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Uh oh! Donald Trump, the great orange hope of America’s internet nazis, is facing a teensy bit of controversy, including some rather intense criticism from fellow Republicans, for his refusal to unequivocally condemn former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke and all the other white supremacists who love him so dearly.
On Twitter, the assortment of nazis and trolls and nazi trolls who seem to be his most enthusiastic backers are rallying around their man. And saying “cuck” a lot.
Here are some highlights — by which I mean lowlights — from the, er, discussion so far.
(I’m pretty sure ChateauEmissary is none other than our old friend Heartiste.)
These low T cuckservative types are absolutely terrified of a man like Trump. The weak always fear the strong.
— Kurisu Kitsune (@Kurisu_Kitsune) February 28, 2016
Oh yes it is, Trump is the high energy lightening rod of our rage, the avatar of the American soul incarnate. Deal. https://t.co/mxXZoYh9x9
— Kurisu Kitsune (@Kurisu_Kitsune) February 29, 2016
Alas, Paul D is probably right.
EDIT: Or not. Trump isn’t winning them all.
Yeah, about that “controversy” – he bloody ought to know about the KKK, his dad was a member. Although well done to him for making his way as a fascist all on his own.
These two tweets are just terrifying. Trump’s presence seems to be emboldening all the neo-nazis to get lairy. It’s like we’ve all been zapped through Time and Space into some horrible AU 1930s.
I know John Oliver wants to #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain, but I’d be more inclined to call him Donolf Shitler.
I’m sorry, I can’t get past that picture. Der Drumpf looks like he’s puckering up to kiss an anus.
I’m sure it is, too. Hello, James Wiedmann, are you still living with your sister? Some fucking chateau!
Is one of Trump’s supporters named “Abram Cohen”? For real? I hope that’s some joke I’m not getting.
The way these people write about Trump is so uncomfortable. Half the time it seems like fairly immature slash-fic and half the time it’s a sort of Turner Diaries ripoff. And some of the time those two are actually happening at the same time!
I’m sure that Trump wouldn’t be quite the great orange hope that his fanboys and -girls are looking for, but he would surely be quite bad enough. I guess some people just want to watch the world burn… 🙁
DAT FACE WILL HAUNT MY NIGHTMARES. Also, great, smear your shit all over one of my favorite John Carpenter movies, you jerks!
As soon as Trump either gets voted off the Republisland or loses the general, one of his Twitter fans is going to go on a shooting spree. Mark my words.
I keep thinking of that Raymond Bradbury story ‘The Sound of Thunder’ where an election result is changed by the accidental killing of a butterfly back in the Jurassic age.
I’m wondering if Trump’s inexplicable popularity has anything to do with some time travelling safari hunters?
*presses “Bookmark this page”*
Why are right wingers so obsessed with bestiality? The religious right thinks marriage equality and the repeal of sodomy laws will be a slippery slope to bestiality being socially acceptable. The RoK boys fell for a hoax about how women all have sex with their dogs. Now being opposed to racism is just like bestiality?
Stop talking about sex with animals so much, you sick fucks!
In other USian political news, Bill O’Reilly just lost custody of his two kids. I wonder if we’ll be treated to MRA rants about how the SJW courts are oppressing that most marginalized group, rich white conservative guys.
Well you know someone with the handle of Dj pop a titty out is going to have something classy to say.
Only one? I wouldn’t be surprised if there were several. And the chance that he’ll actually win the election is still microscopic. I wouldn’t wanna be in the US immediately after election night. 🙁
This is by far the scariest tweet of the lot. It basically boils down to, “We’re bigots with guns. Fear us.”
Now, I am afraid of people like this, but not for the reason they think I am. I’m not scared they are going to take over the country. I’m scared of what they are going to do when they don’t get their way.
I think you may be right and that is a horrible thought.
Also, did anyone notice our good friend Vox Day among those tweets?
