citation needed entitled babies evil sexy ladies grandiosity imaginary oppression mantrum memes men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA

A Taste of Memeday: Women as Money Extractors, Men as ATMs

Women seducing ATM into giving her free money
Wpmen seducing ATM into giving her free money

Every Friday is Memeday here at We Hunted the Mammoth. So why am I posting memes on a Thursday? Well, because I’ve been collecting so many memes there’s no way I can confine them to one day a week. Also, it’s my blog and I can break the rules if I want, I mean jeez lay off me for a second why don’t ya?

Today, let’s look at some Men Going Their Own Way memes on the subject of money. Specifically, on the subject of men making all the money and women spending all of it. Which is apparently how many MGTOWs think the world actually works.

Since these MGTOWs aren’t planning to let themselves get ENSLAVED by any money-draining lady monsters — I mean, that’s in the MGTOW mission statement, pretty much — you would think they wouldn’t need to go around yelling about this and making memes and so forth but again, it appears that the only thing these guys are doing with all the time they’ve freed up for themselves by NOT BEING SLAVES TO WOMEN is to yell at the women they’re not being slaves to and make memes about them and so forth.

Seriously, dudes, there are much better hobbies than that. But who am I kidding. They’re never going to give up the yelling at ladies thing.

So we might as well take a look at the fruits of their labor.


I guess they have a point. If you type your PIN into that dude sitting there he probably won’t regurgitate $20 bills. Score one for A Voice for Men here: they’ve managed to produce a meme that is actually true!


Dude, dude, dude. You know that the point of one of these sorts of memes is to get an idea across quickly and memorably, and with a touch of humor. All you had to do was to put that “Talking ATM” on that guy’s head, and, ta da, you would have made your point. A dumb point, to be sure, but seriously, that’s all this needed. But then you started typing and typing and ended up with this mess.


Ok, so let’s set aside for a minute the question of whether or not there are literally small groups of women stalking the streets of affluent communities in search of rich guys they can extract money from.

What I want to know is how the “divorce court industry” can be illegal, but “embezzling men’s property” is … legal?


Ok, maybe it’s this guy’s casual attire, or his scruffy beard, or a his baby face. Or maybe it’s the lack of an incoherent, angry, misogynistic rant. But this is an awfully, well, chill MGTOW meme.

I mean, sure, the premise is a little presumptuous –are you really sure, beardy dude, that every woman who wants to get with you is really out to ENSLAVE YOU FOR LIFE?

But, hey, dude, you be you. If you want to just hang out drinking PBR, then just hang out drinking PBR. That’s your right as an adult human being. And it’s certainly a better use of your time than pasting man-sterical misogynistic rants into terrible memes.

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EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

All my hugs, iknklast, unless you don’t want hugs in which case all my best wishes.

Also, fuck the person who said that domestic violence is fraud. Just fuck him. Edward Said said that the harshest phrase in any language is the word “collaborator”, but I think I could coin some new ones to describe this asshat.

Lukas Xavier
Lukas Xavier
9 years ago

I wonder how much of this is really wishful thinking. If you convince yourself that women only care about money, you’ll never have to face the idea that the reason they can’t stand you is that you’re just not a very pleasant person.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
9 years ago

Those women should stop picking on poor Alan Davies

9 years ago

Go ahead. Call 911 on a woman talking about someone’s house in the Hamptons. It’s not going to be her that gets arrested for wasting emergency service’s time.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
9 years ago

Whenever one of my cats does something bad, such as bite a wire, claw the wallpaper, drink from my water glass, claw the couch, etc, I always turn to the other cat and go: If you see something, SAY something!

But if my cats called 911 I would say they’ve taken it too far.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

IP, are you encouraging your cats to turn informant? For shame. Surely they have enough dignity to maintain solidarity, if nothing else.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
9 years ago


Don’t tell me how to raise my own cats! :p

9 years ago

Honestly, to me, pooled resources is an important aspect of how I want to structure my future marriage. It’s actually a big part of the appeal for me. I really like the idea of having a formalized partnership wherein both of you are working towards common goals, which might involve one partner leaving work to care for small children, or supporting the other through disability or unemployment, or any number of possible scenarios.

But that’s me. If you don’t want to structure your relationship that way, then don’t. You have the options of either not getting married, or setting up a prenuptial agreement with your spouse in advance. Neither requires that you view women as bloodsucking money vampires.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

…and the next morning, Alan Davis woke up in an ice-filled bathtub. Reaching into his wallet, he felt around and discovered a siphon, a missing house deed, and a note instructing him to call his divorce attorney immediately.

EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

#FreeIPsCats #CatsDontSquealOnCats

9 years ago


Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
9 years ago


9 years ago

“I will not be seduced”, says a guy who stands no chance of that happening EVER.

Much less of it ending in “servitude” on his part.

