Every Friday is Memeday here at We Hunted the Mammoth. So why am I posting memes on a Thursday? Well, because I’ve been collecting so many memes there’s no way I can confine them to one day a week. Also, it’s my blog and I can break the rules if I want, I mean jeez lay off me for a second why don’t ya?
Today, let’s look at some Men Going Their Own Way memes on the subject of money. Specifically, on the subject of men making all the money and women spending all of it. Which is apparently how many MGTOWs think the world actually works.
Since these MGTOWs aren’t planning to let themselves get ENSLAVED by any money-draining lady monsters — I mean, that’s in the MGTOW mission statement, pretty much — you would think they wouldn’t need to go around yelling about this and making memes and so forth but again, it appears that the only thing these guys are doing with all the time they’ve freed up for themselves by NOT BEING SLAVES TO WOMEN is to yell at the women they’re not being slaves to and make memes about them and so forth.
Seriously, dudes, there are much better hobbies than that. But who am I kidding. They’re never going to give up the yelling at ladies thing.
So we might as well take a look at the fruits of their labor.
I guess they have a point. If you type your PIN into that dude sitting there he probably won’t regurgitate $20 bills. Score one for A Voice for Men here: they’ve managed to produce a meme that is actually true!
Dude, dude, dude. You know that the point of one of these sorts of memes is to get an idea across quickly and memorably, and with a touch of humor. All you had to do was to put that “Talking ATM” on that guy’s head, and, ta da, you would have made your point. A dumb point, to be sure, but seriously, that’s all this needed. But then you started typing and typing and ended up with this mess.
Ok, so let’s set aside for a minute the question of whether or not there are literally small groups of women stalking the streets of affluent communities in search of rich guys they can extract money from.
What I want to know is how the “divorce court industry” can be illegal, but “embezzling men’s property” is … legal?
Ok, maybe it’s this guy’s casual attire, or his scruffy beard, or a his baby face. Or maybe it’s the lack of an incoherent, angry, misogynistic rant. But this is an awfully, well, chill MGTOW meme.
I mean, sure, the premise is a little presumptuous –are you really sure, beardy dude, that every woman who wants to get with you is really out to ENSLAVE YOU FOR LIFE?
But, hey, dude, you be you. If you want to just hang out drinking PBR, then just hang out drinking PBR. That’s your right as an adult human being. And it’s certainly a better use of your time than pasting man-sterical misogynistic rants into terrible memes.
Speaking of rude public transportation behavior and coins, has anyone ever noticed that when you get on a bus at a busy stop where multiple people get on, the person who rushes to be first to get on the bus is always the one who is paying with all coins and holds up a whole line of people who are standing out in the cold with their cards out and ready to go?
Then there’s the people who don’t bother to figure out in advance what route they should be taking and will hold up the entire bus asking the driver for directions. I hate that.
In London there’s a thing called Oyster Card. It’s basically an RFID in a credit card sized holder that you can use on all public transport. If you take the RFID chip out and put it in a stick you can tap open the barrier gates at Tube and train stations and pretend you’re a wizard.
@Paige Hamilton
I’m so very sorry that happened to you. Your story is chilling.
I’m glad that you and your children were able to get away from that man!
@Social Justice Atheist
Also, we’d see a lot fewer women staying married for monetary reasons. Not staying married to trillionaires, like the mathematically challenged cartoonist seems to imagine. But staying married to guys who make any sort of living. In the past, more women needed to do that just so that they and their children could survive.
The fact that it’s easier now than it was 50 years ago for women to make some sort of living is what drives the entire “men’s rights movement.” They are enraged that a woman can say, No, I choose not to be married to you anymore. I can make my own living.
Vancouver just recently implemented a RFID card system; I so desperately now want to make a transit wand, but I’d be far too worried about ruining the chip.
Yes, exactly. A lot of women will stay with abusive partners because they have no other option/can’t make it on their own. This is why we desperately need feminism, so that women will not have to rely on marriage to support themselves and can marry solely for love and companionship.
