citation needed entitled babies evil sexy ladies grandiosity imaginary oppression mantrum memes men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA

A Taste of Memeday: Women as Money Extractors, Men as ATMs

Women seducing ATM into giving her free money
Wpmen seducing ATM into giving her free money

Every Friday is Memeday here at We Hunted the Mammoth. So why am I posting memes on a Thursday? Well, because I’ve been collecting so many memes there’s no way I can confine them to one day a week. Also, it’s my blog and I can break the rules if I want, I mean jeez lay off me for a second why don’t ya?

Today, let’s look at some Men Going Their Own Way memes on the subject of money. Specifically, on the subject of men making all the money and women spending all of it. Which is apparently how many MGTOWs think the world actually works.

Since these MGTOWs aren’t planning to let themselves get ENSLAVED by any money-draining lady monsters — I mean, that’s in the MGTOW mission statement, pretty much — you would think they wouldn’t need to go around yelling about this and making memes and so forth but again, it appears that the only thing these guys are doing with all the time they’ve freed up for themselves by NOT BEING SLAVES TO WOMEN is to yell at the women they’re not being slaves to and make memes about them and so forth.

Seriously, dudes, there are much better hobbies than that. But who am I kidding. They’re never going to give up the yelling at ladies thing.

So we might as well take a look at the fruits of their labor.


I guess they have a point. If you type your PIN into that dude sitting there he probably won’t regurgitate $20 bills. Score one for A Voice for Men here: they’ve managed to produce a meme that is actually true!


Dude, dude, dude. You know that the point of one of these sorts of memes is to get an idea across quickly and memorably, and with a touch of humor. All you had to do was to put that “Talking ATM” on that guy’s head, and, ta da, you would have made your point. A dumb point, to be sure, but seriously, that’s all this needed. But then you started typing and typing and ended up with this mess.


Ok, so let’s set aside for a minute the question of whether or not there are literally small groups of women stalking the streets of affluent communities in search of rich guys they can extract money from.

What I want to know is how the “divorce court industry” can be illegal, but “embezzling men’s property” is … legal?


Ok, maybe it’s this guy’s casual attire, or his scruffy beard, or a his baby face. Or maybe it’s the lack of an incoherent, angry, misogynistic rant. But this is an awfully, well, chill MGTOW meme.

I mean, sure, the premise is a little presumptuous –are you really sure, beardy dude, that every woman who wants to get with you is really out to ENSLAVE YOU FOR LIFE?

But, hey, dude, you be you. If you want to just hang out drinking PBR, then just hang out drinking PBR. That’s your right as an adult human being. And it’s certainly a better use of your time than pasting man-sterical misogynistic rants into terrible memes.

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Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

It’s almost as if pre-nups aren’t a thing.

9 years ago

My ex walked out on me, took everything we owned, left me with just the broken bedroom set and the pans with no handles. Then demanded alimony (which he didn’t get, because we lived in a state where you have to stick it out 10 years to get alimony, and he bolted at 7) and child support (which he increased by 3x over the allotted amount, a fact my attorney discovered very quickly). I made 60% of the money in our marriage; he kept 98% of the property. I allowed him to have our son temporarily because I was extremely ill when he walked out and needed a recovery period before I could care for him properly – my ex turned our son into a cash cow for himself, because he still wanted the money I brought in without having to cramp his lifestyle with a wife.

But, hey, men don’t use women for ATM machines, right?

9 years ago

So that one guy is worth $500 trillion dollars? Does he have all the money in the world?

(And I am amused by the coda to that piece — it seems so heartfelt and such a weird non-sequitur.)

And is the dude refusing to be seduced living in a basement? Or is that a pottery shed, since he seems to have several buckets behind him, including one that has a garden trowel?

9 years ago

“Man-sterical ” From “hysterical”, yes? I’m sure we can do better than this. Gonsterical? Prosterical? Testerical? Maybe even testosterical?

9 years ago

1, complaints about gold-diggery, are inversely proportional to a persons ability to actually afford one.

2, since when can hypergamy be presented as a new concept, only just appearing in society, when it’s as old as patriarchy itself, few people marry, and even the ones that do today, have middle-class marriages with almost no difference in social background or earnings among partners.

9 years ago

So the woman on the left knows how much “Alan Davis” (name changed to protect the potential victim!!!!) is worth. And the woman on the right knows his “exact” address.

So do they both want to marry him?

If so, I have news for wife number 2: Bigamy is not legal. Once you “divorce” your “husband,” you’ll get nothing.

And wife number 1, your partner in crime, will laugh at you.


Crime does not pay!!!!!!

Okay, maybe crime would pay for wife number 1.



Crime does not always pay!!!!!!

9 years ago

Girls Don’t Like Boys (lyrics) – YouTube

Artist: Good Charlotte
Album: The Young and the Hopeless
Released: 2002

Pretty much their meme, in song format. With an interestingly telling Album title.

9 years ago

I’m sorry that happened to you.

I hope that you and your son are in a happier situation now.

9 years ago

1. “Like legally robbing banks”
LOL, right, there are totally enough men in the world that have enough money to be compared to a bank, and they totally don’t know what prenups are.

2. “Domestic Violence (Fraud)”
I know you assholes think that all violence against women is acceptable and therefore it must all be an elaborate scheme to frame the poor innocent wife beaters, but fuck you. Seriously.

3. “Women ALWAYS marry up”
I’m pretty sure you don’t understand how many people are in the world and how few of them are affluent. This assertion is physically impossible.

4. “A woman’s love for you can only be measured on a calculator”
Starting to think you assholes are the ones incapable of love. Not to toot my own horn here, but I’ve been with my husband-type-person for 6 years and I’ve been helping him pay off the massive amount of credit card debt that he aquired aaaall on his own that entire time. I hate the debt, especially since we’re young and I’d rather buy a house, but you know, I love him, he’s worth the financial baggage.

