The bald blob of human garbage known as Matt Forney seems to be hungering for attention again.
The schlumpy ubermensch, a budding white supremacist and regular contributor to Return of Kings, has made a (terrible) reputation for himself with a series of clickhate posts sporting titles like “How to Crush a Girl’s Self-Esteem” and “Why Fat Girls Don’t Deserve to Be Loved,” the latter posted without shame despite the fact that Forney is himself something of a fatty. (Full disclosure: I am also a fatty.)
Apparently inspired by his buddy and mentor Roosh Valizadeh, Forney also posted (then later deleted) what was in essence a date-rape how-to called “Why Girls Rarely Mean No When They Say No.”
Forney has now composed another masterpiece in this genre, a post in which he sets out to explain “Why Feminists Want Men to Rape Them.” Forney, himself recently accused of raping an unconscious woman, argues — and I use the term loosely — that
[e]verything feminists do, from holding up “Refugees Welcome” signs at airports to passing affirmative consent laws, is geared around encouraging men to assault them.
This isn’t a conscious urge. No feminist wakes up in the morning and thinks to herself, “I’m gonna try and get raped today!” …
But deep in the recesses of her lizard hindbrain, the average feminist wants nothing more than for a man to shove her into a wall and force himself deep inside her.
Forney tries his best to give this appalling nonsense a “scientific” sheen, asserting that “Feminism is an r-selected ideology, and rape is an r-selected sexual strategy.” K-selected conservatives see the world as a big competition in which resources are limited, Forney asserts, while r-selected lefties “want a world of free resources: free food, free money, free shelter and free sex.”
Life is to short for me to waste any more of my time or yours in trying to explicate Forney’s pseudoscientific “logic” here, so instead I’m going to simply quote seven of Forney’s most odious pronouncements from his post.
Rape “is an inherently leftist form of sex” because lefties are all about entitlement
Much in the same way leftists feel entitled to take other peoples’ money away through taxation and welfare, rapists feel entitled to stick their penises in girls’ vaginas. In fact, you could say that rape is an inherently leftist form of sex, which would explain why so many male feminists, such as Jian Ghomeshi and Hugo Schwyzer, enjoy assaulting and abusing girls.
Sexual assault is sexual socialism: redistributing nookie to the least privileged in society.
Feminists like rape because they want babies but are too lazy to have sex
From an r-strategist’s perspective, rape is a good thing, because it allows a female to have children without having to do anything, aside from breathe. …
Every feminist, deep down, wants nothing more than a rapist’s baby in her belly.
Feminists won’t condemn Muslim refugees as rapey monsters because they want Muslim refugees to rape them
In the darkest recesses of their minds, feminists want swarthy refugees to punch them in the face, tear their clothes off, and spit roast them like plump, juicy swine.
When feminists say we shouldn’t blame the victims of rape, it’s because they want more girls to go out and get raped
The oft-repeated feminist chant, “Don’t teach women not to get raped, teach men to not rape,” is an explicit call for girls to place themselves into situations where they’re likely to get sexually assaulted, then dodge all blame.
Feminists want women to get fat and cover themselves in tattoos so men will think they’re ugly
[P]ushing “fat acceptance,” tattoos and piercings, and encouraging girls to be “bossy” and sarcastic is about crippling females’ ability to compete for men.
Feminists are training men to be rapists
[F]eminists have been trying to train men to rape girls for years. …
Affirmative consent laws and “rape culture” claims are a two-pronged attack on masculinity, designed to advantage sneaky males and hurt masculine men, and there’s no sneakier male than a rapist.
Feminists love Muslim rapists so much they’ve become traitors to Western Civilization. Also, Muslims have small penises.
Because feminists couldn’t create a rape culture, they imported one from the Middle East. …
The only thing that will stop the rape-lust of feminists and their poorly-endowed Muslim abusers is Western men having the courage to call it out. There can be no compromise, no peace with these traitors inside the walls.
I have nothing clever to say here. Forney is a stain on humanity.
@ThatBear – heh, anger makes me do great things, occasionally. I think that was probably my finest moment.
And I hear you about shame, I’m actually working on that myself at the moment in my on-going work on my CPTSD, toxic shame is a big one to chew through. But, it’s heal-able, so there’s hope! I wish you love and peace, dear heart.
Do you have the pattern for those crocheted octupuses to share? I like those. 😀
Yeah, so let’s talk about willpower. I ate 1400 to 1800 Kcal per day (I counted everything, even lettuce) and walked 5 to 8 miles every day for over a year. I was also in a lit of pain between the arthritis in my knees and the pain in my gut that o get when I eat so little. I was probably malnourished, too because I had malabsorption I was unaware of at the time. I was hungry all the time. I often couldn’t concentrate because I was so hungry. But I kept my calories down and kept walking. My willpower is nit and never will be the problem, and I challenge anyone who says it is to do the same thing for a whole year. Hell, try it for a single month. I doubt they can do it. And yet they assume because I’m fat that I have no willpower.
