anti-Semitism antifeminism drama kings evil SJWs gullibility literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism rape rape culture red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

Roosh V shocked to discover that white supremacist movement is full of white supremacists

Roosh V: Stunned to discover that racists are racist
Roosh V: Stunned that racists are racist

Roosh Valizadeh has been having a bit of a tough time this year, to put it mildly.

He’s been condemned in dozens of publications around the world as a “rape advocate.” An Icelandic woman has come forward to accuse him of rape, according to feminist blogger S. Jane Gari. Members of Parliament have joked about his penis in the House of Commons, and now a member of the European Parliament is trying to get him and his followers banned from traveling to Europe. Jemaine Clement of Flight of the Conchords mocked the Return of Kings publisher as “King of Your Mum’s Basement” after The Daily Mail found him, well, living in his mum’s basement.

And on top of all this, Roosh has now made a horrifying discovery: the white supremacist movement he’s been trying to cozy up to for some time now is full of … white supremacists.

And they don’t much like seeing a guy that many of them consider a “sand n****r rape apologist,” as one unkind alt-righter put it in a recent tweet, messing around with “their” white women.

For a time last year, as unlikely as this may sound, it looked as though Roosh and the alt-right were on their way to becoming a cute couple. Roosh seemed to be nudging himself alt-rightward, evidently hoping to lure some of the internet’s Hitler-loving, meme-posting scallywags to Return of Kings; he even wrote a long post on the alleged evils of The Jews.

And while there were always quite a few in the alt-right camp who saw Roosh, of Iranian and Armenian descent, as the enemy — a “self hating Arab,” a “greasy Iranian,” a “degenerate muzzie” (Muslim), or worse — there were others, like Counter-Currents publisher Greg Johnson, who saw Roosh as “an ally … someone with whom we share delimited common interests and with whom we can fight common enemies.”

But no longer. Johnson, after looking at Roosh’s own writings about his past sexual experiences. has concluded that either Roosh’s stories are fiction presented as fact, or he’s a rapist, just as many feminists have been saying for months or even years.

And now Roosh is lashing back with a Return of Kings post titled, no joke, “The Alt Right Is Worse Than Feminism In Attempting To Control Male Sexual Behavior.”

Roosh is apparently stunned to discover that white supremacists don’t like men they deem insufficiently white sleeping with, much less raping, white women. This, to Roosh, is a sign that “a large section” of the otherwise unobjectionable alt-right movement

has degenerated into a collection of fearful beta males who are obsessed with controlling the sexual choices of all men and who they’re allowed to associate with.

Indeed, Roosh reports incredulously, alt-rightists believe that

[i]f you’re a white male, you’re forbidden to sleep with a non-white girl, because that is “race mixing” and goes against their race platform … .

You don’t say. Meanwhile,

[i]f you’re a non-white male, you’re not allowed to sleep with a white girl, because you’re a n****r/kebab/gook, and you must be deported from the country you happen to be a citizen of or outright killed.

What a shock! I mean, it’s not as if these guys go around the internet declaring that interracial relationships are a form of “white genocide” or anything like tha … oh wait, they do.

Roosh, who up until this point seems to have somehow missed the white supremacist elements of white supremacism, thinks the alt-right’s aversion to “race mixing” is something they only came up with in the last couple of months.

The alt right started as a nationalist movement, and that’s what many people believe it to currently be, but we’re only three months away from it being a movement primarily concerned with minimizing the sexual choices of everyone. … 

If the bulk of alt right practitioners have their way, white men will not be allowed to date non-white women and non-white men will not be allowed to date white women or even flirt with them. …

Some ideas of the alt right were sound, since they offered a path for us to move forward against the leftist establishment, but that has now been lost with the added dimension of controlling who men can enter relationships with, sexual or not. …

I can no longer support the alt right, since they’re now mostly under the control of the mob.

Adding yet another level of irony to the already heaping mountain of irony here, Roosh complains that the evil alt-right has been seducing vulnerable men with pretty lies:

They will seduce discontented men with white identity and white pride, allowing them entry into the club based primarily on skin color, and then pull the switcheroo and grossly limit their behavior in a way that is worse than feminism.

Yep, that’s’ right. Roosh is so regretful that he ever lay down with the alt-right in the first place that he’s starting to wonder if feminism might serve horny men better than the movement he until recently supported:

The alt right is becoming so authoritarian that a man may actually be happier as a male feminist and sleeping with blue haired freaks with Skrillex haircuts than having all his sexual and friendship choice subject to approval by the alt right mob.

But don’t worry! Roosh is not giving up any of his old bigotries. While complaining about the alt-right’s racism, at least so far as it might interfere with his choice of who to put his penis in, Roosh complains that his new enemies aren’t bigoted enough against gays. After denouncing Johnson of Counter-Currents as an anal-sex having homosexual (I have no idea if that’s true or not), he complains that alt-righters will

go on and on about the Jewish question—and attack you if you don’t—but ignore discussion of the “homosexual question” and its role in wrecking societies.

