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Fat feminist ladies! If you’re walking down the street one day, and some bitter douchebag gives you a dirty look, he may be more than just a bitter douchebag giving you a dirty look while you walk down the street.
He may be a brave cultural warrior engaging in a guerilla struggle against the Social Justice Warriors and their evil “cultural narrative.”
Over on Roosh V’s Return of Kings, alleged martial artist and regular RoK contributor Jean-Batave Poqueliche is offering wannabe reactionary culture warriors concrete suggestions on how to “hit the cultural narrative where it hurts.”
One of his recommended strategies: be kind of a dick.
“Launch counterattacks, even small, every day,” he urges.
Don’t call back the empowered slut after the bang and don’t tell her why. Give the disgusted look at that feminist tub of lard when she walks down the street. Ask a girl with a nose ring if you can hang your keys on it while you go get yourself a beer.
Take THAT cultural narrative!
Destroy their arguments, make the hamster wheel explode, and go chase some real skirt with as much patriarchy as possible.
Did someone say exploding hamster?
Poqueliche has a number of other equally brilliant suggestions for reactionary dolts hoping to win the culture war. Among them: stop using Facebook, stop using Google, record all your conversations, and go to Lithuania, where hot blonde twenty-year-olds are apparently lining up to tell bitter western dudes how much they hate feminism. No, really:
Nothing can describe what it is like to hear a Lithuanian 20 year-old girl with long, blond hair, high heels, and a dress telling you “I hate feminists.”
But my favorite suggestion seems to have come directly from The Hardy Boys Book of Super-Seekrit Spying for Little Douchebags: Send letters to your friends in super-seekrit code!
[W]ritten mail is the safest way to communicate in our day and age. …
The internet is (relatively) easy to monitor via keywords, but Barack has only two hands and cannot open or read all the letters that the United States Postal Service receives every day. Still not convinced? Use a code that you create, keep it within your community, and update it regularly.
Here’s one code he suggests you could use:
Yeah, that looks totally uncrackable, dude!
Alas, The Hardy Boys Book of Super-Seekrit Spying for Little Douchebags is not a real book. (There is a Hardy Boys Detective Handbook, which I was a proud owner of as a kid.)
But if you’re a culture warrior who truly wants to learn how to be a super-seekrit spy, here are some more suggestions you might find useful:
You’re welcome, Roosh boys!
Your strategy is obviously working so I hope you don’t think I’m teaching you how to suck eggs but one tip is to ‘clock’ a person but then break eye contact sideway (not downwards). Avoiding eye contact can be seen as a sign of vulnerability, but head up, confidence and showing that you’ve seen them but aren’t intimated can be a deterrent.
“Ask a girl with a nose ring if you can hang your keys on it while you go get yourself a beer.”
Not dad jokes. Anything but dad jokes. This will surely be the end of feminism.
Damn, a children’s caesar cypher. Dude sure knows his encryption. He must be a man-brained mathematician.
Double obfuscation.
Logic no-one else understands, in a form no-one else can read.
I doubt Barack is reading anything they write, seems much more likely that anonymous is doing them some damage, but they don’t want to admit it.
Pfft. Amateurs. If they want to keep their messages secret, they should write it in the language of the birds.
Or, y’know, Playfair. Or any of the ciphers used in Gravity Falls.
Their memes are already incomprehensible. Encrypting them would be redundant.
Forget ciphers, guys. You should use code. The spotted cuckoo bird is flying backwards. It’s a cold day for pontooning.
Redpillers have never been daunted by the law of non-contradiction. Because they’re so logical, you see.
Y’know, for several years, I actually carried out a snail-mail correspondence containing encrypted passages, so as to pass sensitive information to the person with whom I was corresponding without alerting the middlemen who were reading his mail (it was a complicated situation). The process is so TEDIOUS! I hope these fellas are prepared for a whole lotta boredom.
Yeesh man at least use like a vigenère or rail fence cipher or something my seven year old cousin knows how to decode a caesar cipher
Since the ROK ninnies are so obsessed with putting their cocks into everything, maybe their secret code should be based on that. Like this: Fecmionicstks caorcek ctohcek wcoorcskt.
