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The Honey Badger Brigaders are actually Money Grubbing Weasels, ex-Badger charges

Honey Badger don't care about the Honey Badger Brigade
Honey Badger don’t care about the Honey Badger Brigade

I hope none of you are tired of messy breakup stories, because the one I’m about to tell is one of the messiest yet. It involves the all-female (except for some dudes) gang of irritating antifeminists who call themselves the Honey Badger Brigade.

In telling it, I will do my best to avoid using the phrase “the fur is flying,” because that would be trite and obvious. Here we go:

The fur is flying as ex-Honey Badger Rac … damn it. I’ll start again.

Flying fur was seen in the vicinity of … aw hell.

Through the air the fur … crap.

Some totally non-fur-related metaphor of some sort was involved earlier this week when former Honey Badger Rachel Edwards launched an attack on her ex-comrades for, she said, wasting the hard-earned money given to them by their patrons on self-aggrandizing pseudo-activism and a terrible daily “radio show” that grows more unlistenable by the day.

Karen “GirlWritesWhat” Straughan, the best known of the Badgers, has responded to this critique by calling Edwards a four-letter word that starts with a “c” and rhymes with, well, you know what it rhymes with.

The two have not exactly been the badgerest of friends for some time. Edwards, once one of the Honey Badgers who was neither Karen Straughan nor HBB founder Alison Tieman, left the self-styled “Brigade” quietly last November. Several weeks ago she started sniping at some of the HBB members in posts on Tumblr.

Then, earlier this week, she unleashed a long tirade accusing the group of

profiting off of the ambiguity of [its] mission … making something in the realm of 5,000 dollars a month and not paying the people who put in hours of time a week so that Alison Tieman can get paid to manage money poorly and fail utterly to understand even the most basic business ethics, or even how economics work.

HBB founder Tieman, Edwards complains, is

at best … an ignorant cry bully and at worst a textbook covert narcissist. …

[A]ll of her actions, are not the actions of someone who wants to help men. They are the actions of someone with delusions of grandeur, but who can not make peace with that attention seeking part of herself, and so she’s got to say it’s about men.

Edwards claims that the success, such as it is, of the Honey Badger Radio show is largely the result of what she calls the “natural gynocentrism … in the men’s rights movement.” As Edwards is hardly the first to point out, male MRAs love to hear women recite their own talking points back at them. As Edwards sees it, the Honey Badgers “are saying precisely what MRAs have been saying for years but in a womanly voice.”

As for the Honey Badgers’ most famous accomplishment — getting themselves thrown out of the Calgary Expo, apparently for aligning themselves with the internet harassment squad that calls itself Gamergate — Edwards basically agrees with the HBB’s critics.

Calgary? That was Alison having an excuse to finally have that installation piece she wanted, and to sell her comics. …

I don’t really buy the whole, “Oh my gosh! I didn’t know we’d get kicked out, thing. From Alison.” Because her actions are conflicting here. She set up the comic booth, that says she wants to sell her comics. She sets up the Honey Badger stuff, that says she’s there to protest and be provocative while riding on the coattails of Karen Straughan. The Gamergate Banner, says that she wants to sh*t stir. I on the otherhand was not there to sh*t stir. I was there to help Alison sell t-shirts cause I was under the delusion that she was a nice person.

Edwards complains that the other Honey Badgers never appreciated the hard work she put into the HBB shows. While she diligently did her homework to prepare for the shows, she says, the others more or less just showed up, with Tieman even admitting to her “that she and the others were half-assing their work.”

It took about two years for me to realize just how tragically bad these people were at doing what they do. They are a group of broken people who can barely take care of their own problems let alone those of men. …

[T]his is what happens when you take people who are only good at sh*t stirring, and have them try to manage things like money, the business end of things, and anything particularly detail orientated. …

[I]t’s all bullsh*t, and it’s a sinking ship. Several people have confided in me privately that they are no longer watching the show anymore. Long time listeners are tuning out and everything is hanging by a thread.

Meanwhile, she says,

Milo Yiannopoulos with only his charisma and unapologetic narcissism is doing a better job at this than anyone in the men’s movement. 

The Honey Badger who is Karen Straughan has responded to these accusations with a furious rant of her own, declaring Edwards a liar, a bully,  a “c**t,” and an “ungrateful bitch” who has only “a handful of followers” for her Tumblr blog.

