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Women Not Alone With Bullhorns Yelling at Men

Women Mostly Alone With Bullhorns
Women Mostly Alone With Bullhorns

It’s Memeday again!

Anyone who’s seen a lot of antifeminist memes online has surely noticed them: the angry women yelling at men through bullhorns.

Constructed, for the most part, from pilfered stock images accompanied by vaguely histrionic text, these women are supposed to represent the evil feminists of the world with their abusive behavior and their impossible demands.

Naturally, these women bear only the loosest resemblance to any real feminists any of us have ever met.

Here are a few of these bullhorn-wielding women I’ve run across recently.


Ok, now, that’s just a terrible idea for a chant. Seriously, go for something a little more classic, like “Hey Hey, Ho Ho, Patriarchy Has to Go,” or “Men’s Rights Reddit, You Can’t Hide. We Charge You With Gendercide.” I just made those up on the spot here; you could probably come up with something better if you worked at it.

Remember: Rhyming is good!


Ok, that doesn’t rhyme either. And I’m having a little trouble understanding exactly what is so terribly outrageous about it.

Fellas, if you feel there is something wrong in the world that no one else is addressing, and you sincerely want to do something about it, here’s a suggestion: get together with some other people who feel the same way and, well, do something about it. That’s literally what every other activist in the world does. Don’t get mad at feminists for not doing your work for you.



I don’t think this one was a meme, per se; I think it was used to illustrate a post on A Voice for Men at some point, (though my Google-fu failed me when I tried to track it down).

Ironically, one of AVFMs favored forms of internet activism is to send its flying monkey squad to pester and harass its enemies on Twitter and to fill up the comment sections of articles they don’t like with invective and accusations and abuse. That’s pretty much the internet equivalent of shouting someone down with a megaphone.


Some women — like this extremely angry straw feminist — apparently don’t need a bullhorn in order to yell louder than one of those cars that go boom.

The angry-woman-with-a-bullhorn trope has proven irresistable to the angry woman-haters of Gamergate as well. The cartoon below serves it up with a side order of anti-Semitism, incorporating a version of that Anita-Sarkeesian-as-the-Happy-Merchant caricature so popular with Gamergaters.


Again, this is a terrible chant. “Privilege, Privilege, Misogyny” not only doesn’t rhyme; it doesn’t make any sense.

Also, why is the giant Sarkeesian monster carrying a wad of cash in her fist? With all that money, she can’t afford a purse?

Meme harder, dudes.

EDIT: It’s been pointed out (thanks, Tessa!) that this isn’t a real Ben Garrison cartoon. The original featured Hillary Clinton; some Sarkeesian-hater pasted that anti-Semitic caricature over Hillary’s head, changed a lot of the wording, etc. Garrison’s cartoons are regularly modified like this, for the lulz, but his cartoons are generally pretty awful/ridiculous to begin with.

Oh, and on a somewhat unrelated note: While poking around looking for bullhorn-wielding women online I ran across … well, this thing. For some unknown reason, someone has taken a bizarre animated gif and turned it into a strange tribute to the “eternal friendship” of Portugal and Brazil by adding captions and the relevant flags.


If anyone can explain the logic here, please let me know. I’m pretty sure there’s no place in either country (or any country) that looks like this. At least in this reality.

Also, I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to put flags in the ocean. Or whatever that is.


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8 years ago

If only they were smart enough to realize that the bullhorn pictures exist because MEN (as a society) DO NOT LISTEN TO WOMEN (in general). Of course, if they were that smart, you wouldn’t need to be here (& thanks, of course!).

Miss Andry
8 years ago

I always got a kick out of the stock photos of comically angry women on A Voice for Men.

8 years ago

Well, the Portugese people at my workplace all really like Brazilian telenovelas…and, uh…yeah. I dunno.

8 years ago

The irony being that using stock images, doesn’t go very far in creating the appearance of depicting something that actually exists.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Completely O/T but could one of the maths whizzes here help me out? Of all the four digit numbers between 0000 and 9999, how many are palindromes (eg 1221 etc)?


Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


All of them! 🙂

8 years ago

Every time I see one of those atrocious Ben Garrison cartoons, I’m reminded that the agoodcartoon tumblr exists, and that I should go there and see what delights have transpired since my last visit.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

99, of course.

8 years ago

“Your supposed to pull my chair out, hold the door for me and pay for me.”

What feminist has actually said this? Hell what feminist has said anything that even vaguely resembles this? And furthermore the first two things don’t even sound that hard, I mean, I’ve held doors open for people of both genders and it never felt like to arduous a task.

8 years ago

@alan off the top of my head, I can’t recall, but look up the “online encyclopaedia of integer sequences”, you’ll find lots of helpful stuff there.

8 years ago

The one that irks me is the 0 responsibility one.

First off, if someone has authority over another, don’t they automatically have responsibility?

Is this really about some mommy-complex these dudes have? Or is it like that one guy who posted about the women he meets in his job in sales not doing their jobs? Is it just resentment that women actually just have any control of their time, bodies, life?

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

Hang on, if 0000 is allowed then it’s 100 possibilities; but 0000 isn’t really a four-digit number.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

In their minds, any woman who stands up for herself at all is a feminist; and all women are identical.

Some women do expect that men behave with exaggerated chivalry towards them, and some of those might even mention that. Therefore all women want this.

Some women expect to be treated as an equal, and some of those might even mention it. Therefore all women want this.

The fact the MRAs miss is that these two groups of women usually do not overlap, because not all women are identical.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ EJ & IP

We’ve just been chatting about that urban legend that you can reverse your PIN if you’re mugged at an ATM. That led on to how many PINs are palindromes.

I find all this number stuff intriguing, but it’s a complete mental block for me.

8 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw, that’s indeed 100: you have 10 possibilities for the first digit, and 10 possibilities for the second digit. The third and fourth ones are constrained by the choices you made for the first and second ones.

Regarding the OP (which made me laugh), I love the birds flying without moving in the last picture.

8 years ago

If you’re using a bullhorn, why shout?

8 years ago

I thought they were angry at women who don’t want chairs pulled out etc? Now they are angry at women who do?


EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

A four digit PIN consists of two pairs of digits. A palindrome requires the second pair of digits to be the mirror image of the first; for example 7337. Therefore, every possible set of first two digits has exactly one palindromic number it can be part of. For example, 56 can be the first two digits of many four-digit numbers, but only one of those (5665) is palindromic.

What you’re really asking is “how many two digit numbers are there?” The answer is 100, as sff9 says.

8 years ago


Regarding the OP (which made me laugh), I love the birds flying without moving in the last picture.

They can’t make headway against the strong wind, which is also annoying the hell out of the woman. She’s thinking “this was a shitty day to wear a hat and floaty dress”.

Dr. NicolaLuna
Dr. NicolaLuna
8 years ago

I need to thank these MRAs for teaching me all the ways I’m feministing wrong. I’ve never used a bullhorn or demanded that someone pull out my chair or pay for me.

I’ll have to start doing these things immediately.

Dr Hoveiny
Dr Hoveiny
8 years ago

Those flying, yet stationary geese in the last gif are just eerie.

8 years ago

@Moggie, ah, you’re right, I see it now. The realism of this GIF in every detail is striking.

About the PIN palindrome thing, I’m believe that some PINs are never used because they are “not random enough” (such as 0000). That probably rules out several palindromes, maybe even all of them.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

Women’s opinions: gale-force wind tunnels that distort faces and bend gravity.

8 years ago

“I am yelling at you through a hairdryer! Do you hear me NOW?”

I thought they were angry at women who don’t want chairs pulled out etc? Now they are angry at women who do?

There really is no pleasing these guys. If we’re too independent, we’re bitches, and if we’re too dependent, we’re babies/princesses/just using men as ATMs. And for MRAs, the two categories meet and even overlap, because feeeemales eeeevil. Manlogix!

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