And what MGTOWs and MRAs are seething about (the fact that some women rely on men for financial support) is a result of patriarchy, not feminism.
I’m about to move house, and the new place already has two sheds. If this causes me to GMOW, I’ll make sure to keep telling you all about it.
When the Oyster card first appeared, I was sorely tempted to put the chip in something odd, such as a potato. But I wouldn’t want to have to explain that to the “revenue protection” inspectors who periodically appear on trains to check tickets and cards. They’re not noted for their sense of humour.
Sadly, most of the revenue protection people I’ve seen are also pretty evidently contract employees on no job security and part time; I don’t want to make their lives any harder.
If their bosses turned up, well, that’s a different story. They’re welcome to scan my potato.
That’s A Voice For Pierre. We were having fun imagining what these people who are so weird on the internet must be like in real life. But I only draw them — other people wrote almost all the scripts.
YES. WHYYYY do they do this? Every time. Rahhhhh
I would probably keep my regular card for regular commuting work, and just store a couple of fares on my transit wand for special occasions.
We have special transit police for checking fares; I’m not sure if they’re more or less likely to believe in magic.
If anyone actually wants to try this, just pop your card in some acetone or nail polish remover and the plastic will melt and peel right off. It shouldn’t hurt the chip.
I cashier at a home improvement store not to be named. The bane of our existence are people in the morning who whip out 100 dollar bills when we only have a hundred dollars in the till to start with. And then get all huffy when they have to wait a couple minutes while we get from the vault the change we hadn’t got in the first place. Cause and effect, people. The other bane is when people at self checkout don’t see the gigantic, very visible ‘Pay Now’ button on the main screen and then loudly wonder why their transaction isn’t going through.
On the income thing, the husbot is the one who currently makes the lion’s share of the income and has the Real Job ™ and has the job stability. I sure as hell don’t, not after having to go to part time because of knee issues. There’s no way in hell I could live out here in SoCal myself, because the cost of living is stratospheric. That being said, I provide what money I can to the pot when I can.
This situation is the type that a) either gives MRAs boners because a feeemale is dependent on a maayuun or b) much anger because the conniving bitch is leeching him of his hard-earned cash. Given MRA mindset, it’s either depending on the situation or even both at the same time and would make Schoedinger and the cat confused as hell.
There’s also the little fact that the husbot is a million times a better human being than them and treats women as, you know, human beings, but MRAs stopped at the boobies miles ago.
I like how when you unwrap it, the basic premise of their entire argument here is that men become so unraveled when faced with an attractive woman that they are incapable of making rational decisions – isn’t that essentially admitting they should not hold any position of adult responsibility, if it is so easy for them to become overwhelmed?
(Those men who do not feel that the slightest attention from a pretty woman turns them into a walking ATM machine are exempt from this, of course. You know – the reasonable men.)
I totally *didn’t* just spend 30+ minutes going deeper and deeper down a comic rabbit hole. Nope…totally didn’t.
@Social Justice Atheist
Nope. Me neither. Definitely not.
I pity all the Alan Davises of the world who will turn up in searches associated with that stupid meme.
Like this one, who’s a great comic book artist and by what few accounts I’ve heard of him a really decent fellow:
SO, I guess they support women’s financial independence, a stated feminist goal?
As if women aren’t terrified of men leaving them for younger women; really, many a woman has a paranoid fear of that.
You could maybe find a cute, wand-shaped ID holder for your transit card, or make one, instead of trying to cut up your card.
Yay! Pierre!
Oooh, I have so many ideas now.
@ Banananana
I used to work in a grocery store and Sunday morning shifts were the best, just selling coffees and papers, and no one around to care if I read during the lulls. Unless this one guy came in. He would buy a paper for $1.50 and pay with a 100 dollar bill. We also only started with 100 dollars in the register. So if he came in it meant having to hunt down the office manager, who would be god knows where, so I wouldn’t wind up emptying the register to make change for the guy.
Last Meme Guy’s moustache looks like two tiny Hitler moustaches dueling for possession of the philtrum.