I agree. I think that unless something massive (dare I say YUGE?) changes very soon, the GOP will be forced to accept him as their nominee, or else risk him running third party and splitting their vote. But I would still swear he can’t win on such an incoherent, disorganized platform when the two possibilities for his opponent are so much more eloquent and actually have solid ideas, unless the Dem nominee massively fails to get out the vote on top of voter suppression and vote rigging.
Personally I’m terrified the Trumpists will win. What assurance do you believe in that will have him lose?
They’re also trying to convince people that Marco Rubio is gay.
Also, I’d guess the shooting spree is going to happen somewhere you wouldn’t necessarily expect. A Trump supporter living in solid Dem-voting territory will gun down people because he’ll blame them for voting for Trump’s opponent. If it happens, I’d say it won’t happen in the red parts of the country, it’ll be the bluest of the blue where people like this are expected to mind their manners in public and not say ‘what we’re all thinking’ and generally feel oppressed by being expected to not be bigots openly.
The yet-to-be-defeated analysis of the reason why the Democrats have this one in the bag is here, written by Chris Ladd who has been called the last reasonable person in the Republican party.
Short answer: Due to the way the electoral college works, the Republicans need to win all the contested states and crack at least one solidly blue state in order to even stand a chance. This isn’t going to happen. It couldn’t happen even under a brilliant leader, let alone an asshole like Trump or even someone bland like Rubio; in turn this means that there’s no impetus for party unity.
I got kicked off a Norse culture Facebook page for mildly objecting to the use of the word “cuck” in a post about the Soldiers of Odin (as in, if you don’t join up or support them, you’re a “cuck” who wants “your women” to get raped). I was disappointed to see that word used on a page that I had mostly enjoyed.
Also, this:
This is hilarious, in that:
a) Trump hasn’t taught anyone anything, in fact there’s a lawsuit about him not teaching people things.
b) Just how are white people winning under Trump? The only form of winning they’re doing is the Charlie Sheen form of winning.
c) Trump is a man who went bankrupt four times in a decade, who squandered his immense inheritance and who once notably increased the value of a company simply by leaving its management team. In what way can he be said to know anything about winning?
I cannot wait to see Clinton and Trump on stage together in a debate. I don’t usually watch debates, but I cannot imagine better TV than that.
Wow, consider this a bullet dodged. At least you know where not to hang out anymore. It sucks that neo-nazis have this obsession with norse culture. Even though in all likelihood, it’s nothing close to what they think it is, and they’d really hate living in that culture.
Well, his dad was arrested in the vicinity of a KKK “near-riot,” but he wasn’t charged with anything and could conceivably have been just a bystander, given it was near his house. His dad was definitely quite racist, though, if Woody Guthrie’s account of his former landlord are to be believed.
I don’t know anything about Trump’s dad, but Trump himself once dropped out of the Reform Party because David Duke, correctly identified by Trump as a Klansman, had joined it (among other people with whom Trump didn’t care to keep company).
I mean, just in case anyone needed proof that he knows what the Klan is, other than the fact that he’s lived in the US for more than 20 minutes.
Sorry to kitty crash this thread but I’m taking Fingie to the vet tomorrow morning because of a bad rash. I know it’s probably nothing too serious but I always get so nervous. He’s behaving exactly like normal, i.e. resting or sleeping with his eyes open, so there’s no reason to believe it’s anything worse than a rash or allergies. But still.
Poor guy.
I can certainly all but guarantee that Trump wouldn’t take my state. We only have 10 electoral votes so it’s not that big of a deal, but MN always is in the swing state pile every time even though it’s never gone Republican in the presidential election in my life.
I don’t know one person who has expressed support for Trump. Although I’m guessing my racist and Islamophobic uncle does. Everyone thinks he’s a joke.
If Hilary Clinton gets the nomination – and that’s looking likely – he will not be able to stop himself from saying a bunch of misogynistic shit about her, losing any chance at women who aren’t already dedicated Republicans. He’s not going to get much of the Hispanic vote. He’s sure not winning black votes back. You just can’t win with only angry racist people and fundies alone anymore. The congressional districts are so gerrymandered in favor of the GOP that the country appears far more conservative than it really is. I’m not saying it’s liberal either, just not as far to the right collectively as people think.