I really want to meet one of these idiots in person one day and explain to them that said husband-type-person is really bad with money, so I handle all our finances, and in fact, many women do, because not everyone in this world can be good/responsible with money.
How many blood vessels would I get to watch burst while they attempted to process that information. Before they dismissed it as a dirty feminist lie, anyway.

9 years ago

Nop: I like “testerical”.

As for the memes… blerg. Such incompetence.

occasional reader
occasional reader
9 years ago


I can only agree with David here : why do you have to make it so looooooooooooong ? Not only it is full of bullshit, but it is also pretty annoying. Size of winny, size of bank account, size of text in your meme… Are you back in your primary years where you always try to compare everything to the equivalent of your “comrades” ? Well, maybe you lose in term of size of reflexion…

Have a nice day.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago

Attention men!

Marrying a woman might cost you 500 trillion dollars. Five hundred trillion. That’s as much as five ten ten ten ten ten ten ten ten ten ten ten ten ten tens. And that’s *terrible*.

9 years ago

Bill and Melinda Gates have been married for 22 years.

Bill Gates/Net worth
79.2 billion USD

Just saying.

9 years ago


I didn’t get past the ATM machine meme before I had to rush to the comments in a fit of rage.

The ‘M’ already stands for ‘Machine’! Saying ‘ATM Machine’ is the same as saying ‘Automated Teller Machine Machine’.

This madness needs to stop!

On a related note, it’s ‘Interac’, not ‘Interact’!

Other related things that need to stop: Cashiers telling me how to use the debit machine. The technology has existed for decades! I know my card is inserted, chip first, into the slot when prompted. I know I can remove the card when it’s approved!

Sorry…I spent my younger years working in a corner store…and…this is what it turns you into.

9 years ago

So “legal” robbery as they call it, how does that work? Is it like the guys on Wall Street did? Maybe we should bring in some laws to protect us from legal robbery there too?

9 years ago

Man, when I looked at the wall-o-text one, I definitely read the 5×10¹² against the nice white background first and thought “Damn, bro is marrying into some money!”. And the two women profiling some rich dude, I had to read the whole thing twice before realizing that they weren’t planning to break into his place and rob him, and I’m still not convinced.

LOL, multiple communication fails. Graphic design is hard!

9 years ago

A) You know, these guys could save themselves a lot of trouble by trying to date women who make as much or more than them. Then they’d know she’s not using him for his money.

B) My bet is that these guys think that money is a sign of their worth as a person… so think that’s how they attract women. In addition the women they attract will be the ones who favor that enough to tolerate how horrible these guys are as human beings.

C) Ha ha, I was totally kidding about A). Can you imagine these guys not resenting a woman who made as much or more than him?

9 years ago

Working on some possible translations for this:

Once you get married and buy a house, that house is never really yours.

If you choose to share your life with someone, and then purchase a home together, you can’t just claim that house belongs exclusively to you somewhere down the line.


Getting married and then purchasing a house afterwards is the only possible sequence in which these events could occur.


I don’t know what a prenup is.

9 years ago


No one who comes into my store knows how to use a debit machine, despite many of them doing it multiple times. It’s easier to just assume you need to tell them what to do instead of waiting for the 800th fucking person to need a step by step guide.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
9 years ago

If I was worth 500 trillion dollars I’d be ok risking 250 trillion dollars. In fact, I’d probably give away approximately 499 trillion dollars to various charities.


ATM Achine

9 years ago

Google must have developed a sense of humour… Every ad on this page appearing immediately below each meme for me is that ‘Miranda’ ad, of a blond woman wiping a tear from her eye ?

9 years ago

Imaginary Petal:

If I was worth 500 trillion dollars I’d be ok risking 250 trillion dollars. In fact, I’d probably give away approximately 499 trillion dollars to various charities.

I don’t know what I’d do with 500 trillion dollars. With that much money, I’d have to be some kind of evil villain keeping the planet under my iron fist. I can’t imagine any other reason. So… I guess that’s what I’d do. Mwa ha ha ha?

Jarred H
9 years ago


A) Agreed, but let’s be honest. What benefit would such a woman possibly find in dating such men?

B) What other choice do they have? I’m reminded of one of my favorite lines from Firefly: “You’ll have to rely on your winning personality to get women. God help you.”

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
9 years ago

The 3 things that confuse/enrage me the most when trying to function in normal society:

– People shopping in stores never being able to predict that they will need to pay for their stuff, and therefore keeping their cash or card handy when the time comes. It’s always a total surprise!

– People reaching the end of an escalator or stepping outside a building, immediately freezing in place and blocking the way so that nobody can get past them. Related: groups of people deciding to stand around like idiots in front of a door that other people will need to go through.

– People getting on buses, trams, subway trains, etc, never being able to predict that other people will need to get off the vehicle, creating a solid meat wall that you have to fight your way through in order to get off the tram. What the FUCK, people. LEARN THIS STUFF IMMEDIATELY

Sorry for screaming.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

911 Dispatcher: Hello, what’s your emergency?

MGTOW: Two women are discussing another men’s net worth on the street! THEY MUST BE STOPPED!!

911 Dispatcher: I’m sorry, what’s the emergency again?

MGTOW: THEY’RE STALKING HIM! They know his address!!!

911 Dispatcher: Uh-huh. What is it you would like us to do?


911 Dispatcher: Sir, this is not a criminal matter. Alan is a big boy. He’s allowed to associate with anyone he likes.

MGTOW: But they know where he lives!!! They’re going to marry him and then legally embezzle from him!

911 Dispatcher: I’m sorry, our job isn’t to prevent imaginary crimes. You want Imaginary 911 for that.

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