So a judge in Ontario has said “nuh-uh” to a deceased doctor’s plan, set forth in his will, to set up scholarships for straight, white, single students.
As the National Post reports:
[Dr. Victor] Priebe’s will asked the trustee to set up bursaries for students planning studies in science …
It said one should be directed to “Caucasian (white), male, single, heterosexual students,” while the other should be reserved for a “hard-working, single Caucasian white girl who is not feminist or lesbian.” …
There were other odd stipulations, too, such as that the male bursary should not go to anyone who plays inter-collegiate sports, and that the recipient should ideally demonstrate “they are not afraid of hard manual work in their selection of summer employment.”
But the judge, a known woman by the name of Alissa Mitchell, says she can’t let something so blatantly discriminatory to stand.
Naturally, the good folks in the Men’s Rights subreddit are outraged by this assault on all that is good and decent.
“I am a white heterosexual single male, and I quite like myself that way,” a fellow calling himself CompayViejo declared, in a comment that got more than a dozen upvotes.
And I associate with other white heterosexual single males, and I generally think my friends are really a great bunch of people to be around. Does that make me racist and homophobic too?
Although we’d really have to read the guy’s entire will for an informed opinion, it’s just harrowing that nowadays, apparently you’re a racist homophobe just because you want to do something for a certain defined section of society after your death. …
Men, white heterosexual men, really have it quite bad these days in many Western “civilized” countries and are increasingly being marginalized. In a world like that, if you really think that scholarships for white heterosexual men are against the interest of the state, then that’s just pathetic.
Maybe this video will help.
H/T — r/againstmensrights
Why did the will require a heterosexual man but permitted the woman to be bisexual?
Wait, never mind, I know this one.
Because the straights (and quite a few gay people, unfortunately) have this weird idea in their heads that bisexual/pansexual people are figments of the imagination, and thus we don’t exist.
(I can see that you might be pointing out the cishet dude’s odd love of girls who ‘swing both ways’, but, let’s face it, that guy most likely doesn’t know or care we exist.)
So hang on. The woman’s scholarship can go to a bi-, pan- or asexual woman as long as she isn’t a feminist; while the man’s scholarship can only go to a heterosexual man but he can be as feminist as he likes? Why this distinction?
Oh wait, I know. It’s because of penises, isn’t it? The woman has to like penises whereas the man can’t like them, because anything else might scare Dr Priebe’s penis. Likewise, men can have opinions but a woman having them is horrible.
Wow, what a pleasant person Dr Priebe was. I mean, on top of being a racist and a homophobe he’s also got some nasty gender issues to unpack there.
ETA: Ninja’d by guy and Paradoxy.
Question for people who know more theory than I do: would it be appropriate to hold a Pink Mass for Dr Priebe?
“How dare you prevent this guy from exercising blatant racial discrimination!”
What a massive persecution complex. And this part is downright hilarious:
Um yeah, “doing something for a certain defined section of society after your death” could absolutely get you labeled as a racist homophobe.
The worst human beings of all time were all ‘doing something for a certain defined section of society’ (albeit mostly while they were alive)
Aww, ain’t that precious. Whitey, I don’t think you get it–this ain’t like the old days where just being born gets you a participation ribbon–along with all the resources. They take and they take and they take and they take and they take and they take and they take and they take, and it won’t stop.
“We really have it quite bad” = “Why do stupid ‘minorities’ get all the attention, won’t anyone feel sorry for me?”
Oh yes, it’s simply terrible to be branded by what you really are when you dare to whip it out and show it to the world before pissing on your alma mater in your will, innit?
My heart bleeds.
PS: Don’t forget sexist, dude, because asking a woman not to be a feminist is sexist as fuck.
White people hate affirmative action*. Unless it’s for them, of course.
No, seriously.
* Yes I know, this proposed scholarship isn’t technically affirmative action, but near enough for the point to stand as it’s about white people hating POC getting a leg up but don’t want a “meritocracy” for themselves.
Re: “heterosexual man” vs. “not lesbian”:
There’s so much to unpack here. I wonder if this says something about the deceased Dr. Dudebro’s views on agency. Like, a man can choose to be upstanding and straight, and a woman just falls into a category.