Straughan has evidently been furious at Edwards for some time; her current rant incorporates two angry notes she wrote to Edwards earlier, but held off from sending at the request of the other Badgers — the first written shortly before Edwards left the Honey Badgers, the second after she started complaining about them on her blog.

Straughan is especially irate about Edwards’ accusation that the Honey Badgers — or at least Tieman — are profiting from donations while other Badgers are working for free.

Straughan’s response boils down to: Yeah, well you live with your mom!

As Straughan sees it,

Alison couldn’t run HBR if she wasn’t taking a wage from it, because she doesn’t have her mom there able and willing to put a roof over her head. I couldn’t do what I do without accepting money for it because otherwise I’d be back working 52 hours a week waiting tables.

But I don’t know if you even understand what it’s like to have to support yourself, because you never have.

Straughan returns to this last point again and again, going so far as to attack Edwards for setting up a fundraiser a month ago to help her mother pay her rent.

Meanwhile, Straughan says, the ungrateful Edwards can’t even admit that she herself benefitted from her association with the HBB,

[H]ere you are, having ridden our coattails to some small degree of notoriety, sh*tting on the very people who consistently promoted your work. And gave you free trips to places you would otherwise never have been able to visit, to meet people you would otherwise never be able to meet.

After once again excoriating Edwards at length for her alleged inability to earn a living, Straughan declares herself

disgusted that Alison worked 60 hour weeks to help make it possible for you to sit next to me in a lawn chair on a patio in Victoria and talk about how you don’t want to go back home, and how you hope we can do this again, because all you were going to do with that experience that cost you nothing was wipe your ass with it and wave it in our faces as if somehow we are stealing other people’s money while you were forcefed all that cash.

You ungrateful bitch.

And then it’s back to an even longer rant that mostly centers around Edwards’ alleged living arrangements, which in Straughan’s mind somehow make her ineligible to criticize those who, like Tieman and Straughan, “have bills to pay.” Straughan follows this with:

You f**king c**t. How DARE you? How f**king dare you?

I don’t recall Straughan ever offering similar critiques of Men’s Rights activists like Andrea “JudgyBitch” Hardie, who lives off the income of her husband, or AVFM’s Paul Elam, who has, according to Buzzfeed, relied in the past on a generous girlfriend to pay his bills.

Straughan is an odious person with many terrible beliefs, and I can’t say I have much sympathy for her “argument” here, nor the plainly abusive manner in which she makes it.

I haven’t looked up the numbers for Canada, but here in the US roughly 15% of 25 to 34 year olds live with their parents; it doesn’t invalidate their beliefs — though I suppose it might be mildly risible if, say, one of these mom’s-basement-dwellers were a self-proclaimed alpha male pickup artist and wannabe patriarch who has been known to post photos to Instagram of himself holding a giant wad of cash in and in front of a flashy car.

In any case, the source of someone’s income has very little bearing on whether their ideas are smart or stupid, good or bad. Long-time fans of The Clash may recall several pertinent verses from their rap-inspired song “The Magnificent Seven.”

Karlo Marx and Friedrich Engels

Came to the checkout at the 7-11.

Marx was skint – but he had sense

Engels lent him the necessary pence

This fanciful scene is based on the well-known historical fact that Karl Marx was indeed “skint” — flat broke — for much of his adult life, financing his writing (and barely paying his family’s bills) with considerable help from his decidedly non-skint collaborator Friedrich Engels.

Yep, the prophet of the proletariat paid his rent with regular cash infusions from the son of a wealthy industrialist. Straughan may be better at paying her own bills than Marx was, but somehow I doubt anyone will be discussing her ideas, such as they are, a century (or even ten years) from now.

That said, I’m not sure I agree with the main thrust of Edwards’ critique either. Oh, I don’t doubt that the Honey Badgers are bunch of incompetent narcissistic bullies who accomplish absolutely nothing good for the men they claim to be trying to help.

And, aside from terrorists or perhaps the assorted Republican presidential candidates, there really aren’t a lot of people out there that I think are less deserving of financial support than the Honey Badgers.

But if people with more money than sense want to send some of this money to the Badgers, that’s their right, even if it’s earmarked for a ridiculous court battle that may never happen, so long as the Badgers aren’t lying to them about where the money goes. I think their patrons would get better value for their money by lighting it on fire, or using it as toilet paper (preferably not at the same time), but, hey, it’s their money. (Oh, and it could even be more than Edwards’ estimate of $5000 a month.)

