The bald blob of human garbage known as Matt Forney seems to be hungering for attention again.
The schlumpy ubermensch, a budding white supremacist and regular contributor to Return of Kings, has made a (terrible) reputation for himself with a series of clickhate posts sporting titles like “How to Crush a Girl’s Self-Esteem” and “Why Fat Girls Don’t Deserve to Be Loved,” the latter posted without shame despite the fact that Forney is himself something of a fatty. (Full disclosure: I am also a fatty.)
Apparently inspired by his buddy and mentor Roosh Valizadeh, Forney also posted (then later deleted) what was in essence a date-rape how-to called “Why Girls Rarely Mean No When They Say No.”
Forney has now composed another masterpiece in this genre, a post in which he sets out to explain “Why Feminists Want Men to Rape Them.” Forney, himself recently accused of raping an unconscious woman, argues — and I use the term loosely — that
[e]verything feminists do, from holding up “Refugees Welcome” signs at airports to passing affirmative consent laws, is geared around encouraging men to assault them.
This isn’t a conscious urge. No feminist wakes up in the morning and thinks to herself, “I’m gonna try and get raped today!” …
But deep in the recesses of her lizard hindbrain, the average feminist wants nothing more than for a man to shove her into a wall and force himself deep inside her.
Forney tries his best to give this appalling nonsense a “scientific” sheen, asserting that “Feminism is an r-selected ideology, and rape is an r-selected sexual strategy.” K-selected conservatives see the world as a big competition in which resources are limited, Forney asserts, while r-selected lefties “want a world of free resources: free food, free money, free shelter and free sex.”
Life is to short for me to waste any more of my time or yours in trying to explicate Forney’s pseudoscientific “logic” here, so instead I’m going to simply quote seven of Forney’s most odious pronouncements from his post.
Rape “is an inherently leftist form of sex” because lefties are all about entitlement
Much in the same way leftists feel entitled to take other peoples’ money away through taxation and welfare, rapists feel entitled to stick their penises in girls’ vaginas. In fact, you could say that rape is an inherently leftist form of sex, which would explain why so many male feminists, such as Jian Ghomeshi and Hugo Schwyzer, enjoy assaulting and abusing girls.
Sexual assault is sexual socialism: redistributing nookie to the least privileged in society.
Feminists like rape because they want babies but are too lazy to have sex
From an r-strategist’s perspective, rape is a good thing, because it allows a female to have children without having to do anything, aside from breathe. …
Every feminist, deep down, wants nothing more than a rapist’s baby in her belly.
Feminists won’t condemn Muslim refugees as rapey monsters because they want Muslim refugees to rape them
In the darkest recesses of their minds, feminists want swarthy refugees to punch them in the face, tear their clothes off, and spit roast them like plump, juicy swine.
When feminists say we shouldn’t blame the victims of rape, it’s because they want more girls to go out and get raped
The oft-repeated feminist chant, “Don’t teach women not to get raped, teach men to not rape,” is an explicit call for girls to place themselves into situations where they’re likely to get sexually assaulted, then dodge all blame.
Feminists want women to get fat and cover themselves in tattoos so men will think they’re ugly
[P]ushing “fat acceptance,” tattoos and piercings, and encouraging girls to be “bossy” and sarcastic is about crippling females’ ability to compete for men.
Feminists are training men to be rapists
[F]eminists have been trying to train men to rape girls for years. …
Affirmative consent laws and “rape culture” claims are a two-pronged attack on masculinity, designed to advantage sneaky males and hurt masculine men, and there’s no sneakier male than a rapist.
Feminists love Muslim rapists so much they’ve become traitors to Western Civilization. Also, Muslims have small penises.
Because feminists couldn’t create a rape culture, they imported one from the Middle East. …
The only thing that will stop the rape-lust of feminists and their poorly-endowed Muslim abusers is Western men having the courage to call it out. There can be no compromise, no peace with these traitors inside the walls.
I have nothing clever to say here. Forney is a stain on humanity.
If rape is such a leftist form of sex, Roosh and his buddies should be considered leftist considering their History of advocacy.
It are science!
Does he actually believe any of this, I wonder?
I mean, OK, dude’s not a critical thinker, but I mean really.
‘Cause otherwise, poor Matt is fit for nothing but to serve as an object lesson: “Kids, work hard in school and learn to think clearly, or you’ll end up like poor Matt Forney.”
Ok, I won’t get angry, so whoever it was, who shit in his head should step forward now. Last chance!
No, but for real, nothing that man said makes any sense like
More like we say don’t blame the victims because they are victims and no one is at fault aside the rapists him/herself. Yeah we feminists just love a good old rape. What is next? Blame the children because they clearly wanted to have a dick inside them by the age of 6 years or something. But oh yeah they did dress provocative and put themselves in danger because they played on a playground alone.
As someone who actually lives in cologne and can say a bit about this “Muslim rape thing” …. feminists spoke out against it a great deal here ok. We protested. We cared for woman. Those white guys just want to use an issue as an instrument to hate against muslims.
That guy is such a disgusting man I hope his rapes never produce a child. (And no that is not the way feminists want to get pregnant)
A sentient ham calls other people meat. That’s rich.