Roosh’s most surreal accusation? After noticing that Johnson had apparently found some of the most damning quotes from Roosh in a post of mine (!), he asked in a Tweet if Johnson and I were “working together,” an accusation so ridiculous that Roosh might as well have accused me of boiling and eating kittens. (For the record: I’m not working with Johnson or any others of his ilk; indeed, I only learned of Johnson’s denunciation of Roosh from Roosh’s own post on the subject. Also, I have never boiled or eaten even a single kitten.)

But I can’t say I don’t enjoy the spectacle of Roosh and the alt-right trading insults and attacking one another for blindingly obvious things they somehow managed to overlook about one another until now.

In a response to Roosh’s angry post, Johnson has put up another post of his own mocking “cuckold porn-monger Roosh ‘the Doosh’ Valizadeh” for  not realizing that a racist movement was full of racists. And then he declared war:

As Andrew Anglin astutely observed, Roosh sells interracial cuckold porn — and tweets about cuckolding white men — to legions of adoring White Nationalist followers. I don’t know what’s worse: the obscenity of this situation or the absurdity. But it needs to end. Now that Roosh has declared “I can no longer support the alt right,” it is time for the Alt Right to return the favor.

I’ll just be sitting here eating popcorn.

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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ vikki p

my BFF is Welsh

I had a run in with the Welsh mafia. They made me an offer I couldn’t understand. 😉

8 years ago

Barrel of kittens FTW!

(srsly, there is NOTHING better than kittens in quantity!)

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

@ Alan

Did they also sing it in 4-part harmony?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ vikki p

Oh, what’s that Blackadder quote! Something about terrorising the valleys with their close harmony singing?

8 years ago

Blackadder : Have you ever been to Wales Baldrick?
Baldrick : No, but I’ve often thought I’d like to.
Blackadder : Well don’t, it’s a ghastly place. Huge gangs of tough sinewy men roam the valleys terrorising people with their close-harmony singing. You need half a pint of phlegm in your throat just to pronounce the placenames. Never ask for directions in Wales Baldrick, you’ll be washing spit out of your hair for a fortnight.

More and more kittens, yes please!!! Reminds me of that bit from Scrubs with the kitten treatment 🙂

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Thanks Mish 🙂

8 years ago

Someone may have already addressed this, but for the record, plenty of unemployed, poor, and/or disabled people live in their parents’ basements.
We could always just mock Roosh for the fact that he’s an actual rapist, rather than classist BS.

8 years ago

@Bina & wwth

I see you and raise you a basket of kittens!

8 years ago

@Dark Statstic

I’m looking forward to see how B turns out.

8 years ago

Oh yeah?

I have kitten train
comment image

And a kitten boat

And a kitten submarine
comment image

I’m enjoying this game

8 years ago

My kitties were adults when I adopted them. I wouldn’t trade them for anything and I’m glad to have adopted grown up kitties who have a harder time getting placed than kittens, but I really wish I had a baby cat. It’s probably not going to happen anytime soon though. So Google image searches for kittens it is.

Miss Andry
8 years ago
Miss Andry
8 years ago

I knew I spent too much time on the graphic.

8 years ago

The alt right started as a nationalist movement, and that’s what many people believe it to currently be, but we’re only three months away from it being a movement primarily concerned with minimizing the sexual choices of everyone.

Why three months? I’m completely stumped by that.

The whole article is kind of amazing, it seems like Roosh knew absolutely nothing about the Alt Right other than the word “cuckservative”. You can’t know about the Alt Right and miss the white supremacy, it’s almost all they fucking talk about.

The alt right likely peaked with introducing the term cuckservative in terms of mainstream influence. Their initial viral hits concealed problems that may have been there all along, and which I myself missed. The fact that diehard anti-SJW’s and anti-feminists who don’t have the approved Nordic lily whiteness are viciously attacked by the alt right mob with SJW help shows that they’re long gone in terms of strategic effectiveness.

8 years ago

David – I don’t agree with a lot of what Roosh has to say; and yes, his recent flirtation with the White Nationalists is an embarrassment. But to simply call him a basement-dwelling loser is ridiculous. He has travelled most of the world and experienced more than 90% of all men ever will.

8 years ago

My kitties were adults when I adopted them. I wouldn’t trade them for anything and I’m glad to have adopted grown up kitties who have a harder time getting placed than kittens, but I really wish I had a baby cat. It’s probably not going to happen anytime soon though.


8 years ago

The Alt Right Is Worse Than Feminism In Attempting To Control Male Sexual Behavior.

Holy shit, Roosh V said something I agree with!

he complains that alt-righters will “go on and on about the Jewish question—and attack you if you don’t—but ignore discussion of the ‘homosexual question’ and its role in wrecking societies.”

Oh, so apparently “attempting to control male sexual behaviour” is only bad when it effects Roosh’s ability to rape I MEAN have sex with I MEAN rape women.