And as for the volunteer labor Tieman is supposedly exploiting? Well, no one is forcing anyone to volunteer. I mean, sure, if I had a “brigade” of other bloggers providing most of the content of this blog, I would feel pretty skeezy if I took all the donations and ad money for myself, but if Alison Tieman can live with herself, I guess it’s not really any of my business.

In the Honey Badger’s recently updated Mission Statement, they make the point again and again that they are “not a charity,” that the money given to them won’t be used to finance anything like a domestic violence shelter for men. Instead, they declare, “our mission is to create content … .”

And this, for better or worse, they do — shoveling out vast heaps of content in the form of daily (except Saturday) “radio” shows of an hour or two in length, in which they apparently discuss a variety of enlightening topics. I say “apparently” because I actually have very little idea what goes on during these shows. For all I know they could be hours-long recordings of people farting in public bathrooms.

Actually, that would be a considerable improvement over the few snippets of the shows I have on occasion forced myself to listen to. Several months ago I tried to listen to one of their “mailbag” episodes; much to my surprise one of the emails they answered had something to do with, well, me, and the assembled Honey Badgers spent several minutes discussing my sex life, or at least what they imagined my sex life to be. Is this a regular feature of their shows? I’m not sure I want to know.

Regardless, I found the Honey Badger discussion edifying — not so much the actual discussion itself, just the fact that there had been a discussion. Up until that point I had never even suspected there was a market out there for weird and completely off-base speculations about my sex life. Maybe I should make an effort to monetize this particular niche myself.

I guess I’ll look into that after this Honey Badger battle with their paddles in a puddle on a noodle-eating poodle is done.

In the meantime, the Honey Badgers’ fans are indulging their own sexual fantasies in public. In the Men’s Rights subreddit, one fan offers this peculiar appreciation of Straughan’s attack on Edwards.

Gazzbang 2 points 16 hours ago Karen Fucking Straughn. Man enough to fuck someone with words, woman enough to restrain herself from engaging in verb-onuclear combat when provoked. She's like a dildo that high fives you once you've come. Fu...filling emotionally and physically? Shit. Didn't think this metaphor through. HBB is comprised of inspiring people and goddammit I'm glad they're around. Alison,if you see this, Karen baring her teeth for you here is why I'm becoming a patron. Karen if you see this, you are like a metaphorical Hannibal Lecter dissecting and consuming people's arguments.

I guess this is how the Honey Badger Brigade pays its bills.


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8 years ago

She treated him of being a cold ? Cold rhyme with old. I am sure it’s that.

Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

I feel a song coming on.

There’s a wild thing in the woolshed
And it’s keeping me awake at night
A Honey Badger on the net
Spewing stupid I’d prefer to miss
She’s a Honey Badger
She won’t hear women if they cry for help
She has a vision of men
Being better than everything else

They talk…
All the time begging for dollars and cents
Talking ’bout nonsense

8 years ago

That Reddit comment just broke my creep-o-meter.

8 years ago

Calling each other “bitches” and “c*nts” and engaging in Tumblr fights? Hmm, yes, very *chill girl not like the other girls* of them.

Wait, $5000 a month?!

I’d like to announce my new internet radio show, “Girls Suck, I’m not like those other girls I’m a cool girl I don’t wear make-up and I like Seth McFarlane’s writing and all my friends are guys”. Donations appreciated, men’s rights.

8 years ago

Man enough to fuck someone with words, woman enough to restrain herself from engaging in verb-onuclear combat when provoked.”

This is the worst sentence ever written. Men fuck things without restraint, that’s what makes them men! Women hold themselves back, that’s what makes them women! I just I can’t even.

J Star
J Star
8 years ago

@magnesium $5000 a month split between how many people? Even if it’s only 3, that isn’t really much money. Split three ways that comes out to about $10 an hour for full time work. Granted it is a lot for angry internet blogging, but in real life terms it approximates minimum wage without benefits.

8 years ago

“She’s like a dildo that high-fives you once you’ve come”? Well, I can go along with the dildo bit, at any rate.

Aaaand I’m chuckling at how these bitter, bitter bozos are doing such a bang-up job of eating their own. When your whole “movement” is based on hating other women for the approval of a bunch of equally woman-hating men, of course you’re gonna turn on each other! What else is there to DO around that house, anyway?