I feel mildly ill after reading this. It’s incredible how far these people will reach to convince themselves the disgusting things they advocate are all right. And then they turn around and accuse women of rationalisation! This whole thing belongs an especially crass satire and yet the comments are just going with it like it’s completely reasonable.
Sigh. That’s what I get for avoiding the manosphere for a few weeks. I’d gotten used to the smell of bullshit and now it’s all new to me again.
I was going to ask what all this r/K selection theory shit was, but my question is already answered, so I’m gonna go right ahead and post the following blanket response to everything the idiot said:
As for what we want, it’s simple:
We want men to stop raping.
We want men to stop treating us like meat.
We want to see people who’ve had to flee wars safely and securely housed.
Most of all, though, we’d really like for Matt Forney to STFU and GTFO. Maybe even FOAD.
I was going to say something about how, as a fat and folically challenged individual, I selfishly wish this guy were skinny and had a full head of hair (joke stolen from Larry David).
But after reading the whole thing, all I can say is fuck this guy so much. What a terrible person. Especially for the way he suddenly believes rape is a real thing when self-proclaimed feminist men do it. Good thing no decent person gives a fuck about this guy’s opinions.
Unbelievable. He just gets worse. If I hadn’t ever seen pictures of him hanging out with women I’d wonder if he’s ever interacted with one.
This also makes me feel extra appreciative toward this community. I’ve never truly been a part of any online community before, and this is also the first place I’ve ever been open about my gender dysphoria. I really love you all.
Full disclosure: I’m very drunk right now (margaritas again).
*vomits eternally*
I think I’m getting desensitized to Matt Forney’s moronic ramblings. He’s the Westboro Baptist Church of the manosphere, trying as hard as he can to shock and offend as many as he can, and get under peoples’ skin. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Get a new shtick, Forney.
To be fair, he’s only repeating what society truly thinks when he says fat women don’t deserve to be loved.
Otherwise why would they force everyone more than 1 size above the mathematical average to shop in a special area away from the “normal” sizes? Why would fat women be invisible in every television show and movie? Why would there be such a huge marketing machine directed at us, most of which is a massive scam? Why would there be so many brutal, yet still mainly ineffective “diets,” yet in most stores, no critical staples for actually helping us, like workout clothing in our size? Why are we universally assumed to be unhealthy, even though fully 1/3 of us are actually fine, according to a recent study? Why is it assumed we don’t exercise but thin people do, when a lot of us exercise and a lot of “normal” people don’t? Why is it assumed that we just sit around all day and eat when a lot of us already eat a lot less than the “thin” people?
Why would even a “feminist” show like “Jessica Jones” go out of its way to have a fat joke directed at a woman who’s portrayed in a way that could definitely be construed as having it coming? Said by the rail-thin protagonist moments before she eats an enormous sandwich, no less.
On this single count, Forney is as always, horrible–and sadly, echoes what an awful lot of people really think.
Rape is the only way Forney gets laid.
Also, as a biologist, he doesn’t fucking understand ecology.
“K-selected conservatives see the world as a big competition in which resources are limited”
Yeah…isn’t that a zero sum cognitive bias, an atavistic survival strategy that often bears little resemblance to the real world?
Anyone can “science !”
Oh, feminists are the entitled ones? Not the men whining about how affirmative consent laws are restricting their freedom and writing “articles” outlining some overwrought theory in order to justify their disgusting actions. Right, thanks for clearing that up.
I’m getting kind of sick of always saying that these guys are projecting. But it just keeps being true! Given how graphic and specific much of Forney’s screed is, it’s quite obvious that he’s the one fantasizing about raping feminists. He’s clearly talked himself into believing that we’re the ones who love rape.
What a steaming pile of horseshit. Wait, no; horseshit makes good compost, while this is just 100% nonsense.
My oldest cat is in her declining years, and when she gets distressed (read: whenever she isn’t sure where I am) she howls as if she’s in excruciating pain. There is more logic in her howling than in Matt Forney’s writing.
So feminists want to be carriers of rapists babies…by tearing down barriers preventing rape victims from getting abortions to get rid of said babies.
Why would they import rapists if creating rapists can be done solely by changing the actions and behaviors of women (who already exist in Europe)
If rape is caused by the feminist influenced actions of women, how did they create the Muslim rapists they are now supposed to be importing.
And now I feel physically ill.
@Imaginary Petal
Woo, margaritas! Also, I’m glad you’ve found a place you can speak openly. And I quite enjoyed the otter’s research experiment. 🙂
Oh cool! Did you do it just now?
Yeah, I did it about an hour ago.
He ultimately plead guilty to a single count of fourth-degree rape in a deal struck with prosecutors. Richards is legally a rapist and is listed on the sex-offender registry.
He also happens to be fabulously wealthy, and apparently impervious to punishment. His family owns the du Pont chemical company and has a net worth in the billions. Richards is heir to the du Pont fortune.
When not sexually-abusing innocent children, Richards lives in a multi-million dollar mansion, surviving off of the wealth amassed by his forebearers.