Or, perhaps more likely, it’s just that men get the “positive” qualifier of being straight, while women just aren’t “marred” with the defect of being gay.
I dunno. Sexist as fuck, tho.
As usual, white MRAssholes having a snit when it can’t be all about them, because the very basic tenet of the MRM is identical to the KKK: the idea that the white man is supposed to rule the world.
Sure, most MRAssholes don’t use the Bible as their justification (though the worst of the worst, like Barnes and Price, do), but they use a messed up concept of “science” instead generally. You know, science that is often thoroughly debunked, or doesn’t pass peer review. I do believe here in the real world that’s not science at all.
So, yeah, Klan rhetoric, Klan ideals, why don’t we just real-talk and mention the MRBM for what it is: the modern KKK?
I think in this case it’s more that Priebe didn’t think that there are any male feminists, thus didn’t bother to exclude them.
I doubt the Dr. meant to ok scholarships for bisexual women. He probably thinks bisexual women are really lesbians. Or it was just sloppy wording on his part. After all, he also specified that the money go to a “Caucasian white girl.”
White heterosexual men have it so tough. So, maybe technically they win the majority of overall scholarships. But shouldn’t there also be scholarships that only they can win?
wwth, I’ve read articles suggesting that college admissions folks have been quietly bending the rules a bit for years and letting in guys with lower scores than gals in order to try to bring up the percentage of guys in college
It’s not faaaaiiiiiiiirrrr!!!!! I already have all the privilege in the world but I want moooooorrreeee!!! Quit trying to make life easier for those stupid lazy minorities, they don’t even deserve it like my ultra-white straight kingly superior self does!!!! If you don’t give me even more privileges than I already have that’s reverse racism!!! Waaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cry me a motherfucking river.
@David: Of course they have been. We’re so worried about boys’ education that we tell girls they can’t dress in a certain way (lest we give the boys *gasp* erections, I don’t care if it’s 90 degrees Fahrenheit, you can’t show off your legs by wearing shorts, what if the boys lose control?!) and remove them from class so they don’t distract the boys with their uncovered knees, the little tarts!
Girls/women have to work twice as hard as most men do when it comes to education just to constantly prove we “deserve” to be there, under shitty rules and conditions designed to keep us complacent to the menz, where men just have to show up a lot of the time.
In other news: GamerGate is trying to claim responsibility for Deadpool doing well.
A movie about a pansexual anti-hero who casually talks about being pegged because he likes it and dates a sex worker and doesn’t make a big deal out of it or tries to control her sexuality or say she has to stop so he can ‘save’ her, and who, in canon, has hit on Thor, Captain America, Cable (Marvel even talks about CablePool in terms of marriage, and has stated that the two have been divorced for quite some time), and (especially) Spiderman, and who has a pretty fluid gender identity.
And GG thinks it’s because of them that it’s doing as well as it’s doing.
Silly fake fanbois.
Probably not actually breaking the rules because the admissions rules tend to be pretty vague and people can absolutely get in instead of people who have higher scores than they do by the rules. Which of course means that it’s difficult to prove anything when gender does influence an admissions decision.
Or they’re really straight and only do girl on girl stuff in front of the menz so as to please their boners.
But affirmative action is wrooooooong!!!
No, seriously: When did dudes EVER need affirmative action? Because PENIS? My mind, it boggleth, yea verily.
1. Protective Cups
2. …
And I am a white, heterosexual married woman, and I quite like myself that way. Which is relevant to nothing except my own happiness, and does not make me any better (or any worse) than anyone else. No one, absolutely no one, is telling him he can’t be that way (or me that I can’t be the way I am). They are merely saying he doesn’t get any special perks for being that way.
@ Dlouwe
As any female Krav enthusiast will tell you, you can get groin protectors for women; and they’re pretty essential.
No shit. Being kicked in the clit hurts about as much as anything can, shy of a broken pelvis. (And I’ve suffered both, so I know.)
Fair points, both. I couldn’t think of a succinct enough joke to make about wind resistance. 🙁