Okay, see, now I just want to think of cool ways to blow up hamster wheels…
Shorter OP: “Destroy feminism by proving those icky, cootie-ridden feminists right with microaggressions (which totally aren’t a thing *wink*)! And hot babes from Lithuania totally hate feminists! My secret girlfriend/bang from Lithuania told me so! And I’m going to post all our super-seekret plans on this very public internet website, where the feminists will never see them! Muahahahahaha!”
*insert Spongebob evil laughing gif here*
Can “Hot babe from Lithuania I may have banged” be synonymous with “my girlfriend (who lives in Canada)”?
Oh, and can we put that alongside “My source is a hot babe in her 30s dying from cancer (but who still looks totally bangable)”?
And if any of them (a) refuses to fuck you, (b) gives you the dirty look first (because who can hide douchebaggery under a washtub?) or (c) tells you to fuck off…then what? Because frankly, those are far more likely scenarios than what Mr. Pokémon describes here.
Which hamster wheel would that be? Because the only people I know who have those much-vaunted “rationalization hamsters” tend to be dudes who write shit like this. The rest of us have working brains, and are laughing at said dudes.
Also, skirts can’t run. They don’t have legs!
COOL STORY, BRO. Why don’t you fix me a car, or something?
Oh, and if you’re looking for uncrackable codes, I hear that Ovaltine is selling a decoder ring.
It’s called Caesar cipher and probably was only secure back then when Julius Caesar was still alive, because now EVERYONE knows how it works.
Does… does he literally think that Obama (btw, anyone else think it weird that he calls him “Barack”?) is going through random mail trying to sniff out anti-feminists? I guess he could have been trying to be metaphorical, but still that’s… that’s just not a very good metaphor either.
Love how their “activism” is to basically be a cartoonishly boorish 1970s chauvinist. Never mind Hardy Boys, their strategy is basically to emulate Sid The Sexist from Viz Magazine.
If their memes are incomprehensible when they’re trying to make them make sense, maybe if the they try to make their memes incomprehensible, they’ll finally actually make sense?
“Their memes are already incomprehensible. Encrypting them would be redundant.”
Well, they may change them back into something understandable by encrypting them, no ?
Caesar cipher? That was cracked millenia ago. Couldn’t they at least move on to something cracked within the past century, like Enigma?
Well, they could always make like Sandy’s broken GI Joe doll, from The Ice Storm, and say nothing but “Mayday! Mayday! Get this message back to base.” That would certainly confuse the fuck out of ANYONE listening.
And Enigma was cracked without the benefit of digital computing.
Anyway, there may be a solution. All they need to do is buy, say, a thousand new iPhones, apply lock codes, and send the phones to each other. Once the phones are locked, even Apple can’t unlock them. Ok, it’s a bit clunky to send whole phones. And they’d have to work out a lock code scheme. Maybe they could use their Caeser shift cipher for that?
The quail quacks at sundown!
My coworker is Lithuanian. I’m pretty sure she’s never told me that she hates feminists. In fact, she’s covered in tattoos and likes to catch rides on freight trains, so she’s probably safe from McDouche.
“Ovaltine? A crummy commercial?! Son of a bitch!!”
Hey, do you know where I can find a pet shop?
These pathetic jerks have been targeting women for, I dunno, forever?
Even in Berkeley around 2000 on a quiet, leafy residential street, where I made a slight detour around a guy coming toward me to avoid a small puddle. This chubby, nerdy-looking guy who looked as though he rarely got out in the sun said to me, “Don’t worry. I’m not . . . interested.”
And even in Oakland around the same time on a street with lots of high-rise office buildings. One evening at dusk I spotted a teenage dude with a T-shirt that read On Your Knees, Bitch.
Also spotted in Berkeley around 1990: a parked sports car with its top down. Glued to the stick shift was the same message: On Your Knees, Bitch.
So power. Much . . . wow.