Exactly. But most stores stock only through size 16–so if you’re just 2 sizes above the actual average you get to shop in the fat women’s section. Where the clothes are mostly in muted, dark colors, because we are supposed to blend in as much as possible and try not to offend others with our existence.
Is Matt Forney telling the internets that he and Doosh V are feminists? Or are they just confusing feminism w/ “neomasculinity”?
The attention-angling clickbait (and that’s all any of it is) of conservatives/MRAs/neo-nazis/neoreactionaries/etc. has became so repetitive and predictable by now, it doesn’t even make me raise an eyebrow. A rant about Muslim refugees here, a dig at overweight women there, sprinkle a few uses of “cuck” and “dindu” on top, and viola, you’ve seen every single one of their rants that they’ve ever written. It’s so generic, it might as well be sold in nondescript packets in the budget aisle of the supermarket. Seriously, I wish I could command this much attention for writing stuff that everyone has already read six zillion times before.
Oh, but the fashion industry does do that! For men! Seriously, look at men’s pants! All sized by waist measurement, and leg measurement. (And then you can go big and tall, or in my younger brother’s case “husky”. Good fucking luck finding nice “husky” clothes for women.)
Us wimmens have to try on half the store (and be mocked by men for “not knowing how to shop” or “taking forever in the store”) just to make sure we can find something that fits properly.
Also, here’s an interesting tidbit: No one in Hollywood or with any substantial amount of money wears off the rack stuff.
Even on shows like What Not to Wear, the people on those shows have everything tailored for their bodies.
So while the rest of us schmucks who can’t afford alterations or can’t do them ourselves have a near mental breakdown at the thought of purchasing clothes, other people are making them fit properly, and then we’re sold the lie that anyone can look good by just wearing the right kinds of clothes for our “body shape”, which usually boils down to “cover up those fat rolls or any other part of you that’s not socially acceptable, and don’t draw attention to these unforgivable flaws”.
Question – what for? Does anyone know? What on earth is the benefit to the US government to pay for crops to overproduce, ultimately operating at a loss to pay for things that make people unhealthier?
Forney’s been eating too much cheese before bed time hasn’t he?
Most first-world agriculture is subsidised to some extent, simply because it wouldn’t exist otherwise. It’s incredibly expensive to use all that land, water and labour for agriculture in the first world; in a free market this would push the prices up to the point where everybody would buy imported food instead and the first-world farms would go bust.
The reasoning behind this is twofold:
1) National security. It is felt by some people that if the country were to be in a war in which it had to close her borders and subsist only on what’s inside them, then there should be enough agriculture inside those borders to feed everyone. I feel that this is nonsense but YMMV.
2) Rural employment. Farming (and other things like fishing, ranching, mining and timber) tends to dominate the communities it’s based in. If the farm shuts down, the entire community becomes unemployed. This creates economic hardship but also (due to the way representative democracy often works) has political repercussions which governments find unacceptable.
I can’t avoid the sneaking suspicion that Forney has noticed all of Valizadeh’s sudden media attention for saying terrible things, and is trying to use the same method himself.
My ex girlfriend was once told by a clothing store clerk that she shouldn’t ever wear pants, because pants just didn’t “sit right” on her. Because of her body shape (short legs, tall upper body). By the time we broke up, about a year later, she was still freaking out every time she put on pants/jeans, trying to make sure they didn’t look weird on her. I wish people knew better than to make stupid comments about other people’s bodies.
that story about the du Pont heir dodging jail for child rape is sickening, and it reminded me of a case in the news in Britain recently, where some over privileged young Etonian got a 10 month suspended sentence for ‘creating’ and distributing child pornography, actions which would have put a poorer person away for life. Trigger warnings for this link:
To the best of my knowledge, and I’m not an expert (wouldn’t mind being corrected by an expert if I’m wrong) it’s only deliberate in the sense of “this system was created deliberately” rather than “the difference in prices was an intentional result of the system”.
Things like corn, wheat, and soy are staple products – there will be lots of buyers, domestic or foreign, no matter what. The US is the largest producer of certain staple crops, and most farms which produce them in any real quantity specialize in them exclusively. But ironically, an exceptionally good year can be a greater disaster than an exceptionally bad one. The market becomes flooded and devalued to the point where one can’t really make a profit, and then you end up with countless tons of unsold rotting food which have to be disposed of at great expense. Farms go out of business, finding new buyers for the land can take years, and the next few years are likely to result in shortages due to foreclosed farms.