8 years ago

I’m still stuck on “cry bully.” Is that like a combination of cry baby and bully?

8 years ago

I’m still stuck on “cry bully.” Is that like a combination of cry baby and bully?

Sounds like it. Or, to use one of their ridiculous noun-verbs, “damselling”. For dollars.

8 years ago

Alison Tieman can get paid to manage money poorly and fail utterly to understand even the most basic business ethics

A failure to understand ethics, I cannot believe it!

comment image
money in this case

8 years ago

“CryBully”. One of the most transparent attempts to have it both ways I’ve ever seen.

“What a weak pathetic baby-that also somehow victimizes me, the real victim.But not a whiny weiner victim. Get that straight. “

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

“Crybully” is quite a common redpill/gamergate/alt-right/et cetera term for a person who dares to feel offended when they say offensive things. If there was a Fedora Bingo, it’d be on it.

8 years ago

I wonder if Honey Badger fur can be woven?

8 years ago

Some day, someone far more talented than me is going to collect a bunch of quotes from these columns, like the high-fiving dildo one, and turn them into a single piece of poetry.

8 years ago

For some reason I’m wondering what Orange Tango Drinker thinks of this and whose side he’s on. I must not have gotten enough sleep last night.

8 years ago

Some day, someone far more talented than me is going to collect a bunch of quotes from these columns, like the high-fiving dildo one, and turn them into a single piece of poetry.

comment image

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

I had the same thought.

He’d probably be horrified that we mentioned AVFM in the same sentence as them, gradually cede the point, and then post some links to islamophobic websites.

8 years ago

$5000 per month?! For badly written texts and half assed podcasts? My god. One month of salary and my entire life would be solved.
Brb, guys, I am going to become a MRA just for a month or two. Nothing personal. Please do not ridicule me too much, I just need the moneyz.

8 years ago

It’s funny – earlier today, for some unknown reason, I was thinking about the Honey Badgers’ YouTube response to that BBC special about MRAs: the BBC piece is about an hour long, and the Honey Badgers’ response is 10+ hours; I think there’s a WHTM post about it. I haven’t listened to any of it, so it’s kind of like a mysterious abyss: if you descended into those 10+ hours, what would you emerge with?

8 years ago

Ten fewer hours than you entered with, I suspect.

Margaret Pless
Margaret Pless
8 years ago

I think HBB might be exploiting its fans a little. Their “mens rights” position seems a little two-faced, considering their backer rewards are more or less personal contact with the Badgers in the form of Skype chats and care packages.

I mean, in MRA-land, women generally treat men like ATMs, giving them affection in exchange for financial support; and that’s exploitative, right? But when HBB does this same thing to their fanbase, it’s not?

Obviously, the HBs don’t think so. And obviously, nobody’s forcing these men to give the HBB their money, just like HB volunteers aren’t being forced to work on this crap. But how lonely do you have to be before paying 90$/mo to occasionally talk to Karen Straughan on Skype (this is an actual HB backer reward) starts sounding like a good deal? I guess I feel kind of sorry for their fans.

Also, I’m unclear why Straughan feels she has the high ground on Edwards re: working. Maybe Straughan used to wait tables 52 hours a week, but she doesn’t anymore: she gets that money from HBing, right? So what makes her better than Edwards, who also allegedly doesn’t work? Does having held a job at some point in the past make you morally superior to someone who hasn’t, even if you’re both currently self-employed as Honey Badgers?

Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

@ takshak

I’m not an expert on weaving, but if someone sheared/clipped a honey badger, I could probably make yarn out of its fur.

8 years ago

Setting the awfulness of people in question and the content they create aside for just a moment –

If Straughan is telling the truth about them paying their volunteers’ travel expenses, then the HBB treat their members better than I would have expected. Yeah, it’s skeezy to take donations for content and then not attempt to distribute them somewhat-equitably among the content creators; but an all-expenses-paid vacation is way more compensation than most people can hope for from an explicitly-volunteer position.

8 years ago

I remember the 9-10 hour response 🙂 I haven’t looked at it either – I’m sort of curious, but not curious enough to actually subject myself to it.

I can’t imagine spending two hours of every day listening to anyone’s show – these people really don’t have time for anything but hating things.

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