9 years ago

Also, where are these roving gangs of women in cropped pants and high-heeled flipflops, scouting out rich men to marry and/or rob? Clearly I’m hanging out in the wrong circles here, because I’ve never seen one.

lacerta viridis
lacerta viridis
9 years ago

I’m just imagining that 911 call.

“Hello, 911, what is your emergency?”

“I just heard some women talking about how much money a man has.”

Yeah, that’s going to go well.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
9 years ago

– And what do you want us to do about it?

– Can you, you know… lock them up? And possibly throw away the key?

– Is this a prank call?

9 years ago

These memes are so bad, I thought that parts of them were ads on the page! My eyes were ready to float right past the last part of that crime stoppers one.

Also, I can’t be the only person who does not know any woman who uses/has used men like an ATM.

I do know people who have gotten divorced and had their property sliced up, but it wasn’t just the men’s part. Aaaaand, they hadn’t been married just a couple of years as some get-rich-scheme.

Like many people here, I know couples who have been together years, even decades. They both work or are now retired.

I only know one person who is getting alimony, but their circumstances are: they got married young when she got pregnant, and she didn’t finish college; he got an excellent job to support them while she not only raised the children and kept the house, but also did loads of entertaining so that he could get promoted; she organized moves when he got transferred; they were married ~22 years and you could say that splitting their assets was her getting her part of the division of labor. She also had responsibility for their daughter who has massive mental health issues (probably the toll of those issues broke the marriage up).

This woman still hasn’t finished college – in part due to taking care of the daughter mentioned above – and she cannot get a great job, so, alimony! But also, it was the man who wanted out and who cheated on her.

These dudes would probably be shocked about my divorce: we were grad students with no property or children and the settlement was just, we kept what we each had.

Paige Hamilton
9 years ago

Mmm. Yeah. My ex didn’t work for 11.5 of the 13 years we were married. I worked 2, sometimes 3 jobs.

After he raped me (when I was 8 months pregnant with our third) and I left him, he would come and stand on the porch of the rental house I had found and moved into, and knock until one of the kids looked out the window. Then he’d tell them I was hateful and mean because I didn’t pay his electric bill & rent at his place and he was going to be hooooomelessssss, so they’d cry and beg me to give HIM money.

Then he didn’t bother to show up in court for the divorce hearing because he thought not showing up would get him out of child support. So I got full custody and the basic Texas CS order ($111 per kid per month. 3 kids.)

Then he missed all their birthdays and Christmases for 5 years. Then he started stalking me and talking scary about “getting even” and guns and suicide and I ended up literally FLEEING THE COUNTRY after the judge refused me a restraining order because I hadn’t used a wiretap to record him saying all the stuff he said or taken video of him chasing me in his truck.

I actually MOVED TO SOUTH AMERICA to get away from this guy. He owes me nearly $25k in child support for the last 6 years. The only reason I started getting any of it last year finally is that he got a “real job” he couldn’t get out of becasue he promised to marry his Iranian boss’ niece so she could get a green card and they basically own his ass now.

He had followed me to Georgia and GA is dead serious about CS because they take a big cut. So I started getting money after all that time. A whopping $300 and change a month. Yep, I really milked him dry…. Good thing the USD is hella strong in South America where I am currently an expat in hiding. 😛

9 years ago

What makes me laugh about MGTOW is that increasing numbers of people are actually adhering this ‘lifestyle’, and yet are able to go about it without becoming a bigot or needing an online community to support us. This is the 21st century, we don’t hit our late teenage years and decide to settle down with the first girl/boy we find tolerable and proceed to pump out 6 kids. Most people are a hell of a lot smarter now about their own lives. Most of us do ‘go our own way’, we either wait till much later in life, looking for the right person to settle down with (you know someone who we trust not to cheat on us and then ride us for every penny we have)or we don’t do it at all. Being abstinent from marriage does not make you special or enlightened, it’s 2016 for the Lords sake.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ IP

Surely it’s #yourcatstheirrules

9 years ago

So, I think maybe that one is trying to imply that the dress is worth $500 trillion? Maybe??

And as ridiculous as it is, I’m going to commend the stalkers meme for using “Female” correctly as an adjective. I might have had an aneurysm if it had said “Stalker Females.”

9 years ago

Yes, women always marry up. That’s why I have a law degree and my husband has a bachelor’s. I’d do just fine on my own had I decided not to marry at all.

And saying you know where people live is stalking? Gee, I always thought stalking involved lying in wait outside their residence, not just mentioning you know their address. I’d love these guys to actually call 911 and get charged with something for falsely reporting a crime.

9 years ago

My wife married up.
I’m 5’11 and she’s only 5’3.

9 years ago


What helps me in those situations (misuse of adjectives) is imagining Ferengi from Star Trek saying it. Trust me, it helps.
Apologies to whoever I stole this idea from; if I remember who it was, I will totes give you credit.

9 years ago

IP I feel you man. My personal ‘favourite’–people who decide that the bottom or top of an escalator is the perfect place to stop and check their phone messages.