4chan anti-Semitism antifeminism cuckolding literal nazis misogyny oppressed white men racism

The Knights Who Say Cuck rally around Trump in wake of KKK controversy

Donald Trump: Sees no evil
Donald Trump: Sees no evil

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Uh oh! Donald Trump, the great orange hope of America’s internet nazis, is facing a teensy bit of controversy, including some rather intense criticism from fellow Republicans, for his refusal to unequivocally condemn former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke and all the other white supremacists who love him so dearly.

On Twitter, the assortment of nazis and trolls and nazi trolls who seem to be his most enthusiastic backers are rallying around their man. And saying “cuck” a lot.

Here are some highlights — by which I mean lowlights — from the, er, discussion so far.

(I’m pretty sure ChateauEmissary is none other than our old friend Heartiste.)


Alas, Paul D is probably right.

EDIT: Or not. Trump isn’t winning them all.

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Kylo Ronin
Kylo Ronin
8 years ago

@Imaginary Petal Aw, hope your cat gets better!

8 years ago

@Michael Brew
Thanks for that click-through to Gawker re Woody Guthrie and Fred Trump(!) It’s pretty long so I’ll read it later.


How are these white supremacists going to feel when they find out that Donald Trump’s daughter, who is his highly trusted, savvy adviser, is a convert to Orthodox Judaism?

IIRC, it was another WHTM commenter who made me aware of this fact.

8 years ago

@Imaginary Petal
I hope all goes well for Fingie and that his rash disappears quickly.

He’s a cutie!

8 years ago

Trump is now blaming “a very bad ear piece” for his refusal to disassociate himself from David Duke.

I don’t know whether he had a very bad ear piece.

But he certainly appears to have a very bad hair piece.

8 years ago

I’m confused by Paul D; is he calling a fellow Trump fan (Dr. Suhler there) a “globalist cuckservative traitor”? Seems impolite…

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

When I see someone use the work “cuck” in a literal or non-literal sense (the non-literal always contributes literal elements) I see someone who fears female sexuality and/or allowing others social control over themselves in almost any context.

I’m a person with an overdose of authoritarian instincts and I have learned when to let others take the lead. These are weak, craven cowardly fools who when they are not actually in charge will eat one another socially speaking. I find that they are not in control on themselves and that is a good weakness to exploit (if that is something one is comfortable exploiting). When listen to and read Trump I see someone who is good at emotive authoritarian speech, but very very weak when it comes to personal strength. I’m interested in seeing what it to come.

Also not all of us on the left are against gun ownership. I don’t make that comment often because the people favoring gun control have the more important arguments now, but these fools would face some metal if they decided they needed to use their own politically.

8 years ago


Hm, I think that article is potentially overstating it. It’s not unheard of for states to vote in senators of one party while reliably voting for a President from the other party, usually because the senator skews towards the other side of the spectrum a bit, so calling a state as having shifted allegiance based on a midterm election is not entirely reliable.

Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

@IP Fingie looks like a very sweet kitty. I hope he gets better soon.

Regarding Der Drumpf: Any presidential candidate who isn’t aware of the white supremacy movement in this country needs to take themselves out of the running.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

I really really need to edit better. I’m pretty shitty with spelling grammar and editing (impulse control) 😛

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
8 years ago


Give Fingie lots of kisses (and belly rubs if he likes that) for me please.

David N-T
David N-T
8 years ago

Isn’t it funny how, according to Chateau Emissary, having a black grandkid (or children, or spouse, or parent grandparent) precludes one from “thinking clearly about race”, but living in a secluded racial all-white bubble does not? Looks like thinking clearly about race means living in total ignorance about it. Guess those Jim Crow era white southerners and apartheid era Afrikaans were the epitome of clear racial thought.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

@Imaginary Petal KITTEH!!!!

…ahem, I mean what a sweetie, hope the trip to the vet sorts everything out. 🙂

8 years ago

I got kicked off a Norse culture Facebook page for mildly objecting to the use of the word “cuck” in a post about the Soldiers of Odin (as in, if you don’t join up or support them, you’re a “cuck” who wants “your women” to get raped). I was disappointed to see that word used on a page that I had mostly enjoyed.

I feel bad for people who are honestly just interested in Norse culture. It’s really not fair to you.

8 years ago

On Yahoo News now: Photographer Attacked at Trump Rally in Virginia.

Methinks the Secret Service needs a liiiiiitle talk with their field agents about things like this.

To put it mildly.

J^3 (@JoeKlemmer)
J^3 (@JoeKlemmer)
8 years ago

You know what scares me the most about this upcoming election? That any of these candidates will be elected. Not one of them, not a single one, should be elected. It used to be about picking the “lesser of two evils.” But now we have no lesser option. In fact, with the two leading candidates, we have two sides of the same coin. I know a ton of people who will be writing in rather than choose between either of them.

The US, and, in fact, the world, is completely screwed.

8 years ago

@Mathieu: I’m interested in religion, including the modern revivals of European pagan traditions. And I am so tired of finding crypto-Nazis so frequently in my reading and social network activity. I have friends who follow the Norse pagan path and are not racist asswipes, but I’m starting to wonder if they are in the minority.