The Nixon administration apparently decided that heavy subsidies was the way to go. Assuring that farms were paid well enough to get through both exceptionally good or exceptionally bad times resulted in greater food stability. It also changed the economy so that the staples are nearly always overabundant and dirt cheap, but most of the other crops aren’t. Over time food manufacturers found ways to make use of the excess – it’s too cheap a resource not to exploit.
Whether that was the best choice or not, the US is now basically stuck with it – lowering the subsidies to any significant degree could potentially cause the collapse of the US farming base and put most of the “crap-makers” out of business. Instead of good food being beyond the reach of many poor people, getting a hold of any food at all would be difficult for many poor people for the next several years. The exact risk of this happening is unknown, so almost no politician would dare to try it.
I think you may be right there, Forney wants to get in on the media attention, and trolling is all he knows.
Sad thing is, the media has already moved on and forgotten Roosh. I haven’t seen his spurious libel case against S. Jane Gari mentioned anywhere in the main stream media.
@snork maiden
I clicked through and I’m enraged.
Maybe, just maybe, one day internet dudebros will learn that fat acceptance is not, and has never been, about goading people who aren’t fat into becoming fat. Maybe they’ll grasp the fantastically not-difficult concept that fat acceptance is about treating fat people like *gasp* people.
And then maybe one day hell will freeze over.
But hey, I can dream.
I just had to see a doctor this week to order a sleep study (I likely have obstructive apnea). I am a size 16 in a tall, sturdy frame, and the doctor talked more about my weight than about the fact I may be choking in my sleep. This included lecturing me about the foolishness of eating candy bars as an afternoon pick-me-up, despite the fact that I literally can’t remember the last time I bought a candy bar, and he didn’t ask me about my eating habits at all.
This is also despite his observation that I have a “very low” soft palette. But nope, clearly the fat is the problem.
But the sleep study is ordered, so I’ma do that, get a copy of the results, and promptly peace out for a second opinion from someone who will treat me like a reasonably intelligent person.
This is just a level of reasoning that bigots aren’t capable of, it seems. They make the same mistake when it comes to LGBT rights, and probably many other areas as well. We say “let’s treat LGBT people like people”, they hear “let’s force everyone to become gay”.
I feel you. I spent a decade trying to get treatment for what was clearly some form of arthritis, only to have doctors tell me to just lose some weight and the pains might go away. It drove me to stop seeking medical help for my problems since I knew I’d just be chastised for being overweight again, wasting years of my life when I could’ve worked or studied if I’d had access to treatment. This really is a serious problem.
@MissEB47, thank you for the pademelons 😀
Excuse me, i have something important to do…
I read this post yesterday and have been trying to figure out how I feel about it. I started off being enraged by this bullshit, especially the part about wanting to get pregnant by rape. I know people who became pregnant through rape and have seen the heartbreak.
Then I was just sad that people like Forney have a platform to unload his hateful views where rape survivors can read them.
Now I’m thinking that he’s just doing it for attention and I feel almost sorry for him that the only way he knows how to get his need for attention met is to say the worst things he can think of. What a miserable existence
Okay, that link put me on the fucking warpath. How dare Peter Ross, the judge responsible, do such a shitty thing?
Dear Mr Peter Ross,
I hope this letter finds you well.
I put it to you that you are no gentleman. You are either laughably corrupt or snivellingly incompetent, and neither are becoming to a man with your authority. I am in open contempt of your pathetic toadying wormlike nature, as any decent citizen of the realm would be. The fact that you consider yourself fit to continue in your position of responsibility is, however, more offensive to the institution of the British law than any insult that I am here able to devise; and it is to the deep discredit of your colleagues that they are able to continue to address you in a professional capacity without lapsing into four-letter colloquial Anglo-Saxon. I hope that you live a long and happy life in circumstances where you are asked to do nothing more difficult than spell your own name, as this may be more appropriate to a citizen of your moral calibre.
Hugs and kisses,
– EJ
Off-topic, but Twitter’s Trust and Safety Council is pissing off all the right people. And i mean ALL of them. I love it! The troll tears are delicious!
I have the same body type and didn’t need a store clerk to tell me that. Buying pants is just hell. To make matters worse, I have curvy hips but a smallish butt so I’m stuck finding pants that have a waist big enough to fit my hips, which are about a mile below my waist and if I somehow manage to accomplish that, they are always baggy in the butt and thighs.
I’m in desperate need of some new pants right now and am not looking forward to the shopping. At least it’ll be skirt season soon.
What else that sucks is sizing isn’t even consistent within the same brand. I can walk into a Gap wearing their pants in a size 10 and try on new pants and not even have a 14 fit me the next time. I can take two pair of pants in the same size in any given store into the dressing room and one pair will fit while the other doesn’t. WHAT THE FUCK!?
Anonymous hacked Roosh Valizadeh account and his blog yesterday: