up with, seriously.
I’m trying to work my way through a course during my commute, but instead I listen to MR….
OT: Any other British fans of Jane Horrocks here? I’m quite stoked about her forthcoming show at the Young Vic. I’ve loved her in film and TV, but never seen her on stage before, and now she’ll be performing the songs of my youth? I’m there!
Webchat here with her geeking out about music, everything from Kraftwerk to Die Antwoord.
Potentially of interest to the discussion about Sanders and Clinton fans: “Susan Sarandon Says Bernie Sanders’ Hollywood Backers Are “Afraid” to Be More Vocal”.
She says it’s fear of being seen as sexist or shamed. Or publicists “leaning on them…And they [Sanders’ Hollywood backers] see what happens to people when they stand out”. In my experience, Sanders supporters do a lot more shaming. That’s anecdotal, I know, plus I don’t live in Hollywood. She does have a point, though. While a lot of sexist bullshit is directed at Clinton and her supporters, one is not automatically sexist just for supporting Sanders over her.
It’s a little odd to hear Sanders described as “outside the establishment” though. Because he’s been a member of Congress, regardless of his party affiliation, for over two decades now. He and Clinton voted the same as senators, more often than not (although with important differences, like over the Iraq War, which matters to me because it took courage to go against the beat of the war drums in Congress back then). And that one crime bill Clinton rightly gets flack for, Sanders supported when he was in the House.
I do like Sarandon’s point that what people find appealing about Sanders could also be said of Trump, even if they’re opposites ideologically.
The BBC’s Newsnight programme has been doing some great coverage of the primaries; and especially Trump’s apparent success. It’s worth watching just to see Emily Maitlis try to keep coming up with new synonyms for unfathomable.