I’ve been watching WWII docs for the last couple of days, and I felt a pang watching the German girls in their dirndls and flower crowns dancing in circles to celebrate Spring. I felt sorry for the people who might have just wanted to revive their ancestral traditions, and instead saw those traditions woven into one of history’s most horrifying, ugly tapestries.

@katz: Yeah, I had seen some things on that page before that made me wonder, but this was, of course, the clincher.

8 years ago

@IP: Best wishes to your kitty. >^..^<

8 years ago


You mean Hillary and Bernie too? That smells like false equivalence to me.

What has either of them said or done that’s on par with 1) not denouncing the KKK, 2) saying he’ll bring back “waterboarding and worse,” 3) saying we should murder the families of terrorists, 4) encouraging his supporters to commit violence against protesters, and all the other horrible things Trump has said and done?

8 years ago

Yeah, it takes an enormous amount of privilege to look at the Democrats and Republicans as just about the same. The Ds are far, far from perfect and in no way above criticism, but they aren’t stirring up violent racism, xenophobia, and Islamophobia. They aren’t introducing hundreds of bills a year that restrict reproductive freedoms and shut down family planning clinics. They aren’t trying to keep gay people second class citizens and force trans people into using the bathrooms of the gender they aren’t. They aren’t introducing bills that excessively monitor the EBT usage of poor people. The minimum wage wasn’t raised enough, but it was the Dems that raised. Health care reform didn’t go far enough, but the ACA is better than what we had and Dems did that.

Anyone who thinks there’s no difference between the parties so they might as well disengage is very likely someone who doesn’t have to worry about any of the above issues and doesn’t think much about those who do have to worry about them. Some people don’t have the luxury of only worrying about foreign policy or grand philosophical debates about political and economic theory. Some people are impacted by these issues in their day to day lives and those people matter.

J^3 (@JoeKlemmer)
J^3 (@JoeKlemmer)
8 years ago
Reply to  sbel


Don’t get me wrong. I love Bernie. But if he gets elected you know nothing is ever going to get done. The one thing the parties hate more than each other is someone who won’t play “the game” with them. See Carter for an example.

As for Clinton… Well, she makes Nixon look like a saint. All that stuff about Bengazi, emails/server and stuff is just the tip of the iceberg. Living here in the DC Metro area has it’s rare benefits.

8 years ago

The edit button is showing up so I’ll have to make an addendum in a separate post.

There are individual Democrats in conservative areas who are pretty indistinguishable from Republicans, but in general there is a big difference between the two.

I bet the edit button will show up after I post this separate comment. The Edit Mammoth is a far trickier foe than the Blockquote Mammoth.

8 years ago

J^3 (@JoeKlemmer)

As for Clinton… Well, she makes Nixon look like a saint. All that stuff about Bengazi, emails/server and stuff is just the tip of the iceberg. Living here in the DC Metro area has it’s rare benefits.

Nothing personal, but I try to disbelieve all vague and utterly unverifiable insinuations/rumors about politicians. There are just way too many people willing to spread lies.

This Handle is a Test
This Handle is a Test
8 years ago

I hate to say it but one Obama state that Trump would take over Hillary is my own Michigan. I know its only 16 Electoral Votes but Hillary and Bill are deeply affliated with NAFTA which is loathed damn near as much as can be by actual UAW members short of losing your temper. Toss in the building trades people that believe Trump’s easy answers on immigration and you’ve got an ugly situation (and Detroit and Dearborn turnout isn’t enough to overcome it). The fact that I know Trump will flip at least one Obama state has me more than a little scared as I see Trump as the closest thing to fascism that the US has had in a major candidate. Feel free to disagree, hell I want you to disagree as it means my stress level will go down.

8 years ago


You mean Hillary and Bernie too? That smells like false equivalence to me.

What has either of them said or done that’s on par with 1) not denouncing the KKK, 2) saying he’ll bring back “waterboarding and worse,” 3) saying we should murder the families of terrorists, 4) encouraging his supporters to commit violence against protesters, and all the other horrible things Trump has said and done?

Not to mention the casual racism, flirtations with anti-vaxxers, the wall with Mexico, birtherism, deporting refugees, egregious sexism like insulting prominent women’s faces and saying they’re on their periods, being a slumlord…

Saying “They’re both equally bad!” is neither true nor helpful. Nor is sitting it out; that just suggests that there’s so little at stake for you personally that you have the privilege of acting above it all.

Social Justice Atheist
Social Justice Atheist
8 years ago

This is not even funny, this is genuinely scary. I am so, so scared for my country. I am so scared of what life will be like for everyone if Trump wins. I don’t know if I will be sleeping tonight.

These people sound horrifying. America’s (or any country’s) worst nightmare. These people are a threat to everything that is good, fair, or moral. And the worst thing about it is Trump will probably win. (Or at least I fear he will)

I’m so disappointed. You would think that in this day and age, people would know better. When will we learn from history?