8 years ago

But to simply call him a basement-dwelling loser is ridiculous. He has travelled most of the world and experienced more than 90% of all men ever will.

I have no judgments about living in basements, but I’m perfectly happy to think of any men engaging in rapey sex tourism as a loser. Whether or not someone has the opportunity to travel the world is typically a function of privilege, not worthiness as a human being. Travel for military service excepted. That he wasted his privilege on writing rape guides is loserly IMO.

epitome of incomprehensibility

@ColeYote – heh, indeed. I must admit I didn’t catch that bit of unintentional irony until you pointed it out. “The alt-righters want to CONTROL male sexuality… and they don’t do anything to stop gay men!!!”

This thread is making me happy, especially the video of the “world’s smallest violin” at the end. Not only do I think it’s a good metaphor for expressing “You’re complaining for awfully trivial reasons,” but there is also an actual tiny, adorable violin! A bit squeaky, but that goes with the territory.

(My heart melts at the sight of miniature objects as well as baby animals. It’s a bit absurd sometimes. Once when I was in the grocery store, I saw a small bottle of vinegar instead of the usual 2 or 4 litre one, and I spontaneously exclaimed, “Aww, isn’t it CUTE!”)

Zatar (AKA Zeb)
Zatar (AKA Zeb)
8 years ago

Glen- So he’s traveled. Why does that mean he should be respected? Its not like he’s been traveling to learn more about other cultures or even to have fun in a normal way, He does it so he can rape women.

And what experiences does he really have that aren’t sleazy and pathetic? Having an unusual experience is only respectable when that experience is something to admire or at the very least not a sex crime.

Ashara Payne
Ashara Payne
8 years ago

He is also a loser because he was privileged enough to have a decent education-I believe he has a degree in biochemistry-and chose not to use it to contribute anything to science as he could have.

Instead he squandered it because of some entitled idea about sex with young women.

Unfortunately Doosh isn’t educated enough to understand even basic political ideas, such as the difference between left and right; he wants the benefit of a left-leaning society (where young women are free to have sex with whoever they choose and immigrants such as his parents are welcomed to the USA) but also wants the benefits of a far-right society (where women’s sexuality and freedom is controlled and they are more likely to marry very young and virginal).

It’s almost as though, because he really wants the latter, but it doesn’t exist in most Western countries, he’s decided to abuse the system he is in as a form of temper tantrum protest.

Because he views all young women as ‘worthless whores’ just because they don’t marry young and virginal, he’s damned if he’s going to give them any respect whatsoever and instead treats them as said ‘worthless whores’, i.e. uses them for sex regardless of whether or not they want it and then not pay.

The time it takes him to bed all these women he could either pay for it or get a girlfriend and be working a real job.

But he doesn’t want to spend money on women, despite wanting a SAH wife if he ever marries. Please don’t marry, Doosh. His poor brain must be just spinning from all the contradictions flying around it.

He would probably be happiest living in Iran and marrying a virgin bride: that’s what he really wanted all along. But his failure to get a gf as a teen has led to years of anger, bitterness & hostility instead, and he needs a target.

It’s very common, especially in younger generations. In my youth we all hated Thatcher, some kids rebel against authority such as parents and teachers. A lot of Scots and Irish folk hate the English with a passion that isn’t returned and they’re largely ignorant of. You have to actually talk to individual Scots/Irish to find this out. Heck, sometimes I’m embarrassed about English colonialism but it wasn’t my doing!
Sorry, gone OT there. Point is, many people feel anger at injustice, often for worthy causes. Roosh’s cause is himself and only cares about other men to make money off them.
What gets me is I think it’s pretty easy for young, single men to get a gf, so I don’t understand why they struggle. Are many of them like Elliot Rodger and don’t even try? He just expected it would happen like magic. Maybe they just lust after the beauties who are paired up with ‘bad boys’ and fail to notice other girls.
I believe Anita S remarked on the fact that the protagonist always gets the beautiful girl at the end of the movie/game, so boys learn that this what to expect. Girls are prizes to be won. I prefer stories where girl & boy adventure together and help each other and fall in love without dating.

8 years ago

Once when I was in the grocery store, I saw a small bottle of vinegar instead of the usual 2 or 4 litre one, and I spontaneously exclaimed, “Aww, isn’t it CUTE!”

I had a coworker who collected miniature food containers, like those individual serving size tobasco sauce bottles. Have you seen those? They’re like an inch tall.

Here’s a photo I found of one next to a lego minifig for scale.

comment image

Anyway, I loved stopping by that coworker’s desk to see his adorable collection.

8 years ago


He has travelled most of the world and experienced more than 90% of all men ever will.

Experienced? Do you mean that he’s experienced tricking many, many women into bed? Or raping them?

Or do you mean that he’s experienced giving worldwide seminars to men on how to trick women into bed? Or rape them?

Or do you mean that he’s experienced being hated by people in many countries?

Vague comments give rise to many, many questions.